
Title: spokane-wa-6-1-01
Author: Evan "EvO" Walker
Date: Jun 1, 2001

Well, here in Spokane, Washington, theres not much of a tournament scene. I moved here this past August, and started going to a card shop called Gamequest routinely to play. Although the only sanctioned tournament I played in here was a JPSD, I still had fun in our mini 4-6 player non-sanctioned tournaments. The problem was that there were newbies out there, but they didn’t want to come to a tournament just so they could get spanked. So, we quit having tournaments and started the Star Wars Arena (similar to Magic Arena). What it is is anyone can sign up for free, and come down on a Friday Night and play. You get 2 points if you win, and 1 point if you loose. When you reach 10 points, you get a free foil, and you get a better free foil when you reach 20 (the points add up over a month’s time). Usually on Fridays, we would have anyone from 3-5 players, but tonight there were EIGHT there! Woah...I’d never seen that many here before...

So anyways, I have had trouble coming up with a decent light side to play. I decided to play EBOX this particular night, even though I don’t really like the deck all to well. For dark, I decided to play MKOS Abyssins.

I hadn’t bought any Tatooine yet, so when I got to the store, I picked up 3 packs. 1st pack: Padme AI. woohoo. 2nd pack: Darth Maul. WOOHOO! 3rd pack: LS Talz dude that prevents beat downs. not too shabby for my first 3 packs...
So I look through the cards a little, then sit down to play.

GAME 1: MKOS vs. Jason Johnson Tatooine mains.
Jason has bought 2 boxes of Tatooine already, so he’s playing with all the new cards while I’m stuck with the old stuff. He started with The Camp, so all my characters were deploy +2 the whole time. My hand was pretty much balls. I had Dr. E & Ponda Baba, and I ornamented for an abyssin. I deployed the audience chamber, and said go. DANGIT! I forgot to deploy Hutt Influence. His turn he draws. My turn I deploy the Lower Passages, and look for Hutt Influence, but it isn’t there, so I draw up. His turn he deploys Shmi and Threepio With His Parts Showing to Tatooine: Jabba’s Palace. My turn, I activate, play Bib to Jabba’s Palace from deck, play Dr. E and Ponda Baba, and an abyssin. I suspect that he’ll play Fallen Portal, but I battle anyways. Fortunately, no Fallen Portal. I draw a 1 for destiny, and he reduces it to 0. I have 11 to his 2. He looses 7 from hand and 2 from deck, one of which is a Qui-Gon Jinn. Since he didn’t forfeit the guys, I know he’s gonna beat down next turn. But alas! Seeing as how I’m activating balls, I don’t have enough to move away, so I draw the remaining card. His turn, Qui-Gon comes down, along with Padme on an Eopie, accompinied by Obi-Wan with his Lightsaber. He battles, Dr. E gets slashed, and everyone else falls to attrition. Once again, I drew a 1, and he reduced it. We trade drains for a few turns, and I have finally established myself inside Jabba’s Palace, and have a hefty drain going. We both had all Tatooine locations, so I only had to occupy 2 battlegrounds in order to flip. I have 3(i think) abyssins, Mighty Jabba, Chall Bekan, Ephant Mon, Boelo, and Myo at the chamber. He plays Luke with Saber, but he gets None Shall Passed, and he moves Qui-Gon Jinn in and. I think he meant to keep 2 in his force pile so he could move Obi-Wan, Padawan Learner in the chamber when I battled, but he only left one. oops. My turn, Mara and her saber enter the chamber, and I battle. I miss qui-gon with the Lightsaber, but I draw a 1 and a 2 for destiny. He looses from the top. His turn, he plays Luke and battles. Luke hits mara, mara hits qui-gon. He looses luke to the attrition. At this point the game is pretty even. I retrieve 6 with Abyssin Ornament at the end of his turn. I drain, then retrieve an abyssin, and a few more with Jabba’s Twerps. Late game, Mara makes another cameo appearance in front of Padme, Shmi, and 3p0, but he draws up before damage was dealt. Win by 16.

