
Title: geoffs-real-starwars-tourney
Author: Geoff "gsiva" Snider
Date: Jan 22, 2001

okay, so we have only 8 people i don’t get it. anyways, i’ve decided to run my blitzkrieg deck with some new additions: 2x Thrawn + Something Special Planned For Them. for light side, i ran some junky hidden base with a ton of retrieval + the SUPER DUPER falcon...and stuff.

game 1 vs. Crazy Light Side Aliens (agents in the court) with chadra fans.

immediately i’m concerned because i run 0 #s protection EVER. why? cause i don’t care. #s can go to hell. so my activation is like 12 on turn 2, and i drop avenger + 2 random mofos to rendili. he is paying to drain (BOrder) at the audience chamber with JPOTSD lando, and then he moves outside after deploying ben kenobi. i beat up ben and lando w/igar + ozzel/evax in a walker. then for some reason there’s a lone chadra fan outside, and i have first strike + walker + 5 randoms + epp vader in hand, he has 0 force saved. i’m like thinking that this dude has a yoda stew and a houjix, but NO! the chadra fan gets beat down for 27 and that’s game.


game 2 vs. SYCFA space stuff

i don’t know what to expect besides ties or brangus, but he just has some ships and some guys, and goes to a system with the executor. i fight it with the SUPER DUPER falcon, and eventually beat it off the system. it’s a slow race downhill for him, since melas/cracken/blount invade the DS war room and are playing cat and mouse with Vader and Tarkin on the death star. he never probes my base, and i drain him at kessel while retrieving with OTEdge.


game 3 vs. WYS w/ tons of retrieval

i’m activating like 14 force on turn 2 because of his kessel, mob points, rendili, and his sites. i drop Thunderflare w/ 4 pilots to the tatooine system(because of the AO which allows me -1 deploy to capitol pilots)...he builds up at kessel for a turn. i go to kessel w/ 6 pilots on thunderflare (including Thrawn) and i have a nice beefy force advantage. i’m thinking "ok i have to draw one of my other 6 star destroyers by now...but NOOOOO!" so i can’t go to fight his mini fleet which contains LeBo (who coincidentally is making me lose 1 every turn)...they fly to rendili, and Jedi Luke w/stick comes down to beat on Ozzel in blizzard 2. melas sits in the cantina by himself. EPP vader brings the fight to melas for 8 cards, and Igar and Evax beat up jedi luke for another 5...because of emperor’s power (awesome!). owen and beru make an appearance 1 time to play harvest twice, and i don’t know what he got back, but i don’t think it did him any good. he kept playing OOC from his lost pile, and that was about it. i think i out drained him finally after b1tch-beating the Lars family for about 10. the walkers had taken Mos Eisley, the Moistur farm, and tarkin was by himself at TAT:db 94, as well as a drain for 2 at the system.


game 4 vs. court bounty hunting.

i know the extent of the damage that a flipping court deck is capable of, and so when i saw All Wrapped Up as one of his starting effects...i was cool.
first turn i bring out endor and alderaan, and since i had 6 force (<>Docking bay he deployed) i was able to put down EPP luke with barrier in hand. he brings mara w/stick to fight, she gets barrierd (SP???) and i get more systems, and send epp luke and leia to the dungeon to avoid mara. he has to pay to drain from battle order, and so i’m doing pretty well...activating 12 or so because i have super duper falcon at Aquaris. there’s a throwdown at the prison, and vader and ree yees get chopped, and zuckuss dies (he reacted for FREE!!! whoa when was the last time i saw that?). there’s another throwdown between bossk + mara and EPP ben + cracken/blount/melas/crix at the Audience Chamber which i win. i retrieve some with OTEdge and OMDHour, and then i drain him out at Kessel and Coruscant after flipping.


what a day...i win a Jabba t-shirt (YES A T-SHIRT!! whoa...when was the last time i got a t-shirt for winning?)
and the other guys each got like 7 packs of UL.

by the way, SUPER DUPER falcon = gold squadron 1 w/lando/cpt han/epp leia/nein numb

i know i know...shut up snider... least it wasn’t an L5R report, hey?