
Title: ramapo-uncensored-easy-sloppy-twa
Author: michael "Deck" Gemme
Date: Jun 13, 2001

[insert new blink 182 CD - take off your pants and jacket]


First off, this week was not like getting ready for a star wars tournament. it was like studying for frigging finals. It took so much fun out of the game that my anticipation of this great event was waning. My playtesting group is rather large, and we put about 5 to 6 hours a day into playtesting, and this lasted a whole week.

It all started when Bastian Winklehaus came from Germany for a week to get ready for ramapo with Hayes Hunter. Hayes, Bastian, Eric Hunter, Steebo Baroni, Justin Desai, and Brian Cyzenski (plus myself) all got together on more than one occasion to playtest, and we met up with JohnnyVegas and company and just played cards for days. So before i get into the boring cardgame, let me tell you about a crazy week with a german kid whom i had never met, yet changed my outlook on the game, life and even the way i find myself speaking at times.

It seemed to me that all week i had found myself in the company of two men, 6’6 and 6’7 respectively, for what had to have been 85% of that week. Sunday: Tournament all day with dinner following. Hayes and Bastian were there with my boy steve and the albany crew that came down. Monday: Met Hayes and Bastian at the Mall, Bastian was wearing his JK Luke Tshirt from Dcon for the second day in a row, so me and hayes had to pick him out some clothes at PacSun. This consisted of the black security shirt he wore for the DPC (for those of you who were there). We were at the mall for about an hour and a half and then hung out and played cards at my house for 6 hours while hayes macked on my sister. Tuesday was me playtesting with steebo, johnny vegas and brian cyzenski, then i stayed up til 4 going through boxes finding the most random S. that would make an excellent deck. Things like leias blaster pistol, disturbance in the force, advance preparation etc. all things that were blown off by steebo of course. Wednesday found me and steebo along with the brothers hunter and bastian, johnny vegas etc. playtesting at one of the local shops for another 8 hours. Then THursday night was me and bastian and justin at the hunters playtesting til 5am and then getting up at 7 for the 5 hour car ride with them all. And Friday and Saturday were spent with them at the tournaments.

So as you can see i had a pretty full week of hayes and bastian aside from the usual time spent with steebo and his beautiful mother.

Youd think spending 29083473209 hours with players like that would do something for my game right??? NOPE. They top tenned both tournaments, even top threed the open together, I got my @#$% raped hardcore. The worst of which, by Yannick LaPointe, who schooled me like i’d never been schooled before.. more on that later.

So to keep it simple.. ill start thursday night. T-minus one hour until my sister and her two amizingly hot friends drive me to hayes’ to stay over for the looming ramapocon3. Let me just explain how hot my sisters friend mckenzie is. OH MY GOD DUDE. she had these tight @#$% pink pants with one of those little chain belts, a black tanktop with who cares what on the front and a pink bandanna on her head (which im not fond of but i really wasnt looking at her head... she mustve been looking at mine though). So i get to chill with these girls as they get ready for some hot body contest at some bar, and im like SWEET im going to starwars whatre you honeys doin.. but whatever they dont care because im still a ten no matter which way you slice it.

So i get to hayes’ and justin eric and bastian run out to check out my sisters friends saying goodbye and im drooling so badly that i forget my pager in the car. etc etc. we stay up, we playtest. me hayes and justin stay up til about 2, go to bed, cant sleep. Run around on the lawn for about a half hour making wet footprints on the driveway before returning inside to play more. Well i didnt really get to play too many games, which is too bad because i was in the zone. i was tracking like 3 cards through justins decks and one through hayes, i was reminding hayes to retreive ISB agents while i was half asleep on the table! I mean i knew what was going on, i was in prime shape. Justin was playing like an idiot and hayes was in shock. too bad two hours of sleep kicks you out of the zone so hard that you could never prove you were even there.

