
Title: smeg-runnin-states-like-butter-ut-04-01
Author: Casey "Smeg" Barson
Date: Apr 13, 2001

Nathan Magro submitted this to the SWCCG list serve originally. He stated that you would be able to view this later on Decktech on my account. So I thought that I would post it here followed by summary of the final confrontation games between Nathan Magro and Jeremy Lossee.

The opinion expressed is not necessarily a representation of my opinion, but it is Nathan’s and so please take that into account while reading.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Star Wars community, my name is Nathan Magro.
I have been playing this game from the very beginning. Yesterday was my state’s championships held at Weber state college, way the hell north of civilization. There were 26 herdened competitors vying for the title of state champion, but only one would win the coveted title. I was one of those people.

There were some familiar faces of old: Jeremy Losse, Matt Jensen, Jake Fuller, Jason Ayre, Nathan Howard, Tim Heare, Tom Ercanbrack, Derek Conklin, Zach Marshall and my favorite player, Cortney Haggerty. There were also a couple of up and comers that you should keep an eye on. They are: Nelson Carlos, Cory Decaria, Ryan Decaria, Dennis Holiday, Christopher Aulepp, Barry Oakes and Jared Stein.

It was a grueling 12-hour event that brought out the best in some, and the worst in others. Casey Barson was the head ringleader of this circus and he held a tight grip on the whip of justice. He was fair and composed in all his rulings, but began to emit gamer’s funk even in a room of only 59 degrees with the AC on blowing even colder air. (that was freezing everyone!) He still kept his composure through the constant whining and complaining of someone who we’ve all labeled as "E. "Whiner" M." of Provo, UT. Name being withheld until the family can be notified.

Even as you read through all the Opaque sleeve gripes and complaints on this list-serv, I will let you know that there wasn’t even a real whimper of cheating at this tournament in any fashion. The complaints are unwarrented. You shouldn’t worry about the sleeves, but the player. If you just pay attention and trust in good sportsmanship and you decks, you should prevail.

I’m not going to go into detail of round to round coverage as you can read Casey’s report either here or on under Casey "Smeg"
Barson. I will, however, give props and slops for the event.


Casey Barson for running one of the best tournaments, no, THE best tournament I have ever been to barring the absolutely freezing room it was held in.

MAD Props to Casey for supplying trophies for 3rd through 8th.

Props to Melisa Siggard for driving in blizzard conditions and helping the tournament run smoothly.

Props to Cortney "Hag" Haggerty for taking 4th with the "American Bandstand Musician deck"

Props to Cory Decaria for letting me finish a game that would have gone time since we only had 15 mins to play. Good Sportsmanship Award!!

Props to Decipher for getting the prizes sent out on time. (See slops)

Props to the Entire tournament group for a great experience.

Props to Nathan Howard for making arrangements for prizes and a room to play in.

Props to Brian Hunter for designing one of the tightest EBO decks ever.

Props to Me for proving that Bring Him Before Me can do well at a tournament.

Props to Jeremy Losse for giving me one heck of a challenge.

Now for the slops. You had to know they were coming.

Slops to Nathan Howard for making everyone come to him for the tournament instead of having it in a more central location like everyone else wanted.

Slops to Nathan Howard for saying that he wouldn’t run it because he had other things to do and would stop by to drop off prizes. Then staying to play in the entire tournament.

Slops to Nathan Howard to stacking last place with a ton of prizes. Not usually a bad thing, but when he takes a dive to claim them, that is jank.

Slops to Nathan Howard for saying he had trophies for 1st and 2nd when they are nothing more than stylized foot long sandwich holders.

Slops to decipher for one of the worst prizes I’d seen in a long time. (see above)

Slops to Kinko’s for making our banner crooked and charging Casey $11.

Slops to my computer for crashing twice.

Slops for installing a budget sound card for my computer causing it to crash twice while running movies.

Slops to Zach Marshall for copying a deck. (copying a deck isn’t a slop, but doing it wrong is)

Slops to Zach for getting way too upset when his decks didn’t work they way he wanted to.

Slops to Eric Meyers for throwing yet another "I Hate Hunt Down!!" tantrum.

Slops to Weber State college for providing us with a large freezer to play in.

Slops to Jason Ayre for forgetting why he started with Resistance against my EBO deck and a couple other mistakes.

Major slops to Mother Nature for providing a blizzard for us to drive home in.

Slops to Casey Barson for giving wrong directions to the driver causing us to go further north instead of south in a blizzard.

Slops to me for giving myself props.

Slops to the cleaning crew at Weber for stealing two sodas.

That’s all I can think of. Thanks for reading.

Nathan Magro
"State Champion" 12(+127)
Undefeated but very impressed.

