
Title: vancouver-b-c-03-18-01
Author: David "TAZ" Houle
Date: Mar 23, 2001

This is my first report so gimmie some slack.
Another Sunday tourny at Hyperlight in Vancouver. The last one befor the provincal on April 7th. And going into it I could feel that I could take it. The normal people where there Ryan,Kevin,Kevin,Alan and Alex. 12:30 rolls by and Of course no tournment starts on time so this one dosen’t start till about 12:45.My rating going into this was 1780. Here are the deck I am playing and I will post soon.

LS: WYS with palace raiders
DS: Ral ops

Lets get started.

Game 1 LS vs.Kevin Staley(1639)
He is playing My Kind of Scum and shows Myo as his rep. Just uses abbysins to flip.
First turn he deploys some sites and draws up. My turn I deploy Kessel with Faclon and Cpt.Han and Home one DB. His turn deploys ZimH,I barrier, he also puts Jabba and Boelo at the AC. My turn deploy DAsh and ship with I’ll take the leader and battle draw a 5,5 22-0 game over. After that I just drain and set up on tat with palace raiders and Jedi Luke with a Celebration. I retrive my whole lost pile and drain him out.
FW 2+33

Game 2 DS vs.Joe Hiroboyashi(1685) TIGIH with speeders and DB’s.

First turn I deploy Carida,Exe DB with Ozzel there and the forest and draw.His turn he puts out Cloud city db, and home one db with speeders there and Crix with Luke.Second turn deploy swamp and jungle,deploy choke Vader and capture Luke. His turn puts down manouvring flaps and moves crix into a speeder at the endor db. My turn put down Blizzard 2 with DS-61-2, Emporer and Davod Jon to flip. His turn he locks the flaps(he locks them every turn for the rest of the game) and puts down 2 speeders and some scurb to battle against Jon and wins, so I stack. Next turn deploy Admiral Piett,Sim to battle and beat the snot out of the speeders.
His turn 2 rebel speeders and Twas Kha come down and get wrecked. After that I just Drained him out.
FW 2+32

Game 3 DS vs. Ryan Mathison(1813) EBOX
First turn I look at my hand all red @#$%. Deploy some sites and carida and draw. His turn deploys 2 sites with A new secret base and a system from hand. My turn put Ozzel at DS2 db and a site from reserve and draw. He puts Zev at the Hoth war room, and a X-wing at the hoth db with a incom corp and hobbie at the corrider to get EBO out. My turn Put down a speeder bike with vader move to the db and kill the x wing with High speed tactics and incom is dead, and deploy guys to flip my objective. His turn put out Courlag with 2 x-wings and 2 x-wings at carida, also deploys EPP obi battles and they kill each other. My turn deploy Choke vader a speeder bike and move to the db and move vader to the war room. Them the game turns into a drain race. With Ryan draining for 5 a turn and I am draining for 3 a turn.The game was getting close we are both down to about 5 force each. Vader was at the War room draining, he has Zev at the corider with OTE out so he moves him over the block a drain and also puts a Arconna to block a drain. My turn battle with vader draw a 5 for destiny add 3, now a 8+6= game over for him,14 to 2. A game that he had in his hands was mine.
FW 2(+5)

Game 4 LS vs.Ryan SYCFA for activation
He starts by deploying Emperor to the DS db for a activation. My turn deploy kessel and H1:DB and draw. His turn 4-lom goes to cantina and puts out Kysshyk. My turn out comes Falcon with the Captin to kessel and draw. His turn out comes Zuckass, I barrier and Mara to the Cantina. After he draws he lost grimtash my I lose 2 I’ll take the leader,2 partol Crafts, and 2 smoke screens. My turn I Cantina Brawl and get a blind 5 and he gets a 2, Maras gone. Also deploy Dash in Outrider and beat up zuckass. Drain him out on thr ground with Jedi Luke and palace raiders.The game was over. I also retrive 10 with Off the edge.
FW 2(+24)

I came in first for my second tournment win. The foils I coule choose from where The Signal and Imperial Decree, I took the Decree. After I do some trading for some Jap cards, getting closer the the Hoth set. And play some games against Alan(Ex provincal champ after April 7 cuz, I am going to win)Sagen and beat the crap out of his super secret deck. Now my rating is back up to 1820.