
Title: munich-ralltiir-4-21-01
Author: Quirin "el-diablo" Fuergut
Date: Apr 21, 2001

Where to start, well my dark deck sucks.I never had to play a WYS-Deck but still lost to a non-Objective non-EBO non-Throne Room deck.
Ok the tourny started at about 12 a.m.. We were only 9 players since two guys came later and 2 others didn´t show up so our TD decided to play with us.
SO my decks are like this:

Light - Ketwol EBO post Reflections2

Dark - ISB-space (I will change it for the next tourny cause it sucks.

Game 1

My ISB vs. Stefan Kiesels(TD) Obis-Hut start
Stefan hadn´t played in tournies since I started playing but is still a good player.I get my guys to the Executor Db and second turn the Executor comes down to Fondor.Next turns I pull Rendili but soon realise its parsec number is 2 and not 3 as I thought.I am so STUPID!!!Now my Chimaera won´t come to Couruscant where he´s draining for 4 nearly the whole game(LS Couruscant + Kin Kian).I also couldn´t deploy my Zuckuss cause he had packed Wedge with a big gun!@#$%!
So you think why the hell didn´t I just cancel the drain with Den of Thieves???Well I lost it early from my deck.On ground I could hold the Endor DB with Vader and one Walker but on Tatooine he killed my guys of with mains (cancelling the immunity of my Walkers with Scout Luke.So after kicking me off Tatooine Menace Fades just killed me.
I tried to attack his ships with Bossk after this but had not enough force to deploy him + another ship so he kicked Bossks butt.
After this its just drain race with him ending winning by
FL -10
0 (-10)

Highs: Getting a chance to play Stefan and him proving that skill counts.
Lows: Losing and me not getting Imperial Decree after starting TINT/OE (he always plays with SAC)

After this game i thought I would play a not so good player but after realizing that all dark players lost and I was the second "best" of them I know play a friend of mine.

Game 2

My EBO vs Julian Konrads Ralltiir
I playtested with him on Tuesday and Friday but he never sayed he would play Ralltiir.He also played EBO-inserts-HDWGITM-beatdown for his llight wich is pretty stupid as I will explain later.
So we start setting up, with him flipping his Objective and me setting up EBO.After that I kille dall his ships but he came down with Walkers to establish S&D and kill my drains with Imperial Decree.
After fighting off some Walkers and losing some guys I managed to retrieve a bit with on the Edge.I landed with Dash and Cracken on Ralltiir to stop S&D and perhaps killing some guys off cause he was low on force after losing some force in a beatdown involing Han, Leia, Obi, Thrawn and a Frozen Assets.
So he killed Dash and I landed after that with GS1, EPP Luke, Lando and Nien Numb.I also had forfeit fodder thanx to the ships.Cracken was at thatr point at the system again(I can´t remember how that happenend and I managed to battle him off Ralltiir.Meanwhile he canceled EBO but made a bad move by moving Janus to Figgy and Corran.Next turn I drained for 5, deployed Obi to Janus made a battle and finished him off (note: Draw their Fire was involed in battle in case I haven´t mentioned yet).
FW +16
2 (6)

Highs: Winning against Ralltiir with EBO, wow.
Lows: Beating a friend down.Well I hate when we are stealing points each other.

At that point I dunno where i am exactly in the rankings but I don´t care cause the next round starts.