Carride down consisted of me telling 10,000 racist jokes and getting laughs. Eric hunter told one and his dad started yelling at him... that was funny. What was worse is that hayes’ dad, who is a really nice guy, tried to tella few jokes and it was like dead silence when he delivered the punchline. it was like "two guys walk into a bar, the third one ducked" "......." Yes it was that bad. Where is this going??? I dont know... lets get to the DPC


We show up, sign up, turn in our decklists and it seems like a pretty paltry showing. Only about 75, and of course we figured tons would drop. Which they did. I went in there with Ten Numb Superstar QMC which had been working like a charm for me locally, but @#$% a brick at the DPC. and a TAT mains DS Start that featured the palace and mauls site, four mauls, two evazans and disarmed to F. up quigon. Steebo was playing the same decks as me with slight modifications. Hayes was playing this pile light deck (yes it really was just a pile of cards) and ISB space. Bastian was playing EURO WYS and ISB space. ERic hunter was playing EURO WYS and Dark Surgeon. Justin H20 Desai was playing Jedi Testing and HD Jizz.

Now remember that i played 16 sanctioned games over the weekend and im having a great amount of trouble remembering who i played when and everything. But i do know this.. you really dont wanna read too many games about a scrub like me playing another scrub youve never heard of. so let me try and make it interesting for you.

For the first round of the open i went 1-1. I lost to Erik Peterson and i beat someone that i totally forget. Steebo beat Brian Rippetoe in his first game, which was huge, and hayes and bastian both went 2-0... obviously.

Round two is where it gets wicked interesting for me. Dark sucked balls all weekend. noone really won with dark except for the big guns. However, my first game of round two i won with my dark over someone whom i forget by like 27. I was like the fourth highest dark win there. So where did that put a guy like me rated 1717??? against the world runner up YANNICK LAPOINTE.. and i was at the top table, seated ahead of the tiggs and just behind bastian and hayes. and let me just tell you EVERYONE was like WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP HERE DECK.

First, i sit down and i say hello to yannick, and i just about @#$% my pants. ive seen this guy play at DCON and hes so good and i am so bad i dont know what to do. I’m used to playing hayes and everything but when you sit down next to one of the big guns and you suck, its just like f’n A, what am i gonna do. So chris twigg looks over and is like DECK WHAT THE HELL? and im like dude dont ask. Brian twigg comes and talks to chris twigg and notices me and is like WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP HERE??? Bastian sees me from two seats down and is like MIKE WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? to which i reply : i’m @#$%ting my pants thats what. Art Wright and Aaron kinger notice me as theyre filling in the command cards and are like dude what is going on?? so! needless to say i was pretty embarrased to be getting all this attention and my confidence is shot. Of course at first i was like ’hmmm yannick wont know who i am maybe i can come off like a decent player and psyche him out... but that didnt work. so while everyone is doing this to me i talk to yannick how im sorry ppl keep interrupting but im not very good and im usually not up here and im not here to win and he turned out to be the nicest guy telling me how its good that i came for the competition and that i will have fun etc etc. a real nice guy and that made me feel better after he reemed me.

I wanted to flip like second turn, but i just couldnt get my guys for space in my opening hand, so it forced me to draw up my first two turns. He did pretty much the same, and the third turn i saved force. He thought i was going to flip so he drops maul and vader to Cloud city and i’m pretty much F’d. the thing is, i couldnt flip, i had to use a force to get another site, i only had dash, and i couldnt afford to put him on the table without backup against a very good player. So i didnt get to flip that turn and i never got to flip the rest of the game. He was podracing and i lost the podrace fourth turn which forced me to lose 11 off the top, including my fourth CC site, which i needed becuase he was occupying 2 of the three that were out. from there on i couldnt recover. i dropped luke to the podrace arena flipping his BHBM, but he was able to come and beat me down there and at the docking bay where i was trying to drain. All the while he was draining me on CC. I never got to recover and he beat me by less than thirty. But the thing was, ive been beaten bad when ive made terrible mistakes in games, but this guy just beat me because he knew how to do it. ive never been beat that bad by things other people did to me. I guess i really cant describe it but he beat me in about 5 minutes. No retreival, no tricks, he just smacked the taste out of my mouth.

