
Title: meriden-ct-5-12-01-cpa-audit
Author: Keith "Tessek-CPA" Henderson
Date: May 16, 2001

Meriden Tournament 05/12/01

This is a report of our 6 game monthly tournament that is held at DJ*s Comics in Meriden, CT. It is run by Jeremy Oakes. We had a low turnout of 12 players. Missing was my son who had baseball practice and wasn’t able to come up for this tournament with me.

It has been a very busy month and I didn*t have a chance to play any games during the month. I was lazy and put together an exact copy of Retardo Rex ISB by HuntaWarya starting with IAO, Mob Points, and a varying 3rd effect.

My light deck was my usual Echo Base speeders deck. I start with Insurrection, Strike Planning, and Staging Areas.

Game One: my DS against Sean Orcutt playing LS EBO starting with A new Secret Base

Sean and I seem to playing each other at every tournament. This is the first time I had to play his light side. I started with Battle Order as my third effect.

Sean was able to get a turn 3 flip with Biggs, Karrde, and a scrub at three Echo sites. I was setting up with the Executor w/Ozzel and the Avenger w/Thrawn at Fondor and getting Imperial Decree on the table.

Sean deploys a Mon Cal cruiser and Lando in the Falcon at Hoth and shuttles up Biggs and Karrde. I deploy Lord Vader and an ORS to the 4th marker as well as Zuckuss/Mist Hunter with an ORS pilot to Fondor. I then move the Avenger to Kessel. I also put down the AO Battle Deployment. Sean drops Han/blaster, Ackbar, and Red Leader to the 4th marker. He shoots the ORS and I lose the battle 16-13. I forfeit Vader and he forfeits Red Leader.

I move the Executor and Zuckuss to Sullust to drain.

Sean now has the Defiance, the Falcon, 2 Mon Cals, and the Tantive IV at Hoth. He moves all of them to Sullust to block my drain there. I shift the Avenger to Fondor and the Executor to Hoth. He comes down with more ships to battle the Executor and I lose 16-11. I try to battle his lone Falcon that he had moved and he drops Punch it for 3 added destinies and I lose 14-8.

I never got a chance to deploy characters to the 4th marker and the game ends with him outdraining me.

FL (-21)

Props: To Sean for a well played game.

Slops: To myself, for not starting with Decree and pushing the issue on the ground.

Game Two: my LS against Steve Baroni and his Ral Ops speeder bikes deck starting with Mob Points, IAO, and Imperial Decree.

I have never played Steve before. He came down from Massachusetts with Michael Gemme. I had read his Decktech tourney reports, so I knew that this would be a very challenging game.

I started with Ounee Ta to be able to get cheap deploys to Raltiir. I had faced Ral Ops before with my speeder deck and figured I had a good chance to battle him on the ground. He starts off right away with 2 speeder bikes and scouts. All I was getting were red cards and no speeders to drop and battle before he could build up his force.

By turn 4, he had 4 sites out and a speeder bike/scout at each site with 3 force in reserve to react. I was very impressed with the quickness of this deck. I finally get my Incom and flaps, but I still don’t have a good number of speeders in my hand. Meanwhile he is draining me like crazy and I am losing speeders each turn (drat!). I set up an ASP droid with catapults on Endor to try retrievals with On the Edge and am able to do this twice to try to get some cards back into my deck.

He now has a fifth site down with Vader on a bike/scout and Palpy riding on another bike ( talk about a biker gang from Hell). He is using Overseeing Personally to really nail me. I finally figure that I have only one chance for a battle before he drains me out. I come down with 6 speeders on a Lone Vader w/LS. He reacts with bikes and uses High Speed Tactics to get rid of one of my speeders. I win the battle 27-24 but he has destinies of 8 and I have to lose three speeders, leaving two lone speeders to be gobbled up by his DS force. He comes down with bike and uses another High Speed Tactics to leave with one speeder versus his force. I lose 27-5 and the game is over.

FL (24)

Props: To Steve and a very quick start. I now can see how devastating speeder bikes can be. I always wanted to use them for a deck idea. Now, I want to try them for sure.

Game Three: my LS against Patrick Gstell and his Carbon Testing deck starting with Mob Points, Oppressive Enforcement, and You Can*t Hide Forever.

Patrick and I have been playing each other a lot lately, and he knows my light deck. I figure that I just have to wait for him to come to an exterior site and I can pounce on him with my speeders.

The game starts off slowly with the both of us setting up with our locations and getting our effects out. I have Incom and Flaps out and am desperately looking for one of my 3 Yarnas to protect my hand. Which of course means that Patrick uses his Monnok and nails me for 5 speeders. This cleans out my hand of speeders or characters and he knows he can move outside and boogie over to Tattooine. Now on the next turn I do get a Yarna and start to draw for more speeders. He grabs A Signal since he knows I use a few more effects, which leaves me free to use On the Edges.

By this time he has DLOTS w/LS, Dengar w/blaster, Mara w/LS at the Tattooine DB with Jabba’s Prize. He drops a death mark on an RFC I had out at a Hoth site to drain. I come down with 6 speeders to battle him and win 35-16. He forfeits a few characters and moves the rest to inside the JP Audience Chamber.

