
Title: lingwo-dead-lingwo-is-dead
Author: Alex "Black Void" Stefanko
Date: Jul 18, 2001

"Since you’ve attended public school, i’ll assume you’re already proficient with small arms."


Pre-Tourny Stuff:
Well coming out of the last tourny 4-2, with my WYS goin 3-0 i was set for LS. But then I decided to just go for the all space, so i changed around some cards (omg tracking A Few Manuevers for Cantina Brawl OWNS), took out most of the ground pound element and added some Kessel Run retrieval. R2-D2 owns too, i don’t know why I havn’t used him before in decks, he totally bypasses First Strike. Whats that? you sliced and got a 1 and 3? Ok i get to activate 2 force which i’ll use for my Life Debt and I Know..........So, we’ll just have to see how it plays out. For DS I decided to change since my previously one loss deck took 2 losses last tournament, mainly due to OOC. That card is just huge for the LS, and with my like 6 character deck if i lose a Vader or Maul from reserve or hand then i’ll probably get screwed. I decided that space hasn’t been all that big in our area so far so I pulled up my Endor Ops deck on deckmaker. I knew i was gonna change it, because i only get the bonus if i am at sites, which the guys are just begging to get whooped. But i still liked the force drains, so I decided to switch to SYCFA. I figured that i may as well be able to retrieve a little when deploying, as well as starting out with 5 force minimum and a place to set up my guys without fear of beatdown.........with a little playtesting, i figured the porportions were good, and it should do well as long as I play smart and not like a scrub (which i probably will do last game). So i packed up my things, put a bottle of water in the freezer and went to bed. Got up a bit early to be able to shower before we head out, at the last minute I grab my Fett PEZ dispensor for good luck and cause PEZ rules, then we’re off. Its a good showing of 28 and we get started.

Quick recap, i’m playin a WYS Space Deck for LS using R2-D2 to boost the hyperspeed of whatever ship i’ll use to Kessel Run, as well as take advantage of him mad tech text. And for DS i playin a SYCFA to flip w/ Imp Commands.

Game 1: "Enter the Void" vs Paul Green’s Hunt Down
Visage wasn’t a problem this game, due to honor. Not a whole lot of confrontation this game. I can’t remember a whole lot bout this game but i know that I pulled off 1 Kessel Run a couple turns from the end. Win by 29

Props: He wasn’t playin inserts, I hate playin that type of cheese. Just isn’t fun when the opponent does nothing.
Slops: None really. One of the top PEZ tablets broke in half and got stuck in the hollow top.......

Game 2: "Ash to Ash, Dust to Dust" vs Eric Brummel’s WYS
Deck worked well, yet slow. Within the first couple turns of drains at the Cantina (he never deployed Kessel, which was good cause i woulda raped his @#$% there.......with the hand i had) i lost 2 of my star destroyers off the top. That sucked huge. So on like turn 2 i drop Executor alone to Fondor and move D* to parsec 1, unfortunatly i had only the 1 force left for the move, otheriwse i woulda dropped Piett too. His turn he Squad Assigns for the Falcon, drops that the Cap and some smuggler scrub. He then uses his last force to battle. He gets 3 destiny, and if he pulls enough to break my immunity i’m screwed, cause the only other ship in my had is Zuckass, and i have like 4 pilots for SDs. He draws a 2, 0, and then a 6. Yes! So i lose the 4 force. My turn i proceed to drop Piett, Evax, and Zuckass (too bad i didn’t have a Command.....). I battle, and draw sorta low. But theres overflow of 17 so he loses the whole ship.....he never once comes to space again. So I set up in space, dissintegrating Alderaan, putting a strong force at the D* DB to sustain Battle Order, and he sets up at the Cantina and the Moisture Farm. So he’s paying to drain for 3 total, while i’m draining for 6 (5 at Endor and 1 at Fondor) until i finally find Chimaera for another drain of 4. The main factor that kept him alive was he was finally finding some of his controls, so that delayed me some turns, as well as him harvesting (where was that damn grabber when i needed it!!!!!!!). Time was called and he apparently had 23. I didn’t bother counting mine cause i knew it was only bout 16. Timed Loss by 23

Props: Executor for being a super pimp and holding its own against the big bad Capt.
Slops: Timing out, thats always a drag. If i only had 5 more minutes i woulda had the game, oh well. Damn Harvests givin him retrieval but having lost mine so early.