The one thing that got me was after the game and yannick made a comment he thought i would take as an insult. i think he said i had a good dekc or something but thought id be insulted because he assraped it, which i wasnt. it was something else he said that really impressed me. he told me he loved my tournament reports on this thing. and i always get good reviews but none of the bigger names ever review things so i had no idea. and noone has ever been like you write well on decktech, just they mention funny things in the reviews. and this isnt sucking up because i have no reason to do that, im not looking for anything but let me say this. im not in life to play this game all my life, i go to school to become a writer. thats what i do, thats all i’ve ever wanted. i put alot into these gay TRs to try and make them enjoyable. i dont flex the 20983430843 grammatical rules ive learned throughout college, or capitalize all my letters and use good punctuation. I just want to write things people enjoy and hes the first person to ever tell me theyve enjoyed something i wrote about this game. and i guess it just came out of nowhere but it made my weekend. so thanks to yannick for reading my bull@#$%.

and if any of you other jokers are still reading this, then thanks for putting up with that rambling of something you probably just dont get.
but follow your dreams.. trust me.


so after getting raped by yannick i lose my next two games and am in danger of going 2-6!!! well not really because i cant imagine losing 5 games in a row, but i guess its possible.

My next two games were complete killers. I won my last two including a huge game against michael ganley that went to about 30 seconds left in the round.

He was playing BHBM and he was totally kicking me around CC he occupied about every site but i would not let him take my luke. So he did the worst thing you can do against avatar’s qmc and deployed the CC docking bay. and thats waht did him in. after he kicked me off all my locations and stole my luke, i couldnt do anything but take the drains. so instead i shuttled down wedge and corran horn from space and had them run around cloud city, blocking drains, retrieving with celebration and off the edge, and i couldve even beat down the emporer but i didnt realize that i couldve pathed over, i was concentrating on blocking drains while i could still pay for em. So eventually he beat down corran or wedge and i was doing one drain of one to him in space, one on the ground and moving corran in front of his drain of two. What i did was activate all my force, search for narrow escape, drain, retreive, move in front of one of his guys, and narrow escape away next turn. Rinse Repeat. i just kept getting narrow escape until his obj pinged him and i drained him down to nothing, while getting my diff back to ten. he had me on the ropes the whole game and i came back like i had never come back before. he had about 20 cards more than me when he took me completely off cloud city and i was able to swing that thirty cards in my favor. i played like a champ and finished 4-4 with a differential of -3.


At worlds Chris Gogolen talked tons of @#$% to me during game 7 because he knew tj had a problem wiht me. coincidentally i had to play him in game 8, i did three shots of vodka and smacked his @#$% and i was still rated in the 1500’s. that was great. so this kid tries to kick me off laying on one of the tables at ramapo.. this is what happend
he walks over and is like "get off the table"
i say "do you work Here"
"get off the table"
do you work here?
get off the table now
oh you work here then
scott told me to tell you to get off the table
i know scott, tell him to wave and ill get off
get off the table
ill never do anything you tell me to
get off the table
nice pants chris.
he looked down at his disgusting pants and walked away looking more like a rat than he ever has.

This kid had on black warmup pants with the elastics on the ankles, yet they stopped at midshin!! Yes there was a massive flood in houston over the weeknd, but we were about 3000 miles away, he should have had no fear of the flood spreading to new jersey whatsoever. but when scott asked me to get off the table, i pleasently obliged.

needless to say that chris was wearing different pants on saturday for the open.

