
Title: smryna-georgia-01-13-01
Author: James "kmcnash" McNash
Date: Jan 13, 2001

Here is my latest tourney report- I haven’t written a TR for a while because I keep forgetting the scores and the games.

Pre Tourney -

Well a few weeks before the tourney I am talking to Austin "Yoda" Sheppard via AIM and I got him to try to make it. Everyone one was psyched about Reflections II prize support. Friday Night I recieved my box of R2 in the mail so I added the combo’s and lit cards to my deck. I didn’t pull anything great but I got a Outer Rim Scout foil so I was happy. On the day of the tourny I go down to the store and as the store opened Jody came. I watched him pull a LS,JK foil and put it into his deck. We played a few gamEs and more people came. We had about 12 people today which is more than we ussally have! Now let the games BEGIN!

Game One - My R2 teched out Court vs. Jody’s Throne Room Mains.
I start Mob.Points, Combat Response, and Power of the Hutt. He starts Insurrection, Staging Areas, and Insight

Well I just played this deck about an hour ago so I know what it is cappable of - fast beatdowns. I get a pretty good hand with Chall and Jabba and scum. I decided to lose one from my obj. instead of deploying. First turn for Jody - He deploys LSJK to Home one DB which he got VIA insurrection for activation. He grabs Honor and loses insight. Also he deploys Home One War Room. My turn I deploy Jabba and Chall and Ephant mon after I deploy Scum to AC and also add in Presence of the force. His turn he deploys Tat. DB and he deploys Obi to AC but I None Shall Pass it back to his hand. He draws after he move JK luke to Tat DB. MY turn a drain for 2 and deploy a few sites and Mosep from reserve and Mara with Saber to Lower passages. I draw a few. Jody deploy’s Obi, han and EPPLeia to MAra’s position and clears the site i lose a few force. My turn I use mob points to get Kuat and i send zuckuus there. Save a few force. Jody deploy’s kessel and Homeone with hasshn on it. and I knew it would be a drain race from there. Through the rest of this game he out of comissioned a few of my dudes and it got annoying. and he dropped Orrikio and Lando with axe to the tat DB his drain for five killed me and I lost by 13 which isn’t bad since I ussally get crushed by him.

Highs: Losing by very little
Lows: Losing

Total 0(-13)

Game 2 My EBO tracking fun Vs Andrew’s SYCFA Stardestroyers

I star 1st and 4th marker with Signal for ANSB. He starts the anit sac combo, Something Special planned for them and Imp Decree. Well this was going to be a close game.
First turn he got half of his planets out first turn giving him a fast star with all his STD’s. I get EBO set up second turn! with 3 ish tibs and start tracking sevens. I get Red leader in red one to kiffex and spiral to Hoth. I kept 2 hyperspace escapes. His turn he deploys Executor to Red leader in red one. I draw a 5 for battle destiny - he loses 1 force from hand. My turn i drain and get 2 more sites down with Home One with Thanpesi to sullust. His turn he drops Emperor to Death star DB after draining. Then he dropes iggy in ship and I hyper escape away. Next turn I drain for alot and he controls one of them. I drop EPP obi down to 4th marker. his turn - He drops Tempenst 1 with igar and battles i dar a five fore battle destiny so he loses Igar I lost obi,. My turn i drain and drop EPP Leia and Capt. Han on the Tempest 1. I draw a 7 and a 5. he loses tempese 1 and about 10 more. His turn he drops Stalker and Thunderflare with Chiraneu on my Spiral. Yet again i hype away using hyperspace Escape. About this time We are both running low on force. I move my forces to block his drains and he keeps running away. I drain him away but i only win by 2.

Highs: Winning
Lows: Not winning by alot

Round 2 Game One

My Court Vs. Will’s MWYHL
I start my reg court stuff and he starts Draw there fire thw way of things and something else (I forget)

I wasn’t too excited with this match up - I have a problem with beating MWYHL. Well first turn I set up fast with Mospe galid and chall with scum down first turn. his turnhe gets out yoda and his hope and back pack but no daughter. I drain from reserve and he loses trafic control which really screws his tracking in this game. I deploy Presence and draw a few. his turn he drops obi and i bounce him back with Nopn shall pass and he still can find Daughter and he is really mad. so i drain again for 3 from reserve. I deploy fett wiht gun and Bane malar to put of carkoon. His turn he drops obi, Eppe leia and Han and attacks - I lose 1 force he retreives one. he shots bane an hits fet over the head with a saber I lose those and a bunch of force. He starts doing his tests - limiting my drains and such. When he gets to test five - he mistracks it and gets a three for destiny. But it proved enought ot defeat me me when i moved mara and DR. E wand poda boba. He thrashes me and drains me out after retrieving a bunch.
Loss by 25

Highs: Nothing really
Lows: Everything but my good drasin of 3 from reserve.

total 2(-36)

Round 2 Game 2

My EBO vs. Michal hill’s Court
I star ANSB stuff and he starts Imp Decree and Power of the hutt.

First turn for him he draws 1 and saves the rest. Also he loses 1 to court. I use ANSB and deploy 2 Ish tibs and draw 1 losing 1 to court. his turn he drops mara jodokast, and 4lom with gun at 4th marker and loses 1 to court. I set EBO up and deploy Sullust i put Spiral there and leia with gun to AC. He drains and deploys Tatoine also he loses 1 to court . I drain for a few. I drop Calarisian with Nunb to AC draw 1 and save a few. He drops Mighty Jabba Kithba and this other musician i shoot Kithba and draw 2 destiny. He loses it all i forcxe drain for alot. and whittle his foces down but he drops a few dudes(Bosk in bus and Iggy in ship) and racks my spiral up for 7 force. I drop Homone and Ackbar and thanpesi down smacking him down for alot of force. I adventually drain him out.

FW by 12
Highs: Winning and setting up huge drains
Lows: Winning lower than i ussally do.

Total for the day 4(+23)

Props: R2 for being so great
R2 for being given as prize support
Kevin for running a great tourney
Austin for coming down for the tourney for once

My friend robert for beating up on a newbie.

1st: Drew Lichtenstine
2nd: Jody
5 I think austin
6: timothy
7: Andrew
8: Austin’s friend
9: ME
10: Michal Hill
11: Robert
12: The newbie