
Title: gb-wisconsin-2-25
Author: Mark "yodarth" Kloida
Date: Mar 1, 2001

Note: I copied and pasted from Word, so sorry if anything looks really weird.

Well, I wanted to go to a tourney Saturday on Oshkosh, Wisconsin. But then the gods of rain, sleet, snow, and freezing rain decided to pay a visit, so I was screwed. I planned all along on going to the Sunday tournament in Green Bay, so I looked forward to it. All day Saturday I tested my decks out, made some adjustments, and sat on DeckTech checking results from Normal for over 12 hours straight. I look at my needed junk list and see that I have ’am getting’ next to YAB foil, Masterful Move foil, and The Signal foils. I know that the tourney foils should be coming in a couple weeks and I’m really hoping my YAB comes today. Just my luck, the mail never comes. I checked mail at 7:30PM and there was none. Then at 8:30 I check again just in case and there’s my YAB foil. Woohoo! It was pretty cool and stuff, though the mail was so frickin late. I look on eBay for cards I need more of and for some foils too. I see the Imp Barrier thing and I’m like hell ya I need that. But I then realize that it is a crappy Barrier and I have enough of them. The fact that I was about $500 short was another thing. So I watch as the last of the DPC results come in, and do a few more runthroughs of my decks. I see Yannick’s lucky stuff, and I’m like ’hey I got the Yoda guy!’ so I find mine and decide to see if it’s good luck.

Now onto the decks. For dark I finally decide to scrap my BHBM after playing it for nearly six months. Instead I opt to try my Court Musicians which I have been toying around with for about three months. It seems really good, but I never took it to a tourney because my BHBM did all the winning for me. It wasn’t too bad, and I needed a deck that could whoop the flipping Hidden Base that is for some reason common in our area. I guess retrieving 3, making them lose 1, immune to battle damage and immune to attiriton <5 should probe pretty nicely. For light I had to stick with my WYS with Raiders/Craft with Celebration stuff that went 2-0 with a +48 differential in the last tourney. I decide that since Celebration helped my so greatly last time losing it would hurt my badly, so I add another one in.

So that morning I gather my goods. My aunt calls for some reason to tell me that the roads are all slippery and stuff but she is stupid because she wasn’t on the highway just in our sad town that doesn’t know how to plow. My dad thinks she is pretty dumb so we set off anyways and surprise surprise the roads are perfectly clear. I get there really early and man is it windy. The gusts were like 60 MPH. Now the gods of wind are here. I put my decks away so they don’t blow away because that would be really scary. Shortly after we get 10 people, and under the direction of Matt Upstone, begin play.

Game 1: My WYS vs. Andy Bucholtz’s CCT w/Jabba’s Prize
Well that sucks. Han was a pretty important character in space for me. He drops Zuckuss and starts moving the prize to try to get a fast flip. He’s at the Tatooine Docking Bay when Jedi Luke comes to visit. So the Prize is freed, but my only Hans are Captain Hans so it’ll do no good and the Prize goes OOP. I don’t like not having Han one bit, and I lost to Outrider to a drain so I have to drop Dash on the Falcon at Tatooine. I also drop Chewie, Protector, and a Raider on Craft at the Judland Wastes. He deploys some stuff and starts to follow me around, but he can’t drain because it costs him 3 with Battle Plan on top of moving and stuff. Meanwhile I’m retrieving 2 with Celebration and draining for 2. Then the wind shifts a bit. He drops Scum at the AC, Virago, and Dr. E and Ponda on Jabba’s Space Cruiser. This could hurt but I was ready for it. I barrier the Cruiser. Next turn I move 2 Palace Raiders into the AC to cancel Scum. He battles with Falcon again. I play Alternatives To Fighting to cancel. He moves Boba Fett with the Neural Inhibitor and Jodo Kast with Bobas gun to the Cantina against Chewie Protector and Mirax. I battle him next turn, and play Run Luke Run to get Jedi Luke with stick over. He plays Hidden Weapons, draws a 4 so Luke’s hit. Then Sniper & Dark Strike and Luke is lost. Oh @#$%. The Neural Inhibitor thingy targets Mirax and makes her power, forfeit, landspeed=0. Luckily he draws a 0 and I draw enough to kill both his guys. Now I’m getting ok drains on the ground and it won’t be too much longer before he dies. Next turn he battles, I play Alternatives To Fighting from lost. I drain a little more, retrieve some with Celebration. He battles Dash on the Falcon once again and this time I have to forfeit him. My turn, I drain and DING! Time runs out. I had a couple On The Edges that I was tracking up destinies for, but they weren’t there yet so I tried to retrieve a couple more blindly but I draw a 2 and Luke dies so I just end my turn. Not even 20 more seconds and my turn would have been over and I would have gotten another turn, but that leaves 27 cards in my life force, and only 2 in his. So I was only a turn away from a full win. Oh well.

