
Title: pleasonton-1-20
Author: Alfred "ThaBraHmaBuL" Dong
Date: Jan 26, 2001

Its Friday....damn right...and I have a report....


A week after getting my @$$ handed to me by Matt Smith’s DS, Im thinking the new LS Objective needs a serious overhaul. I rack my mind over a new LS, something that doesnt seem as hard as it was. I come up with a TIGIH based on Brian Muller’s version, and made some mods.....less useless 6’s, more characters, and some decent ships.

I stumble upon the Alderaan listserv posting of a tournament in Pleasonton, first place wins a Lord Vader shirt from DecipherCon. Hell, if Im going to play, I minus well do it for something besides more cards to throw in my fireplace during cold nights. I set things up with Kevin Shannon, and Im on my way on Saturday.

Went to sleep too late on Friday, though...I found a tape my folks rented, one of Jackie Chans ol skool Chinese movies, and they return it tomorrow, so I figure I can watch it, but the damn thing was 3 hours long, and I sleep at 5 in the morning. I wake up late Saturday morning, and I cant find my pants....dont ask. I end up just wearing some shorts, throwing on a sweater, and jumping in the car to the BART station to BARELY catch my train. The weather is freezing, the guy behind me WONT SHUT UP, and my Discman ran out of power in about 5 minutes into the hour long train ride. It was NOT a good day.

Regardless, I get there on time, and Kevins running a bit late to pick me up and I just realized I havent even touched my DS since San Jose last week. Well, hey, its just one of those days......I jump in Kevins supercar and we hit the store not 10 minutes away. Some people are there and we have time, but Im too wasted to care about my DS. TD arrives, I just sign up and play, dont even care about the shirt no more because my decks suck and the trip would be a waste if I didnt.

The Decks

LS: TIGIH What the hell just happened?......I dont know what I was on when I made this, but it was cool, it beat MKOS, and destroyed Hunt Down and BHBM, so what the hell

DS: MKOS.....basic version based on Stimmed Jim’s. No offense, but that deck just cant finish the job the way it should, and if I had my cards, I wouldnt changed it alot.


Game 1: DS vs. some fool’s LS MWYHL Test to 6

I dont remember half the people I played that day, so if you want to mark me off for that, go for it.  MWYHL wasnt MKOS’s best matchup, because its slow as hell, so what chance has he got? I got set up fast and flipped about 3rd turn, he misses the search for Leia twice and thats all I got to say about that. He gets smart and tries to take out the new Dr. E at the Lower Passages with the new Owen and Wedge, so I bounce Owen and smack Wedge for about 20 or so. He gets desperate and sets up Lars Farm and starts Harvesting about 4 a turn, but I hit him for 6 off the top every turn. I load up on Jabbas Barge, move to the Farm, and he runs Owen...straight into the desert. Game. Win by 22.

Cumalative Score: 2(+22)
Highs: Winning I think
Lows: The guy was an idiot....

Game 2: LS vs. Paul Feldman’s DS Court

I play Paul again, just like the last time we were both here. I set Crix up at Home One and start moving Luke towards Tatooine. He struggles to get any force the first few turns and loses about 4 to his Objective before getting Jabba to the AC. I send in Han, Orri, and some scrubby scouts and clear out the AC after a few tries, Luke makes it there and I sit and drain for most of the game. Paul cant get any activation in, so he sets drops Xizor on Tatooine just to stop his Objective. He starts to give after losing a ton to my drains, and he gets Xizor into the AC, drops Vader to take Luke, and he unloads on a lone Han, who is the only one with Luke at the time. I already have 2 stacked on Conflict, and he moves out to EPP Obi and Crix at JP. I drop Wedge, and battle. I pull a 6 for destiny, he gets a 5, and I win the battle by 1, and he needs to stack immediately. He does, and loses Xizor, and I lose Obi and Wedge, and run Crix out of there. I try to cross him after the battle, and miss by one. He starts chasing Crix, and I try to cross him again, and pull the Win by 18.

