
Title: new-world-manga-nj-4-28-01
Author: Michael "Bobafett465" Robinson
Date: Apr 29, 2001

Pre-Tournament Schtuff:

Well, me and my friend Doug show up at NWM a little early, Blythe, my friend Tom’s wife, is running the tournament, and some guys are already there. I’m surprised to see Pat Ziagos (Last years co-champion for my state) and Scott Lingrell (also a former state champ) there, considering Pat has never came before as far as I was concerned, and I hadn’t seen Scott in a while. I knew it was gonna be good, so I prepared my dex. I met a guy who had come up from MD, who currently was collecting AO’s, he has 673 right now, and hes going for a thousand, so I helped him by giving him 6 or 7 . Anyway, it was a great turn-out, people I had never had seen before were there, all talking about Tatooine and SWCCG, it was one of those scenes that reminded me why I love this game.
The Dex- LS-Hidden Base / Mains / Harvest
DS-Huntdown Beats

Now to the Games:

Game 1 : LS vs. Nicholas Ciuffreda TTO Build the DS2 deck
Well, got a pretty good hand, got Luke w/ Saber and Mirax to the Moisture early, set up Ackbar/H1 in the air, got the AO Ill Take The Leader up and running. He’s deploying sectors with Jerjerrod, I dont like it so I come down with Corran and R2/C3P0 ( we both forgot I couldn’t do that but it makes little difference, all the sectors were out and all he lost was Moff) So , I’m draining plus 1 at my dbays and he comes over with Virago, Executor, and Iggy in ship. Ill Take the leader and Artoo , I Have A Bad Feeling About This killed him, hes power -6 and draws no destiny, Super Falcon wipes every thing. Drain him out .
FW 2(+25)

Highs- Getting Harvest out and not grabbed.
Lows- Nothing Really.

Game 2 : DS vs. Kim Catons MWYHL Mad Interrupt Tech
This was one of the most interesting games I’ve played in a while. She starts Way Of Things, and some other affects I don’t believe were very important. She completes test one, only one turn after I had set up drains of 2 and 2 at the CC and DS Dbay’s. She It Could Be Worses Visage, and Were Doomed to reduce her damage to zero ( she rounds down because Artoo in Red5 is at the Bog Clearing) I’, forced to pay for drains because of Battle Plan, I don’t like it so I deploy Rendili and Fett in there for total drains of 1 , 1 , and 1, all of which she It Could Be Worses and We’re Doomed. She gets Corran to cancel Visage, I move Mar over, chase him around, finally get to same site and YAB him, next turn Sniper and hes gone. She continuously uses Visored Vision to make me lose for interrupts she knows are in my force pile. Finally, I Its Worse for 10, and grab We’re Doomed, barely scraping past in this game.
FW 4(+37)

Highs- Accomplishing my goal of at least winning a game with each of my dex.
Lows- None. I won!

Game 3 : LS vs. Vikram Bali’s BHBM Jinx
You see, the rivalry of me vs. Vikram should be put in the record books like Ali/Frasier or Yankees/Red Sox or something. No matter how good I do, I just can’t get around having to play this deck. Anyway, I get a cra p hand, no characters; he gets Lord and Tarkin and Saber to my Dbay early and starts draining, He drains for two, I lose two of the 3 Luke EPP’s in my hand J and than deploy from lost to keep Your Destiny from killing me. I get Falcon/Capt. Han and Outrider/Dash to Tatooine. Drain for 1 but it sux, he gets Chimaera with Pelleaon, Thrawn, and Piett, along with Dengar in ship and a Dreadnaught. I don’t want to mess with that right now, but he puts PotF on Rendili and I must fight. I slap down Owen and Beru,WAX Lando, R2/C3P0 , and EPP Leia down to the Dbay. I lose the battle, but not before he loses a few guys. I shuttle down Artoo combo and Leia to Falcon and Wedge, Lando and Owen and Beru to the Outrider. I move over to Rendili and he initiates. I play Artoo Bad Feeling, he draws no destiny, I draw 6,5,5. He loses some, I lose none. Next turn, I Harvest back the Bad Feeling, throw down the AO Ill Take The Leader. He initiates, I take Bad Feeling back with Artoo/Threepio, he still draws no destiny. I knock off some more guys, next turn I throw down H1 and wreck the rest. However, the drains at the DB run crazy, and I get drained out as a result of Battle Plan.
FL 4(+26)

Highs-Schweet space battle, Artoo/Threepio rulz!
Lows-Losing to Vikram-again!

