
Title: lompoc-ca-03-10-01
Author: Cat "CatLoneRogue" Ceder
Date: Mar 13, 2001

Greetings and welcome to another journey into the Star Wars universe for Lompoc California.

In case you’ve missed all the other tournament reports that I have written I suggest you go to my site and read them...just cuz. :)


It started last month when Sean Campbell, the Tournament Director in Lompoc, was at my tournament in Ventura, oh and in case you don’t know I’m a Decipher Squadron Member, Rogue 14. Anyhow he came to the tournament and mentioned that his is going to be on the 10th of March and well like always I go when I can and this one I knew I would be able to. So I contacted a couple of friends for the journey to Lompoc. It’s nice having another friend that drives that way I don’t have to do the 75mile trip, and I get to be a passanger. :)

Anyhow, the 9th rolls around and Chris, Wilson and myself are playtesting our decks. Chris and I both have a Quiet Mining Colony deck that work real well (except for when they loose ~smirk~) and so I knew that I would use that. And for my Dark Side I was running a new Bring Him Before Me deck with major ’Tech’ against retrieving. If you do it’ll cost you, and then you’ll loose some. So we play and play till almost 11:00pm Friday night then I go home, tweak my decks a little more with some other usefull cards and then get up @ 9:00am because Wilson is being dropped off at 10:00 and I still have to shower and get ready and make sure that I have my decks and trade cards for the tournament.

So, Wilson as alway arrives on time and we head off to Chris’s place to get in his car and head down the road to Lompoc for the tournament. It was a pretty uneventful trip as we talked about new deck ideas and ’Tech’ that we like. Wilson couldn’t hear us cause he was in the back saying COW everytime we saw cows...he’s a weird kid.

So, onto the games....

My decks: LightSide - QMC, DarkSide - BHBM/Retrieval canceller (both decks will be up within the week for review)

---end Prelude---

Game 1 - Dark Side vs Jeff Grelck’s - QMC

At first I was a little worried about this match up because I knew the power of QMC but non the less I set up my normal start for BHBM - Throne Room, Prepared Defense, Something Special Planned For Him, Mobilization Points, Imperial Arrest Order and he started Wise Advice/Do Or Do Not and 2 other effects that didn’t have any bearing on the game against me. Sorry Jeff, anyhow we start and before I activate I get my planet (Cardia I believe w/MP) then activate my force for Throne Room and his Bespin sites Got a good start w/Janus and couple of other cards in my starting hand. So first turn I get the Emperor, Force Lightning w/him, The Emperors Power and Death Star II:Docking Bay, plop him there and Janus and then go from their. I say go and he activates and draws. I set up another Docking Bay and drop a couple of characters their and set up w/some effects and say go. Just so you know the deck has no Aliens in the deck it’s an Empire’s New Order deck as well. So I say go and he activates draws a few and says go. I activate draw a couple and say go. Back and forth from their he dropped a few characters and I dropped more to battle him using Imperial Command with General Veers adding a destiny to wipe out Lando and Chewie. It went pretty much down hill, he couldn’t flip his Obj and finally after about 5 turns gave me Luke because he got tired of loosing 3 force. So after a few more skirmishes and some force drains and I won.

Full Win: 2 (+20)
Highs: Winning
Lows: Never getting to use Imbalance.

Game 2 - Light Side vs Chris Schweyer’s - Bombing Run deck (yes bombing run w/proton bombs and the likes)

At first I thought as I told Chris that he would never get a force drain off on Bespin, well I was wrong he got a god hand while I got a few things that were usefull. I set up my first thing in Besping Cloud city w/a Z-95 Headhunter and a Palace Raider for the force drain they stood thier ground for pretty much the entire game till ZiMH came over. After a little set up I got Cpt.Han in Falcon w/Leia w/Blaster, Dash in Outrider, Mirak in Pulsar Skate sitting @ Bespin and he plopped down a Star Destroyer w/5 Bombers, battled, All Power To Weapons (and me w/no sense at the time) and I lost Leia to attrition and he lost a couple of Ties cause of power difference w/attrition. Anyhow he drops a few more cards here and their and the power difference between us is him winning especially since he lateral damaged the Outrider. Well when that happened I fled to Kuat to cancel Lateral Damage and started his Proton Bombing on my Bespin locations. However he never got to destroy one till like the 8th time then he destroyed 2. Over all it was down to a force drain game because he kept chasing me around w/the Chimera, Thrawn, Palleon and another scrub and some Tie Bombers. I kept moving back to Bespin but then ZiMH dropped to the clouds to beat up my now 2 Z-95’s w/Palace Raiders and I just lost them to the battle then moved Dash w/Corran Horn on the Outrider into the clouds and he fled leaving me a drain of 1 their the entire game. But alas the game went down without being able to hold Cloud City for the force drains or bonuses I lost out and just battled to appeast the gods...but in the end I lost. It was fun game tho.

