
Title: madskills-epp-overdrive-ls-owns-you
Author: Michael "MadSkills84" Pistone
Date: Jul 19, 2001

Alright, Jon Bragg put up a tournament report for this so I guess I will as well. If you haven’t read his, we had all talked about doing an EPP Overdrive eventually cuz it would be more fun than a sealed deck so the guy at our store finally got another box of epps so we had enough vaders and lukes to do this with. So I organize the thing and call everyone and basically figure it out the day before. My friend from out of town was going to come down to playtest anyways, so we figured that would be a perfect time. Everyone chose their side they wanted, and I decided since I had won the last local sealed deck with Dark Side, I would take a crack using the Light Side this time. Well these were the people that were in attendance and the sides they played:
Dan "Lord Jabba" Mailloux LS
Jon "Wow" Bragg LS
Michael "Madskills84" Pistone (ME) LS
Matt "MateOx" McGann DS
Rich "SithRage" Hinds DS
Andrew "Ybardrewy" Yborrando DS

So we go up and we buy our epps, I can’t help but notice the brand new box of Reflections 1 the store just received, maybe I’ll buy some packs later. So we go back and rip open these epps and separate the cards in piles. I sit across Andrew and we pass the cards. I begin to slowly reveal my rares……..(drumroll please)
Rare Number One: Kessel Run!
Rare Number Two: What the @#$%?!?! ANOTHER Kessel Run!
Rare Number Three: Into The Garbage Chute Flyboy!
Rare Number Four: Move Along!

Whew, after those rares, I knew I was destined for greatness for the sealed deck and was ready to build my incredible deck. You know I could have pulled of Kessel Run if I got another system besides Kessel and I got a Smuggler, oh well, next sealed I guess. All I kept saying at this point was "Oh my god this deck sucks, oh my god this deck sucks". God it was bad lol, but you take what you can get. I put in every location, starship and character I pulled into this, also every vehicle for forfeit purposes.

And now the moment you have all been waiting for:
Madskills’ Brillianter (That is a great word) Epp Overdrive Pile (LOL I can’t type that with a straight face)

Starting Location:
Yavin 4: Massassi War Room

Yavin 4: Docking Bay
Death Star: Docking Bay 327
Tatooine: Docking Bay 94

Characters: (One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn’t belong)
Beru Lars
Luke With Lightsaber
2x Rebel Trooper
2x Rebel Guard
2x Shistavanen Wolfman
2x R2-X2


Vehicles: (Dude you can forfeit these!)
Lift Tube
Luke’s X-34 Landspeeder
SoroSuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuub V-35 Landspeeder


Into The Garbage Chute Flyboy (only rare I used)
A Few Maneuvers
Hyper Escape
The Bith Shuffle
It Could Be Worse
Don’t Underestimate Our Chances
Spaceport Speeders (I could actually pull this off!!!!!!!)
Beru Stew
Han’s Dice
2x Old Ben

Yavin Sentry

Game 1:
Madskills’ Brillianter Epp Overdrive Pile (:-D) vs. Andrew’s DS

Well Andrew kept talking about how much his deck sucked too so we knew this would be a highly exciting game full of trauma and action. So we get started and I start Yavin 4: Massasi War Room and he starts Tatooine: Mos Eisley and I just go, yay, drain 2 site. I made a game plan from that point to hold onto that side the whole game at all costs. So he takes his turn, draws and says go. My hand is actually pretty good with: panic, epp luke, beru stew, shistavanen wolfman, old ben, beru lars, luke’s x-34 landspeeder, and rebel trooper. So I could either play stew for Luke 1st turn but I neglect to do that, I’ll wait till vader hits the table or I have backup for him. So I deploy beru, play stew, deploy shistavanen, rebel trooper and say go. He plays set for stun on shistavanen and deploys epp vader and battles. In a panic, I play Panic! At this point I pray to god I pull a Matt McGann (for those of you who don’t know what a Matt McGann is, it’s getting yourself so deep in a whole and then having God on your side helping you out of the whole, so far that you put your opponent in it) Well in a Panic, a shistavanen wolfman, rebel guard and r2-x2 come to save the day! So he hits the wolfman and I lose r2-x2 to attrtition and old ben the shistavanen wolfman. He has to lose Vader to attrition. I keep loading up that site and he sets up a drain one elsewhere that I let through for a while cuz I can deal with it. I deploy Kessel and a ywing and xwing there and let him go. He deploys another scrub to his drain one site and he says go. I have enough to split up my forces now and move half over and keep half there, this corners him and a battle ensues the next turn, I lose a little but then he has nothing on the board and I just drain him out.
FW 2 (+16)

