
Title: mt-prospect-il-7-14-01
Author: Kevin "Obi-Kev" James
Date: Jul 17, 2001

Pre-Tourney Extravaganza
I was planning to go to the monthly Games Plus tournament the entire week, and the time eventually came when I needed to consider the decks I would play. Since I didn’t have any Tatooine I was basically limited to the two decks I had played in the last Games Plus tourney. They are two Kevin James’ originals, but that doesn’t mean much to anyone. My dark deck was one I had been playing and modifying since DS2 came out, Endor Ops Construct the Death Star,a.k.a. Moff Jerjerrod, Fairy Queen of the Universe (It’s posted on my page if you want to take a look. I would need to borrow the funny good-timed helper card, but I should have no problem since most people use it as a substitute for feminine napkins.
My light deck is a Hidden Base flip-mo-squad that uses OMDH/Red Squadron Wings/Billy Dee and Dash and some other goodies thrown in the mix. I’m not to confident in this due to the lack of podrace protection, but I generally don’t meta against anything but Jawas and Ewoks so what the hell’s the difference.
With my deck’s ready, I look forward to making a choice between getting a good night’s sleep, or engaging in some late night NBA Street goodness involving a semi-flacid salami and an antique violin. It’s now one ’o clock in the AM with a slight overcast directly over my house. This is a good sign as it will be some good sailin’ in the morning. I awake around 10 AM and plot my course the the noon tournament using my highly evolved skills in cartography. I hoist the sails and turn the keel starboard side, riding the tradewinds to the pirate town of Mt. Prospect (sidenote:only 2 types of people come from MP, steers and queers, and I didn’t see anyone with horns). I arrive and find that I make the 11th person, 12 including our fearless MEGA Al, our TD. I size up my competition (in more ways than one...HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA.HA...I’m an idiot) and find that we have some good competition with Scott Sichta and friends driving down from Joliet (about 50 miles away). The pairings are anounced and I have the unfortunate task of playing the always dangerous Al "MEGA" Schaefer (I’m not good with the spelling in last names). I find that I will be playing my bunk-tacular dark deck against a RST-podrace-blow deck. This is unfortunate since my ever so queer Moff will have to do his thing quick before he gets his @#$% pounded (I’m sure he wouldn’t object to that). As we start, Marcin Kurzawa strolls through the doors, so he just steps in for Al since the TD didn’t want to play in the first place.
My decks: DS-Construct the mega-happy-family funball.
LS-"I’m to lazy to constuct a decent LS deck so I’ll just use the piece of s.hit Hidden Base" deck.

End orgasmic pre-tourney garbage.
Spiel Eins (Game One)
Kevin "I have the same name as that guy on that one show" James’ Dark vs. Marcin Kurzawa’s Blow the original giant ball deck.
I start the usual stuff, pulling the helper card as my effect, and he starts Squassin, Great Shot Kid, and some other effect that didn’t serve any purpose. I draw my opening hand an find Guri and Xixor, along with a sector. This puts me in good position for a second turn TTO. I pull Endor Shield using the bunker’s gametext, drop Moff for 2, pull the 2nd sector,drop the 1st one, and draw the rest. I get an Imperial Command, Thunderflare, and some other bunk. His turn he pulls his Yavin sites and drops Super Wedge with Red Squadron 1 to the Yavin Dbay, and leaves him there...WTF! So it’s the beginning of my turn and I pull the last sector. I activate my force and find that I don’t have enough to drop the dynamic duo of Guri and Xixor to battle the power zero ship. I just drop Xixor, along with the 3rd sector and pull TTO. I initiate with Xixor, draw a 3, and he forfiets Wedge and ship. His turn he drops two more Yavin sites, drops Techs to 2 of them and that Feyn Gospic guy to the 3rd, flipping his objective. He pulls the funball and drops it along with the trench giving me three more force, excellent. He moves all of his bunks to the War Room and I go. I activate, force drain, and Imperial Command for Admiral Piett finding Merrijek as well. I drop the Thunderflare to the Sullest system delpoying the AO for Admirals as well,along with Piett, grap Merrijek, drop him to the bunker for 2, and search for Kessel and deploy it. I move the DS2 to Sullest, setting up TTO. I draw up, finding the Chimaera and another Imp. Command, along with Chirannaeu. His turn, he activates, thinks a bit, then just draws. He is obvioulsy looking for some ships. My turn, I Imp. for Thrawn and activate. I drain for 3, and ping for 3. I drop Chimaera, Chiraneau, and Thrawn to Yavin 4 and Zukuss in Mist Hunter to Endor. I move the Star to Yavin to set up a ping for 4 next turn. His turn, he drops, Luke and R2in Red 5 to Yavin along with an Attack Run. He moves to Death Star 2 and tries an Attack Run. He draws extremelly low and doesn’t make it. It’s my turn and I hit him with drains of 8 and a ping for 4. I then drop Guri to Xixor’s site, along with Lord Vader and Tarkin to the Endor dbay. His turn he tries to blow it again, but fails. My turn I damage him alot, and move Guri and Xixor to the War Room and Vader and Tarkin to the Yavin dbay. He has under 10 force left and tries to blow it again but fails since his only destinies left are 3’s and below. I damage him out of the game on my turn.
Full Win 2(+29)
Yes’-I got to see an attempt at blowing the first star while I constructed the second star.
No’s-I didn’t realize that an Attack Run is a regular move, prohibiting him from moving to the star then initiating an Attack Run.