The great part of this encounter was that i had to play him in the game directly after our second confrontation!!! now his rating is much higher than mine, but the kid sucks at life so i figured i could take him. luckily for him, pairings got messed up and we had to wait like 20 minutes (which was spent playing hardcore with oakes in its first sanctioned setting) before i finally got my pairing changed.
i am not a terrible person, but some people rub me the wrong way, and i wont let them off easily. more on that later when i face brian kim in the open TWICE.

For those of you who dont know what a golgothan was should see DOGMA. gologa was the name of the hill jesus of chris was crucified on in the catholic faith and in dogma the golgothan is a giant demon made of fecal matter. it was said that the crucified men on that hill would lose their bowels after they died and was formed was the @#$% demon. so there you have chris golgothan.


Let me explain to you the DPC winning deck. John Hawkins went 8-0 i think at the DPC, which is just frigging sick. His buddy defeated him in the semifinal, which sucks because his insert popped after activating two force and he couldnt play it can wait. Mainly what both decks do is play disturbance in the force to limit activation. then when the person deploys something (which is usually like one thing becuase its a choke deck anyways) they IT CAN WAIT, or KISS A WOOKIEE it back into their hand, play recoil in fear so that it cant deploy free next turn, and superdrain with dark deal. light is a little more broken because it uses effective repairs to play it out of the lost pile a bunch of times through watch your step. which creates a superlockdown, and thats how kitzman beat TJ. dark is only really good if you can get off a first turn dark deal. Kitzman’s versoin of this deck supposedly sucked in comparison to hawkins, but who knows really. the deck seemed hit or miss for anyone but hawkins.


Bastian is probably the funniest man alive because of his accent and how sharp he is. when i first met him i was like ’there is no way he understands what im talking about’ yet the whole time he was mocking me. so immediately i liked him. anyone that can dish it out AND take it back is fine in my book and bastian is one of those ppl. here are some wicked funny things bastian said this week... in his german accent of course.

After Ray Bordier gave hayes porn, who subsequently passed it on to bastian, who was badly in need of it after having carried around a picture of brittany spears in his back pocket for 7 days stright, decides to refridgerate the porn... after that...

BASTIANISM: This porn is too hot for the fridge, we must put it in the, what is it? the freeeezerrrr.

On sunday bastian said yeah right to something i said that was painfully true. i said - What do you mean yeah right!??! what are you making fun of me!?!?!

Bastianism: Yeah and Right, these are two words that are agreeing with you.

After about an hour and a half of sleep on thursday night bastian comes in the room in the black securtiy shirt me and hayes picked out for him and taps me on the foot

noticing that we say dude a lot

Bastiainism: Doodooodooodooodooodooodood
Bastian after playing ’i have a bad feeling about this’

when agreeing with me

Bastianism: OH YES
mimmicking that Beck’s beer commercial

BASTIANISM: good evening ladies and germs, i just flew in from berlin and boy my arms are still hurting. ZSANK YOU VEDY MUCH I VIL BE HERE ALL SZEE WEEKS

Here is my favorite bastian story from the entire weekend. this happend late late late late late saturday night during the team tournament. bastian and i were discussing how we were going to give each other the maddest props in our TRs. and bastian asks justin who he woudl give the maddest props to, himself or me.. to which he thought the answer would be him. so when justin said me, bastian was like WHAT DOODOODOODODOOD?? and i laid it out for bastian like this

Bastian, you see.. i can be me AND i can be you ( i do a sick bastian impression for those of you who dont already know), but bastian you can only be you, you cannot do an impression of me. if you do a good impression of me, everyone here would give you the maddest props. so bastian turns around points at kim caton and goes "do you want me to get you her number" and it took us both a second, but we figured out that he WAS doing an impression of me by asking that, even though he still had the german accent, and i fell on the floor laughing so hard because it was so damn on!.


This tournament report is pretty damn hard to keep with, because so many different things happened between so many different groups of people. mainly events occured simply between me and steebo and our countless hours of hanging out with our friends and playing hardcore trek.. ahhhhh hardcore trek turned into hardcore Young Jedi Demo.