TW 1 (+27)

Good: Setting up Celebration, being able to hold space for a while despite losing Han.

Bad: Stupid time running out.

Ugly: Jedi Luke getting hit with Hidden Weapons then lost.

Game 2: My Musicians vs. Matt Upstone&#8217;s Hidden Mains
Matt is a really good player, and its always a good game when I play against him, though he usually beats me pretty badly. First turn I drop Baby Jabba and Ak-Rev to the AC. Next turn I Twi&#8217;lek for Scum and drop Boelo to the AC. He drops Ben with stick and Corran Horn to satisfy my objective. I pull Greata with Ak-Rev and drop her. He has the huge Hidden Mains activation set up, and drops Lando with Booyah-Axe, and EPP Han to the Pit of Carkoon and moves Ben and Corran into the Dungeon. Now I pull Umpass, draw up to get a few more musicians. He&#8217;s draining for 3 and me for just one so I really want to get a Ghhhk to make a quick retrieval run but no luck drawing any. He drops EPP Luke to the Cloud City docking bay in attempt to get more drains in before I do anything. I pull Lyn Me and keep my Force because I want to retrieve and he has Aim High out. He drains for 4 more. Next turn I come with Rystall, Rappertunie (retrieve 1 with Rystall), Lyn Me (retrieve 1), 4-Lom with Gun, Umpass-Stay (retrieve 1), Lirin Carn (retrieve 1), Denger with Gun, and one or two other musicians and battle. Just for dropping the guys and battling I retrieved almost all my lost pile, about 10 Force retrieved. He plays Clash of Sabers on 4-LOM, since he doesn&#8217;t have a clue what all these scrub musicians are going to do to him. Clash wasted his force pile, so he couldn&#8217;t play anything else. Good. Luke hits Rystall, my retrieval engine. He draws a 2 so I have to forfeit Dengar or some musician (musicians were all immune <3 with Umpass) so I choose Lirin Carn because he&#8217;s really no use. I have Lyn Me there, who subtracts Luke&#8217;s power with all the musicians there right down to 0. I have 27 power so he loses Luke and 20 more. No force if he has a Houjix. Next turn Boushh and Anakins stick go undercover at the AC. Now I&#8217;m still in trouble. He has a drain of 3 to my 1. I drop Ephant Mon and Djas Puhr to the Executor Docking Bay, and transit over to the Home One Docking Bay for free to try to sneak in more drains. He breaks Boushh&#8217;s cover, and moves Ben and Corran into the AC. Musician beats #2 delivers with Kithaba, Tech Mor, and Nizuk Bek (he&#8217;s just a big music fan). I have 5 musicians there, so I battle. Nizuk Bek makes Leia move away. I have him beat by a lot, so his Force is gone.

FW 2 (+23)

So Far: 3 (+50)

Good: Beating a great player and have the musicians do just what they&#8217;re supposed to.

Bad: Couldn’t find a Ghhhk to retrieve, early drains kind of hurt.

Ugly: Kithaba guy having more power than Obi.