Light Side: Brian Hunter’s Newest EBO monstrocity.
Dark Side: Nathan’s "Tight as Nails" BHBM."


Game 1: Nathan Magro DS vs. Jeremy Lossee LS

Decks: Nathan is playing BHBM with big mains and big star destroyers with admirals in space.
Jeremy is playing Hidden Base with docking bays and big mains on the ground.

The game starts with Nathan deploying the Emperor to the Death Star II docking bay on his first turn. Jeremy deploys Corulag and the Home One docking bay and draws a few cards. Nathan deploys the Endor: Dark Forrest Dr. Evezan/Panda Baba and Snoova with Axe to the Endor docking bay. Jeremy deploys cloud city docking bay, Jedi Luke to the Home One docking bay, as well as Honor of the Jedi. Nathan deploys Vader with Saber to the Dark Forrest and Mara Jade with her lightsaber to the Endor docking bay. Jeremy loses a force to BHBM and deploys Ben Kenobi along with Lando with Axe to the Tatooine docking bay. Nathan proceeds to drain with vader as well as at the docking bay, paying 3 force for each drain. He deploys Bossk in Hounds Tooth to Corulag to satisfy Battle Plan as well as Broken Concentration. Jeremy deploys Home One to Corulag to battle with Bossk and Nathan puts Jeremy’s last force back on top of his reserve deck. Jeremy uses Battle Plan to battle for free and kills Bossk. He has also moves his guys to the cloud city docking bay and it looks like he is planning on trying to retrieve. He is now satisfying Menace Fades and so Nathan’s drains are not as effective. Nathan deploys Kashyyyk and the Executor with a pilot to Corulag to battle Home One. Jeremy loses a character to the Mantillian Savrip and moves Home One to Kashyyyk. Nathan proceeds to drain for free and moves his Executor to Kashyyyk to follow Home One. Jeremy deploys EPP Leia to Home One and decides not to move it back to Corulag. Nathan drops another pilot and a Lateral Damage for the Home One and battles. Jeremy is able to survive by using Savrip to take care of all the battle damage. Jeremy moves Home one to Corulag and is unable to cancel Lateral Damage. Nathan deploys Chimaera along with Zuckkus in Mist Hunter to Home One and battles. Once again Jeremy is able to Savrip almost all of the damage. Jeremy gets off one retrieval but it is not enough to hold out against the massive drains of 6-8 a turn that Nathan is giving, and he ends up losing the game.

Game: Nathan Magro 2(+12) Jeremy Lossee 0(-12)
Standing: Nathan Magro 2(+12) Jeremy Lossee 0(-12)

Game 2: Nathan Magro LS vs. Jeremy Lossee DS

Decks: Nathan is playing a version of EBO done right, a take off of Brian Hunters EBO deck.
Jeremy is playing a Hunt Down deck that uses docking bays with a limited amount of space.

Jeremy starts off pulling Executor docking bay and an Evader/Monnok and uses it on Nathan. He doesn’t get any X-wings like he did the first time they played, and they both lose to Visage. Nathan grabs a site and an effect and deploys three sites (one from deck two from hand) as well as Echo Base Garrison. Nathan tries to cancel Visage but is stopped by a Holonet Transmission and they both lose another force to Visage. Jeremy deploys Vader and flips his objective. Nathan loses one to Visage. Nathan deploys two characters and his EBO along with the Hoth system and the Kashyyyk system. He deploys 2 x-wings to Kashyyyk and one to Hoth and moves the one up from the docking bay so that Now he has two x-wings at each system. Nathan loses one to Visage. Jeremy drains and Nathan cancels it with Rebel Base. He then deploys the Chimeara along with a 2/2 pilot. Lateral Damages one of the x-wings and battles. Nathan has to lose both x-wings at Hoth. Nathan Loses one to Visage. Nathan deploys Incom Cooperation and 6 x-wings to the Chimeara and battles. Nathan plays all power to weapons and forces Jeremy to lose the Chimaera. Nathan spreads out to all the systems on the table which total 5 in number with only one x-wing at each. Nathan loses one to Visage. Jeremy drains and is canceled by Rebel Fleet. Jeremy deploys to Hoth with Bossk in Hounds Tooth and battles. Nathan reacts by deploying Spiral and kills Bossk. The Spiral bites the dust as well. Nathan loses his last force to Visage. On his turn Nathan drains for a total of 16 at all 5 systems. Jeremy loses all the force from his life force, giving Nathan the win.

Game: Nathan 2(+29) Jeremy Lossee 0(-29)
Standing: Nathan Magro 4(+39) Jeremy Lossee 0(-39)

And so Nathan ends his perfect day with a victory in both games of the final to make him the Utah State Champion for 2001.

Thanks to everyone for reading and I hope to see you all in Vegas for the DPC.
