
Title: augusta-ga-12-30-paul-m
Author: Paul "lbmyers1" Myers
Date: Dec 31, 2000

Well, we get up another tournament at Book Exchange at 11:30. And we get exactly 8 people so it gets sanctioned. For decks, I am using SYCFA Scum a lot like Brian Hunters. I have not tested a single game with it, but I played the Original Scum 2k for 3 months straight so it’s cool. And for LS I’ve been playing Twigg’s OMDH before he even posted it cuz I got to talk to him a lot about the deck. It’s a really fast deck for LS and has solid retrieval. I think it’s the best the LS has right now, unless I see otherwise. So, onto the game:

Game 1: My LS Mains vs. Jeremy Shotwells somewhat mains/toys

Well, Jeremy has a bunch of drain 2 locations and he starts Careful Planning with Defensive Perimeter and Wampa Cave. I start HB, Wise Advice, Isurrection, Staging Areas. He draws his first turn. My turn I put Tycho Celchu at the Hoth DB and say go. His turn he throws out GM Tarkin alone to Defensive Per. and saves a force and passes. I think he has barrier, so I drop Melas Barrier! So I battle and he plays some funky card Moment of Triumph and tells me not to worry, cuz he’ll draw 2 1’s for destinies. Fortunately for me, he wasn’t lying, so loses Tarkin and I lose Melas. I also threw Jedi luke to HOme One DB. His turn he drops Evazan and EPP Fett to Defensive Perimeter and puts out Forest Clearing. I drop EPP Leia, and EPP Han to Hoth DB and move Luke to Hoth DB, and prepare to move over and fight. I also give luke his stick, and Drop Lando w/ Ax and Hassh’n to Tat.DB. His turn he Drops First Sytrike, premeire Vader, and EJP Dengar to TatDB and battles. I fallen portal Dengar and exclude Vader with Lando stick so next turn I can use his first strike on him. My turn, I throw down Ben, Kill Vader, And I lose Hashhn, I also move Jedi Luke, and both EPPs in front of his 2 aliens on hoth. On his turn, He drops EPP Vader and duels Ben who has his stick, But because I am dumb, I sense the duel. He never put out any more Vaders so it didn’t matter. Cuz Next turn I used his first strike on him anyways. Well, Jeremy is going extremely slow at this point, possibly because everyone else was crowding us and he thought he had to explain every move that he’d do to everyone. So, I just try to compensate by making my turns very fast. I can’t seem to get him to speed up his turns either. I drop Home 1 to Alderaan, complete 2 OMDHs to retrieve like 25 force. He drops Audience Chamber, and I move Lando w/ Ax in their and Kill Jquille and Niado Dgad. He kills my Boshek/Rogue 1 at the forest clearing w/ his Jabba and Tempest 1. So he drains their for 2, and runs his 2 aliens inside the Wampa Cave. I just sit their, Drain 3 at Def. Perimeter, 2 at AC, and 1 at Tat DB with Ben Kenobi. Time gets called, and I get one mroe turn. I drain for 6, and retrieve another 13 with OMDH. He has 6 cards left!! If he had just played a little faster I could’ve gotten a full win and played Art with my DS! But, unfortuanetely, he didn’t and I get a TW +35

Game 2: My DS Scum vs. Charlie’s EBO E-xings

I get the fastest start in the history of man Kind. I activate 6, drop JP, DS War Room, Carida, get the Entrance Cavern so I can go ahead and use Power of the Hutt, drop Bib Fortuna from reserve to Entrance Cavern for free. Next, I drop Mara to North Ridge, and search for her stick and play it too. I know Charlie doesn’t have Ice storm, cuz he showed me his deck earlier, and he didn’t care. His turn, he uses ANSB, and drops EBG, he gets Wedge and another scrub and drops them both against Mara to battle. I hack one scrub, kill the other with attrition as planned. What really that he draws a 5 so Mara dies to attrition. My turn, I activate a dump load, I monnok him for 4 Xwings, Search for the AC and drop Lower Passages. Drop Boelo to AC with Power of Hutt, and use the AC text to drop Gailid there with him. And drop Bane Malar from hand to Lower Passages. The rest is me draining for 2 at JP, 2 at AC, 2 at Lower Passages, 1 at entrance Cavern, 1 at 4th Marker, 1 at Main Power Generators. Drain for 9 a turn with a Ghhk in hand. He drops to Coruscant...So I drop Scum/First Strike and battle him there twice so I have no lost Pile. That works, and I drain him out. FW +34

So my diff is 3 +(69) after 2 games. That is cool, so the pairings get set up for game 3, and I hope to play Art with my DS since he is playing an EBO X-wing Swarm. But, I get paired with Brandon, which means I must face the wrath of Art’s DS in Game 4. Poop, on to game 3.