Almost all the light decks lost, making the next pairings really wierd. As a plus, Mr. Kuperman waltzes on in during the game, filling the air with his pleasent anecdotes, but declines to play, as usual.

Spiel Zwei My Hidden Base vs. Brandon Morrale’s Build the Funball w/out Endor Ops WTF?

I start Frigate w/ Strike Planning (Auto Win), Squassin, and Insight. He pulls the helper with Operational as Planned. He activates an entire one force on his turn drops the Death Star 2 and draws. I pull Gen. Cal and activate my five force. I look for Endor to convert his and drop Alderaan from my hand. I notice that the Gold Squad. 1 isn’t in there so I just squassin for Red 9 and drop it to Endor, moving it to the funball. He activates three force but still can’t do anything, so he just draws. I drain for 5 at the star, but he controls it. I search for Aquaris and squassin Gold squad. 1 to Endor. I move the Falcon to the Star and the Red 9 to Aquaris. He activates and drops some sectors along with Sullest so it looks like my force choke is over. He still needs stuff so he draws. I activate 12 force and drain for 5 and 1, but he controls the 5. I give cannons to Red 9 and squassin for the Outrider to Aquaris. I drop Melas aboard the Falcon and pull Kiffex. On his turn he drops Zuckuss in Mist Hunter with Jerjerrod to the Star, looks for the last sector but can’t find it. He battles and draws crap, I draw a 5 so he decides to forfiet everything. I activate and drain for 5 and 1. This time it gets through, and I see 3 star destroyers plus TTO go off the top of his deck. The games in the bag at this point. I know he is using Dreadnaughts so they are +4 deploy since I control Aquarris. That’s some pretty harsh @#$%. Anyway, I look for Kessel and deploy Tatooine from my hand. I drop Home One with Hassh’n to Kiffex and move Red 9 and Dash to Kessel. At this point I’d rather inflict more damage than up his deploy, since he can’t really hurt me much with dreadnaughts anyway. He deploys a dreadnaught and thunderflare to the Star and battles. Once again he draws low and I draw high. I just lose the two battle damage that I suffer while he gets rid of a dreadnaught. He moves the flare to Tatooine, saving the rest of his force. I drain for 10, but he controls the drain of 5. I deploy Tantive with BoShek to Tatooine. I look for a pilot for Red 7 but can’t find him, but notice several 5’s and 6’s. I initiate and draw a 5. He forfiets and covers everything. As a last ditch effort he deploys a dreadnaught with ozzel to the Star and battles. He actually draws a 4 so I will be losing Melas. I draw a 4 as well and he losses Ozzel while I lose Melas. I drain him out on my turn.
Full Win by 35 4(+64)
Yes’- Force Choke with Strike Planning.
No’s- A rather uneventful game, despite a few one-sided skirmishes.

There are too many slow players to my liking, so I go to the bathroom and argue with the mirror, regarding stem cell research. I eventually leave the bathroom, hanging my head in defeat. Finally the games end, and next rounds’ pairings are announced. I soil myself after I hear that I will be playing Matt Lewis’ SYCFA Commence deck. Last time I played it, he blew up my Alderaan preventing me from using OMDH, and used his retrieval to constantly get back the destroyers and admirals that were battled off the table. I am playing exactly the same deck, with the exact same indicator, so he will know what to expect. Anyways, I change my underwear and reluctantly start the game.

