
Title: elizabethton-tennessee-3-17-01
Author: Randy "the tall guy" Koruschak
Date: Mar 17, 2001

Pre-tourney stuff: <br>
The tourney was scheduled to start at 1:30, so naturally at about 1:14 I decided I should go play in it. Quickly looking through my decks I decided to leave them be since they won me a tourney last week and headed down to Callandor Cards and Collectibles. We had 8 people there and about 1:45 the tournament got started. <br>
My decks: <br>
Light: EBO with X-wings, hyper escapes, order to engage and other methods of extreme gayness. <br>
Dark: BHBM, my way. My own heinous creation of BHBM, using the power of the stormtrooper with varios interrupts and effects of a questionable sexuality (or so I’ve been told).
I entered the tournament with a rating of 1834. <br>
Game one: <br>
My EBO vs. James Rouse’s (1347) HB w/B-wings and alot of weapons. <br>
I used Prepared defences for Mob. Points, IAO, and Secret Plans (I think). He signaled for Haven. First turn I go get Endor DBay, and drop DSII Dbay from hand and draw, getting Vader and Emperor Palpatine. He activates, drops Endor and goes through the deck and gets Mon Calamari. He then deploys 2 b-wings, one with a targeting computer and an intruder missile. He moves them to Endor and draws. I activate, drop Emperor, Vader, and several troopers to the Endor Docking Bay, and I drop Strategic Reserves. I save a couple and say go. He activates and drops another B-wing, gets another system, and draws. I activate, make him lose three for Your Destiny, drain for one, deploy Reactor Terminal and draw a few, I’m holding Executor, Vengeance, Devastator, and Bossk in Hound’s tooth, plus quite a few other cards. He activates, and draws. I activate, make him lose three and drain for one. I stick all of my hand back except for the 4 ships, making sure to have two five destiny’s on the bottom. He activates and draws again, after deploying a couple more systems. I activate all but 2 force, make him lose three and drain for one, I then pay 40 (that’s right 40) force to deploy the Executor, Vengeance, Devastator, and Bossk in Bus to Endor to rumble with the 3 B-wings. I pay my last force and battle, he trys to shoot the Executor, but misses. I draw my 10 attrition and that ends the game. <br>
Result: FW 2(+39) <br>
For the tourney: 2 (+39) <br>
Highlights: A ground based deck dominating space, the 40 force beatdown. <br>
Lowlights: Having to beat Jimmy, he wasn’t really into the game anyway. <br>
After that game Jimmy and another player dropped out of the tourney, leaving us only six players, because they were both on the same side, 2 guys got byes the next game, anyway <br>
Game 2: <br>
My EBO vs. Nicholas Shell’s (1553) Carbon Chamber Testing <br>
He started Jabba’s Prize as well as Something special planned for them, no bargain, and some other random effect. I signaled for ANSB. I got a wonderful opening hand, 2 echo sites, Echo Base Garrison, Incom Corp,Incom Engineer, Organized Attack, and two other cards that are slipping my mind at the present. He activates and deploys the Tatooine DBay as well as the CC docking bay. He then draws. I go through my deck before I activate, getting EBO and the other Echo site. I deploy Garrison, the 3 sites, go get Hobbie w/Garrison, deploy him to one of the Echo sites and the engineer to another, I draw the rest, getting Kiffex and Gold leader in Gold 1, and other stuff. He activates and drops 4-lom w/ rifle to get Han. He moves him over and draws. Before I activate I go and get Hoth. I also play Organized Attack lost, losing a random card to get 3 X-wings, and I use Garrison to get Zev. I activate, drop Zev at the 3rd Echo site and play EBO. I drop Hoth and Kiffex and put a X-wing at each. I draw a couple and say go. He activates, moves 4-lom again and draws more. I activate, drain for 7 and say go. This pretty much set up how the game was going to go, not very interactive, he flipped but it was way too late to help much. <br>
Result FW 2 (+28 or so) <br>
For the tourney 4 (+67) <br>
Highlights: winning. <br>
Lowlights: boring game <br>
Game 3: <br>
My DS vs. Gregg Garris’s (1829) WYS <br>
I start the same stuff I started last time and he starts Squad Assignments, Do or Do Not/Wise Advice, and some other effect. We get random sites out and draw the first few turns. He gets Dash + ship and Han w/falcon at tatooine. I’ve got Vader, Emperor, and a couple troopers on the ground, @ endor DBay. I’m cancelling his drain w/ Strategic Reserves and he’s controlling mine. He drops farmboy Luke w/ Anakins saber+ a couple RFC’s in the Cantina for a drain of 3. I transited over but he started running away. Vader got lost in the wilderness thanks to Gregg drawing his only 7 when I had 6 characters at Mos Eisley. I hate that card. It was downhill from there. He moved over with a bunch of smuggler and Luke to stop me from freeing Vader. I dropped Mara and a couple more troopers, battled, Trooper Assault + Dark Jedi Presence and a good draw gave me power 50 to his 15. He lost everything but Luke and I had to lose Emperor, who was hacked with the saber. Luke proceded to run away. He had Kessel out and was draining me heavy at this point. After 2 failed attempts, I finally found Vader, but it was too late. <br>
Results: FL 0 (-8) <br>
For the tourney: 4 (+59) <br>
Highlights: Huge beatdown. <br>
Lowlights: Huge forfiet smugglers :P <br>
Game four: <br>
My LS vs. Gregg Garris’s (1829) SYCFA <br>
Gregg only used the obj for the early activation. I don’t remember too much about this one except we got going quickly and the game was a battle all the way. There were 5 systems out, Death Star, Alderaan, Hoth, Kiffex, and Dantooine. He had Zuckus in ship, Thrawn, who I demoted (great card) on Executor, and Tarkin on the Thunderflare. I had 6 or 7 X-wings plus Red Leader in Red 1 and Gold Leader in Gold 1. He grabbed my first Hyper Escape and I coulden’t find OTE. Basically I’d drain and run and he’d keep trying to catch me. I eventually got rid of all of his ships save the Executor and drained him into submission. <br>
Results: FW 2 (+10) <br>
For the tourney: 6 (+69) <br>
Tourney results: <br>
1st Randy Koruschak (me) <br>
2nd Nicholas Shell <br>
3rd Gregg Garris <br>
4th Joseph Oliver <br>
5th Josh Crumley <br>
6th Scott Campbell <br>
7th Andrew Shell <br>
8th James Rouse <br>
So I got a Signal foil, sweet. <br>
Props: <br>
To Joey, for running the tourney. <br>
To Gregg, for bringing 2 Raw Deal decks with him to the tourney <br>
To Nick, for finishing 2nd <br>
To all the guys that showed up <br>
Slops: <br>
Gregg’s Triple H deck for being a$$ <br>
Anyone that didn’t show that could’ve, we need more competition. <br>
Thanks for reading, <br>
Randy "the tall guy" Koruschak (who hopes the HTML stuff won’t screw up his report)