Full Loss: 0 (-15)
Highs: Non, I lost
Lows: Stupid Proton Bombs blowing up my sites.

Game 3 - Light Side vs Brian Wests - Hidden Base

Unfortunately I don’t remember alot about this particular game, but I do know that I won. He deployed a Red Squadron 1 w/Wedge, Luke w/Artoo In Red 5. I Set for Stun Luke back to his hand dropped the Chimera and GAT and played Imperial Command for another destiny thus getting rid of Wedge and his ship and Artoo in Red 5. Oh, but wait let me back track I started as normal and again got Janus in my starting hand to drop him on turn 2 w/the Emperor. I also got Sim Aloo a couple of turns later and dropped him w/Presence Of The Force on Death Star II:DB and moved the Emperor to his Throne for added Destinies. He deployed some more space and planets and flipped his Obj. Afterwards we just flew around doing nothing much I probed his HB so I was draining for some here and there and then at the end he dropped some characters at the Emperors site, couldn’t battle because he had no force. So on my turn I Set For Stun one of em, and battle the other two after dropping 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle. After that the game was over and I won by 21 again

Full Loss: 2 (+20)
Highs: Winnig, deck worked like a charm
Lows: Still didn’t get to use my anti retrieval, I guess sitting at Kessel the whole game can do that to a KR deck. :)

Game 4 - Dark Side vs Brian Wests - Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi (annoyance Deck)

Well this game was one sided. I quickly controlled Bespin w/ Cpt.Han in Falcon, Dash in Outrider then started on the ground. Brian deployed Lando and Darth Vader and his lightsaber at the Casino that he deployed. I don’t have any exterior sites in my deck. So I dropped Lando w/Gun replacing his Lando, Luke w/Lightsaber and a Palace Raider and battled him. Swung at Vader hitting him and he missed but attrition killed luke. So I loose the son and he the pops and few more. Then I move Lando and the Palace Raider inside and on the Lift Tube for protection. Over a few turns and getting all the sites out and having my Objective flipped. I dropped another character infront of the newly deployed Vader so that he didn’t control any sites and flipped and moved him in. So Twass Khaa at one site Talon Karde at another, Lando w/Palace Raider and Lift Tube at the third. I set up Cloud City Celebration and then start retrieving. Brian made the mistake of attacking Thrawn and I reacted over to the battle, shot him, and then got two destiny wiping out Djas Puhr and continuing to garnish force back. I was getting back 4 a turn, while he was draining for 3. He dropped Tarkin and a Presence but I didn’t want to mess with that so I let him FD me their while I continued to drain him for 9 a turn and getting back 4. All in all it was a good game except for when he kept Defensive Firing me I wanted to rip that stupid card in half. :) So in the end I won that game by 21 as well

Full Win: 2 (+21)
Highs: the deck working the way it should
Lows: Defensive Fire...grrrrrr.

Well the tournament ended and Ed Herrara won (only cause I didn’t get to play him cause we were the same sides) but I got second and in the random pick I got the foil Imperial Decree so that’s what I wanted. I also traded Brian his The Signal FOIL that he got last time.

The drive home was pretty uneventfull and snoozed and then went to another tournament for WWF but I didn’t play I just helped run it, and then went out that night for some fun. ~winkwink~

Any Q’s D-Mail or email: lone_rogue@hotmail.com

As always:
Ed for winning
QMC - for winning like it should
Chris for playing Bombing Run in a tournament.

75 mile drive
Ed for winning
Me for loosing to a bombing run deck
and a 75 mile drive. :)

Thanks all
Cat "The Uber-Collecting Garindan lover" Ceder