
Title: findlay-ohio-5-12-01
Author: brad "swccguy" eier
Date: May 12, 2001

well this tourney was supposed to have a good turnout but a lot of people backed out at the last minute. not much pre tourney stuff. i had tested some new decks and they were ok, as well as modifying a few decks i already had. i decided to go with my isb deck for dark, its a big blue with imp commands, tramples and such. i dont have any ors so i just use scrub isb agents. it isn’t the best deck but its fun to play and is solid. for light side i had tried various wys and mains decks, but they almost all lost to aobs. so i just grab my hbx deck from states, change about 8 cards and i’m set.

game 1. ls vs josh ds2 starter
well he forgot his cards but wanted to play so he bough the ds2 starters. i setup fast at endor with xwings. he drops a guy in a tie, and a non unique tie, and lt grond to his endor site then draws. next turn i lock sfoils, shoot the guy in the tie, and do 27 battle damage. i also use epp luke to beatdown grond for 8 more battle damage. after that i spread out a bit in space. he tries to come at me with a walker and trooper , but i barrier and run, thwn drain him out.
fw 2 (+30)

game 2. ds vs adam ebox
well i have isb decree and he has ebox so i should have an auto win, right?? not true. this game was close, because he had a lot of stuff to get around decree. i flip fast and setup some drains, but rebel fleet cancels them. i try decree but he has an arcona. i trample it. later he came down with another one and i trampled it. sometime i found my search and destroy and that proved to be really big. he retrieved some with allwings, but not tons,, mabey 5 cards. he does suicide strikes with epp obi and stuff to slow s & d and decree. we fight in space once i get setup and i kill a lot of his ships. late game i kill all his guys on hoth and once decree is locked in along with isb, theres not much you can do.
fw 4 (+42)

game 3. ds vs edwin ebox
gee...not ebox again, man its not an easy matchup. well turn 2 he sets up ebo and drops an xwing to kiffex. next turn ozzel and dominator and imp command beatdown the xwing. after that he puts 1 ship at like every system and i cant find my ships. man i would have got killed if it wasnt for decree. that card is money. even with his bonuses gone though, i was losing like 6 a turn. luckily though, i was draining for bunches too. he had no retrevial, while i was getting back an isb agent each turn. eventually i kill off some xwings here and there. he brings the beats with jedi luke, epp leia and han on hoth to stop decree, but i trample han and beatdown everyone else. thats game.
fw 6 (+62)

game 4. ls vs dan sycfa ties
well i finally get to play dan after a few tourneys of him not getting paired with me. he is running the set your course tie deck, with tons of guns. i setup sfoils and a bunch of ships at kiffex and kessel, and flip. he is retrieveing a lot. i grimtassh him a few times for ties and random interrupts. i retrieve mabey 9 with all wings. he cant find any all power to weapons so i just sit at my heavily fortified systems and drain, while cancelling his drains. late game he tries to fight me but he gets smacked around and thats it.
fw 8 (+83)

final results
1. brad eier (me)
2. adam huber
3. john
4. dan joyce
5. edwin dunn
6. josh
7. shea
8. terri

well so i win and get the foil sense which is cool. next month our tourney is a "king of the crap", where you play decks with NO rares.


brad eier