Highs: OMG this deck can win!
Lows: None

So at this point we are the first two done and I decide to go buy 2 packs of Reflections cuz it’s my favorite set ever. I wait for Dan to finish his game against Rich and we go up. I wait behind a little kid who wants to know how much it was for "THAT". He points at a box of MLB showdown. Now Dave, the card shop owner talks in a little high pitch voice that sounds so retarded, oh wait that’s his normal voice. Anyways he’s like, "Well you could buy the whole box of ’Packages’ or you could buy an individual ’Package’." So listening to this me and my friend Dan start laughing and I go up there and say “Yes could I buy two ‘Packages’ of Reflections 1. So Dave gets my packs and we head over to the table still laughing at the stupidity of the whole thing. I don’t know why but everyone came over to look at me opening my packs. So I rip the first one open and pull a Visage Of The Emperor Foil. So I go ugh, I better pull something good next pack to keep my hot streak going. For any of you who know me, this has been the most incredible month for pack pulls for me. In star wars I pulled a foil palpatine out of 4 packs and in raw deal I’ve pulled 2 URF and like 6 of the best rares in the game in like 12 packs. It’s nuts. So anyways I go to open my next pack and I open it up. On the first card, which was like droid detector, my friend Dan goes… Darth Vader! So I flip down a few cards, seeing rares go by and I flip to the foil, and while everyone is looking "DARTH VADER!!!!!!!!!!!" It was the sweetest thing ever the momentum going into the pack opening. I gotta give Dan MAAAAAD Props for that "calling of the shot". So neways Jon finishes his game and ls sweeps the first round cuz Matt didn’t drain Jon at a site cuz Jon had a droid there and Matt forgot he could drain.

Game 2:
Madskills’ Brillianter Epp Overdrive Pile (That’s a laugher) vs. Matt McGann’s DS

Ok so I start my Yavin 4 twix and he starts the death star war room. I get a pretty assy draw, as does he. He deploys the death star docking bay and some dudes there and says go. I got nothing so I draw. He drains and deploys more dudes there and says go. I draw some more and let him go. He drains again, draws some. My turn I deploy kessel, xwing, ywing. Draw some say go. He deploys jundland wastes and some guys there and says go. Now I come down with some troopers and a guard to jundland wastes, battle take out some dudes lose a trooper. I move over to the tatooine db cuz I’m an idiot and forgot guards can’t move, oh well he missed it too. So next turn he gets a drain in, follows me over says go. My turn I drain etc. and move over to dstar db. He drains etc. follows, says go. I drain and move into the war room where I will stay. So he drains and decides to deploy a death star trooper and stomtrooper to that site. He battles, I don’t know why. When he initiates, no modifiers have taken effect yet so I play "Don’t underestimate our chances" to triple battle damage. He has no tricks up his sleeve so I go ok, and he is down by 2 in the battle and I triple so he loses both guys and one. He says go, my turn I drain for 5 which was nice, and deploy a trooper to back them up and say go. He drains and moves over and says go. I drain and deploy a shistavanen and say go, and he looks puzzled but plays on. He battles I have another Panic again, get 2 characters this time to support the cause and take out his stuff and eventually out drain him. God I pulled that out of my @#$% that game.

FW 4 (+25)
Highs: Pulling a game out of my ass
Lows: Jon losing to make light side 5-1. :-( Vader and Luke not seeing play this game.