Cumalative Score: 4(+40)
Highs: It was a good game...
Lows: Nothing much

So Im 2-2 in the lead and I catch up with Dan Mochizuki and we discuss our scores. I know Im going to go down some time during this tournament, my decks were meant to crap on me sometime.....and we get this:

Game 3: LS vs. Kevin Shannon’s DS MKOS Yannick Style

Well, theres that....and my next game. Kevin dominates me this game....I cant get into the palace, and I cant drain for much at all, between his Den of Thieves and flipped objective, and his constant hit and run battles retriving with Scum and Villiany, and Jabba Twerps(at one point, he had Xizor, Jabba, Ephant, Bib, and Chall on table....I almost GAVE him 1 more for Myo even though he wasnt on table). Luke got killed for the first time since I played this LS, and I get totally worked over, how can I win battles if he cancels my destiny, and how can I cross Vader if he has none? Loss by 24.

Cumalative Score: 4(+16)
Highs: Eh....
Lows: You win this round Kev, but try me again, and I WILL make you famous

Game 4: DS vs. Jeff Fields AITC Speeder Hell

Heh....guess I didnt lose by enough. Well, this is pretty much a repeat of last game, but I lasted long enough to make him drop and draw about his whole deck. What can I say, MKOS loses alot to Speeders, between Sandwhirl, 11 power and destiny between 2 speeders, and all the good exterior LS drain sites, he had this one won. I tried battling him a few times, only to get slaughtered, and have all my guys sucked into a Sandwhirl. He drained me for about 6 a turn, and fast too....needless to say, I lost. Loss by 8.

Cumalative Score: 4(+8)
Highs: Eh...
Lows: Same to you, Jeff.....

Guess that Vader shirts out of the question, me dropping to 2-2 in a heartbeat. Ah, whatever....Im running out of closet space anyways.

Game 5: DS vs. Nick Stefankos LS Profit Ewoks

I dont even remember half this game, read Nicks report if you want the full details. All I know is that he had Order to Engage going on, and I drew up half my deck and couldnt find any decent characters, Sniper, or Point Man. He got around his own Bo Shuda with Luke(since hes a rebel), and I forgot to move a lone Gailid and Mosep, and they get plastered for about 10. I cant find anything to fight with, and I took an hour on one turn trying to remember if I retrieved the Vibro-Ax after having drawn it up and losing it......dont ask. Im just going to thank Nick for being patient with me. Loss by 8 or so.

Cumalative Score: 4(+0)
Highs: Well, he got some degree of revenge on me for smacking him around last Saturday
Lows: Uh....Snoova sucks.

Game 6: LS vs. Some jabronis DS MKOS wannabe

I dont know what he was trying to accomplish, but he failed miserably. I move Luke out of the Hut and he tried to fight him with the new Dr. E and
4-LOM....Fallen Portal, Insertion, and he loses about 6 in the process and has to stack one. I move Luke down to Tatooine and start setting up at JP and the Desert(at this point, if I lose, its not the end of the world). So Im sitting Han and Chewie at the Desert, Luke at the Dbay, Wedge and Corran(Rogue Squad, baby!!!) at JP, and he just starts setting up in the AC. He sits in the AC with Myo, Boelo, Gailid and Ephant, so I leave his drain 2 alone and drain for my 6. He never really makes a move to stop me....he tried a few battles, but he gets Fallen Portaled and he helps me recycle my 6’s. Nothing working for him, and I drain him by 28.

Final Score: 6(+28)
Highs: OH MY GOD.....I WON!
Lows: Uh....when MKOS gets worked that bad, something is wrong.

So I end up in 5th place or so out of about 17 people, meaning alot of people did worse than I did, proving Im not a complete scrub. First time in awhile Ive lost more than 2 games in a tourney, but I found the experience humbling, to say the least....even the best players fall sometimes.

Kevin Shannon ended up with the shirt, to add to his others. I think Jeff Field got second, I was playing L5R when they announced the placings(NO L5R bashing....that game is sick). Afterwards me and Kevin hit the movies and saw, that shlt was crazy....go and see it.

Yeah, I know this report is a year and 11 months late, but Im a busy man. Live with it. It was pretty cool considering I didnt remember half the games, right?

Alfred Dong
The Brahma Bull
The Stone Crab