
Title: boxborough-ma
Author: Michael "The Rattler" Schiemer
Date: Feb 18, 2001

Pretourney Stuff:

It was time for another Boxborough tourney and I was pumped. Unfortunately I had barely touched my decks since I played in a tournament 2 weeks ago. I had been busy with school work so on Friday night I worked on fixing my deck.I wanted to start at 8 but my friends wanted me to play some Half Life TFC online . I was only going to play for 30 minutes but I ended up playing for 2 hours!(Damn that game is addicting).
It was about 10 so I got started on fixing my decks until 11:30 while I watched my tape of the previous WWF Smackdown. For light I stayed with my CC deck I posted but I changed about 10-15 cards because the original design was crap. I was very confident with it.I was at a loss with my dark deck. It was 5-1 but it wasn’t smooth and it couldn’t tackle ground beatdown very well.I must have been very tired because I almost thought of making a BHBM deck!(piece of @#$% objective). I quickly came to my senses and decided to concentrate on improving my good HDADTJ deck. The addition of 2 weapon levitaions and other crap fixed this flaw in my beefy HDADTJ deck(w/admirals).
My brother and I decided to play in the jabba’s sealed deck tourney that took place before the constructed one.It was at 8am so I had to wake up at 6:30 because the ride is a good hour long. I opened my sealed deck and got kick @#$% stuff: Bib fortuna, Gallid, DS audience chamber, and palace.My rep was Woof but there was question if he was a Nikto or not.I went 4-0 with it and won the tourney winning a 12" tech mo’r collectible figure.I think Steve baronie got second and I know Michael Hawley got 3rd.After that I had some time to get a Mankind starter deck for the RAW DEAL card game. I’m going to learn to play this week.The tournament started at 12:30 with 30 or 40 people coming(wow!).My rating going in was an unupdated 1993.

GAMES(I apoligize for forgetting names.)

GAME 1: My light Vs. Ty ???’s CCT scum with frozen han.

I am retarded so I start draw their fire along with insurrectin and staging areas. I quickly get out Luke to H1db w/his saber and move him to my CC db for a constant drain of 2 all game. I then deployed beru/owen to his Carbon chamber with twass.He was meanwhile stacking characters at his audience chamber. I wondered why and after I rescued han from his security tower he said he didn’t read the text on the security tower. I joined captain han with leia and they sat and drained at the Carbon chamber. Leia later got ani’s saber. Meanwhile on tatooine I had harc seff and corran horn at the tat. db adjacent to his audience chamber. They kept cancelling his drains until he came to fight me with snoova and ax. His ax was levitationed by corran and snoova was destroyed. I got the combo OTE,No disentigratins,and all my urchins going so his scum wasn’t working very well. He kept doing suicide battles but they never worked. I finally got obi w/ saber and I began to wreck his audience chamber. I was draining for 6 a turn so i finally drained him out with 2 minutes in the round to spare.
Full win 2(+29)

Game 2 My DS vs. Hayes Hunter’s(2100’s) Big battling mains.

This is a match that can’t be avoided. I play Hayes in every tournament we’re both in and it usually decides the winner. I often lose to him(I’m about 1-15 against him!) but today my DS deck was a machine. I started by getting vader out turn 2 but with no saber. 2 of my visages were cancelled early but there was plenty more where that came from. I can’t remember much about the early game but I couldn’t find my vaders saber.My vader kept getting clashed by his obi but no OTE came down. Hayes was activating like hell and was playing tunnel visions like a madman. When all the clashes wore off I tried to battle his lone obi w/saber with vader, tarkin, and janus but he clashed vader for a third time! I had to run away to the executor db because he was going to have like 20 force the next turn. He had a corran horn though so he deployed that and chewie w/gun, r2+3po , han with gun, and someone else. I luckily had a PASOA so I didn’t get slaughtered. I had to lose janus, tarkin and a few more while he lost corran.Luckily during the battle I used janus’s text and got a vaders saber off the top of reserve deck! I avoided his huge battle and he didn’t have the force to transit away from the exec. db.
Next turn I surprised his obi and leia with vaders saber,dr. e + baba, fett, and mighty jabba. I battled and operated on leia. He hit my dr e+baba.I sabered obi but didn’t operate. I drew a 7 and a 4 for destiny and he drew a 1. He had to lose obi and about 17!I just lost dr e + baba and fett. Later in the game I was stupid and I walked into a battle against his guys and I lost my vader, janus and 10 more force! I got smarter and realized I almost blew it so I went to carida with devastator and chiraneu because I knew he nothing left for space. I drained there for 2 while he drained for 1 at the tat. db and the ds db. I could have smacked his puny forces there but he had OTE out and a force saved. This implied a barrier and I didn’t want to blow the game so I put vader and saber at exec. db and moved him over to his echo db for a drain of 2. A few turns of this and he was done.
FW 4(+37)

Game 3: My dark vs ????’s(rating 1500’s) Mon cal EBO.