Game 4 : DS vs. Vikram Bali’s Hidden Mains
Sweet revenge! He ruined my perfect day, so I had to avenge my dignity. He gets Ben Kenobi and Saber with EPP Han. I get down Mara/Stick, Vader/Stick , Tarkin and Walker to 2 different Dbays ( Vader and Tarkin to Bens site), I YAB Obi and battle Han. I hit Han but draw a one for destiny. He revives Han, even though hes not in the battle, we have a tiff about it, but I let it fly. Next turn, he draws up, I sniper Obi. Drain for a turn and he comes back with Master Luke and Ben with Saber. I move everything together and follow to block his drains. I spread out guys, Mara and Walker goes with Han and Ben, before he moves, I try to Trample Luke, damn, he moves to Vaders site. I battle I Have You Now, draw 7, 4 ,5. He draws low, I lose Tarkin he loses everyone. I drain a few and Monnok lost to snag both On The Edges, there goes retrieval. I drain him out.
FW 6(+43)

Highs- Sweet Revenge!
Lows- Poor Vik---yeah right

Game 5 : LS vs. Kim Catons ISB/Scum
Oh damn. Kims ISB deck is well known where I come from, so I new this would be a game. She flips early with some aliens at JP sites and OSR’s at the system. Gets down Bossk in ship, Zuckuss in ship with 4-LOM w/ gun piloting, and Jabbas Space Crusier with some ORS’s piloting. She has a lot of power and three destiny. She subtracts 1 from my drains, but Ill Take The Leader keeps it plus one cuz I got H1/Ackbar, Falcon/Artoo combo,EPP Leia, and Outrider with Wedge and Dash. I battle subtract 15 from her power, but its not enough, I sack some guys and she moves to Dagobah. Next turn she comes back with Guri to stop SuperFalcon, and she battles me, I subtract some, play Artoo Bad Feeling, she draws none, so I win one battle. However, she gets Tat Occ out and I’m losing 2 a turn plus the drains of 3 at the lower passages and the AC. I consider sending Luke EPP to the JP and wait for him to come so I can Portal, but I only have the force to replace my lost Wedge with him. We battle a few more tome, I Harvest once or twice, and she eventually drains me out.
FL 6(+24)

Highs- Getting to play a well known deck
Lows- Losing to another Scum deck.

Alright, the competition is fierce for 1st place , I’ve been ruled out because of that loss to Kim, so its between Kim, Pat and Mike Dalton.

Game 6 : DS vs. Jason Chan TIGIH Scouts
This is fu ( king ridiculous. I don’t get a Vader out until 5 turns into the game. Visage is tearing me apart, and he gets Honor down. I get down No Escape. And than Mara and stick to the Hut. I cap Luke, he flips and I get down DLOTS and saber and transfer Luke to him. He gets CoK, Orrimarko, Corporal Delevar and a Gran down. I YAB Delevar, Choke Chewie and hit Orrimarko and the Gran. I sack Mara since he drew Insertion Planning for destiny. I Monnok lost and snag two Insertion Plannings in his hand. I move Vader and Tarkin to the DB and get Dengar w/ and Fett w/ to the Hut. I drain for 4 until he comes down with two Eloms, I hit both and lose Fett. I drain for one turn than move Dengar to the Dbay, than get Tarkin and Dengar to the Hut. Finally, as a last ditch he gets Gen. Solo and a scout to the DB. I choke Han and kill the scout. Eventually drain him out.
FW 8(+40)

Highs- I won. Cool.
Lows- Couldn’t get Vader out sooner.

Anyway, Pat snags first, Dalton second, and I get third place. Got an R2 pack and a CC, and a WB C-3P0. Got a foil Scum and some rares, and a Leia’s Hut. Nice.
