
Title: fon-du-lac-wi-4-14-01
Author: Mark "yodarth" Kloida
Date: Apr 18, 2001

Well, I did this on Word because writing it right in the thing sucks because I was nearly done and I accidentally hit a couple buttons and it deleted it all so sorry for all the stupid things, though I’ll try to clear it all up.

This tourney took place at Chimaera comic and card place in Fon Du Lac, Wisconsin. Donald Lewis was the tournament director. We had 14 people show up.

Pre-tourney stuff:
I found out about this tourney about two weeks before, and since I would be staying in Appleton that weekend I knew I had to go. I e-mail Derek and he says he could give me a ride so I’m in business.

I look at all of my piles of decks and decide since I live in a sad town where nobody lives and nobody plays Wars that I will stick to my usual decks for one last time: Court Musicians for dark, and WYS with high destinies and a bunch of good interrupts for light.

Tourney day rolls around and Derek comes and picks me up and since we’re early we go to McDonald’s quick and then try to find the tourney place. We take a right instead of a left, and when we run into houses we know something went wrong. So we turn around and find that the other side has bars on every corner, and the place is right nearby. So we get there and I open a pack of R2 and only get yet another Iggy with Gun foil so that sucks. Onto the games.

Game 1: My Court Musicians vs. Mike River’s RST
This guy is new, so he was looking for more experience. He was using the really hard and thick protectors, so it was amusing that every time he had to shuffle he needed to divide his deck up into fourths and shuffle each one. He starts by dropping Solo and Chewie of Kashyyyk at the Landing Site. I get a god hand and drop Baby Jabba, Ak-Rev, and Greeata to the Audience Chamber along with Scum. He drops more scouts at the Landing Site and getting the Bunker and Deactivate The Shield Generator. I’m pulling musicians every turn and he’s setting up and draining for 1. I am draining for 1 and doing 1 damage with the objective. He moves DOS, General Solo, and CoK in the Bunker, leaving Corporal Janse, Beezer, and Cracken at the Landing Site. I drop Rystall, Lyn Me, Umpass-Stay, Dodo Botawabeto guy, Rappertunie, and Nizuk Bek to the Landing Site and battle, and use Bek’s text to move Cracken away. Even with Aim High out I manage to get back all of my lost Force. He ends up losing everything and 19 more, which was funny with his huge protectors. Next turn he moved his mains out to the Landing Site to block my drain. I then battled and made him lose everything. From there it was just drain out.

FW 2 (+31)

Highs: Everything worked.
Lows: Nothing.

Game 2: My WYS vs. Dan Waier’s Hunt Down
First turn I cancel his Visage. He puts EPP Vader in the Cantina which really hurts me. I put Dash on Outrider and Wedge on Skate in space and take his drain. I drop a Palace Raider, Karrde, and Melas against Vader and battle. Vader slashes the Raider and I draw crap destiny. Next turn he comes down with Dengar with Gun and Mara and whoops on Melas. Now he’s draining me with Xizor and Tempest 1 at the Docking Bay for 1 and 2 at the Cantina and I’m just trying to draw for some good stuff. I finally find Chewie Protector and LSJK and drop them along with Mirax and battle at the Cantina after canceling Dengar’s text. I again draw not much for destiny but am able to make him lose Mara. For a few turns we battle back and forth, and canceling Dengar’s text with Chewie every turn got annoying. My problem was to hold the Cantina I would only get to draw up 2-3 cards and my life force was already low, but he set up early game and had a decent hand so he did a great job of keeping me off balance. In the end I lost everything at the Cantina and he drained me out. A great game.

FL 0 (-17)
So far: 2 (+14)

Highs: Playing a fun and great game.
Lows: Not getting good control of much.

So we take a half hour lunch break in which I stay and trade with Dan. He trades me a bunch of foils I’ve been needing for a long time so that was pretty cool. Then Don comes and tells us the store has these Pokemon doll things and if we pay $2 we can buy them and have a ripping contest: whoever rips the head, arms, and legs (you don’t need to rip the tail off) in the fastest time wins the pot and can get a bunch of credit from the store. I doubted I could win so I didn’t want to try, but like everyone else was going to so I pitched in my $2 and got ready to rip. Since everyone else would just be ripping stuff I thought I would beat mine against the edge of a table. Unfortunately for me, it didn’t work. Not even 10 seconds into it, Dan and some kid tied for the win. In the tiebreaker match Dan won and got a stash of packs for his efforts. There were parts and fuzz from these Pokemon doll things everywhere. Back to the games-after 2 games 6 people out of 14 were undefeated, so that was strange. Because we’re not too far apart in differential, I get to play Dan again.

