
Title: virginia-beach-va-7-8-01-yavin-iv
Author: Mark "MASSACRE" Carila
Date: Jul 8, 2001

I went into the store full of hope that I might win. the first game I lost but I won the next 3 to pull out 4th place.

1st game.
Against: Karl Horn
My QMC troopers and stuff deck
His hunt down podracing

I pulled honor first turn and he had to keep losing till he got Vader(3rd or 4th turn).I dropped scrubs to my sites (I have blast the door kids, paths, and houjinxes) and he dropped palpy and Mara to one of his sites. next I got home one out and deployed to more sites. he took over my locations and his(he had exterior cc sites. he said that they were anti QMC and it hurt me bad) I dropped fades way too late. 4-5 limited resources on me too. I lost the podrace and took 11 and he got 11 back.

FL –26

2nd game.
Against: Joey Dial
My ugnaught dark deal

I regret not throwing in that S&D! I set up quickly by deploying two ugnaughts and a dengar in ship and aura sing my and dark deal. next turn he’s at test 2 and I got occupation and bossk to flip. he dropped Qui-gon with lightsaber and proficiency where I had aura sing. I weapon leved the lightsaber to aura, which cancelled the proficiency, and swung and missed. I drew a 3 and had 13 to his 6(he had no reserve and I had dark deal and two ships on cc.) he got hurt bad from occupation. the turn before he completed test 5 I ended his life with a limited resources. he couldn’t have retrieved the 10 anyways because I had secret plans.

FW +22

3rd game.
Against: Paul Jason(or Jansen I don’t remember)
My Ugnaught dark deal
His profit deck

He started with ultimatum, which stunk, but he never got it in effect. I got second turn dark deal and later got lord Vader and lathe to audience chamber. he moved over jedi luke to free han(he deployed him to the home one d-bay then moved him down) but by the time he got there it was too late.

FW +30

4th game.
Against: Steven Yeager

I got out home one and some scrubs by the 3rd turn. then he dropped executor and a couple of star destroyers and tractor beams. he drew and said go. I got out some more scrubs and some to the death star. I knew he had the card that says that if he has a star destroyer w/ a tractor beam I can’t run so I just drew. I got my houjinx. he deployed a ton of ships there. battled took my z-95 bespin defense fighter with a tractor beam. and wasted my home one. houjinx. he then spread out. I pay 3 to drain. I dropped some scrubs on the death star and started draining there. he almost killed me but I dropped a z-95 on a system he wasn’t at and menace was in effect. that chunked his chiraneu. I had enough to finish off his 2 force at the end. (battle order hurt bad)

FW +7

yep I got 4th. that first game stunk. well at least I got the random tourney foil!

peace out
some scrub in virginia,
Mark Carila