Spiel Drei My Hidden Base vs. Matt "Beaver Creek" Lewis’ Set Your Course for Arousal deck.

He starts the helper, mob. points, and the third effect which I’m pretty sure it was Something Special Planned for Them. He implies that his opening hand is good while I imply my fist in his face. I leave the tournament after being disqualified. Had that really happened this TR would end here, but unfortunatly for you I am as passive as a impotent 60 yr. old amidst a crowd of fat albino hemophiliacs. I start my usual and get Aquaris in my opening hand, along with Lando. While I could’ve pulled Lando, it guarantees me a second turn activation of at least 10 while only giving away 1, as long as the Falcon and Endor are in my reserve. His turn, he pulls warroom and drops it along with Carida. My turn I do exactly what I said two sentences ago. His turn he drops like 3 gunners and another set, and moves the thing to parsec one. I drop a Melas into the Falcon on my turn while pulling Alderaan. His turn he drops Devastator and an admiral to the Falcon. He battles but draws low. I draw a 4 so he forfiets the whole thing to avoid beat down. I suffer some battle damage and lose from my hand. I start to set up my massive fleet with Red’s and matching pilots including Wedge, along with Hassh’n and Home One. He blows Alderaan making my OMDH useless, and gets some retrieval going with his Star Destroyers. I get battled but for some reason he keeps drawing low so my immunity saves me. I flip which saves me from drains until I can get the right ship combos to hold systems. He knows my base is Kessel, it always is, and probes. I barrier the ship though. The battle next turn consists of me canceling his destiny with Wedge. Lewis said that he always forgets about Wedge. This time it costs him the game, as I get two power destinies plus a draw. I think that was the last of his big ships to hit the table, so I just drained slowly but surely for the win.
Full Win by 21 2(+85)
Yes’-A very good game, with awesome ship battles.
No’s-Alderaan exploded.

The next pairings were announced, and I had to play Scott Sichta with my dark deck. The last time I played him in Joliet, he blew my DS2 to hell. However, now that We Shall Double Our Efforts is released, it makes 10 times harder to blow the thing up. We sit down and get geared up to play.

Spiel Vier (Game Four) My Dark vs. Scott Sichta’s Profit Mains

Scott’s Profit start took a giant load off my chest, since I was fairly confident that he wouldn’t have any space in his deck. This game would be a drain and direct damage race. Details are not really needed since we both set up our decks fairly quick. I have Endor, Sullest, and Kessel controlled with Star Destroyers at Kessel and Sullest, and the Emperor’s Shield and Zuckuss at Endor. He has Ben and Han at the chamber. Naked Threepio, Masta Luke, and EJP Lando at Jabba’s Palace, and Qui-Gon with EPP Leia at the Outskirts. So we were both hitting each other with 3 direct damage. I was draining him for 7 a turn while he was draining me for 6. I decreased the drain to 4 with Arica at the Chamber for two turns, but he Nabruned Ben and Han to the Endor dbay. I would’ve attacked the ground earlier, but I only drew Guri and Xixor, and I needed my force to set up my destroyers. We battled for a couple of turns at Jabba’s Palace after I broke Arica’s cover and deployed Blizzard 1 and Xixor. We forfieted back and forth with no battle damage being taken from outside the battle. My damage of 10 during my control phase to his damage of 7 gave me the win eventually.
Full Win by 5 8(+90)
Yes’-Gotta love those fast-paced drain races. Beating an awesome player.
No’s-Not drawing Vader with a You are beaten until it was too late.

At this point I am the only undefeated player which is very unexpected since I only had one Tatooine card in both of my decks combined, which was borrowed I might add. Pairings for the final round are announced and I get to play Matt again.

