
Title: meriden-ct-01-13-01
Author: Keith "Tessek-CPA" Henderson
Date: Jan 17, 2001

Meriden Tournament 01/13/01

A report of our 6 game monthly tournament that is held at DJs Comics in Meriden, CT. It is run by Jeremy Oakes. For this tourney, we had 24 players. Andy Klema was the winner of this month’s tournament.

My dark deck was an ISB with lots of blue along with a mixture of ORS and destiny 3 Imperial ISB agents. I use DB’s to generate force with Mobilization Points and can battle or force drain.

My light deck was a speeders deck inspired by Speeders Anonymous and tweaked to my area meta. I use a MPG and North Ridge start to protect my Hoth Docking Bay and Incom Corporation. I use Insurrection and Staging Areas to pull docking bays and generate force.

Game One: my DS against Tom Hollingworth and his LS Profit.

Tom and I always have great games and I was looking forward to playing him. For the start of the game, he asked if I wanted to deploy any aliens to the audience chamber. My ISB decks always had a Tatooine DB to let me get my deploy for Profit decks and skedaddle out of the AC before I get whacked. So, I put down two ORS to start the game. I started with Coruscant, IAO, Mobization Points, and Secret Plans and after activating, I go to pull Tatooine DB with IAO. But, I now remember that I pulled the DB from my deck the last time I was tweaking it. Now I feel like a real idiot with 2 ORS and knowing that Profit decks are loaded with battling mains. So I end up deploying Miyoom Onith to the DS DB and Barquin Dan to the Coruscant DB to be able to generate some force on the next go around. I hope to find a Ghhhk in my draw to prevent a beatdown, but I pull a Walker. He doesn’t deploy on his turn and draws up all of his cards. I deploy the walker to the JP and 2 ORS to the Hoth DB I pulled and flip ISB. I move the 2 ORS at the AC over and inside the walker, whew! Now, I am hoping to get a chance to use Miyoom to scan his hand on the next turn, knowing he must have some juicy Male mains to lose, but I don’t get a chance for that because he deploys Cracken and Nien Nunb to the DS DB and battles MO to oblivion. I lose Miyoom and 4 more cards. I put down the Y4 DB and deploy a walker with two more agents and 5D6RA7 deployed to the DS DB to block Cracken’s drain there,and draw looking for Star Destroyers to deploy at Coruscant and Rendili for FDs. Tom doesn’t let up, he deploys Blount (eek!) and Obi Wan Kenobi carrying his mighty saber at the Coruscant DB and does the slice and dice job on Barquin Dan. I lose 12 cards to this battle and ISB is flipped back. I am able to drop a walker to the DS DB to battle Cracken and Nunb. I win and he loses Nunb and 4 more cards. I lose an agent. On his next turn, he frees Han to retrieve force after paying for my Secret Plans. He replaces his Han with General Solo and deploys Chewbacca to accompany him. Now I will start to lose to force drains and to the Profit gametext each turn. He moves the lonely Cracken to the Coruscant site with Ben and Blount. I come down on his pitiful little band of rebels at that DB with a walker, agents, and a chicken walker. I drop Nevar Yalnal on the table and draw a 3 to get rid of Blount. Now I am flipped back and I declare battle. He forfeits Obi and Nunb and I lose an agent that I retrieve. He deploys General Calrissian to Mos Eisley and moves Han and Chewie over to the JP where my agents in the walker have been draining away. Now I can stay and fight those two big boys or move to face Lando. Again, like an idiot, I stay while I am concentrating on my force drains. He battles me and cancels my destiny draw. I lose both agents, but the game is over on my next turn with force drains.