Game 3:
Madskills’ Brillianter Epp Overdrive Pile (lol) vs. Rich Hinds’ DS

I started Yavin 4: Massassi War Room and he started his Death Star: War Room. I draw my opening hand and to my enjoyment I get Luke in my opening hand. His first turn he draws a few and tells me to go. My turn, I activate, drop a Tatooine: Docking Bay 94, draw and say go. His turn he activates the rest drops EPP Vader and a droid to Tatooine: Jundland Wastes which he just deployed. He says go. I activate, deploy Luke, and a Droid. I battle, he plays collateral damage, and I lose the Droid. I hit vader, he hits luke, I draw higher and he loses droid and 1 to cover. His turn he basically just draws a few and says go. My turn I activate a bunch, drop a Shistavanen Wolfman and a trooper to the Jundland Wastes. I say go. His turn he plays sandstorm on shistavanen, and he dies. He drops lars moisture farm with a few scrubs there and says go. My turn I deploy a guard in front of his scrubs move the trooper over and say go. His turn he deploys like 9812769439857193475298 scrubs with them. He battles, I play panic and get a jawa, a shistavanen and beru and they all go to the site to give their support for the rebel trooper and guard’s cause. Destiny draws make us lose some stuff, I play another old ben and have character advantage. Next turn I deploy Kessel, and an xwing and ywing with an r2x2 on it. They sit there uncontested in space. From that point on I drain him out, he pulls off elis once to get some draining in.

FW 6 (+43)
Highs: Winning again, light is now 8-1.
Lows: Having to play another game……..bleh, this is boring.

So the DS troubles countinue they are now 1-8. Rich is only Dark player with a win so he is in first for dark, I have a higher differential than Dan, so I play Rich again, which is a relief cuz I really didn’t want to play Matt cuz I shouldn’t have beat him the first time his deck was better than he made it out to be really.

Game 4:
Madskills’ Brilianter Epp Overdrive Pile (hahaha, still funny) vs. Rich Hinds’ DS

So I won this the first time, just needed to do it again and I could take my choice of rares from this thing. Game starts very well with Luke in my hand. His first turn he deploys yavin 4: db and draws. My turn I deploy pops and two rebel troopers there and say go. He deploys lars farm and some scrubs there and lets me go. My turn I drain, draw a few let him go. His turn he drains deploys a few more and lets me go. So my turn I come down with epp luke and a few buds to take his site, I do with ease. I say go. He deploys a bantha and a droid to the site and draws some and now has a hand of 56469878943146 cards. So he says go, I drain through bantha and droid cuz you need ability 1 to have presence, bantha has ½. So I deploy kessel with the ywing xwing package that had been solid all day. I say go, he comes down with dr. evazan and deploys a dark jedi lightsaber on him, I’m like wtf? So he battles hits and operates luke, but I had so much at the site he loses everything. He says go I drain again and say go. He comes down with a 2 ties to kessel and says go. My turn I drain and battle the ties and defeat them by power. Rest of the game I drain to win the thing.

FW 8 (+54)
Highs: Winning
Lows: Having Luke operated on

So I win the tournament and I choose a few rares for prize support, I get the best pull from epps, that was jon’s wb han solo. We split rares and dan and I play two games of constructed, splitting the two.


Maddest of all props:
Dan for calling the shot.

Mad props:
Dave for buying the box of reflections 1
Dave for picking out the "packages" for me
Darth Vader URF’s everywhere

Epp Overdrives
Light side for going 11-1
Luke With Lightsaber
Jon for faking out with the droid
Not a single counter assault or it’s worse against me
The xwing and ywing for being solid and uncontested at kessel
Spaceport Speeders for being a used interrupt
The little kid buying "packages" of mlb showdown

Jon losing that one game to keep the sweep from happening L
Dark side going 1-11 when I went undefeated with it last time, come on guys :-P
To having to remember game details of tournament reports
To not going to Connecticut to have a blast at that tournament

Ok It’s now 1:25 I’m tired, goodnight.