Spiel Funf (Game Five) My dark vs. Matt Lewis’ "modified" Deutscher WYS

I start my usual while he starts Squassin, DTF, and Insurrection. I cream my pants when I see that I actually drew the three ds2 sectors in my hand. First turn, I drop all of them and search for TTO, but of course it isn’t in there. That would’ve been sweet. Now that Moff is useless I just keep him in my hand. He gets Jedi Luke at Home one dbay and trasits him to Tatooine. I get TTO set up and draw. He squassins for the Falcon with the droid combo and drops it to Tatooine. I think he put the Captain aboard as well. He sends it to the funball. Looks like he is trying to blow it up, but he would need to draw a 7 because of WSDOE. I made a mistake the next turn. I expected a barrier so I didn’t deploy my Executor and Piett to battle the Falcon. Instead I deployed the Moff aboard Zuckuss with Dengar. I battle he plays Hyper Escape to move into the first sector, sweet. Had I deployed Executor and Piett, he would be forced to battle because of Something Special. Anyway, we exchange drains for a couple, until he flips his objective. I then start to deploy my characters to the ground including the Emperor to the Cantina and Xixor and someone to the Tat. docking bay giving me another two damage to TTO. Matt’s fighter dies to a drawn 1 for movement destiny when half of his reserve is filled with 4’s and 5’s. Eventually, I you are beaten Luke and battle a smuggler but a poor destiny and no hit with the saber doesn’t give him alot of battle damage. I’m in total control of space and eventually my drains and damage end the game.
Full Win by 17 10(+107)

Sichta and I discover that we will be playing each other before everyone finishes the 5th game. We are forced to wait for all the slow guys to finish, and begin once all the games end.

Spiel Sechs (Game Six) My Light vs. Sichta’s Walker Garrison

He starts the helper, IAO, and Decree. I start the usual. When I first saw the start, I was expecting a loss. The Garrison could generally be set up before I find my 5th battleground system, thus flipping my objective. However, by Sichta’s groan in the opening draw, I could tell that he drew the 3rd marker, preventing him from using the text on You May Start Your Landing. That single event alone, saved my ass. I send Insight to the lost pile on my first turn to find HotJedi and deploy it. He gets off to a slow start, drawing for the first few turns, while I get in a couple drains of one and two. I set up the Tatooine-Alderaan connection for a OMDH after a garrison hits. His first few points of direct damage are negated until he deploys his No Escape. However, he still doesn’t occupy three battlegrounds so his non-battleground force drains are canceled. I flip with Home One and some ships at Kessel, but he comes to space with Chimaera and Thrawn, giving him his 3rd battleground against Gold Squad 1 with Gen. Cal and Melas at Kiffex, probing but missing. I draw a 6, but he draws high enough to eliminate the ship and my pilots. I drain, and move around a bit to get more force drains. I set up a OMDH to retrieve 6 force. He gets in a garrison, I block two of his drains, so I lose about 11 force total. He deploys Boba in Slave 1 to Tatooine and probes, missing of course. I barrier it so he can’t move to Kessel. Also, his Chimaera is stuck at Kiffex which is huge. I drain for 5 or so, and battle Boba in Slave 1 with Tantive and Spiral. I draw a 5 so Boba is gone, while I sac the Spiral. He doesn’t get in another garrison, thank God, and I edge him out again in a very close game.
Full Win by 4 12(+111)

Here’s the Top 5:
Kevin James
Brandon Morreale
Scott Sichta
Ben Collins
Matt Lewis

So, I go undefeated and win the tourney. I choose the Twi’lek Foil instead of the Rebel Snowspeeder foil. I pull crap in my Tatooine packs, a LS Boonta Eve and the QMC helper. All in all, it was well run tournament by Al with good competition. We were all a bit pissed, to say the least, at the amount of timed games...6!!!, but we had a good time.

To Al Schaefer, for a well run tournament and good prize support
To my opponents, for playing helluva games
To Games Plus, for being one of the best tournament locations I’ve played in
To Steve Kuperman, for being Steve Kuperman
To Kurt Angle, for being the best damn wrestler in the business.

To the Gobbily Gooker, for being the worst f-in wrestler in the business.
To the people that didn’t show up to the tournament, you missed some good games, and we needed more people to beat the slow guys quickly.
To the slow players, I understand that you need to check, and double check every single action and card by both players, but keep in mind that some people may have chronic bladder problems making them unable to sit for an hour waiting for other people to finish, eventually piss...I’ve said to much.
And most of all, to the homeless guys that hold up the signs by the intersection, that get stuck in your grill and axels after accidentally hitting them with your car, mistaking them for Scientologists.

Anyway, this damn thing went on way to long. I’m ending it right here with some words of advice.

"A 5lb. paper bag is ample storage space for a 10lb. iguana.

Guten Tag,
Kevin James