
Title: fairmont-west-virginia-1-27-01
Author: Emerson "Sparkz" Sklar
Date: Jan 27, 2001

OK, well, seeing as how this is my first tournament report, I guess Ill do what everybody
else does.

Entering Lazy Mode

OK, so the day of the tournament, I wake up and go over to my decks. My light side is an
updated version of Chu’s Xwing swarm, and Ds is a bring him mains. I need lots of cards
for both decks, so I can’t wait for the tournament. My best friend, John Lilly (AKA. Lost
Rogue), is over at my house, so I call his parents and they agree that if my dad will drive
us up, then they will pick us up. So, we get ready and head to the tournament.

We get there and meet Mark Bordenet (tournament director), John Tatta (state champ),
and Chris Warder (really good player). SO they go to the Chinese place nearby for lunch
and we sit down and negotiate some trades with other people there. Nothing major. SO,
we get about 8 people there and then it gets crazy. Everybody is trading for reflections 2
cards, the hardest to get being Xizor, and the easiest to get being The New Emperor. So
we trade lots and I get all the cards that I need, Including a Xizor and Darth, except a
trample. Oh well. so I just toss in a hoth: war room.

My friend decides to go buy his first reflections 2 packs, and who does he get in his first
pack?? Jedi Luke.

So, we all fill out our forms and see who’s in.

Game 1- My dark side vs. John Tatta’s Profit.
Going in, I am afraid, having played against this deck, but never before with my particular
deck. He uses Heading to pull Insurrection, and I use Prepped Defenses to get
Mobilization Points and You Cant Hide Forever. First turn, I drop Emperor from hand
and go to look for Emperor’s Power. Is it there??????
NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! So, first turn, he gets to look at my entire deck.
WTF???????? So, basically, I’m already screwed. I drop some people down at tatooine,
and battle a few times, but I keep forgetting to make him lose 1 force for winning a battle.
He disarms my Lord and makes me lose his saber. He Fallen Portals my Ponda Baba/Dr.
Evazan, my Xizor, and my grand Moff Tarkin. Eventually he drains me out.
FL 0(-28)
Props: Me only losing by 28
Slops: Me losing by 28

Right now, I’m thinking “What a great way to start a tournament”. So I walk around for
a while and then get ready for game 2

Game 2- My Swarm vs. Chad Reedy’s Court
I look at his objective and think “This will be easy!” Xwing swarm rules court. SO, we
start. He drops some JPSD effects, to cancel my canceling. He never comes to space,
and I still block him with my undercover spies. I easily out drain him

Props: Me for winning
Slops: Chad for being mad at himself about losing.

FW 2(-2)

After this, I am really happy. my new Xwing swarm worked really well!! So I mess
around, and our tournament director tells me and my new opponent. that we have the
pick of sides. I say light! and he says “OK, I don’t care.”

Game 3- Swarm vs. Clay Swentzel’s Court
I see that he has court, and am immediately overjoyed. This game goes pretty
nonchalantly, I eventually drop Luke, obi w stick, Boussh, and a bothan to battle Jabba
and others. I win the battle, he loses mass force. He is out pretty quick from my battle
and my drain of 7 every turn.

Props: Me for winning again
Slops: Him for not trying to oppose my choosing of light side and for never coming to

FW 4(+19)

I get done with this game, when my friends father comes to the room. He says that we
have to leave, because John Lilly has a ball game at 6:00. DARN!!! I was a bit mad, but
he may have saved me from a crushing defeat at the hands of a VERY good player. So,
oh well, we leave, and I am pretty happy about getting the cards I need. So it wasn’t a

When I left, the standings were:
1.Andy @#$%^ (no idea what your last name is)
2. Dean @#$%^ (again, the name thing)
3. Chris Warder
4. *Me*
5. John Tatta
6. Clay Swentzel
7. John Lilly
8. Chad Reedy

Mark Bordenet for running a great tournament
Me for only losing by 28 to John Tatta
Me for winning my last 2 games
Me for getting a Xizor
John Lilly for pulling a Jedi Luke

Me for losing by 28
Chad for being mad (you have to loosen up, man!)
John for pulling a Jedi Luke (I was supposed to get it, man!!)
Me and John for having to leave (oh well)

Ok, well, hope you guys enjoyed the report! Nice job to whoever won!