
Title: loraxs-wisconsin-state-report
Author: Evan "Lorax" Fitzgerald
Date: May 7, 2001

LS Deck: TIGIH speeder beats with xwings…idea was to counter HDADTJ docking bays. Start Staging areas, insurrection, and Draw their fire
DS Deck: BHBM unique troopers…trying to catch people off guard. I always start Mob Points, IAO, and usually oppressive enforcement or crush. I would like to have started resistence…but that seemed to get left out of the deck :(
Game 1: My DS vs. Jason Jones EBO
He starts the strike planning, squadron assignments and some third effect. I start oppressive enforcement to at least play grabbers for free…So where is resistance? I have a good hand with a couple troopers and two vaders, get emporer to the cloud city with navy trooper fenson (the on the edge reducer – good card) first turn. He grabs Madine with strike planning and his locations to start setting up. Next turn Vader to the Endor DB and your destiny will win me this game. I am draining and hitting him for your destiny – I got to verify once and saw luke skywalker in the reserve deck? I get Xizor alone to the 4th marker and get search and destroy out and now I have drains of 2 (janus) 1,1, and 2 from S&D. He gets setup at endor, kiffex and coruscant – remember no resistance – bleh. So I lat damage GS 1 at endor with lando and nien numb, drop fett in slave 1 – guri on board. He also has luke on red 5 at this point at endor. We fight a couple times there and he cant break my immunity – he lands luke so I battle him with the two troopers I have left in my hand to stop the drain and get something back with your destiny. I move more another trooper in front of him during my move phase. He still battles me because he cant afford the transport and I have another trooper assualt – to make him lose luke and a couple overflow. I could do nothing to stop his drain of 4 and 5 on the low parsecs, so if ended up close – but the drains and search and destroy did their job
FW 2 +5
Props – navy trooper fenson because he was hoping for some edge retrieval
Slops – for forgetting resistance

Game 2 – my LS vs. Erick Drwzwiecki (no way that is right) BHBM numbers & counter assualts
He starts battle plan and two effects that did not seem to matter – but I saw a scrub start. First turn he drops emporer to throne room and grabs emporers power – now my general thinking is that he is a total scrub. I move luke to the docking bay. He draws. I drain and of course…luke is always thinking with his stomach – well this just sucks. Next turn, tech mor, some 4 destiny guy – abilityx3 and a numbers insert…well. I activate it all – drop asp droid – 4 speeders – cancel abilityx3. Now I literally could have just sat and not activated anything for the remainder of the game and I do not think he could have caused me one card in damage. I would however receive a timed loss by 45 or so if I did this, so I try and make something happen. I find luke with a tracked throw me another charge – and use it again for an edge. But I make two big mistake – one is dropping the could city downtown plaza – which gave him a place to put vader – even though I beat him back with obi each time. Because if I could have had him capture luke – then I could have let his objective beat him. But when luke was missing my activation was such @#$% that I had to drop that and the back door just to try and get some cards…hindsight being 20/20 – I would not have done that. Also, I immediately got in my head that he was playing ties – if I could have just found kessel – I could have avoided having to activate to drain. Finally, his counter assualts wiped me away because I didnt move the asp droid away from luke and the speeders – doh. I give Erick big credit for bringing a deck that is so easily countered to this tournament – he definitely got the better of me with it.
FL 0 –21 (2 –16)
Props: ASP droid for being smart enough to form a search party and to Erick for completely taking me out of my game.
Slops: My play

Game 3 My DS vs. Tom Vander Veldon (sp?) TIGIH scouts
He starts strike planning, and 2 other effects that did not seem to change my game much. I do the first turn emporer to the endor docking bay to cut his activation because I have a vader in hand ready to take luke – and drop DSII docking bay. This deck can generate so huge so fast – and if they come and take on the emporer hopefully the trooper beatdown is soon to come. So anyway – he drop the back door which really surprised me and rebel landing site. I finally get luke handed to vader once he realizes he cannot drain or activate for lukes location. I get out broken concentration and have first strike in my hand. Then he drops crix, epp leia, and someone else. To the rebel landing site. On my turn I drop 4 troopers to the sites – but do not initiate holding the full scale alert to hopefully pick on one guy left over. I then move vader and empy to the back door – but realize this will not give him a place to run to – unless he is going to go to the hut. So I ask if I can move them back and he lets me. I move them to the DSII docking bay hoping that he will think I am going to duel. On his turn, he drop two scouts and initiate against my troopers – I get a trooper assualt and he loses two characters to leave epp leia, crix and carlson. So he goes to his move phase and moves all three to the back door – I ask him to do them one at a time – he moves crix – then moves carlson and says that leia is coming along for free. I point out that she is not a scout – so he ask if he can move carlson back – I say sure. Then he asks if he can move crix back – and I say no. Now I felt like a complete @#$% – but I was playing troopers and was relying on a one turn beat to win games. It was so obvious that I had something up my sleeve, that I felt it was within my choice on whether to allow him to go back…well he points out that he let me go back and now I feel like even a bigger @#$%. He gets frustrated and says then he will just live with having moved carlson and leaves epp leia to get a beating. Broken concentration keeps him from having any force and first strike drops. He loses leia plus 15 card – and that is pretty much it. I drain him out.
FW + 25 (2 +9)
Props – full scale alert
Slops – me for being a @#$%