In case you dont know what hardcore is, you sit across from your opponent and flip cards across the table trying to get them to hang off of the opposite edge. the first person to get two cards hanging off the side of the edge, without the opponent knocking them off in one shot, wins.

Andy Klema, Jeremy Oakes and Steebo made up this game at DCON and i picked it up shortly after along with many other players in our region and now the country. We must’ve played 2309842308 games of hardcore with the free YJ demos they were giving out. i made a 30 card jar jar deck, klema made a 40 card royal trooper deck. all in all it was pretty sick and we introduced a lot of good people to a really good game.

Now before i stray too far from the game of SWCCG, im gonna cover the open before getting into the post open festivities that were shared by me and matt berta and company.


The open was pretty damn cool because we got like double the number of the DPC. The open wason a saturday which meant all the people that couldnt take off work/school were able to come down for it.

It took bastian and hayes and justin like an hour to wake me up becuase i was so damn beat. there is no way in hell i wanted to get up and make decklists, that was the gayest thing ive ever had to do. i hate decklists

SO i was playing the same decks for the open, steebo was playing walker garrison instead of the tat mains. This tournament was a lot more interesting so i can get into more of the games

Game 1 my Dark Vs Otis Young’s 10 panic WYS

so this kid forgot his dark deck (which i found out later) so its no wonder that the bastard convinced me that he was playing light and i was playing dark not the other way around. i’m pretty trusting so i saw whatever and we play. i go to smack his guys around wiht my mains and he starts playing like 4 panics a battle, dropping all these ships to tatooine and all these characters to the sites to basically @#$% me right in the ass. when all was said and done he played about 9 panics and beat me by god knows how many. The great thing about this was that after the game i went and told like a group of 10 of my friends from the region and he came over and started talking to me and i was like - do you play 10 panics- and hes like SHHHH i dont want ppl to know. and i go dont worry i only told one of these kids. and he was like - aww cool man thanks - and as he walked away we all just sat there laughing at the kid.. good stuff.

Game 2 my DS AGAIN vs. Steve Lewis’ Fiance’s Hidden mains

So apparently this is katie’s first tournament. but yesterday i saw the girl kick the S. out of steve lewis so im pretty damn scared about getting my @#$% beat by a girl whose never really played. i run up to steebo and im like dude i have to play steve lewis f’n fiance... and of course steven lewis is sitting RIGHT NEXT TO STEEBO. so im like @#$% and i run back there. She really knows alot about the mechanics for someone that really doenst play. she did forget to force drain me in corulag for two turns so i reminded her. stuff like that was no big deal. i kinda felt bad playing things like weapon lev, disarm, you are beaten to smack down guy like han for 11+ force. one battle against zuckuss she wasnt gonna flip battle destiny but i had her 5 tracked and i told her to flip it anyways so she could track it for on the edge so that was cool, so she has that mechanic in her game now. anyways, i just beat her down for about 29. but here is the highlight of the game. i knew she was steve lewis’ fiance, you dont really miss a girl in a room of 2039843208 guys. but she felt the need to tell me who she was anyways at the start of the game. and this is a major prop to steven lewis because you have a girl that really cares about you man. she says to me with the BIGGEST grin i saw all weekend IM STEVEN LEWIS GIRLFRIEND. you could tell she was just really happy to have him, and thats a good thing. why am i getting mushy?? who knows, but steve - props to you for having a perfect match.

Game 3 pitted me against Chris Shauts AOBS podracing

there is only one reason why i want to mention this game. it starts podracing with agents, and its effect is presence of the force on the docking bay. so the objective STARTS flipped. which is friggin’ ill because i had to lose 2 force before i could even go! so i drop epp obi on my turn to try and smack the taste out his mouth. swing - zero, 1. battled estiny - 0. game over. i got pinged the rest of the game. i dont even want to talk about it.