Game 3

My EBO vs. Willy Laturners Dark Deal
This was a good game the only bad thing about it was that Willy plays extremly slow.It is no stalling he just doesn´t want to make a mistake.So I had a lucky draw with ANSB in my opening hand.I wanedt to set up as fast as possible but once didn´t have EBO in my Reserve deck which costed me a round.Meanwhile he had set up Dark Deal but I stopped the drains with Menace Fades.He managed to get me from the system with Xizór and Iggy with me drawing a 0.SO I didn´t manage to get Dash back afterwards.Bad.After that I set up a beatdown to kill his Aqualish, with Frozen Assests so he couldn´t react but I had a little problem.Ketwol was alone at the system in Outrider and I had only one force left but no Battle Plan!!!So either I could beat him down and he me at the system or neither of those two.So I thought a while and looked around.
Finally I saw the Battle Plan on top of my Lost Pile and exchange it with Ketwol(didn´t need it before because of him playing Battle Order).I beat the scrub down who had 8 power thanx to Dark Deal and CC and he lost 12 force on top of that.´But after that he deployed CC Occupation which hurt me pretty hard.I should have deployed to other systems but was just to busy on Bespins ground.After a last Battle with Obi, Nien Nunb and Frozen Assets against Oberk??? he lost 4 force.In his last turn he brought me another 6 force loss after that I drained him out.
FW +14
4 +(20)

Highs: Winning again.
Lows: weak differential cause I never got a On The Edge.I also should have drained at the other systems:@#$%!!!

After that I am in third because Christoph Mueller had one Timed Win.So I played the most boring Deck to play against with space:

Game 4

My @#$% ISB which is so bad vs. Maxis Profit!!!
There is not much to tell about this matchup.I drained in Space with Imperial Decree only helping in late game and he killed my Undercovers and killed ISB-droid due to R2-C3PO.Well in late game I made a scrub move fighting with Vader, Igar and 2 ORs cause I thought he had lost all his Portals.Well he hadn´t I didn´t manage to slash Boushh(only character at his site) he slashed igar and my Vader dies to Attrition.Damn I would have drained him out easily.So in my last turn I barely drained him out with me paying 6 force for Battle Order.One force less and I would have lost.Well I also forgot to retrieve on the one turn i flipped ISB(late game).I think this is enough info about a drain game.
FW (+6)
6 +(26)

SO I finished with a somewhat weak differential and watched the final game.Julian Konrad who was 2-1 at that point played against Holger Schulzes HD 3-0.Julian wanted to play inserts but had ANSB out so he couldn´t.WITHOUT THAT CRAP he could easily have won the tourny.So Holger takes the win after me winning the last 5 tournies.
So the final standings are like this;

1. Holger Schuls 8-0
2. me 6-2
3.Christoph Mueller 5-2 (one timed win)
4.Stefan Kiesel (TD)4-4
5.Julian Konrad 4-4
6.Willy Laturner 4-4 (or 2-6)
7.Maxi or Andreas Petz or a friend of Maxi (4-4 or 2-6)
8. same as above
9. same as above
10. One new guy playing his first tourny 0-8

(Andreas und Christoph bitte gibt mir kein schlechtes rating nur weil ihr die rating Details vermisst ich hatte nix zum schreiben dabei, ioch verspreche das ich beim nächsten mal was mitnehme :-))

Next time I will add the Differntials as well, sorry but I had nothing to write on :-P
Prize Support was cool cause Stefan had sold the foils and bought Refl2.He also gave out some other rares.
Holger took the lim. Vader and I got EPP Leia foil.The others also got good stuff pulled from Refl.2 packs.I had crap in my packs but I never mind getting a Leia for only 5DM,- (about 2,3 $)

So here are the Props and Slops:

-Holger for winning and coming to the tourny.You really deserved it after going bad in the last tournies.Keep on playing!!!
-Christoph and Andreas for coming from "Vienna".And I hope both of you do well tomorrow at your Regional and can come next month.(P.S.: Wenn ihr MKOS spielt dann tut i Had No Choice rein is ziemlich gut gegen WYS :-))
-Stefan for beating me and beeing a good TD.
-All the others for coming and playing.

- Björn bitte spiel nächstes mal wieder mit!!!
-Julian for playing that crap that couldn´t work!!Next time think about your deck before putting it together.(Pssst!!!Nächstes mal muss einer von uns beiden Speeder spielen des wird einfach zu cool mit the Camp)

I hope you all like the the report.The german stuff above were just some slops to cannot speak English (joke).Also i hope there´s enough detail in it and somebody shows me a good dark deck, cause dark sucks right now!!!
(There are also played WYS decks played here but at that tourny the only one