Well, i guess i musta ate to much PEZ, cause I hear i been paired up with Alfred. Jeez, i just lost and have to face Alfred with the same deck! At least with my WYS i would have stood a chance...........Fett! Why hast thou forsaken me!!

Game 3: "Ash to Ash, Dust to Dust" vs Alfred Dong’s Slave Q Harvest
Basically a drain race, with him gettin Mos Eisley, Cantina, and Moisture Farm out fast. Alderaan went boom and my force on the Death Star moved in to the War Room away from Qui-Gon + stick. So after a couple turns i’m draining for 5 and 5 at Sullest and Endor, paying for Battle Order. But he is too for his drains of 2, 2, and 1. Then i drop Comm Igar on Tempest 1 to Qui-GOn (Goo Nee Tay prevented EPP Vader comin down too) and i drew low. He pulled a 6 breaking Igar’s forfiet so i had to clear the site, but i delt overflow of bout 7 so he sacced Qui-GOn. The next turn i moved the gunners, palpy and veers over to the db. backed it up with Vader also. But the slowness of my setup hurt me, as well as him using ALL 4 of his harvests, and some key controls hurt. So he drained me out. Loss by 19

Props: Getting the setup to do its work, draining for 10 a turn.
Slops: Soooo many harvests, ugh. Secret Plans went off the top early, though it wouldn’t have mattered due to his activation of like 18.

Game 4: "Enter the Void" vs Bobby Garcia’s Speed Dark Deal
*Sigh* Dark deal troopers...........i just KNEW i’d play one. Unfortunatly my hand wasn’t that great and he dropped DD turn 2. I knew i’d have to cancel DD to do anything. So i got an ok hand with Wedge, a Freighter Cap, and Melas. I drop Wedge with Squad Assign to clear his forces off CC, but Wedge got I drew up some pulling Cap Han. He moved his ships down after draining, of which i canceled 2. Losing 6 hurts on turn 3. SO on my turn Wedge went down free, and i dropped Han, Melas, and the Freighter Cap to a trooper, Draw Their Fire (i had begged his 3 force, no Kissing Han for you!!), and battle the trooper. I draw amazingly low and only cause bout 4 overflow (damn DD adding power and forfiet 3 of the CC Trooper). So i spread Melas and Han to cancel DD, then move the Cap with Han. I knew the beatdown was coming to Melas, but canceling DD was worth it. He drops like 4-5 troopers and battles. Troop Assualt. I draw a 5 and he draws low. With Melas being forfiet 6 i lose him and 9. But i know i can spring back form that. So basically with me runnin away from his beatdown, looking for Luke, draining for 2 at CC and 3 at Kessel, and him paying for small drains i knew i’d win the race. So i got a Kessel Run off, then he runs a trooper to Tat (mistake #80 of the day, after he dumped his troop beatdown i shoulda dropped something to Cantina for the drain). I’m an idiot and draw like 7 cards for a character to beat it down (i had tunnel visioned the turn before and saw Talon and some others). He draws up so that i can’t complete my second Kessel Run. Win by 11

Props: Rebounding from the quick drains and 9 damage from the "Melas Gangbang".
Slops: Having to expose Melas like that. Myself for drawing 7 cards in one go (at the end) just to find something i didn’t actually need! Woulda won by 18 otherwise (25 if i had gottent he Kessel Run done in time).

Once again I must have ate too much PEZ for I was to be @#$%ted on for the next game.

Game 5: "Enter the Void" vs Andrew McKelvey’s That Things Operational
I saw his start and i’m like "Easy win.....". Then I draw up my hand. Omg, it was the worse piece of @#$% i’ve ever gotten. 1 character (not even a matching pilot), Correlia, 5 red, and ANAKINS POD! So i try to salavage this and draw some ok stuff but not what i really needed. His turn 2 (or 3) he drops Saber 3, Dread, and 2 Interceptors to Tatooine. Great. Now i’m not activating enough to pay to drain, so i drop Red 10 (the only ship i could match a pilot for at the time) alone to Endor (i held onto Kessel cause i didn’t want to give him even more force) and Melas to the Cantina. He drops Maul to the Cantina and battles, we both draw low but Maul has immunity and Melas doesn’t, cause he’s a scrub. Its him and 2. So its goin slow and finally i draw up Dash. I squad @#$% for Outrider cause i have a Freighter Cap in hand so i could clear a good # of his TIE @#$% from Tattoine. Outrider ain’t there. Well there goes that plan down the @#$%ter. Draw gettin Outrider and Cap Han. My next turn I know i can pretty much rape his guys IF the Falcon is in there, me gettin 3 destiny and one of his ships power -8. But once again i miss the Squad Ass. So irritating. So i drop The Outrider, dash and a cap. Clear off 2 Ties and run away to a deployed Kessel. He drops another Tie. I Squad @#$% for Falcon and get it, dropping it and a cap and han. Battle, clear his side and none of mine go. He drops Fel on ship and a Dread to battle. I draw a 5 and then add 1 to it (which i shouldn’t have done) and once again i lose nothing and he loses all but Saber 1. I move to Endor and move Red 10 to the D*2. He drops Xizor to Saber 1 cause of Battle Plan, so his drains of 2 and 1 on the ground will be free. So i track beautifully and on my turn I Cantina Brawl away Vader. Bye bye! Skirmishes in space but nothing else major. I believe i got a Kessel RUn in but i dunno. That Things Operational Hurt badly, getting me bad. I was an idiot and didn’t drop anyone to ground until a late Mirax to Endor DB. My drains got to him, luckily cause the next turn TTO woulda got me for 4......Win by 2

