
Title: 4-15-01-nevada-states
Author: Danny "Skuff D" Rider
Date: Apr 15, 2001

My name is Danny Rider. My odds are 13-1 (inside joke) And this is my report. First the preface:
The night before I miss the warm up tournament and am instead forced to build my decks at 3:30 in the morning. I build 3 differant DS, attempt 4 differant LS, then decide to build profit but after selecting 5 cards for it decide to scrap it and go with a modified scouts deck. My DS is Endor Ops, which I am very familiar with and thus chose.
I arrive at the tournament and fill out all the paperwork, do some talking with the local crew. We await the turn-out of everyone.
Pat Hines is running this tournament which means that we’ll be able to play everyone in our local area (except Robert Corbet who is helping him out)
The tournament was supposed to start at 1100 but instead starts at 11:20. Why? People had to fill out decklists and we were waiting for the Current State Champion, Matt Berta to show up. I practiced with him earlier this week and all of us were surprised he didn’t show by the time the tournament started. Oh, well.
We have 19 people show, which means that Reno is full of weenies and also means that there will be a bye.
Chris Hines gets the first by.

Game 1
VS. Jeff Lavigne (1771)
His Ral Ops Vs. My Scouts

I start Ounee Ta instead of staging areas, pull my generals and get set up on endor with Midge, Back door, solo and some scouts at the endor DB. He pulls some DB’s, flips and drops Emperor with Overseeing. Well, I guess it’s time to come to Raltiir. I drop Jedi Luke and saber, Liea, some scouts and battle the emperor. I hit with the saber and lose Liea to cover the attrition. (which is high cause he has got some AT-ST’s adding) We battle back and forth on Raltiir while he sends mara down to block my drain at the back door. I drop R-3P0 and make him lose 2 force for 2 turns. Then he pulls some systems and drops decree and two BH ships. I now have a drain of 1. I drop Order to Engage, Home One and a Scout and move to Ralitiir, hoping to stop decree for a turn. He drops Dengar in P1 and draws high enough to force me to lose the Home One. He battles at the endor Db after breaking Mara’s cover and tries to drop some scout backup but Kenseric makes it costly. Instead, I waste his endor crew. I then proceed to waste his EPP Vader and IG-88 crew. The Emperor is all that’s left on Raltiir but I totally forget what my goal was and DON’T flip his objective back. It’s a drain race and I win by 3. Then after counting cards, hit myself for not flipping the objective.

GOOD: Beating Raltiir Ops and Proving that Scouts are certifiably cool.
BAD: Not flipping his objective. Also losing the Home One pissed me off.
UGLY: The Emperor. He’s got green eys and yellow teeth and blue skin. Ughh. That is why we have medicare.

So after a low win, guess who I play again!
VS. Jeff Lavigne
Bothawaii Ops (yes, Ops)
My Endor Ops

Damn. I have no counter to this aside from dropping my normal gameplan and going after him on his planet. But I know Jeff and going ground side is not cool when he has go Maneuvering flaps and an @#$% load of speeders. Cheesy Flavored Evilness. So I guess I can stick to my gameplan and just hope to win some drain raceness. It doesn’t work out that way. My opening hand consits of RED and a Starship. It takes me 3 turns to get another starship and characters. By then He’s flipped and I am now getting drained for 8. I drop a spy but he’s got speeders which run very far from my spy. I hate ops but what’s worse is I hate my deck. The only thing it seems to give me after I lost my other drain systems is starships and not characters.
He speeds the game up, drops some stuff and retrieves almost all his lost pile.
FL by 29

GOOD: The game was over quick enough to make up for the long game we just played.
BAD: Everything. Pick a topic, we’ll talk about it.
UGLY: Operatives. Every Operative picture looks ugly. You look ugly.

Vs. Brad Beddlion (rating low)
My Endor Ops

I need a pick me up after that last game and this is it. My Deck rules WYS. Later I’ll be posting it but right now let’s focus on the beating Brad is about to recieve. Executor, Kashyyyk and Chiraneu in hand. Pull Thrawn with the orders, draw Piett and palleon and save force for a turn. Drop the crew at tatooine, lat damage the falcon. The executor gets barriered but that’s cool, I’ve got 3 more Starships in hand. I also dropped Arica to block the drain at the cantina. How can I do all this in one turn? In attack Postion Now. Love that Admiral’s Order. Piett for free, Thrawn for 2, Palleon free, and Chiraneu for 1. Ahh too, too cool.
Next turn he drops Mirax on her ship and thinks twice about battling. He lands mirax and Spends four force to move tha falcon to endor (Normally I have a gravity shadow to win me the game but I didn’t draw one this turn.) Either way, he draws a 0 and thus stays Lateraled. I drain for 5 at tatooine, Drop some more power at Endor and make him run in terror back to tatooine. Drain for 3 at Endor, battle and play Imperial command to limit destiny. Kill Everyone. Power of 49 to 16...you do the math. Then he gets brave, drops Dash and ship to endor, gets barriered and let’s me lat damage him again and beat some snot out of that bastard.
Can I be more mean? Yes, I spreead my SD’s to have 1 drain of 5, and 2 of 3.
FW by 21

GOOD: This deck working like it should. Space belongs to the empire.
BAD: Getting barriered delayed my win. Stupid interrupt.
UGLY: Dash Rendar. Guys with big shoulder pads don’t get chicks. (yet somehow gay hairdressers do...)