Game 4: my LS vs. David Henderson DS SYCFA flipping madness.
He starts battle order, decree and another effect. I start my normal start thinking he is playing normal SYCFA with imperial commands. Well first turn he drop a death star gunner to the war room and now I am very scared. I get luke to the endor docking bay and begin to worry about thinking with your stomach or even worse Arica. I did not playing any anti-arica except for coren horn – just hoping that people did not know that she totally screws TIGIH. I get a nice first couple draw and on my third turn drop 3 xwings to kessel with incom down and organized attack in my hand. I contemplate moving luke to the death star docking bay but I did not know what to expect since I had only seen him lose space – a epp vader without worry of taking battle damage to the docking bay would be really bad. Well on his fourth turn or so he blows up alderaan and now his ships will come fast and furious. He drops epp vader to take luke to chirpas hut – but I hand honor out so he cannot drain. Epp obi and coren horn release luke but they are both lost so I still only have luke but now he has one on the stack. He goes to hoth and yavin with star destroyers and chiraneau (he lost his denagr in punishing 1 first time I drained so that was good). I go to drain and he reminds me that decree is in effect – crap he is going to drain for 4 and 4 next turn…and no I do not play menace fades. So I drop cc downtown plaza and two speeders there and wait to move all five xwings next turn. He drains and I say ouch – and then he drops arica on the speeders…thank god he did not got to endor db. On my tturn I move to hoth system with 5 xwings recycle a 6 and let him go. He initiates some battles but I have the organized so he loses – I am immune and he stacks a second one. He moves away. So I drain for 2 and 2 and he drains for 3 and 4 because of chiraneau. So I track the 6 around and move the xwings back to kessel to block the chiraneu drain – he initiates again and is still have an organized attack and draw the 6 again – he stacks another one and moves back to hoth. We are both getting low on force – and battle plan will kill him if he does not do something about it – so he drops ozzel to the hoth docking bay and I know that isnt going to help and he still cannot drain there because of honor. He sits at hoth and I battle him this time – win the battle and stack another card. Next turn chiraneua comes to hoth and ozzel to the death star docking bay – so he has battle plan fufilled and decree in effect. I drain and move luke to get captured. He drains and I am down to two force – he has four force. He loses two to TIGIH and now he is down to 2. On my turn I drain for two at hoth – he says pay 3 for battle plan now that luke is captured…he forgot about the downtown plaza, did you? So I win by 2
FW +2 (6+12)
Props to David for a great deck – and me for winning a close game – that is not my style
Slops to David for not knowing about arica – and for SYCFA

Game 5 my DS vs Erick (Game 2) LS version of the DS deck starting profit…
So I am expecting the exact same deck – except this game I at least have a system to pull and I get a ship in my opening hand. So I go first turn emporer to cc docking bay and I look at the 2 monnoks in my hand – I know they will win me the game – so I just wait to time them right. Next turn fett in slave 1 to carida emporer to tatoine DB to hopfully zap artoo and lower his numbers. He draws and deploys bo shuda. I move emporer and some trooper to jabbas palace and look at his hand – about 8 cards. Should I moonok? Hell yes – but I decide to wait one more turn…what a dumbass. Well here come the eloms (had had 6 in his had I find out. And here is my dumb move of the day – for some reason I find it important to keep the emporer on the table and I lose too much force?? Do not ask me why but it seemed like a great idea I guess for numbers? If I had a dark jei presence it would have been game over right then…but I did not. I drop troopers and initiate fallen portal for a couple – duh! I kill off some more eloms and he comes back with jedi luke and two eloms – he initiates and trooper assualt to be immune but I clear the site – I was hoping for all hope that he would save one elom and try to move because I had the full scale alert and two force saved…but no luck for me. He was smart and lost everything. Eventually luke gets captured and that was it – because I lost to that and a counter assualt and bandged my head into a wall as I saw any chance to get to the final disappear when lost.
FL –20 (6 –8)
Props and Slops…see game two and repeat word for word

Game 6: My LS beats deck vs Ryan Schele ROPs – ATST version
I have a good hand with a couple speeders coren horn an asp droid and frozen assets. He starts IAO, mob points, and some third effect. I certainly do not need ounee ta. He drops a tempest scout to the coruscant DB to get some activation and I am draining at the endor docking bay and drawing a huge hand (please do not have a monnok). He drops TS 2 and a pilot to a site and then a lone ATST pilot next door. ASP, speeders, frozen assets and that is pretty much game. Next turn xwings to kessel and I drain him out – we battle a few more times for fun but that one pretty much did him in.
FW +28 (8 +20)

Corey beat tim in the final
Derek for running a great tournament
Derek for having good prizes
Corey for winning
Justin Schele for beating Erick Butzlaff – Justin is 11 Erick is 1900 rated
Tim for making the final with two early losses
Erick D. for playing total non interaction numbers when you know that one card can beat you
Matt Upstone for the AYB t-shirt
Dan and Rick for burning a brat just for me.

Erick D. for playing total non interaction numbers when you know that I cannot beat it.
Christian for dropping – what is up with that?
Butzlaff for losing to a 11 year-old
Wisconsin for only getting 28 people to show up
