
Title: framingham-ma-1-6-01
Author: Hayes "Hayes" Hunter
Date: Jan 7, 2001

Framingham, MA 1/6/01

Nothing too interesting to tell as far as pre tourney crap is concerned. I had played only a couple casual games since my last tourney on the 10th, and I was going in with an untested light deck. Anyway, for light I had a MWYHL Superfalcon direct damage deck, similar to Yannick’s deck on day 2 at DCON. For dark I merely revived my old BHBM beats I had been playing since D*II was released. The deck is somewhat similar to "Little Twigg’s BHBM", it’s just designed to just battle, battle, battle. The tourney was scheduled to start at 12:30, but the TD often doesn’t arrive till 1. Today, however, Morris arrived at 12:30 and we got started at about 1 (it took a while to get set up cause the store is really only designed for 24 people to play, and in addition to our 26 there was the Magic crowd). Onward.

Rating before tourney: 2141

Game One
MWYHL vs. Jared "Jetsaredim" Greenwald’s (1347) Anti-EBO BHBM
First off you gotta understand Jared is the man. He’s a TD so he doesn’t get to play as much as the rest of us, but he’s a huge collector. I was over at his house the other day and he has all these cool toys and tons of cards- I believe he has full sets of all the Japanese cards, and he has tons of signed cards. He also has these really cool Great Danes that are pretty dumb but really funny. Anyway, the EBO killer is his creation designed to handle all the Deadbolt and X-Wing swarm EBO decks out there. He uses Collapsing Corridor with the Hoth 2 player walkers to crush one of the interior sites (making it no longer and echo site). From there he has Imperial Decree and walker garrison’s to do in his opponent. The only problem is that he forgot to include ANY battle ground sites! I started Squass, Battle Plan, and Wise Advice (I think), he started IAO, Mobilization Points, and Secret Plans (I think). Basically I did test one to stop his drains on the D*II (sabers), and set up the Falcon, first at his Carida, then at my Kessel (there’s only one Kessel and 4 Dagobah sites in the deck). The drains and AFA did him in and I retrieved most of my self inflicted lost pile. Uneventful and non-interactive to the max.
FW +32
2 (+32)

Game Two
BHBM vs. Eric "bounty22" Hunter’s (1960) Deadbolt Mains
The inevitable match up. In any given tourney we attend he usually shoots off into first place, winning all his games by 25+, and I catch up to beat him in the final 2 games bumping him down into 4th place or so. This time, thanks to my large victory last game, we were #1 and #2 off the bat. Anyway, this was essentially the same match up we played at the last tournament (though I was using HDADTJ and he had changed his deck around a little). He starts Squass, DODN, and Strike Planning, while I started IAO, M Points, and Secret Plans. I was basically in control of this game, with most of my force loss coming from my objective and DODN, despite his incredible start. In his opening hand he had Ketwol, Staging Areas, Endor, A Hoth: DB, and the War Room. I just set up Lord Vader and the Emperor at the CC: DB, getting out the Downtown Plaza eventually, and setting up S+D late game, all while using my ISDs and scrubs to abuse First Strike and Insignificant Rebellion. I never got to use my Ice Storm =(.
FW +14
4 (+46)

Game Three
BHBM vs. Mike "The Rattler" Schiemer’s (1993) New Age Throne Room w/o SAC
The other inevitable match up. Currently Mike’s 2nd in the region, just ahead of Brentson and my bro. He’s definitely a great player, well deserving of a 2000 rating. Anyway, I had beaten him last week so he was looking for revenge. He was actually playing a NATR deck very similar to the one I posted, except he had no SAC- thus giving me charge of what interrupts and effects were played. I start the same old (Secret Plans is cool with Shock) he goes Insurrection, Staging Areas, and DODN (damn it). He started off fortifying the H1: DB and I set up Vader and the Emperor again at the CC: DB. Mike’s no fool. He realizes the weakness of staging areas, so the Mara I had in my opening hand never got to squish a squid. Unfortunately he got Honor out relatively early, so my First Strike wasn’t affecting him for a good part of the game. Basically there were only 2 battleground sites out the whole game- the CC: DBs, and I was able to rule them with an iron fist. I just poured guys and ships at him, and overwhelmed his forces. Insignificant Rebellion rules. A key part of the game came when I dove for Shock and saw only 2 5s in my reserve deck, and the rest were 3, 2 and 1s. I shuffle he cuts. I deploy Tempest One, and play Trample, my plan being to continue the attack if I was able to get Han- otherwise I would retreat. I do. Down comes Igar, and Leia and Taws flip a 0 to my 2 3s. I lose nothing, he loses Leia and some force. Down comes another Han and Leia, but I had just drawn my other trample. He battles, I figure why not? I’m feeling lucky. Booyah! Han bites it again, saving me from an unpleasant I Know. And that was all she wrote.
FW +18
6 (+64)