Game 3: My DS Scum vs. Brandon Cheek’s HB X-wings

I Start Mob Points, Power of Hutt, and No Bargain. He starts HB Objective, along with Strike Planning, an Insurrection(Never used), and Insight serves you well(Never ditched). So, my turn I wanna put the pressure early on. I have drawn Mosep and AC in opening hand. I drop them both, and search for Gailid and drop him for free! His turn, He plays O.Attack and loses Incom Corp. which he thinks is bad, as if I’ll actually come up to get beatdown he drops like 5 Xwings for free and moves them to endor for free. I Monnok him for 2 Xwings, 2 Organizes Attacks, and 2 Sand Speeders?!?, but Killed 6 cards so that’s cool. I drain him for 2 off the reserve...and he loses his only All Wings Report in off the top!! Yahoo! The early pressure worked. So I draw everything trying to find ships or a freakin JP and get neither, but get Resistance and S&D. I also got Lower Passages, Bubo, Entrance Cavern. He moves 4 Xwings to Kessel and flips, but that won’t help him cuz I am using the card from JPSD that keeps him from cancelling my drainswhere I have 2 aliens. I put out evazan to DS DB for resistance, drop Lower Passages with ephant from reserve and Jabba. Put down Boelo to AC, and drop Bubo to AC since he put Boushh there. His turn he just drains and passes. I am outdamaging him by a lot, so I just drop Entrance Cavern with a scrub alien to drain for 1. EPP Fett tries to sniper but misses thanks to a JP I still haven’t drawn. So he spreads Wings in space, and I drop Bossk in Bus w/ Scum/First Strike and battle a lone Xwing. My destiny is a tracked MM so he loses the Wing and 6, plus one for First Strike, so He lost 7, I got 3 which basically turned the game in my favor. I just out drain him and get a FW by 10.

Highs: Not getting beat down by SPEEDERS!
Lows: He hads Boushh AND TK-422 blocking 2 of my drains!

Game 4: My LS Mains vs. Arthur Rhodes’s MKOS Droid Cheese

Art has a really cool DS deck that completely reems me this game. He starts MKOS, Desert Heart, Droid Workshop. Also he put down YCHForever, Power of Hutt, Well Guraded, and IAO. So I have a good idea he’s gonna play millions of droids and drain me to death but their is nothing I can do. 1st turn, he drops Ephant Mon and Corscant DB from hand. My turn, I drop EPP Leia? to TatDB and pass. His turn he drop EV9d9 to the WorkShop w/ 3 droids, and a sandwhirl to the Desert Heart! This is ridiculous! I can’t do anything. I drop Ben t Tat DB and move both away to Home One DB so they don’t get lost in the SWhirl. His turn he drains for 3 and adds a couple more droids to the mix. My turn, I move Ben and Leia to the COruscant DB and drop Home 1 to Alderaan. I am in serious trouble if I can’t start getting in some damage. He drops like 6 more droids and drains for 7. I drop orrimarko, Twass, and Tycho to the Tat DB. I drop OMDH and he alters!!?? I lose the SAC war and the OMDH goes to used pile. I draw some and find a Control and Tunnel Vision. His turn he drains for 12, I control it and he plays Abyssin ornament on power droids to retrieve 5 that I’ve drained him from Coruscant and Tat DBs. This ain’t good, I tunnel vision for OMDH and complete a run for 12. His turn, he drains for another 12 from reserve w/ mosep and I lose a control in the 12. I drop Lando w/ Ax and another guy to Desert Heart and hope he has no sandwhirl. I also drop I hope she’s Alright and do an OMDH for 13. His turn, drains me for 12 and I only have 6 cards left now. He drops Mighty Jabaa to Desrt Heart, and moves Ephant and mosep over. Well, I battle and kill them so he has to lose one to Aim High but it’s pointless. He drains me out next turn. His deck is utterly broken because the Desert keeps you from moving in, Ephant stops spies, Nabrun is only exterior sites with IAO, immuntiy to both grimtaash and Inserts! Hutt Infuence gets searched for 2nd turn(after ephant)so none of his drains EVER get cancelled. EV9D9 is the ONLY card he needs to draw to get the combo, and this also gives him an extra droid every freakin turn! That is broken and it’s exactly why he is rated so high. I got a full lose by 16.

HIghs: I actually retrieved 25 to delay the inevitable.
Lows: I got wrecked by droids...that’s almost as bad as losing to a girl or or jawas or something, I am sure it ranks up there.

Well, James Barret ran a great Tourney. Landon Sommer must be mentionned since he played asteroid sanctuary and won a game with it! I was rated 1791 going into the tourney, I have no idea if It’ll go up or down. The next tourney is scheduled for January 13th but I am not sure I can go due to Reflections 2 being out and I won’t get my box after those 3 days. I’d love to go, but going without R2 is just asking to lose rating points, and my box will never come in 3 days. I guess I learned that Xwings are extremely popular now, no matter what the start, and SCUM decks still rule! I just wonder if Scum is better than BHBM or HD. Hope you enjoyed!