Props: Vader, for tripping over someone in the Cantina which started a fight and resulted in Wuhur tossing Vader out........
Slops: Myself, for playing like an idiot and not dropping ground stuff to Endor to satisfy for my own Battle Plan. Red 10 for being dumb and for moving into the D*2 without knowing that it was literally impossible for him to blow it up (had to draw an 8).

Well, Fett sure was with me in the end of that game, so i reloaded him with Lemon PEZ and sat back to wait for the other games to finish.

Game 6: "Ash to Ash, Dust to Dust" vs Dan Mochizuki’s Good In Him
Well i had played this deck a couple weeks before with my Maul deck and whooped it, mainly due to Maul raping Jedi Luke and him not pulling another. Well, this game wouldn’t be the same at all. Not a whole lot to say bout the game. Alderaan went boom, and after some skirmishes with Obi, Orri, and Lando he came out with 3 cards stacked and Vader holding Luke. But my constant drains of 10 a turn for free were hurting him very bad. I drew some up a turn pulling Troop Fenson, turned to Steve and told him that because i just drew him, that Dan’s gonna play like 2 Off the Edges.........Sure enough he played one, drawing a 4 and retreiving 3 (Damnit! Fenson reduces it by 3!!!) Then moves his crew and Daughter to Endor where Vader and Janus had run to. I have just enough force to drop Tempest 1, battle for free, draw a destiny, and transit for free. So i battle, he slices Janus and draw destiny. I had checked with IAO what the destiny was and it was a 1 (2 with vader) so if Dan drew a 4 he would win the battle......but not the game.....for i’d just lose Vader for the overflow. But he drew a 1 and i won the battle, moving Vader and Tempest 1 to CC. During that battle he drew a 6 for weapon destiny and was what he needed to turn Vader and win. he recirculated, activated 2, then tryed to turn Vader. With 4 cards left in his reserve he had a 25% chance of winning the game.........shuffle.........i cut........he draws..............a 3. Woooohoooo! Fett, you da PEZ! So he then activates the rest, drains for 2. I lose the 2 from my hand and then i go. I drain for 1, 5, and 5 and thats game. Win by 7

Props: To Dan for a good game. Man, that last turn had my heart pounding..........To winning, cause if i had lost my DS woulda lost all its games (though i woulda had the first one :-P ).
Slops: None really, except for a battle at the War Room he initiated. He got 2 destiny!!

Well, going 4-2 put me into 7th place, but i pulled junk from my pack. Damn Jar Jar #3. So after finishing up conversations I pack up and we head home.

Overall Props:
My WYS won all its games.
Kevin Shannon for showin up.
My opponets for some good, clean, non-cheesy games......(except Brummel cause he’s a punk. Damn timeouts)
PEZ for being like all sugar.
My Fett PEZ for pullin through and givin my good fortunes in my last couple games......

Overall Slops:
Almost losing to THAT THINGS OPERATIONAL! God i’m so ashamed even though i won.......
My Fett PEZ for running out of PEZ....No! Not my daily sugar!
My DS for being damn slow, yet effective when it gets its sluggish @#$% into position.
Pulling Jar-Jar in my pack. Ugh.
Decipher for not posting card pics on weekends. Damn lazy bastards!!!
Nick for playin horrible music on the trips to and back.........ugh, but i gotta endure it cause a rides a time bring the Pumpkins CD!

"Are there any questions?"
"Ummmm, is the poop deck really what I think it is?"
