
Title: moffwicket-goes-to-mirkwood-3-13
Author: Justin "MoffWicket" Alfs
Date: Mar 13, 2001

It’s been a long time since I wrote a report, so excuse me if this one sucks. Over the last month or so, I’ve either sucked up a storm, or not had time to write one.

Before the tourney starts, Garrett and I teach Jerry and Chad the finer points of WWF Raw Deal. Jerry uses my nearly invincible HHH deck and Chad discovers the joy that is Kane.

Good turn out today. About 14 people, including former squadron member Chris Perman. He’s gonna run Jedi Knights tourneys I think, and he brought some demo decks today. I didn’t see much of them, cuz Raw Deal is way cooler and I spend every spare minute at these Tuesday tourneys playing it.

On to the games...

Game 1: My CC Occupation vs. __ Raveling’s Hidden Mains

This is Mike’s bro, but I forgot his name. Man I suck at remembering names. This is like the 5th time he’s played here. Anyway, I start with Secret Plans (u r dumb if you don’t), MobPts, IAO, and Battle Order instead of the usual TINT/OE fearing space swarm. I was happy cuz I got my secret tech running quickly this game. On the 2nd or 3rd turn I deployed Flagship Ex to Bespin, Thrawn to the CCDB, shuttled him up, then slapped down Alert My Star Destroyer. Zuh?!? you say? Makes it immune to all attrition. He deploys mini-Falcon to Endor, and mains to the DB. I wait a few turns, then set up Occupation with powerhouses at one site, a chump at the DB, then move the chump over. He deploys good ships to Kiffex and Kessel, but I point out that he only drains for 1 at each. On the ground he chases me around until I find some more characters. Later I get the PTD with EtE down, making him lose 10 between occupation and drains in one turn. He tries to take down some of my guys, but Imperial Command makes that pretty hard.

FW in the teens

Highs: got my tech up and running
got occupation/DTP/EtE running

Lows: ...

Game 2: Moffwicket’s WYS (go rate it) vs. Graham Neal’s "Raveling’s Monkey Ties"

Anti-WYS at its best. Mike wasted me with this deck a couple weeks ago. I start Aim High instead of Squassin hoping to slow him down. I get first turn flip as usual. Second turn I show Outrider to get Dash and move him over to Milwaukee. Graham deploys Interceptor, gun, and the AO that lets him redraw the weapon destiny. Lateral Damage incase of bad destiny. Dash dies like the chump he is. Wedge in Red 1 comes out for a turn or two, but also gets shot down. Graham gets both UC spies very early to limit my drains. I tunnel vision for something and see Squassin in the force pile. D’OH! I’ve already used it twice this game thinking I had started with it like I do 98% of the time. I finally get Harvest running, and he grabs it. As always, I get back high destiny interrupts and ships. Graham sets up huge space drains (6-8) with one tie everywhere and one backup ship at most locations. Then comes the turning point. He draws up all his active force for some reason. He told me after, but I don’t remember. I deploy Dash in Outrider to his lone tie w/o gun. Battle, he loses about 11 plus the tie. Turns out he had a barrier in hand. I replaced his AO for some dumb reason and moved over to block the Zuckass/tie drain at tatooine. He battled and killed dash, landed a ship at the db where I had just a RFC, and said go. I thought I blew it for a second, but I ended up sqeaking out a win thanks to Jedi Luke w/saber draining at the warroom.

FW by 4
4 (+about 20)

Highs: beating the best anti-WYS deck
learning how to play against this deck

Lows: unintentionally cheating. tainted victories suck.

In between we play Raw Deal as usual, but with 4-6 players it never finishes before the next round starts. Stupid Star Wars always interfering with wrestling.

Game 3: My CC Occupation vs. Rob Jeffery’s TIGIH scouts and eloms

Rob is 2-0 from beating Mike twice in a row. WTF!?!?! I get Thrawn/Chimaera/AMSD set up early, but I learn later that he has little or no space. Mara and Dr. E/Ponda Baba go the the Endor Db to stop luke’s pesky drains of 3 at the back door. He gives luke to mara, then on his next turn he puts down Obi/stick/saberprof. I immediately YAB him. Gen. Han, DoS, Tawas Khaa, and other bad, bad cards come down with him, but he doesn’t start battle! I think he wanted me to to portal Dr. E. Obviously I won’t be battling, so I run like the scared little @#$% I am. Lord Vader gets Luke. Obi moves over to the back door to drain like hell, and everyone else and their mother follow me to the CCDB. He has Goo Nee Tay (in my top 10 most hated cards) out, which helps him immensly. I would have loved to drop Fett, 4-lom, and igar in blizzard 1 to take out obi, but I could never afford it. I ended up deploying all but the walker and not battling. He responds with eloms, scout, corran horn, and beats the hell out of my guys. I keep running from him on Cloud city. Occupation only comes down when it’s way too late. I’m gonna lose, so I battle at the CCDB with Vader, Sim, mara, and dr. e. He squishes the good doctor, so mara’s and vader’s sabers won’t do much damage. I lose everyone and a couple more.

