
Title: moffwicket-goes-to-mirkwood-1-16
Author: Justin "MoffWicket" Alfs
Date: Jan 17, 2001

Well, I wasn’t going to write this report after going, 1-3 yesterday, but what the heck. This is fun.

Monday I spent all day playing cards with Josh and Garrett. I really, really, *really* wanted to play against a Profit deck with my CCT/Hancicle deck, so I whipped up a deck in about 10 min at Garrett’s and found out that Profit done right will free Han no matter how many hundreds of guys are sitting in the AC.

I was far too lazy to put together another LS, so I just went with a hastily constructed Profit deck. Starts Seeking an Audience and that’s it. It lets me pull r2/3po and the effect that reconverts my converted sites. Dark was the same Freezer Burn, but I yanked MobPoints for Resistance. I never get to start with MP since nobody in their right mind would play Profit, and I knew Garrett had ElomOdds. Not that I need Resistance to beat him; Freezer Burn went 2-0 vs. ElomOdds on Monday.

Game 1: Your Differential Will Profit From My Insanity vs. Josh Grace’s Raltiir Ops

The hell?!? That’s what I love about these tourneys. We really like to try the least expected decktypes. I must have had a stroke before the tourney, cuz my brain was not functioning this night. Mistake # 1 of 3720: starting with Seeking instead of Ouneeta. What was I thinking? Anyway, Josh gets Empy, a couple other guys, and about 85 sites down in his first 2 turns. I have a pretty damn good opening hand: Ben, gift, r2/3po, lando w/axe, 2 lost in the wildernesses. I try not to laugh at his lone emperor. I deploy Ben to free Han, retrieving my signal. THEN I play gift to get his saber (mistake #2). Palpy drains, I try to make him missing. Draw a 1. %^#%*(*&)#%#$! Then I lose to the force drain (#3). He sets up Overseeing with good power everywhere. I’d like to jump Empy & Janus, but I’m 2 force short, so I go for mara with Massa Luke, chewie/gun, and droids. He reacts with scout 6, obviously he’s got a trample, so the droids prevent his battle desitiny. He misses the trample on chewie, I miss shooting and choking mara. I wipe out the site and he loses a bunch. I move Luke over to stop Empy & Janus from draining, but I don’t have enough to move the droids. He kills Luke, but there’s more where that came from. Ben and Han cause two damage a turn for most of the game. Luke, Leia, and maybe someone else try to invade again. At one site it’s Lord, saber, Tarkin. Then there’s Palpy & his two gay lovers at the next site. Then chump in scout walker at the third. The only place I even stand a slight chance is against the walker. I play Skywalkers (I think. Maybe he trampled leia first), and Luke dies. Iggy grabs Han (why he didn’t make him go to the used pile, I don’t know) and Ben choped Iggy to release han. I put a few more guys out, but Josh just squished them all.

FL -8

Good: Nice opening hand.
One good beatdown.
Bad: I’m a tard.
Drawing 1 for destiny a million times.

Game 2: Freezer Burn vs. Chad’s HB w/Kessel Runs

I flip in 3 turns, and he sets up a Zuckuss proof force at Kessel. He puts an early AFA in, so I signal for Resistance. It pops before I can satisfy. It didn’t matter much because he only deployed one other AFA, and I battled then. He puts out Savrip. Man, I really hate that card. What could be more contrary to the basic premise of the game than that card? I set up S&D, but obi/saber puts a stop to that. We go back and forth on the ground for a while until Obi dies, but S&D is gone by now. I’ve had Zuckuss in ship and Bossk in ship for a while, just waiting for him to split up his fleet. He finally does it when he flips, so I jump some one. Oh wait, SAVRIP. I forget to probe like 3 times (mistakes 4, 5, 6). He has Dash w/Leebo attempt a Kessel Run. While he’s at Kessel on my turn, I have control/set for stun in my hand. So what do I do? Draw all but one (#7). Dash completes it and its all down hill from there. He kills off my ships after I’ve probed everything but his HB. Zuckuss’ 20some to 5 death effectively ended the game.

FL ~13

Highs: I still like and believe in my dark side.
Lows: I’m a tard.

Game 3: Your Differential Will Profit From My Insanity vs. Rich Jeffrey’s Court.

This game, according to some, took like 2 hrs. No one took note of when this round started, so we just played till we finished. I felt pretty good about this match-up, and so did he. This would be fun. Rich and I have had some cool match-ups before--the most memorable was his undercover bothan spy odds & AFAs vs. my Navy trooper odds power deck.