This was actually a very close and fun game . This guy was a good player and deserves to have a 1700 or 1800 rating.I set up vader and saber at Ds db by turn 3 but my first 2 visages were again cancelled early.He started ANSB and signal which made me think he was plying xwing swarm but he instead put down H1 with about 5 pilots.I took a few drains of 3 while I drained for 2, set up emperor+janus,and gathered a space fleet in my hand. I brought my destroyers up in space with chirameau, thrawn and fodder.I got destoyed in the first battle against his 50 power or so and chiraneu, a destoyer, and my fodder were lost with an addiotional loss of only 1 force. I ran away for a while with thrawn and chimera until he put his fleet in front of me . I then struck with dengar in ship, fett with gun, mighty jabba and dr e+baba. I played imperial command to get a destiny so my huge tracked destiny was amazing. The only problem was that it did very little because he kept placing liberty in lost pile and he had about 10 guys in space in the battle. He also had a 6 tracked for destiny. He lost liberty and 2 pilots while I lost dr e+baba. We kept battling like this with his huge power against my huge destiny. I lost about 1 card per battle and he lost about 3 . His fleet was very small now and he ran away with his H1 and ackbar. I followed with my decent fleet.I eventually won because he overdeployed and I was draining for 2 or 3 all throughout the battles.
FW 6(+49)

Game 4 My LS Vs Same kid I faced in Game 3’s BHBM, Sienar, and #’s,

When I saw he was playing BHBM I was happy. When I saw he was playing #’s I was sad.I was so worried about his inserts I forgot to make him lose 3 to his objective.It was me without a YISYW.My first hit from the #’s cost me 8 force(his tech, emperor, and vader to my 5 total). The second cost me 10. I luckily played 3 consecutive on/off the edges and retrieved most of that.He was draining me for 1 at a revoed endor with ties. My drains at db’s for 4 each turn were adding up and then I got out I hope She’s all right to make the loss 6 a turn(7 from objective). The problem was he retrieved an insert card and I knew he would play it soon. I got obi and corran to his throne room and had down all my urchins, and OTE. I had OOC’ed his tech mor and emperor so I knew he would be screwed if he battled me. He lost 3 for a while to OTE and was running away. Time in the round was running out and I was seconds away from saying it was his turn when time was called.He had 5 force left in his piles and I was going to drain for 7 or 8. I screwed myselt out of a full win but I had 12 cards left so I got a timed win.
Timed Win 7(+61)

Game 5: My dark vs Eric Hunter’s(1963) seeking an audience,how did we get into this mess, twixy mains.

I had played against this deck earlier and it gave my DS deck its only loss. I made improvements to it and Eric got a bad hand so I had this game in the bag.I got vader and saber down early to DS db. I was opposed by hordes of Obi w/ sabers but they had trouble hitting vader. PASOA wasn’t helping him either. I was getting a few drains of 2 in at the db and a little visage damge until it was cancelled. I basically just fortified the DS db because it was the only battleground site and just fought off successfully his attacking characters . After he was pretty weak from unsuccessful battles and my drains, I put devastator , chiraneau , and dengar in ship at carida. I kept draining for 4 and held off his attacks until the end.
Full win 9(+83)

Game 6 : My light versus Michael Hawley’s(1700’s or 1800’s)
HDADTJ dueling

I was not happy about him starting crush the rebellion because i knew he was packing evader/monnok and I had 2 clashes in my deck. I put owen+beru to H1 db after getting out dagobah and hut out.He got vader out very fast with mara and saber to the Ds db. I looked for a db and thought I saw only 2 of my 3 OOC/TT so I drew like mad for it. I drew my whole force pile anmd it wasn’t even there!I couldn’t cycle anything and next turn I got monnoked for 6 cards including 2 fallen portals and 2 on the edges!I knew I was kind of screwed but made my comeback.I revoed his holotheatre and deployed corran there . He surprised me by playing another monnok/evader! He also put down fett in slave 1 to carida after I lost 2 falcons from hand So I was losing 1 per turn from that. LSJK and saber was controlling a CC db with some other good people and and obi and twass was controlling another db. He decided to come at my obi and twass by moving vader, tarkin, and janus at me. I think he was hoping I would battle so he could duel me and cancel a destiny with tarkin.I battled but first I sorry about the messed tarkin. I killed janus but had to lose obi to his 5 attrition I ran away with twass and he was joined by a scrub from luke’s site.Corran horn was being blocked by sim aloo but he wouldn’t battle. I retrieved about 8 force late in the game from my 2 off the edges so I was now actually beating him in force. Time was out so I took my last turn. He had moved Sim to corran’s site and I had obi and orri in hand. I battled , hit sim, and then drew a 1 for destiny to his 5. I won the battle still and he had to lose 2 to ori and 4 to battle daage. This was far from killing his life force but it put me ahead of him in life force.If I hadn’t looked closer for that OOC/TT in the beginning of the game I would have done great but I messed up big time and a timed win wasn’t bad.
Timed Win 10(+17)

Final standings:
1. Hayes Hunter 10(+101)
2. Michael Schiemer 10(+100) Damn me for @#$%ing up so many times this tourney. I had about 20 opportunities to win by extra diff or a full win.
3-8 place: I can’t remember but i am pretty sure they include Eric Hunter, Jimmy Schiemer,Michael Hawley, and Steve Baroni.

Now for Props and MANY slops

-Great turnout of players
-Fun sealed and constructed tourneys
-Ghetto Wars in between games
-Me for beating Hayes
-Me for never losing a game in sealed or constructed
-Vender selling RAW DEAL starters for 7 bucks.
-DS deck for kicking ASS.
-Opponentas for good games
-Steve baroni for being hilarious and trying his best in the anti-Hunter conspiracy.(Just kidding Hayes and Eric)
-Hunters for letting us hang out at their house after the tourney

-My killer LS deck for getting 2 timed wins
-Me for being very sloppy during games and blowing full wins and differentials.
-Me for losing tourney by 1 diff.
-Prize support of toys(not the best motivation)
-Me for not packing YISYW.
-Being tired
-Me for spending forever on this TR.

Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you enjoyed. I hope to see you in Milford and I might show up at bridgewater or fitchburg so be prepared.Thanks again.

P.S. Timed Wins suck balls.