VS. Shane "Outlaw" Watner (1763)
His Hunt Down with Dueling
My Scouts.

It takes me 3 turns of losing to visage to find a Obi-Wan. Jedi Luke never sees the Game except as destiny. I drops Obi-wan to the 4th marker with a scout. He drops Sim and Janus. Battles. I lose a scout, Hit Janus and draw a 1 for destiny. He wins the battle so i toss the scout but he can’t legally toss Sim because of his immunity. I drop Ounee Ta to redeploy my scout and use Madine to pull Cracken and deploy him as well as another scrub. (Note this. Which means I have to reshuffle the deck) I don’t know if he cuts it oor not. Either way, I swing, hit sim and draw Jedi Luke (foil for destiny) Apparantly Foil Jedi Luke is under suspicion because foils feel differant or something...Either way I had to draw saber destiny before that. Whatever.
Anyhow I win that and he loses 13 force. This puts me on top. I then spend the game battling the emperor and some of his buddies on Endor with the scout mains and Liea with a saber. We hold out and I end up winning hat one by 15.
This puts me right now at 6 (+10)

GOOD: Beating Shane. Hunt Down is a tough match vs scouts.
BAD: Not finding Luke to Deploy.
UGLY: Sim Aloo. Plus he’s wearing gay red robes. That just speaks bad of anyone.

Well about now I realized i’m missing some fun in these games so I promise to make the next one more entertaining for me and whoever I end up playing. that person is...

VS. Tim "Info Broker" Guzman (1929)
Court Beatdown
My Scouts

With my deck I start the Main power Generators so he thinks I’m doing EBO. I guess that helps having him start with differant Effects. I drop Some scouts early on to the pit and work on saving some force. Tim drops Piett and Merrijik to the executor DB. Later, i finally have a few charactrs for battling, so I pull Blount, deploy him, double agent Merrijik and Drop Jedi Luke. (no saber) Time loses Piett and 3 force. (wuld have been 12 if I had a saber...)
Then I drop Obi-wan at the Pit, and move my scouts indoors. Tim Runs.
I totally screw up and miss my chance to drain him for 4 and instead pull a scout. Dammit. I froth at the moouth, issue obscenties and spin my head about. If I was green and Ugly, I’d be the Incredible Hulk. GRRRRRR!
So we move around and come down to battle. He sets up Kashyyk and endor space drains and the beatdown crew comes down. Iggy, Choke Vader, Xizor. We battle. Iwin the first battle but when I battle again, he chokes chewie, captures Han and forces me to lose some guys big time. I can’t hang in much longer and instead try t drop Liea for a late game rescue and I Know. I also droop orrimarko and battle the Dr. E who made an appearnace to drain at the landing site. We both have out draw thier fire/ first strike so that speeds the game up. It also make me lose the game when he drops xizor, battles oorrimarko and then battles liea. Swings the differential up by 4 and I lose by 24 or something like that.

GOOD: Looking like I was gonna win this game.
BAD: I drew my Jedi Prescence for destiyn twice but couldn’t draw it to use it. If I had it earlier, I would have cleared the ground on power alone.
UGLY: Toss up. Orrimarko with eye patch or Dr. E with butt-buddy Ponda Baba? you decide.

VS. Garrett Heilman
LS Old school Cantina Shuffle Mains
My Endor Ops

Well I’m outof the running for the top 4 slots but I can at least play this for the highest differential. Of course it doesn’t help when my opening hand is every destiny 6 clicnh interrupt and Ozzel. Once again my deck lets me down. It takes me 3 turns this time to get a starship. By then I have half the deck in my hand. Finally I drop in space and drain him out. He tries to drop wedge to compete with me but Lateral damage is too cool for that. I beat him submissivly and then drain the life out of him. It was closer than it should have been due to my bad starting hand.
FW by 8

GOOD: Winning despite his drains and my bad starting hand.
BAD: Starting hand. Also from What I’m told, the devil is bad too.
UGLY: According to Christians, the devil is ugly to. But what do they know? Stupid orgainzed religion.

Well the tournament winds down and Ta DA I am 7th! Yes, exactly where I placed last year! Excellent. I don’t feel too bad going 4-2. However the talk of the day is that Berta never showed up or even called. Defending State Champ wasn’t there t defend. Also we were missing some oother local players:
Matt La Fontane
Danny Lamar (showed up too late)
Ted Hansen (Also too late)
Corbett’s scrub friends
And the Goomba Kid.

However it was all good. Mothatron made a surprising visit as Brandon Gravo and Kris Lavigne made a appearance as Brandon Gravo. Also Another surprise was seeing a little punk kid walking off with a fine @#$% chick. How do these things happen? He must’ve been a gay hairdresser.

Also, though i don’t have full play by play, in the finals, Dan Christy played Chris Hines. Dan won the first game by 6 but lost the second game by more than that which makes Chris Hines the new State Champion. Read other reports for full play by plays on these games and more!

And as always if you have any questions regarding Star Wars or becoming a hairdresser, visit your local library.