He starts chall to get the engineer and convert my site. I deploy the effect and convert it right back as well as the Tat:JP he converted. He puts butt-loads of guys in the AC, and I draw and get Massa, saber, r2/3po, chewie. I should have drawn to get at least Ben too, but I’m impatient and dumb. I don’t remember all the details of this game, but it consisted of several big battles in the AC. We battle, and I miss with pretty much everything. Chewie and droids die. I get the droids back out and gift them, then move them over to block his only drain during his turn. I move some guys into the AC to try again. He puts out Dr. E and his gun, but I weapon lev it to start the battle. Then he proj telepathy to stop the battle. Some stuff happens, but neither of us is causing any damage. I get bored and have/deploy Ben, saber, Liea w/gun, de-gifted droids, Massa Luke in the AC. Battle Royale for Han. I have Gift and Skywalkers, but he’s got E and Elephant Man. I want lots of his guys to die, so I pray the his weapons miss every time and I try to choke the pachyderm. 1. I’m screwed. He operates away all but luke & Ben, but I’m able to get skywalkers thru first. His 3 battle destinies add up to 2 (wow! that’s worse than me, and that’s not easy!) and mine are inconsequential because of Jabba’s little whipping boy. Oh yeah, Bossk died too when hell froze over and I hit him with a saber. Ben had to die due to 4-lom’s menacing glare. This game felt like it was over, but I managed to draw leia and SWLY. After a NSP she finally freed han, but Rich barriered her so instead of spending to retrieve, I had to deploy Lando w/ax for some support. The last few turns saw Massa luke in the cantina, and Han running for his life through Jabba’s palace ("Chewie, start the Falcon!") until he was set for stunned.

FL ~15 +/- 3

Highs: It started off pretty fun
Lots of battles
Lows: @ss for destinies
Dr. E and Elephant Man MUST DIE

Game 4: Freezer Burn vs. Tim’s Watch Your Step (oops, too late)

If there was one person who was more upset than me right now, it was Tim. He too was 0-3, so I tried to cheer him up a little by telling him how much I’ve sucked tonight. He tried to get Kessel first turn, but it was active. This would be a battle of the bad luck/absent minded people--who will prevail?!? Tim put out an early SAVRIP and Jedi Luke w/saber to the Cantina. I flipped ASAP and backed up Hancicle while eating the drain. He flipped with I think a couple srubs at the DB and Mirax in space. I sent a beat squad to the DB, capturing one chump and pounding the other 30-1. Oh wait, SAVRIP. He loses a couple Han’s from hand and 1 or 2 other cards. That card should be banned. Bossk establishes himself in space. I had the usual FS/Scum combo going for a couple turns, then Bossk took on some guy in space. He tried OONowhere, but he only had 1 saved and couldn’t. During another battle his lone Freighter capt tried to draw auto destiny vs bossk, but raltiir wasn’t on table. He tried to get Kessel, but his obj was flipped. There were all sorts of things Tim kept forgeting like these, and with each one, he got more frustrated. I started to feel sorry for him. Garrett was watching us by now. I showed him the match up of Xizor, guri, and snoova vs. luke and lando in LS cantina. I said aloud to Garrett, "I don’t know if I should try this, cuz if I succeed, Tim might reach across the table and rip my head off." That got a chuckle out of Tim, and he assured me that he wouldn’t. So I got out the vibro ax and went for Luke. He drew a 1....I got a site. Luke lived for the moment. Tim had close air support going and wanted to draw for that, but it was interior, so he couldn’t. A little later he attempted a Kessel Run, but I had Oota Goota in hand. He just quit after that. I had nothing in my lost pile.

FW +31

Highs: Freezer Burn worked flawlessly
Lows: I felt bad. Tim was so frustrated, and it was such a lop-sided game.

Mike Raveling won, Josh Grace got 2nd, Garrett got 5th, I actually place higher than 3 or 4 others. 12 people attended.

Garrett and I tried to help Tim with his decks. We spruced up his BHBM a little, and I think I convinced him to never play WYS again. It’s really a horrible obj unless you have 10 palace raiders. Against BHBM or CCT it’s an auto loss.

Props: Mike for crushing everyone
Everyone for such a diverse array of decks.

Slops: Garrett for cheese.
WYS for being a very disappointing obj
Garrett for helping Grace taunt me (squish squish)
Several people, including myself, for being in a bad mood. It’s just a game.