Full Win +5

Game Two: my LS against Dan Long and his DS CCT

Dan has been playing at our tournaments along with his son for over a year now and we have never had the chance to face each other. He wanted to try a CCT deck using the new Jabbas Prize card he bought the day before. I started with Insurrection, Staging Areas, and Aim High. I get an incredible starting hand with Incom Corp and a few speeders. He starts by deploying the Tatooine DB and Cloud City DB and draws up. I pull my Hoth DB and deploy Incom Corp and draw up. He draws up again and I do as well getting Flaps for my Speeders. He puts down Ugloste, Lando, Lobot, and another scrub at the Carbon Chamber and draws up. I still draw up and he puts Mara Jade and her stick along with a scrub at the AC.I come down to deploy Jedi Luke and Corporal Beezer to the AC and a single speeder to the Hoth DB to generate force along with Tatooine and 3 X-Wings. I declare battle and use Weapon Levitation to grab Maras LS. I forfeit Beezer and he loses Mara. I then move over to the Tatooine DB. I now have 6 Rebel Snowspeeders in my hand along with an ASP7 droid and I am waiting for him to move his contingent of Aliens to an exterior site on their way to the AC on Tatooine. He deploys Bib Fortuna on the Carbon Chamber and goes to battle my X-Wings with Zuckuss/Mist Hunter. I have 12 power with no destiny to his 9 power with destiny. I lose one X-Wing and he forfeits Zuckuss. I am guessing he doesn’t have much space to come back for more battles. On my turn, I force drain and he asks me about using Elis Helrot from his Carbon Chamber and he decides to lose the card to the Force drain thinking he wouldn’t be able to use it because I had Insurrection out. I did not think of it at the moment, but he could have moved his crew to the CC DB, and then used Elis Helrot to the Tatooine DB on the same turn. Either way, he would have been exposed at an exterior site at the end of his turn. I deploy another X-Wing to Tatooine just in case he was going back there. Now Dan moves his whole crew over to the DB in order to transport over to the Tatooine DB. I come down with Flaps on and deploy the ASP 7 droid and my 6 speeders to battle. He loses 26 force and forfeits all but 2 characters that hold on to Jabba’s Prize. He moves to the Tatooine DB and I force drain and battle him out of force to end the game.

Full Win +11

Game Three: my LS against Brian Hollingworth and his DS ISB.

Brian is Toms brother and I enjoy his gamestyle. He always seems to come up with his own mark on deck styles and the games are always entertaining as well as tough. His ISB deck uses DBs to drain and activate force, so I knew that I would have plenty of opportunity to battle. My pulls were not as great as in previous games so I never had a chance to do any severe beatdowns. He deployed some agents and a walker and by turn 2 he was flipped. I had to wait until turn three to get Incom down at the Hoth DB. I put a single speeder at the Hoth DB to generate some force and to keep drawing for power cards. He drains me for 4 and I am able to get Flaps down to get ready to come down. For several turns, we have a chess match where we have little battles along with force drains. Then I had a chance where he had Mara, Tarkin, and a scrub at my Home One DB. He had only one card in his hand. I come down with Jedi Luke and two speeders and battle him. Again, I use Weapon Levitation to take Maras stick and must forfeit one of the speeders. He forfeits the Scrub. Now it is his turn and he comes down with his one card, Vader! I lose my destiny draw and I have to forfeit Jedi Luke while he forfeits Mara. I come down with speeders to match up with his power at two locations. He has Tarkin, Vader, and a scrub at one DB vs 4 speeders and a walker with two agents vs 3 speeders at another DB. There is no force draining and I battle his walker to make his lose one agent. He moves Vader and Tarkin over to back up the Walker. I now have a choice, I am down to 5 force and he has no cards in his hand. I spread my speeders over 5 DBs and on the next turn he his force drained to end the game. Whew, another close one.

Full Win +6

Game Four: my DS against Steve Brentson and his LS Hidden Base with Squadron Assignments and lots of DBs activating force.

Now playing against Steve is always interesting because I know that I will always learn a new trick or two and he didn’t let me down this time. I start off with 2 DBs in my hand and pull a third one to deploy and draw a few cards. Steve pulls a system and a DB and draws up. I pull another DB and deploy it along with Miyoom Onith to the DS DB and 2 agents at Yavin 4 DB to get some force activation. He pulls Dash Rendar to match his Outrider and deploys him at a system. By this time he has Dagobah, The Menace Fades and I think Rendezvous Point on the table. I don’t think force activation is going to be a problem. I then activate a ton of force and use Miyoom Oniths game text to scan his hand for unique males and hit the jackpot. He loses 4 characters and now I know that I get a one turn respite before he can come down with a beatdown somewhere. I deploy some more agents to a DB and draw up. After another turn, Steve puts down Jedi Luke and Obi Wan Kenobi on Mos Eisley. He also has the Cantina down, so I know that he is going to do the shuffle to maximize his drains. Now he puts electrobinoculars on Luke and for the next few rounds of turns, he uses the device to cycle through his deck to get On the Edge retrievals to balance off my force drains. I finally can get Something Special Waiting for Them to get that card out of his deck. He then deploys Blount and Tala 2 with the Outrider to keep him company to flip my objective. Because of his retrievals and using electrobinoculars and Tunnel Vision he has Narrow Escape in his hand to avoid any battle I try to initiate with Luke or Obi. For the next few turns, I try to deploy a few SDs with pilots and each time I am reminded of how powerful Dash Rendars gametext truly is. I would lose 6 power to one of my SDs and then have to forfeit. One action I never knew about was Search Parties, but on one force drain Steve was going to lose a Lost in the Wilderness, but instead used it to make me lose one of 3 ORS I had at a DB. He then explained to me about the search party rules and how I could retrieve the missing ORS. So now I know about missing characters and search parties. I am able to retrieve 6 force using Nar Shadda but it is to no avail, I lose my final force in yet another battle at Coruscant. Even with all the big blue I had, I could never get enough out in a large enough force to kick him out. Maybe I should have spread out over all of the docking bays tried to do more force draining. I need to remember this in the future.