Game: 2(+16)
Cumulative: 2(+16)

GAME 2: EBOX vs. Phillip Roy Old School Hunt Down Duels.
Phil is an exellent player. He’s rated 1825, but hasn’t played AT ALL since just before Endor. He tells me that he’d just started buying a few packs of DS2 and Ref2 a couple weeks ago. So we get started, he plays the 3rd Marker and draws. We both loose to Visage. I had Echo Corridor in my starting hand, and I grabbed Echo Base Garrison and the War Room. I signal for Honor of the Jedi, and fetch Hobbie with Echo Base Garrison. I deploy Honor, and he had never seen the card before, so I felt kinda bad playin it against his visage, but, oh well. I draw. His turn, Darth Vader and Tarkin show up at the North Ridge and move into the 1st Marker. I grab Echo Docking Bay, EBO, and Zev. Zev goes to the war room, Hobbie’s in the corridor, and I play an X-Wing to the docking bay, then play EBO. Also, I deploy Kiffex with 2 x-wings. I had Spiral in my hand to protect against an attack. His turn, he moves Tarkin and Vader back to the North Ridge and draws. My Turn, I get Hoth system. I deploy Lando in Falcon to Kiffex, and move the 2 x-wings to Hoth, and move the x-wing up from the docking bay. His turn, he plays Bossk in hounds tooth and Ig-88 in Ig-2000 to Kiffex and battles. I react with the Spiral, but it gets barrierd. I end up loosing the Falcon + 5. My turn, I activate, drain at Hoth, and then I deploy 3 X-wings to Kiffex, I Ice Storm vader and tarkin at the North Ridge, and I play Incom Corporation. We battle at Kiffex, and I play organized attack. I loose the Spiral to attrition, and he ends up loosing bossk and Iggy. I drain for a few turns, and he’s still loosing to visage. He draws up. Win by 18.

Game: 2(+18)
Cumulative: 4(+34)

GAME 3: EBOX vs. Victor New School Hunt Down Duels
First turn, I Transmition Terminate Visage.Well, I set up very similar to last time. This game went by quick. On about turn 4, he had Piett and Xizor at Executor Docking Bay, along with Xizor’s ship and Bossk in Hounds Tooth. I know he has the executor in his hand becuase he got it with Mobilization Points. I have 3 X wings at Hoth and 2 x wings along with Lando in Falcon at Kiffex. Well, he plays the executor at Kiffex, but I barrier it. Jedi Luke with Anakins saber show up at the Endor Docking Bay, and then I play 2 x-wings at Kiffex, and move the Hoth group over. at the end of his turn, I retrieve 7 with All wings report in, even though it is early in the game. I know that SOMEONE is gonna get the beats the next turn. He thinks i’m gonna bite it, but i know its him that’ll get beat. He battles, and I Spiral, Organized attack, and Out of Nowhere. It ended up bein something like 45 to his 29. He looses Boosk, Xizor, and his ship, and flys the executor away. I drain. He plays Vader, his saber, Tarkin, and PotF to the North Ridge. My turn, I play Tk-422 and draw. He deploys another PotF to the Main Power Generators, and moves Tarkin over, and picks up Vader. After I started to go, I realized he took Vader’s saber into his hand with him. dang. doesn’t really matter though, because I move Luke to Hoth to avoid the duel. Meanwhile, the drains have prooved too much, and he draws up. I win by 27

Game: 2(+27)
Cumulative 6(+61)

My brother in law also won 3 games that night, but it’s not a tournament so cumulative diffential and stuff doesn’t matter at all.

I’ve gotten my 10 points! 6 tonight and 4 two weeks ago. For my foil, I pick a Wedge, RSL.

We stand around for a while afterwards talking about how to get a tournament scence going here, and seem to come up with some good ideas. I guess we’ll see.

Thanks for the read.
Evan Walker