
Title: hastings-mn-deadbidy-style-3-17
Author: garrett "deadbody" larson
Date: Mar 18, 2001

Okay here is my report from the Hastings MN tourney run by Nick Kolnik.

Pre-Tourney crap, for the last month I had been sucking like a 2dollar whore, and was getting sick of it. So I built some new Decks (TR Mains, and Non-Dule HDADTJ) and went to Mirkwood on Tuesday, and did OK (3-1 only loss was to nick who won the Tourney) But I wasnt’t Happy with my DS, so I built Squishy ISB (go rate it on my site, well after you give this 5 stars that is) to combat Fallen Portal. I played my buddy MoffWicket in a couple fun games on Friday night, and the deck did okay. So Here is what I went with LS TR Mains, and DS Squishy ISB (Basically ISB with walkers and Tramples)

I drove Graham and Justin down to this Tourney (about 1 hour away) and to get in the Mood to kill people we had on some Cypress Hill and Eminem. Next Tourney I’m driving myself and going with Slipknot, we’ll see what preforms better on next weeks TR.

Game 1 BYE. Stupiddumb@#$%goddammother@#$%er.l I hate BYE’s especially when I drive an hour to get 1.

Game 2 my DS vs. Nick

Okay I wasn’t sure what Nick was playing. He started Squass and the CC Casino. This game was really uneventful. This was nicks first Tourney, and his deck wasn’t very good. I got my ISB’s set up at Hoth and Yavin DB’s draining for 2. He put One of the Red Squad guys up at Bespin, down came Zuckuss and Fett to show him what a mistake it is to deploy in space without 7 ability. Then he put SoS with saber at the Casino. After I emptied my hand of ISB agents (so I could retrieve them back into my force, increasing Diff.) Vader and his Probe Droid Friend came to visit his son. Battle, swing Hit Luke. He swings at the Probe droid, miss. BD both draw 5 Probe Droid self-destructs, and he loses about 3 force. The only other battle in the Game was at the end after he massed his forces, and moved over to the casino with about 5 characters. I emptied my hand on him, 2 walkers and pilots. Choke Han, and he loses the rest of his force for BD.

FW by 34

Now it is time for LUnch, MoffWicket and I went to Quiznos (a sub place) and it was great, everybody go there (plus the one is Hastings had a cute girl behind the Counter, always a plus).

Game 3 My LS vs. Mike Raveling and his Gay @#$% cheezy Ties

Okay this one was short and sweet. We had 1 battle, Home 1 came down to mess up some ties, and after and APTW and Relentless Tracking to make me power 0, Home 1 went down in flames. He drained me in space, while I drained on the Ground (okay at his DS sites) He could way outdrain me, but I let him stack 5 Ties at the DS DB, since I wouldnt’ draw BD so they couldn’t go into his used pile.

FL by 23

game 4 vs. Mike R again and his TIGIH ishi-tibs of death

Okay this one was a lot closer, since I got flipped by about turn 3 then when he came down to Corescant with Blount Choke Vader (barrier) paid him a visit, he moved away and Tempest scout came down and Squished Blount and Lando w/stick. to flip me back. But in the end the BD I had to take in a few Battles, plus his drains wore me out. FL by 10

Game 5 my LS vs. Don and his Old School JP EtE start.

Okay he got screwed by my first turn Madine at his Jp so he couldn’t pull sites. This game was painful to watch, since he never really mounted an offensive against my mains, and the couple time he did I spanked him. He was playing Troopers and TA’s with Stunning Leader, and he wasted Stunnign leader, on Walex Blissex for 5 which he covered, after that I only deployed guys with ability less than 3 as a 1 turn beatdown, or at an exterior site.

Fw by 34

Game 6 vs. Matt Moses and EBOX

Okay this was probably the closest game I’ve played in a long time. Matt got Ebo running on about the 4th turn, then I set the Spaceport DB at one of his systems, and 5D6 there, plus I took over 2 Hoth Sites to get Decree in effect. The game was almost all Cat and mouse with him trying to keep me from controlling 2 hoth Sties. and he succeeded once, but since I controlled Yavin 4 DB he thought that ID was still in effect (he started with ANSB so it wasn’t) but he drained for 3 instead of 11. That was game, I trampled him off a hoth site, so I controlled 2 again, and my ISB agent enhanced Drains, plus my retrieving 1 per turn was the difference.

FW by 2

so I finished 4-2 +37 which was good enough for 5th. I got 5 packs, and a lego toy for playing.

Overall Standings
Graham Neal
Chad Steger
Mike Raveling
Justin Alfs
Garrett Larson (OBando Santangelo)

Nick for runnging a great tourney
MVP for letting us play there
the Mirkwood Crew for Representing (all of the top 5 baby)
Herb for not coming
Rich J for trying goofy crap
Chad for beating Mike
Justin For beating Mike
Mermaid for damn good shots
My wife for not minding that I went
Graham for winning
you for reading this and giving me 5 stars

Herb for being Herb
Grace for not coming thereby creating a bye
Jefferies Friend for not coming
Justin for not loaning me his foil tramples so I had to play with 3 White Bordered ones.
Me for losing twice.
Highway 61 for not making any sense.

That’s all for now. See you next week. Same Bat time same bat channel.

Garrett "Deadbody" Larson