Full Loss -11

Game Five: my LS against Tom Hollingworth and his DS Court.

Facing Tom again and with a Court deck was going to be a tough matchup. Court has a lot of interior sites and the opportunity to battle would be limited. This time around my draws for cards were terrible. Tom started a few scrubs at the AC and I had to lose a card to Court, of course it was a speeder. I didn’t get Hoth DB with Incom and Flaps down until turn 5. By that time, I have lost 6 speeders to his force drains pumped up by Gailid and Court penalties. I have Jedi Luke and DOS in my hand and keep waiting for some speeders to back them up. But the force drain and Court are killing me, so I deploy to the Cantina to battle a few characters and then move Luke to the Tatooine DB. He has an empty Jabbas barge at the Sarlacc pit and he is waiting for me to come down with a speeder beatdown. I now have DOS with LS at the Hoth DB, Obi Wan Kenobi with his stick at the cantina and Luke with his stick at the Tatooine DB. He moves his entire Court with Jabba, Boelo, Bib, and a variety of other S&V enhanced aliens onto the sail barge against my single speeder. I have a Houjix in my hand and I figured I could move DOS to the Tatooine DB to back up Luke and leave the speeder alone. I did not have any force after I transport DOS to the Tatooine DB. Tom looks at me and said that I should remember that he has first strike down and that without a card in my force pile, I would not be able to use my houjix if he battled the lone speeder. He offered to let me take back the DOS transport so that I would take the smackdown. But, I knew that the game would be over in a few turns and I told him to have fun and let me have it. He declared battle and he had 26 force to my 5, game over. Now I know that if I am using speeders against Court, I need to just battle where I can and force drain as much as possible to keep up with the Court damage. I psyched myself out and Tom played a great game with his deck. I never had a chance to breathe.

Full Loss –32

Game Six: my DS against John Mullarkey and his LS Watch Your Step.

I was interested in putting together a Watch Your Step deck for this tourney, but I felt I didn’t have enough time to put it together. I was curious in how John would play his deck. I started with Secret Plans because I knew that most decks I saw posted included Kessel Runs for retrievals. I have a great start with my opening hand which included the Y4 DB and two ORS. So I pull the Hoth DB, deploy the two DB and an ORS to each for a first turn flip. I then transported one ORS to Hoth to back up the other. John pulls and deploys Kessel and draws up. I drop an agent on Coruscant DB and now I will be activating mega force with Mobilization Points. He uses Squadron Assignments to put Red Squadron 1 w/Wedge and the Outrider w/ Dash and Leebo at Tatooine and the Super Falcon with Han and Chewie at Kessel. I am force draining for 4 a turn and now come down with the Executor and Thrawn to Tatooine to battle. We battle and he draws a zero destiny, I draw a 5 destiny. He loses RS1 and Wedge. Now he moves the Super Falcon over to Tatooine to back up the Outrider. I come down with 2 Star Destroyers with ORS pilots and declares battle. He drops Life Debt and now he gets 6 destiny! But 2 of the 6 cards are zeros and he has total power of
31 to my 17. I lose one of the SD and both ORS to be retrieved later. Now I am draining for 7 a turn and I force drain him to end the game.

Full Win +23

To Tom Hollingworth for being a gentleman in asking if I wanted to take back a move or he would crush me with a battle. I really appreciated that. Sometimes, people get too wrapped up in the rules of the game and forget that this IS just a game.

To myself for not being aggressive against a Court deck.