
Title: 3-31-2001-joes-fitchburg-sealed
Author: Kris "Figgiedan" Earle
Date: Apr 30, 2001

Joe Sottille ran a Sealed at the Magic Guild in Fitchburg on Sat 3/31/2001...
everyone got a JP Sealed Box plus 2 packs of Premiere plus 2 packs of Special Ed...an
ok matchup, made 60 card decks.... made it harder to flip the objective, but all in all not bad....this
is the deck I made....

Sealed Deck - 3/31/2001
Jpsd + 2 premiere + 2 special ed

Agents in the Court

JP Antechamber
Tat Desert Heart
DS Trash Compactor
Kirdo 3

Lt Naytaan

4x Klat Revolutionary
2x H’nemthe
2x Ithorian
2x B’Monk
2x Gran
Lando w/Ax
Joh Yowza
Tib Op
Saelt Marae
Ardon Vapor
Both Spy
Chadra Fan
Droid Merchant
Palace Raider
Sic Six

2x Worrt

Racing Skiff

Y Wing

Stun Blaster
Mos Eisley Blaster
x-Wing Cannon

*Crash Site
*Uh Oh
Underworld Contacts
Bargining Table

2x The Signal
2x Skull
2x You will Take me to Jabba
Nar Shadda Wind
Nabrun Leids
The Bith Shuffle
We’re Doomed

Figured Kirdo would help with the Sandwhirl but it never got out....

Quick rememberances of the matchups....

Paul Laudenbach -- I won 2+27, started with Uh-Oh which didn’t help --Lando did his usual whoop-ass and saved the day, we got in a couple of good battle, Paul got me for about 8 force
early off but I recovered and drained in space at his kessel.

Steve Anderson -- I won 2+30, started w/Crash Site, which saved me the entire game - I was losing skiffs then getting them back and deploying them
all thru the game -- worked so well, I’m thinking of an actual tourney light deck with this effect to boot!

3rd game - Paul’s relative - forgot the name, so I’ll call him "Stubby"--- I won 2 + 9, a couple of good battles and a crappy draw hand that was all effects and interrupts got me started slow..plus
the fact that I underestimated a player who I’d nvr played before, so I figured "easy win."

Joey Sotille -- I won 2 +47. This is Joe’s son and being the big bully that I am sometimes, I gave him a quick drain and beatdown on the 2-3rd turns....
got Worrt out and he lost almost all of his characters by 5th turn.... gave him a Luke Skywalker card from my folder afterwards to keep him interested in the game.

All in all a fun tourney - I won 8 +113 (yipes!) and took home a couple of packs of R2.
Also, we discovered that the store had one of those 6 rares in each pack of Reflections one so we bought a bunch of those.

I won with the biggest differential ever in a sealed.
Cheap space to play, beats $12 admission that I have to charge at Boxborough.
Joe doing another crack up job. Good price, good support for everyone.
Crash site memorial - hve to check that out again.
Lando vibro for being too strong

Only thing crappy about the guild is the guy charges FULL RETAIL PRICE PLUS TAX!!!
Lousy chairs - looks like someone’s grandma dropped a couple of deuces on the seats.
Joe running off for his job... was a bit rushed and the timed games some people had were bummers.
Lando vibro for being too strong