Game 4 vs. brian kim’s Some kinda space deck.

I dont remember what the kid started but he was playing star destroyers so im thinking EOPS or ISB. anyways. me and haksootwo kim had talked major @#$% to one another on decktech for about over a year, giving each other bad ratings etc etc. so this was a classic matchup to be had. i set up on CC but he took over bespin wicked quick, so i had to set up all my dudes at kashyyk. however, since the new effect says i only have to occupy, and he forgot to save a force, so i dropped ten numb the superstar to bespin, flipped and moved him to kashyyk with everyone else. now he thinks he’s sweet because he drops maul in front of my 4 ships at kashyyyk with no pilot greater than 3 ability. so im like okay dude. he leaves maul on the devastator and says go. i dont have luke nor melas on the table, one of which is in my hand BUT i get to search every turn anyways. so i drop luke to the falcon and battle smack the F out of him because i power pivoted. and he loses two cards with forfeit 9 and 5 off the top. then i move everyone to bespin to beat him off my system. we keep fighting he uses imp commands, but his force is low, and he only saves 4 for his destiny. but i get to cancel AND cause a redraw. so he gets @#$%ed when he only draws a 1 and a 2 for a few turns in a row, because i just cancel everything. so eventually i drop dash and corran in red squadron 1 and beat him off bespin with ease.. AND I HAD THE FALCON LAT DAMAGED. which was cool. so then i set up celebration and just did him in like that.

The next few games really didnt matter. i ended up playing brian kim again, and smacking him again. then i played some kid from jersey. he was a local yokle and i beat him down for 35 with my dark. i ended up going 4-4 again, but this time my diff was at +20 which was enough to put me one place ahead of steebo and put me at 34th overall or something like that. i dont really remember the place, i just wanted the rebel barrier foil to sell on ebay. We also got a pack of tattoine to which i pulled another gay helper effect. so that was bust. anyways... the whole touranment ppl were playing raw deal on the side. and everyone that didnt play in the open just sat there playing raw deal. eric hunter has always played raw deal, and i just wanted to check it out. so i sat down with drew scott and johnny vegas and they taught me what is the coolest new game out there. if i had the money i would buy boxes of this card game because it is just that good. if you havent played raw deal yet, do it up because while wrestling may be wicked gay, the game is not. carry on.

the next few hours were spent very well at this bar & grille with klema, h20, oakes, johnnyvegas and matt PHOBOS berta... and that will prove to be a fun little story so read on.


The tournament was finally over, and i cant say i wasnt releived to be done with SWCCG for what was a ridiculously long weekend of cardplaying. Not that i minded, i love the game. but it was just way too much for me. Raw deal and hardcore however were great escapes.

So we’re hungry. eating once in 3 days is no good. so i got Jeremy Oakes, Johnny Vegas, matt berta, andy klema and justin h20 desai together and we took off to a bar and grill down the road called the MASON JAR.

Now i never claim to be 21. im only 20, but i have a fake id which i used at DCON every night, so i was pretty pissed when this girl from my school’s friend took it home on accident after i let him borrow it. the good news was that she lives two towns away from mahwah, NJ and i could easily get it from her. but im a frigging retard and i forgot her number (which is written on a black border Eyes in the Dark) so i had to go booozeless.

Berta, vegas and oakes are all 21, but i pretended to be german and explain that i was able to drink in my country but she still wouldnt buy it. so when we were ordering i switched accents in mid sentence (i have a really thick boston accent) and her facial expression did not change at all. and we know she bought it becuase she was being really nice and felt sorry for me that i couldnt drink, and we could tell she wasnt faking. it just amazed me that she could keep her composer as i changed mid sentence, i dunno.. blew me away.

berta was getting annoyed saying im going to far, MEANWHILE the kid couldnt keep a straight face and was practically ruining it for me. but hey, thats okay. matty is a nice guy. besides, if i coulnt drink, at least i could have some fun and @#$% around with the waitress. but she ended up being a huge @#$% and yelling at me when i told her i didnt want to put her out (when i asked for change) and she thought i said it sarcastically. whatever right. So then we explained to berta what jedi testing women was and he told us about how he works for a casino in vegas which is probaly the most hooked up job EVER. we talked movies for a bit before going back to the dorm.

so we stayed up watching the team tournament and fukcing around with all the people who were half asleep. this is great right here.