I am able to retrieve a few times but he is slowly outdraining me. We battle a few more times, but I finally run out of cards.

FL (10)

Props: To Patrick for that Monnok. That won the game for him. He never would have had a chance to move off of Bespin without that. Being able to cancel Death Mark by getting my RFC over to the DB and setting up a small battle.

Slops: Monnok!!! Yarna coming late.

My record is now 3-0 and I am feeling disgusted with my gameplay. They call for the next game and I face Patrick again.

Game Four: my DS against Patrick Gstell and his Rebel Strike Team starting with Insurrection, Squadron Assignments, and Strike Planning.

Now this is going to be a challenge. I know that Patrick has played his RST deck before and he knows how to get the most out of it. I get the Executor using Mob Points and draw. He does the usual Crix, COK, Wuta start. I use Imperial Command to pull Piett and Merrejk (to get systems) at the Executor DB. He adds Gen Solo, and 2 scrubs to his landing site. I come down with the Executor with ORS pilot to Fondor and put Battle Deployment on the table. On the next turn he draws and I deploy Zuckuss/MH to Endor and move the Executor over.

He deploys Blount, Brooks, and Midge to the DB and battles me. I lose 13-5 and my destiny is a big fat whopping ZERO! I lose both Piett and Merrejk. I come down with the Tempest 1, DLOTS, and GMT to the DB to battle him. I miss choking Midge but still win the batlle 16-7 and cancelled his destiny. He loses Midge and Blount and on his turn moves Brooks to the Endor DB.

I had taken a chance that he was light in space, so I had Dengar/PO alone Kessel to drain. He came down with Home One and a pilot to battle and I lose 15-4 and lose Dengar. It has turned into a drain race. He had 5 Endor sites out and is loaded up at 4 of them. I drop Arica to cancel one drain. He consolidates to 3 sites and leaves the fifth site empty with the nearest Rebel 2 sites away. I have a Ghhhyk in hand so I deploy a lone ORS to that 5 site to reduce his drains by one and let me use Battle Order and drain him without paying 3 a force. I finally win the game by outdraining him.

FW +10

Props: Another great game by Patrick. Finally waking up and figuring out how to play this ISB deck.

Game Five: my LS against Sean Orcutt and his Hunt Down starting with Mob Points, Secret Plans, and Crush the Rebellion.

With only 12 players it is not surprising to see that I have to face two players twice. Sean usually plays a Big Blue space deck so I didn*t know what to expect from his Huntdown.

Sean get to go first but he doesn*t deploy a Vader. We both lose a card to Visage. My opening hand gives me a Yarna, so I think I may have a chance.

I seem to get a good start going the first few turns. I have Crash Site, Flaps, Incom all down on the table. He has deployed a small force of evil at the Endor DB with Dr. Evazan/Ponda, Janus, and Vader w/LS and he alters my Crash Site. It has been so long since I have seen a SAC card, I had pulled my protection effect. And I lose the memorial. I come down with 6 speeders with flaps on to battle him at the DB. I win 34-23 and make him move off of the Endor DB.

I now have a chance to set up my ASP/catapult On the edge retrievals. But he senses them and I lose the cards and can only retrieve once.

We battle once more with me winning 28-17, but I am losing the war to his force drains. He is draining me for 4 a turn and I can only drain him for 2. He is retrieving one a turn so it is only a matter of time befor eI run out of cards.

After the game we talked about his forgetting about Visage and his need to remember that card.

FL (22)

Props: To Sean for a fun game.

Game Six: my DS against John Mendes and his Chadra Fan Swarming Agents of the Court with Uh Oh, DODN/OE, and Yarna.

I start with Battle Order thinking I can slow his draining down. He gets a great start and after four turns, he is draining me for 8 cards a turn. I have set up in space with the Executor, Avenger, Zuckuss/MH, and Dengar/PO at systems. He is using the Chadra Fan text to scan my hand so he is seeing that I don’t have characters to deploy on Tattoine to slow his drains/deployments.

I finally get a few characters to the Endor DB to let me drain without paying 3 force a drain. He comes down to the DB with Ben and a few scrubs to beat me off. And the game is over quickly with his massive drains. This was a very quick game.

FL (-22)

Props: To John for a great start. I didn’t get a chance to breathe.

So I end up 1-5 (-92) for my worst finish ever in Meriden. Playing only once a month doesn’t give me the chance to keep up with the gang in Meriden. The gameplay is getting better every month and I need to make sure I practice.

Here are the final results:
1.) Steve Brentson 11(108)
2.) Steve Baroni 8(74)
3.) Michael Gemme 8(60)
4.) Brian Hollingworth 8(40)
5.) Jody Shields 8(14)
6.) Tom Hollingworth 6(26)
7.) Greg Doyle 6(-37)
8.) John Mendes 4(-12)
9.) Andrew Snelling 4(-45)
10.) Sean Orcutt 4(-48)
11.) Patrick Gstell 2(-88)
12.) Keith Henderson 2(-92)

To Jeremy for running the show and letting us have our fun. You help us to remember that this is just a game.

Also to Jeremy on his engagement.

To Kevin and DJ*s Comics for renting the hall we play in.

To myself for letting Huntawarya down by losing with his ISB deck. I know that I should have played it better. I can see the potential of it. I just need to practice more with it.