
Title: columbus-oh-1-6-01
Author: Brian "Armus" Sykes
Date: Jan 7, 2001

Pre Tourney Stuff:

So get this... I get 1 D in 1 class That I absolutely hated and my parents go nuts and take away all of my cards. Boo Hiss. I was able to smuggle my 2 decks out in my big coat pockets :o). Just call me Mr. Kessel Run ;-). Anyway, I get to the tournament at like 10:50 and it’s supposed to start at 11. but since there were 2 people at the store, we waited till 11:30 for more to show up. So, yeah... end of pre Tourney stuff.

My Decks:

LS: Obi’s Hut/Tosche station start with Mains and Toys
DS: Endor Ops Start with Operational as planned

Game 1: My DS vs. Kyle Fisher’s HB/Sandwhirls.

My opening Hand is Surprisingly Red. 2 Twi’Leks and Secret Plans, as well as IAO from my starting Interrupt. So I deploy DSII, DSIIDB, Jerjerrod, and Coolant Shaft, and Draw up. Kyle’s start is as slow as mine... get a system, Nar Shadda for an Operative, Draw. Turn 2 I Twilek after activating 3 and pull Security Precautions, Deploy Capacitors, Draw all but 3. Kyle’s turn I twilek for a lateral Damage. He deloys another system and draws. My turn I activate, deploy Reactor Core, and draw a Few. Kyle’s turn he deploys 2 systems, a desert, a sandwhirl and Home One by itself to Bothawui... I kind of look at the brave Home One sitting there by itself... then procede to Activate, deploy Battle Order followed up by The Conquest with 3 pilots, adding a total of 8 power and a Scythe Suad TIE, Lat. Damage Home One and Battle. My 22 to his 0... He chooses to keep Home One and loses 22 force, with much of it coming off reserve. His turn He deploys a speeder and an Operative To the SandWhirled Desert and General Calrissian and DS1 to Endor (He Converted Mine), he then proceeds to Flip. I Bring Down a Dreadnaught and The Emperors Shield to Endor and beat up General Cal. I then probe Endor and Kiffex, to no avail. Kyle’s Turn He drops the Tantive with 2 Pilots and Wedgein RS1 against my Conquest, we battle and both lose stuff to attrition. Next Turn I probe Bothawui and make him lose 7 to Security Precautions. After that is a drain race and I drain him out. Full Win by 11


Highs: Beating Kyle, one of the better players in our area.
Lows: Winning by only 11 after hitting him for 22 early on.

Game Two: my LS vs. Kyle’s SYCFA Manipulator

ARGH! I have to play Kyle again?! Thats not cool. I HATE his Manipulator, and I took out my manipulator defense for more chars. I know I am in trouble here. I get Han, Melas, Leia and Thanesspi in my opening Hand. His first turn he Deploys Docking Bay Control Room with Myioom Onith and 6 Docking Bays out of his deck, and Carida. yikes. My turn I plop Han and Melas at Toscheand Draw my last 2: Luke and Ben. They get lost after a brief Myioom and from there I have to rely on Leia and Thanesspi until my Ships show up. My next turn I drop a bo’marr monk at Obi’s hut and move Han and Melas over to drain for 2. Meanwhile I get Thanesspi, Home One and KFC to Carida to drain. I am draining like a champ but he keeps Monnok used/Myiooming me and I’m losing cards to that. He eventually gets Vader and Mara to Tosche Station and Emperor and some scrub to TatDB. a few drains later I am dead. Full loss by 11


Highs: Holding Kyle’s Manipulator to 11

Game 3: My DS vs. Some Dude I forgot’s HB/Guns

He Starts Hidden Base, Superficial Damage, Squassin, and some other effect (Wise Advice?) so I think this should be an interesting game. My first turn is pretty much the same except, I get my DB in my opening hand. His first Turn he deploys Ord Mantell and Yavin 4 from Hand and Theron Nett aborad his ship to RP and moves them to Endor. I Drop IG88 in ship and Bossk in ship, and a Dreadnaught and proceed to beat the crap out of him for about 6 cards. He then saves up some Force and I drop Chiraneau aborad the Devastator to back up Bossk and IG. He comes down with 2 Piloted Xwings with guns and plays Steady aim and misses IG by 1 (6 Maneuver=awesome)I beat him up some more and he loses his 2 weapons to the attrition. I beat him up some more next turn but by now he has flipped and I am out of cards in hand so I spread to Kessel and Yavin 4 to start probing (Precautions is down by now) he Brings the Defiance down with a Turbo Laser deployed from his lost pile with Weapons Display (pretty tech) and puts it at Roche. I move my 2 fleets around and probe Ord Mantell and hit him for another 7. After that He cant match my Chiraneau-enhanced Drains and I win by 24


Highs: Playing against a teched out deck and winning
Lows: Playing against my 2nd Hidden Base Deck of the day.

Game 4: My LS vs. Lee Fisk’s TIE Bomber/SYCFA

Obi’s Hut M&T vs. Any Space Deck = Drain race and Thats what this was. I Set up At both the Hut and the station and was draining for 4 on the ground like a champ. Unfortunately he got his retrieval engine going and was draining in space and I wasnt retrieving. I Signaled for Aim High and he about crapped his pants. I then deployed Battle plan and EPP luke with Sabre Proficiency to the DSDB and beat up his lone Tie to knock him off all the battleground sites. I dropped Order to engage and I also got Home One with Pilots to a system to satisfy battle plan and knocked Zuckuss + 2 Bombers arond leaving a lone Tie at the System. His turn he loses 3 to OTE and brings over the executor with another TIE. He Short Ranges for 5 but in the end my Drains and OTE finish him off. Full win by 6


Highs: beating a Tie Deck
Lows: not getting my Tat. Celebration up and running for the second game in a row.

Game 5: My DS vs. Some guy from Dantooine’s Hidden Mains

This game blew hard core. I dont own any grabbers for either side and This game showed me why I need a bunch in my deck. All I know is he got Ben and Lando at the Tat DB, Jedi Luke and Taws Khaa at Endor DB and Super Falcon flying around in space beating the hell out of me. I drained for Endor for awhile but then his superfalcon messed that up and He played Throw me another Charge about 50 million times and On The Edge to retrieve like a champ. I never felt like such a scrub in my life. Full loss by 21


Highs: yeah... right.
Lows: You name it.

Game 6: My LS vs. Same guy I played in Game 2’s Endor Ops/Operational as Planned

OK I know I can beat this deck with my LS... I playtested my 2 decks against each other before the tourney and my LS won handily by 15. This guy was running Saber Squad Ties and Desperate counter to pull combat response. I basically stay the hell out of space, as all my starships are capitals and I feared that Superlaser. so I’m draining with Ben and Luke with two sticks and he is deploying Saber squad dudes + Ships + Guns all over the place but only draining for 2. His over deployment in space plus me beating up a lone vader at the E:DB with I hope she’s all right out was too much for him and I drain for tons. Full win by 17


Highs: Recovering from my last game, ending with a win
Lows: His No Escape negating my HotJ

So I end up 4th overall out of 14. I’m pretty happy

Hope you enjoyed the report,

-Brian "dropout" Sykes