Hayes and i had a conversation on the way down about offensive things to say to girls. and when these things are said, girls hate it more than anything. so we were try ing to think of what girls we could say this to this weekend, and of course only one came to mind, kim caton, shes the only friggin girl there.

oh the word??


dont wanna get this thing deleted you know???

anyways. so during the DPC there is really no time to say it, but kim led us to the dorm because we had no idea where it was and the whole time we were walking behind her me and hayes just looked at each other and laughed because we were both thinking sloppy T.

well during one of the games of the open, i think it was the first, hayes was playing against kim in the first round. and he didnt hear me which sucks but i kept whispering SLOPPY T. to him cause he was like less than a foot away but he was all concentrating. i didnt wanna scream it but i shouldve. however it would take away from the reaction she gave later that night if i had....

SO i told this story to berta during dinner, and i knew that i had to have a chance to flex it during the night at the dorm. so during the team tournament steebo was playing against kim. i sit down next to them as berta took the elevator down to get a drink. he didnt notice kim at all. so when he comes off the elevator im planning to just call him sloppy T and see what she does, but coming out he trips on steebo and i yell as loud as i can EASY THERE SLOPPY TWA*

well he spits out his drink and she looks like she just drank a cup of bile she was so disgusted. me and berta ran away laughing like little girls just because it was so damn priceless.

So then after we got drunk off of lack of sleep we just tooled around makcing fun of people in the team tournament. which involved us theorizing about what would it have been like if they cast me in spider man instead of that homo toby mcguire. after that for a few hours and a few hours of hanging out in the room looking at frozen porn, the team tournament ended and bastian hayes justin and i went to bed separately, but bastian was wearing german undies that looked like a jock strap. i guess me hayes and justin have a thing about foreign ppl staying in our rooms at cons and sleeping in nothing but diapers... but who knows.

So the con ended. the next morning my girlfriend picked me up to take me to go see a broadway show called rent about a bunch of homos with aids.. not that i have anything against homos with aids i just dont want them anywhere near me real or acting. there was an amazingly hot girl named kendra in the cast and im probably going to stalk her now. so thank you for reading this piece of crap and here are some props and slops


Bastian Winklehaus - you are a good man


to my boy steebo, for beating good players, being a good kid, making my decks and backing me up against gogolen.


Baroni’s mom because i love her


scott lingrell
Hayes Hunter
Eric Hunter
Mr. and Mrs Hunter
brian cyzenski
Johnny Vegas
Jeremy Oakes
Klema x2
Twiggs all three
art wright
aaron kingery
rich haman
the other TDs
justin desai
drew scott
yannick x2
yj demos
dr evazan
everyone who cooked at the grill outside
pete sodorski
everyone from decktech who put into this thing
everyone who showed up and DIDNT DROP
ray borque
alex tennet
my girlfriend

Chris Gogolen
All tjs friends at the dpc final who yelled about him having a ghhk. whether or not that kid wouldve Recoiled in Fear or not, i dont think he wouldve, but tj wouldnt have lost so hard, i felt bad for the kid because i think he coulda put another grand in his pocket but whatever

Mr hunter for yelling at us for doing decklists while he was waiting in the car for three minutes and calling us jerks. he was younger than eric for a few second there.

thew waitress at the mason jar

ramapo for having zero women

Thanks for reading this
mike deck gemme

if i forgot props its because im braindead

[Take out new blink 182 Cd]