FL by about 17

Highs: set up my tech early again
didn’t let him turn vader

Lows: got pounded on the ground

Rich Jeffery challenges HHH with his Austin deck (really just his old HHH with the foils swapped out). He loses, duh. Nobody beats The Game 1 on 1.

Game 4: Moffwicket’s WYS (why haven’t you rated it yet?) vs. Josh Grace’s anti-WYS monkey ties.

Not quite Raveling’s deck, but very similar. I learned my lesson from the last game, so I just start Squassin as usual this time. I first turn flip as usual. Second turn I put out aim high, Dash/outrider, I’m on the Leader, and move over to Milwaukee again. Take a wild guess what happens next. I’ll give you a hint: it involves a TIE interceptor, a tie cannon, and a certain AO. Good. That’s one gun stranded at a useless system. My turn I drain on the ground with Lando/Kaarde in the cantina, a lone RFC at the T:DB, and a radier in a patrol craft at the generic DB. Josh counter assaults the chump and makes me lose 2. I hate that card. Josh puts out a tie at tatooine. My turn I drain at the cantina and the generic DB. He has 1 force active, so I fear the counter assault. I debate whether or not I should drain with him, and as I’m doing it, Josh asks how many destinies he’d get if he counter assaults the patrol craft. Josh couldn’t bluff if his life depended on it. He must suck at poker. The mere fact that he even mentioned the card told me that he didn’t have it, and after the fact I realized he wouldn’t even ask the question if he could read the card. I can read Josh like a book. One time I beat him playing X-files by saying out loud "It could be x, or y, or z," and watching his face as I mentioned each one. Anyway, I tunnel vision twice to get Wedge and Theron Nutt in ships at tatooine. He barriers the first guy (Nutt) and wedge forces him to ghhhk. He finally gets Arica to the cantina. Jedi luke relieves the RFC of his duty at the db. I track my AO once around for On the edge, which he grabs. He’s also grabbed OOC/TT (why?). I attempt to Mess up Arica with the 6, but I miscounted. I set up harvest, get back an Insertion Planning, and use that to kill her next turn. I get my AO out, so now I’m draining for 1 at the system, and 2 each at the cantina and 2 DBs. Josh is draining like mad in space, and this one’s gonna come down to the wire. My harvests are temporarily inconvenienced from him making the Lars family missing with ATWYS, but Han finds them using that good ole Insertion Planning destiny, then during his turn I immediately On the Edge again with that 6. Next turn I think he puts out two interceptors and one of empy’s squadrons and battles with all power to weapons. Thanks to Nutt I get a power destiny plus the 2 battle destinies. I win the battle by 1 or 2. Anyone who thinks Nutt and Red 10 don’t belong in WYS is smoking crack. All your base belongs to him. I drain and harvest. Then Josh deploys another interceptor and battles my 2 x-wings again, with a similar result. It’s clear I’m gonna win, so he moves Merrick from the D*DB to the one with a patrol craft & smugglers. Josh knows how to go out in style. I harvest once more to get better differential.

FW by 13

Highs: A good close game.
I tracked like a master all but once. 1 out of 10 times ain’t bad.

Lows: none. this game went back and forth. It was the best game I’ve played in a long time. My brain hurts now.

Tons of people go 3-1. Nick gets first, garrett second, rob gets 3rd or 4th, and I get 5th.

Props: Nick for winning.
Josh for a really good game.
The two new people. We hope to see you back again soon.
Everyone who plays raw deal.
Herb for not being there.
Rob for beating me for the first time (I think) and Mike twice.
Mirkwood for being the best gaming store in MN.

Slops: Rob for not shutting up and annoying the piss out of many people.
Me for accidentally cheating. Sorry Graham.
The guy who runs these tournaments for not letting Andy Newton and some other guy in 3 min after we started. I haven’t seen Andy for about 7 months.

Afterwards Nick, Jerry, Chad, Rob, and I play a couple more games of Raw Deal. First game it comes down to me with Kane vs. Jerry using my HHH deck. I draw, we each have 1 card left. I get inferno match, but he No Chance in Hells it. Then he draws his last card: Roll Out of the Ring. I can’t tell you how many times that card wins the game. He uses it to get back the pedigree and finishes me properly.

Next game I switch to Jericho. My first turn I unleash all hell. I play a small grapple, then hair pull leading upto another grapple (unreversable). Then from the top rope with a lionsault. Diversion to make chickenwing unreversable. Mongoose in the house to get another from the top rope. Another small grapple on the guy I knew couldn’t reverse it, then top rope for the springboard dropkick. 49 damage that turn. I would have kept going, but my hand was empty.

One more thing: Scrye can suck my @#$%! Raw Deal is far better than 20something on the all time ccg list. And that my friend, is DAMN true.