
Title: levittown-ny-7-21-01-i-lost-my-palpy
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Jul 22, 2001

- Pre tournament stuff -
Well this is Chris Wo@#$%a and this is the 4th report so far from this event. Seems like a bit much for a local but oh well. This was going to be Brad Vogel’s second tournament and it was at the cardshow at Tri-county Flea Market in Levittown, New York. Last time I got 6th place with 4(=14) so I was hoping for a better performance. Brad tells me Decipher can’t send him foils by the 21st so I offer to donate my foil Emperor as 1st prize. So this is cool and I figure there is always a chance I could win it back, plus I did well with only one Emperor anyway. So I have to make decks. I used a version of The Pile last time and SYCFA flip. Well both went 1-1 so for light I made a WYS without racing and for dark I had no idea what to use. I have made a Brangus racer and a SYCFA Tie deck but I’m not too comfortable with either. I plan on making a BHBM with SAC since only one or two people use WYS around here and nobody ever starts DODN & WA. Well the night before the tournament comes, I take apart the WYS and make a HBX deck similar to Lewis’ but I don’t own any Jedi Lukes so I use Qui-gons and I don’t own Concentrate All fire or whatever so I use Taking Them With Us. It makes Qui-gon deploy for 5 and defense value of 9, cool. I never do get to build the BHBM so I am screwed. My friend from school, Andrew Flynn, who just started playing is getting a ride with me to the tournament. So I wake up, drive to his house using directions I got from Mapquest.com. In the car ride I have to lend him about 30 cards for each of his decks. He is using HB with various ships and a Walker Garrison deck without Imperial Commands or Occupation since neither of us own those. We arrive at the place around 10:35 or so. It starts at 11. I see Wayne Cullen and his cousins, Brad’s friends, and Matt Ehrhart. Well now I’m pretty sure he is going to win the foil Emperor since I’ve only beaten him once in like 20 games and it was by one card in a fun game before a tournament way back last April. Well two Mastic people show up and Bill Power comes in, he was walking around before I guess. We’re now waiting for Sam, Alex, Steve, and Pete. They show up with like all these people but most of them aren’t playing. So when we start we have 17 people. The 3 Mastic people from last time didn’t come this time and it would have been interesting if they did.

My decks:
Dark: Brangus racing
Light: Lewis X-wings with weird card choices due to my lack of rares

Andrew’s decks:
Dark: Walkers without stuff like Imperial Commands or Occupation (I didn’t have them so he couldn’t borrow them)
Light: HB with various ships

My rating: 1638 (down from 1665 last tournament)
Andrew’s rating: 1500 (first tournament)

- Games -
Game 1: My Brangus deck that I have never won with Vs Tim Jamilkowski’s (1464) EBOX
Well this is Brad’s friend and it’s his 3rd tournament. He starts the usual EBO stuff, no racing. I start SYCFA stuff and my racing cards. He doesn’t start Anakin’s racer. I pay 2 on my turn to not make him draw and I get a 5 I think. I then Masterful Move for the Holotable, deploy the War Room from reserve, and I draw up. He pulls his two Echo sites and draws. I get a high race destiny again and I think draw some more. He deploy his last Echo site and deploys Zev, Hoth Luke, and an Xwing to get out EBO. He also gets out Incom Corporation. My turn I Monnok lost him and get two X-wings. I see Lost in the Wilderness. I deploy Emperor and Janus to the race arena and I No Escape to get my Monnok back. I also deploy Visage to the Conference Room. He gets out Hoth and puts an X-wing there. I deploy Brangus and I don’t stack my race destinies for the next few turns, I just lose to his drain of 3 and we both lose to Visage. He puts an X-wing to my Alderaan and now he’s draining for total of 5. I win the race now, I retrieve 11, he loses 11. He gets out Kashyyyk, puts an Xwing there and moves the one from Alderaan there. On my turn I Lateral Damage one of the Xwings and then I let him go. I am not draining at the Podrace Arena for fear of Lost in the Wilderness. He goes and I Counter Assault his Kashyyyk drain. I draw a six and a five and he loses 7. I then drop Zuckuss in Mist Hunter to Hoth and both sides die and then Visage damage along with Monnok at the Holotable kill him as I keep getting back my Control/Set For Stun back with Brangus. I win by 17.
FW 2(+17)
Highlights: Counter Assault and finally winning with this deck
Lowlights: None

After this we have a lunch break. Andrew and me wander around with the Wantagh people looking for food. Outside we find a hotdog place but the lady is like stupid. They had no ice or cherry coke.