Game 3: My WYS vs. Dave Danley&#8217;s Court
This was a weird deck. For one starting Court and Arrest Order usually don&#8217;t mix. He starts off deploying a bunch of scrubs to the AC. I get Han on the Falcon where he would sit for the rest of the game. He drops Mara at the AC and thinks I should be amazed that it&#8217;s signed, which I&#8217;m not cause I got my own. Then he pulls Mara&#8217;s stick and again like looks for me to get amazed but I just stare at my hand and contemplate my next moves. Next turn I drop Jedi Luke at the Cantina. He deploys the Sail Barge and moves over a bunch of people. I play Control/Tunnel and find an edge and again from lost for a Raider for my craft. He drops EPP Vader and moves Mara to the Cantina. I drop a Raider and Chewie protector and battle. He hits Luke. My battle destiny is 10 so both of his people are gone. He&#8217;s paying 3 to drain for 1. Next turn I Control/Tunnel for Celebration, then again for a Throw Me Another Charge. I then drop Jedi Luke to the AC to battle his Salacious Crumb and Ephant Mon. He draws a 5 and so do I but Salacious Crumb like makes my 5 lost and that&#8217;s sad. So I Nabrun away to Mos Eisely. Next turn On The Edge for 5, again from lost for 5 more. Celebration retrieves 2 more. For the next few turns he just drains for 1 at the AC while I Cantina Shuffle and end of draining for 5 and retrieving 2. When there&#8217;s 1 card left he thinks I&#8217;m going to drain and make him lost it but I just keep passing the turn to him after retrieving with Celebration since he can’t drain because of Battle Plan. He doesn’t draw up his last card, so I retrieve my entire lost pile and win by quite a bit.

FW 2 (+36)

So Far: 5 (+86)

Good: Good drains, I had control all along.

Bad: None.

Ugly: Him just sitting there while I retrieve all my force. Jedi Luke losing a battle to Salacious and Ephant.

Game 4: My Court Musicians vs. Jeff Johnson&#8217;s TIGIH
Well we both finished our games and it looked like we&#8217;d play for a while, so out decks were shuffled for a half an hour. Just before we start Matt Upstone decides to come and throw my lucky Yoda guy which has been pretty helpful to the ground which is really funny. But when he&#8217;s not looking Yoda attacked him from the air and sent him to the ground J go Yoda! Ok, now we start. I wish Girard Mulligans were allowed in all tourney games because my opening hand contained 7 characters and First Strike. I could have at least used a Twilek or Scum. He drains early. He gets Madine, General Solo, Lando with Axe, and Tawss Khaa to the Pit Of Carkoon early. Jedi Luke is chillin in Chirpy&#8217;s Hut so it looks like I have to drop musician beats on a good sized army. He doesn&#8217;t expect anything from me that will take care of Jedi Luke, so he moves him out. I have everything in the AC that I want, and Ak-Rev pulls Rystall and Umpass and the works. I eat a drain of 3 for 2 turns. He then moved Jedi Luke over to the Tatooine Docking Bay so he has all his people near each other. So here comes Rystall, Umpass, Lyn Me, Kithaba, Dodo Botawatabeeto guy, and even a free EPP Boba. Luke ends up being power 0 after destiny. Johnson is like &#8216;wow, they&#8217;re tech&#8217; so I draw my destiny and it&#8217;s a nice 6: Mor, Tech. So that was pretty cool. He ends up losing Luke and 35 more Force. He has like 4 cards in his force so I&#8217;m just going to drain and play do First Strike, but to cut differential even more he just draws out.

FW 2 (+30)

Final Score: 7 (+116)

Good: Huge beatdown for Jedi Luke plus 35 more.

Bad: Nothing.

Ugly: Kithaba guy was 9 power this time.

Well, I take 2nd, behind Derek Mueller who went undefeated without a timed loss.

Matt Upstone for directing the tournament.
Derek Mueller for winning.
All my opponents for great games.
Me for doing good.
Yoda guy for giving me good luck.
Musicians deck for kicking major ass.

My aunt for being dumb.
My friend Matt for not coming.
The clock for not ticking just a little slower.
Matt Upstone for throwing Yoda on the floor.
The mail for coming over 8 hours late.

Well, that does it for another episode of my tourney life. Hope you enjoyed.

Mark "Yodarth" Kloida