
Title: mirkwood-deadbody-style
Author: garrett "deadbody" larson
Date: Feb 7, 2001

Okay here is the obligitory Tuesday night Mirkwood report

Pre-tourney stuff Okay I wasn’t expecting much from this tourney, I had been sick all weekend, and was tired as hell, plus I got out of work late cause I had to fire someone, and then the Damn tourney takes longer than normal, so I am still tired today, and I aploigize if details are sketchy or out of order

anyway on to the games

Game 1. My LS There is a Crappy lite Deck here, vs. Herb Macy and his Endor Ops.

Okay they called this pairing, and then 3 new people chowed up, so before we started playing they repaired, and I ended up with the same pairing. Dammit, i hate playing Herb.

Okay this game was really quite boring. I only put out 2 locations. both on the first turn, Rebel Landing site, and Kessel. First Turn I put General Lando and Nien Nub in Gold 1 at Kessel for the drain of 3, they were never molested, and I got an uncontested drain for the entire game. Herb and I chased each other around on the ground for the entire game, and since he had out Perimiter Patrol and Janus in the bunker the only place for me to deploy was the rebel landing site, and since Herb never really put down enough power to start a battle against my scouts. It was a game of chase, I had 3 cards stacked form early battles (he took Luke on the 3rd turn, never to release him) and here is what won me the game. I have Cracken and Dash in the Bunker against Sim and Janus. No cards in hand he uses sim to look at my top card. it was a 2 so we would have tied the battle that was about to come (found out later) then Herb drains me for 1 right off the top it goes. He starts a battle anyways, I draw a 4 for BD, win the battle. My turn I draw a 3 to turn Vader I win. FW by 14

Highs: Very fun game, Herb was much less annoying than usual
Lows: Well I still played Herb

After this game i went over to see how Justin "moffwicket" had done, and he says that he got destroyed by some little kid by like 25. Then I hear the little Kid say that it was his first ever Tourney win. GOOD JOB JUSTIN, way to give hims some confidence. Oh yeah, he finished ahead of Justin as well:)

Game 2 my DS Walker Garrison vs. Jerome Flynn TIGIH of death.

Okay this game was over in 2 battles. First one Commander Igar in a Japanese hoth 2player walker at the 3rd marker. Down comes Han w/gun Leia w/gun and Chewie Protector. Trample Han miss, then he cancels Igar Game text so I only get 1 destiny, then he plays Mechanical failure. I ended up losing about 15 force from this battle. I never could get going after that, although I did try one time. I sent Vader and Ig-88 with Jizz gun to take on Luke Leia and Han. I had looked through my reserve deck, and I had 345. so 2 in 3 chance of shooting Leia. and beating poor Han lifeless. nope I draw the 3 and have to lose Vader to attrition. Then we just drained each other out.

Fl by 21

Highs: um..Jerry is a cool opponent
Lows: see above

Game 3 my DS Vs. Chad stegers old school Tosche Station deck.

This one went much better for me. I broke his spirit early. Veers was hanging out in Tempest 1 at the 3rd marker, and down came Han Leia and Chewie. I had 4 tramples in hand at the time (all of them in the deck) squished Han, Squished Leia, played Imp. Command to add a destiny, and beat Chewie by about 10 force. 2 Turns later he came down to the same site with DoS and Chewie, but couldn’t battle. my turn (I had spread out with 2 other walkers a turn before. played WG to Drain for 6 (i think) then deployed IG-88 and his Jizz maching, and Xixor. Battle, shoot Chewie, captured, Leia dies plus about 15 force. Now it is a drain Race with my WG enhanced drains whiping his Tat. drains. In a last ditch effort to huret him more (Chad is good friends with Jerry and the last game still stung) Lord Vader with Saber came down and Battled Obi to make him lose another 5 or 6 force. In the end I drain him out for a FW by 21

Highs: Squish, Squish, Squish
Lows: none, a fun game, against a good opponent

Game 4 vs. Dion Erbes adn Mike Raveling DS Space deck

Okay before the tourney Mike Raveling and Dion had switched decks, so thats why the above. This was probably the most non-interactive gaem I’ve ever had. there were 2 battles, when I sent some spies and scouts to beat up xixor, then he deployed Guri to fight back, but l;ost xixor to attrition. The game was a drain reace with my Midge enhanced drains on Endor against his space drains. Battle plan won me this game since late he couldn’t pay for all his drains of 2, and I could. Fw by 7

Highs: An extremely strategic game vs. a very worthy opponent
Lows: none, a very fun game

so I went 3-1 finished about 5th, Timm Halverson won, and got the Jap Foil Vader to go with it. Congrats Timm

Trample, squish, squish, squish!!!
Midge, I love enhanced drains
Spies gotta love em
The little kid who spanked justin like a red-headed stepchild. Congrats on your first win in a tourney.
Herb for a fun game (a rare occurance) and for being much less annoying for the last few weeks(okay it hurt to type Herbs name in the Props sections, but he really deserved it)
you for reading this far and giving me a 5 star rating:) (hint hint)

Chewie Protector for getting pilots in enclosed vechiles, thqat is just wrong.
Herb, well for being Herb.
Justin for going a solid 1-3 scrubville for you buddy:)

thanks again to the Mirkwood for running this and letting us play there so much.

Garrett "Deadbody" Larson