Game 2: My HBX Vs Pat Howlett’s (1535) TTO
Well I have never seen him before. He played Andrew in game 1 and won by I think 20. He starts Endor and Operational As Planned to get Jerjerrod, Death Star II, and We’ll Double Our Efforts. We race and I draw high I think. He deploys his big ball thingy and on my turn I convert his Endor and deploy S-foils. I move some X-wings to Endor from Rendezvous Point. He deploys Dengar in ship and battles he thinks he can add 2 to his battle destiny even though he has no draw. Well on my turn I kill him with some X-wings and he loses 10 overflow. He gets out Jerjerrod on the Visage and pulls stuff but I think I barrier him. I get out my systems and I slow the race down. I start to spread out and he has Vader with Saber at the DSII db draining for 1 and he has Bossk somewhere with a Death Squadron Stardestroyer and Jerjerrod and the Visage are out somewhere too. Well I flip and win the race and use I Did It to retrieve 4. I run aroun and cancel his drains. I land X-wings to the Podrace arena to get more out of I Did It. I then drain him out and get in some All Wings retrieval. I win by 36.
FW 4(+53)
Highligts: Winning I guess
Lowlights: He seemed like a new player, he didn’t know all the rules and the game might have been different without his Dengar getting killed and he lost a sector in the overflow I think

Well now I am paired with Ehrhart, he won his first two games by over 35. Andrew just lost to one of Waynes cousins

Game 3: My Brangus I suck deck Vs. Matt Ehrhart’s (1947) RST Racing
Well he starts the racing stuff and Strike Planning and I get out my usual. I pay 2 with Sebulba and I draw a 5. I get out the Holotable and the War Room. He deploys The Shield Is Down from hand and draws. I draw high for the race again as does he. He tries to blow up the Holotable but I stop that with This Is Some Rescue. He gets out Corran and Jedi Luke to the Bunker. EPP Vader comes down and I try to Set For Stun Corran but miss with a 3. I battle and play I Have You Now and everyone dies. The race goes on and I grab his A Step Backward. No bad stuff happens. He has A Step Backward stacked on his racer along with two other fives. I play Racer Collision and what card do I pick? Yeah, A Step Backward. He plays it and I lose my stacked 7. He gets out Han, Orimaarko, and EPP Obi to the Bunker. He blows it up with two sixes and Throw Me Another Charge. I lose 8, he gets back 8, I lose my hand including my Racer Collision and my DS Docking bays. He then wins the race on turn 1 due to me drawing EPP Vader for race destiny. I lose 11 and he gets back 11. Now he spreads and drains. I lose now by 32.
FL 4(+21)
Highlights: It was sort of close but the race and the blowing up the bunker don’t show that. It was his smallest win of the day
Lowlights: Other than losing it was a fun game

Well there are three undefeated people. Matt and both Greg and Brian Zinn. Andrew lost by 32 to Steve so he gets the bye.

Game 4: My HBX Vs. Greg Zinn’s (1534) Walker Garrison
This is another one of Brad’s friends. It is his second tournament and he beat me last tournament with the same deck. He sets up with Piett and Merrejk and pulls his system and gets out some sites. I pull Endor and move two X-wings there. I also get out Sfoils. He sets up with a walker at the Ice Plains. So far my race destinies are all fives except for 1. I pull more systems and stuff, activate Sfoils. He comes down with Chimaera and Thrawn and he battle and plays Imperial Command. He draws 1, 0, and 4 so I lose my two X-wings. At the end of his turn I play Organized Attack lost. On my turn five power 6 X-wings kill his ship plus 4 more. I start to ping him and he loses his space cards from hand I see. I start to spread as does he. I get out Quigon to the Podrace Arena and flip. He does 2 damage to me for YMSYL while I kill his drains. I win the race and retrieve alot and he loses alot. I use I Did It to retrieve. He can’t draw up so I win by 30.
FW 6(+51)
Highlights: I got revenge for the loss he gave me last tournament, I also beat up Thrawn and Chimaera
Lowlights: None

The tournament is over now. Matt won first with 8(+142).
Top 4:
1. Matt Ehrhart
2. Chris Wo@#$%a (me)
3. Alex Warshow
4. Wayne Cullen

Andrew got 15th. Prizes were not too great. I picked foil S&V and a foil Ewok Glider. Andrew got foils of Haven, Kiffex, that wolfguy from the OTSD, and some other sucky thing. I trade some crap Endor/DS II rares to Pat Howlett for an AI Aurra (I traded my Aurra last tournament). He was trying to complete his set I think I gave him I’m With You Too, That’s One, Emperor’s Sword, Force Lightning, and some other rare I would never use. I also trade Sam Diamond a Meditation Chamber and I finally get a DS Coruscant. I give Andrew my extra Tarkin and he gives me some Voyuers and CC Sabacc’s (I own 3 of those). I buy a Hoth two player thing before I go home. He had fun and I hope he keeps trying to get better and comes to the next tournament with me on the 11th.

Brad: Good job as TD
Matt: Good game (I think) and congrats on 1st with your amazing differential
Alex: Slower deal, hell yeah
Steve: Placing Palpy out of play vs BHBM and you used RTP, hahahaha
Pete: Rops is dead but you still used it and you made it in the car
Wayne: Good job at 4th, it was you best finish ever
Zinn brothers: Both undefeated after game 3 in their 2nd ever tournament
Jon Grubb: Why not.....

Me: Too lazy to build my BHBM
Mastic people: C’mon, I would have liked to see Ehrhart vs Pipitone or Curran

I’m done now. I think my rating should jump back up to my 1665 so I might not be so sucky anymore. I will have to take apart my decks now and get ready for Coruscant. Next Tri-county tournament is the 11th and I hear Grasshoppers might get some tournaments again.

- Chris "Wedge231" Wo@#$%a
AIM: wedge78523