Game Four
MWYHL vs. John Shapiro’s (1627) COTVG w/ S+V
John is a damned cool kid. He looks just like Harry Potter, and it pretty good at SW to boot- his rating is definitely not a good indication of his abilities. So he’s playing COTVG- he starts Secret Plans, Power of the Hutt, and Mobil Points, much to my relief (I was fearing No Bargain), and I Battle Plan, Insight, and Squass. His turn he fetches baby Jabba, then deploys Boelo from hand, gets Hutt Influence Out, and a 1/0 DB. My turn I ditch insight for Honor, deploy Yoda to the hut, and signal for a projection. Basically, he keeps putting out locations, including the Tatooine system (which I desperately needed for the Falcon), thus giving me plenty of activation for JK Luke and EPP Obi to run amuck. Legendary Starfighter comes down, and my superior destinies kill off all his characters. On the Edge for a little at the end. Man, MWYHL is boring.
FW +33
8 (+97)

Game Five
MWYHL vs. Justin "H2O" Desai’s (1818) HDADTJ
Justin is my bud, he and Mike "Deck" Gemme, who was also in attendance today, and I split a room (with a couple unexpected guests) at DCON. Justin has been playing MWYHL Superfalcon AFA On The Edge for seemingly ever, so I didn’t know what to expect this game. I kinda felt he designed it, so he’d know how to beat it. Fortunately for me, while that may be the case, I had incredible luck. He starts the norm and No Escape, I go Wise, Squass, and B Plan. Off the bat I TT (I play 5) he goes Holonet Transmission, so I TT again! Sweet! Next he drops the Emperor to the Ex: DB and Rendili (yes!). I just start by inserting AFA, and pulling Yoda and the hut. I train Taws w/ relative ease shutting down his drain of 3 at the D*DB. Han sits in the Falcon at Rendili, I’m holding I know in hand. Visage gets terminated at least 1 more time this game. He isn’t able to draw any good ships, and he’s losing the AFA war. He has to battle so down comes a Dreadnaught, Boba, and Jabba. His plan was to battle, knowing I’d play I know, but clear the Characters on the Falcon w/ his tracked destiny (Janus). Luckily I flip a 6 and 2 4s, enough to make him lose the Dreadnaught, thus allowing me to set up Legendary Starfighter, but his attrition of 9 against me is too much (that was with Yoda’s reduction). I just have to draw on my turns to get Han back in the @#$%pit, but the whole while he is eating AFA and Legendary. Finally Han comes back (Didn’t we just leave this party?) and a couple On The Edges is enough to put me over the top.
FW +28
10 (+125)

Game Six
BHBM vs. Justin "H2O" Desai’s (1818) MWYHL (very close to mine)
Well, isn’t this convenient? My bro, who was in 2nd at that point, also just played light, so we couldn’t play, and Justin is the only other person with one loss. I start resistance (basically saves me 15 force between his drain at Kessel and his AFAs) he starts the same as me in the game before. I know I have to cause damage fast or else test one will shut me down. Luckily, he has trouble getting Yoda out then finding the necessary components to test. I don’t deploy Carida this game yet, as it would have given him a place for his Falcon. I set up quickly with Lord and saber (w/ Luke captive) at the downtown plaza w/ EPP Fett, and the emperor, Evax, and IG w/ gun at the DB, and get S+D going. He drops Leia to the DB, and I play force lightning used- he grabs. He battles and he hits Evax, but I capture her, so the battle ends, along with Evax’s life and S+D. At least he has no super falcon now. I get Janus down for a couple drains but he completes test 1. Once he deploys Kessel and the falcon to it, I pull Carida and drop Zuckuss, thus satisfying battle plan and my 3rd battleground for resistance. My drains were to much for him, and I was able to sense some on the edges- secret plans came out and interfered with it too. Overall, a non-interactive game.
FW +13
12 (+138)

Final standings:
1st Hayes Hunter (me) (6-0)
2nd Eric Hunter (5-1)
3rd Matt McGann (5-1)
4th Steve Baroni (4-2)
5th Mike Schiemer 4-2) (though I could have the order wrong)
6th Justin Desai (4-2) (I’m guessing)

I got $40 store credit, and my bro got $30, so all in all, it was well worth the $10 we paid to get in.

To everyone who attended, especially Brian Czynski (I still can’t spell your name). It was a great tournament.

To the people who played the wrong sides game one, thus making all the pairings go manually from then on.

Thanks for reading.

Hayes "Hayes" Hunter