Game 3: My Court Musicians vs. Dan Waier’s WYS
First turn I drop Baby Jabba like usual. He puts Dash on Outrider at Kessel. I drop Iggy in ship and pull Suckass in ship with the objective and battle and get rid of Dash. His next turn he drops LSJK at the Docking Bay to satisfy my objective. I can’t find Ak-Rev or Greeata but I get the AC protected with Baby Jabba, Boleo, and Ephant. I drain him at Kessel and the AC while he drains at Tatooine and the Docking Bay. I finally get Ak-Rev out and get the musicians I still need. He drops Owen & Beru at Lars’ Farm, and moves LSJK over. He then plays Harvest and retrieves some key cards which could really start to hurt if I don’t do something. On my turn he plays the Harvest from lost to get back 4 more. I then drop the usual musician beatdown crew and battle, which gets most of my lost cards back. He needs to lose everything and about 21 more, and I just have to forfeit the 9 power Kithaba that got slashed and a crap musician. From there we just exchange a couple of drains, and I pull out a win.

FW 2 (+28)
So far: 4 (+42)

Highs: Getting the right stuff to stop him at Kessel and another successful beatdown.
Lows: Harvesting would have hurt if I wasn’t ready to beat down and the Kessel drain would have hurt if I didn’t get ships out the very next turn.

Game 4: My WYS vs. Mike Suess’s Rallops
I start with Ounee Ta and that’s about game. On his first turn he pulls the Spaceport Docking Bay with Insurrection, a site with his objective, and Rendili with Mob Points. So on my turn I get 11 activation to start. On his next turn he deploys a site to Ralltiir and another one from reserve and I get 15 on second turn, with him giving me 9. He drops a AT-ST pilot on Tempest Scout 2 to my Tat Docking Bay. I drop Dash on Outrider at Tatooine and Karrde and Chewie at the Docking Bay and battle him out. He drops a bunch of Biker Scouts on his turn and battles me. I get rid of most of his stuff while he makes me lose Karrde. On my turn I drop LSJK with stick and a Palace Raider on craft and battle, he loses everything and I move Luke to the Cantina. He then drops Boba In Slave at Rendili, and 3 Biker Scouts to Ralltir sites to flip and moves one of then with another. I drain for a little, deploy I’ll Take The Leader, Wedge in Skate, and move Chewie and the Raider to his docking bay. He drops DVDLOTS and stick at the docking bay, I barrier. He puts Fel in Saber 1 at Ralltiir so Decree is now in effect. Now I have a drain of 1 to his drain of 3. I then move Dash in ship to Ralltiir to get rid of Decree and embark Chewie on the Craft and move over 2 sites away from where he is. At the end of his turn I Nabrun Chewie next door to flip him back. I’m now draining for 6 or so and retrieving bunches so after a while he’s dead.

FW 2 (+29)
Final Score: 6 (+71)

Highs: Massive Activation.
Lows: Him getting flipped and Decree set up for a couple turns.

So I take third, going 3-1 and Derek takes first after beating this one kid’s Dune Sea start HDWGITM deck in the final. I get a pack of R2 and two packs of D*II for prize support and get junk. I trade with one guy and get some more stuff I needed and trade away my 2nd Lord Vader foil. Then the next morning the Easter Bunny comes and gives me more R2 packs so I am very happy, except again I get a Lord Vader foil, which makes 3, but now I have 2, and if I learn anything in school (doubt it), the odds of someone getting a certain R2 URF 3 times and none of the others are 1:64. So are there any other people who are unfortunate and get 3 of the same one? If there are I kind of feel sorry for you, but it is 3 URFs after all.

Derek for giving me a ride.
Don Lewis for directing.
My opponents, especially Dan, for great games.
Dan for winning the rip the parts off a Pokemon doll contest.
Derek for winning the tourney.
The Easter Bunny for bringing me R2 packs. (Pretty cool for an overgrown fat rabbit, eh?)

My packs of cards for always having crap.
Father Matt for not coming to give us a sermon.
Fon Du Lac for having card stores right by areas filled with bars. (What are you trying to teach kids :P)
Me for a Lord Vader foil problem.