
Title: vancouver-b-c-7-22-01
Author: Cole "Rabid Wookie" Roche
Date: Jul 23, 2001

Pre-tourney stuff you probably won’t read:
I went to Vancouver the night before the tourney because I live 2 hours away and our movie theatre sucks really bad and there is a huge Silver City thing in Vancouver that kicks a$$! So I went and saw Jurrasic Park 3 and Final Fantasy, both of which rocked! I had breakfast at the Golden Fish Cafe next door to Hypelight (where the tourneys are) and blah blah blah... you really don’t care about this; do you?

What I am playing:
A sucky QMC Lift Tube Escape deck and a Non-Dueling, Non-Podracing Huntdown.

Game One:
My LS QMC vs. Chris Steele’s weird Imperial Occupation.
He starts Imperial Occupation on Tatooine so I am already confused as to what the hell he’s doing. He pulls a Spaceport Street and Tatooine DB and says "Go". I got a crap starting hand so all I do is pull the CC sector and play the West Galerry from hand. Next turn he plays DVDLOTS at the Street and Zuckuss and Snoova at the DB with a PotF. I drop EPP Leia and Chewie, P. to the Guest Quarters and EPP Han to the Carbonite Chamber. I Put Corran and Dash on the Outrider to flip QMC. All the Bespinites had one of their famous Cloud City Celebrations! Han went back to pad to hang with his dog and his love monkey. (The question is, which one is Chewie and which is Leia, hmmm?). On his turn he puts Executor at Tatooine with Ozzel aboard. Then he starts Tatooine Occupation going. After that we had very little interaction it was just a drain race. I ended up winning by 2.
FW by 2

Highs : Pretty much everything.
Lows : Nothing
Ugly : Uh... Corran’s face?

Game Two:
My DS mains HD vs. his Chadra Fan AITC thingy.
I get a decent starting hand with Vader w/ Saber and Emperor Palpatine. So plop down Vader and flip my obj. On his turn he sets up Tessek with Bo Shuda at the Audience Chamber. I am beating him to death with Visage for a few turns and by the time Luke makes a show Vader is now a Lord and has a detachable Sabre. So at Vader’s site there is himself, Aurra Sing, and Grandma Tarkin on one side and EPP Luke and two little Chadra Fans on the other. So Vader Snipers Luke. Then I play No Escape to get the Sniper/Dark Strike back into hand. Then I start a fight. I schlopped the Chadra and Dark Striked him. So now it’s one lonely Chadra with 1 destiny to power to my 15 + a tracked 6 = he loses alot. After that nothing really happened he spread and drained like mad and Houjix’d about 5 times so I only won by 2. Again. Against the same guy... weird.

FW by 2
4, +4

Highs : Double use of Sniper/Dark Strike
Lows : Damn Houjix
Ugly : Nothing

Game Three:
My DS HD vs. Thomass’ Speeders AITC with RFCs.
Another first-turn flip with Lord Vader and his stick to the Endor DB. His turn he deploys Tessek and Bo Shuda. I have no one to support Vader so he stays at the DB while I draw up. I get Emperor, Janus, Mara and Aurra!!! Nice! His turn puts a pile of sites between the DB and JP, uses City Outskirts to pull Ben. Moves Ben and a B’omarr to JP. My Obj. flips. (Duh.) He spreads out with tons of RFCs and just out drains me. Very uneventful game.

FL -8


Highs : First-turn flip with Lord and Stick
Lows : Conflicting play styles and attitudes.
Ugly : See "Lows"

Game Four:
My QMC Crap-O-Matic 2001 vs. Stephen Yee’s ISB thing?
His turn he grabs Rendilli with Mob. Points and puts Dominator with Ozzel aboard with Rendilli Stardrive or whatever at Rendilli. I grab my site and fish having had a crap hand with no ships or pilots or charachters involed. On his turn he deploys Scimitar 1 with its pilot aboard. WTF??? I don’t get it? It’s not even the ISB bomber pilot. Then he deploys another Vic. and some more bombers with PROTON BOMBS on them. I read the P. Bombs and I get somewhat scared. I’m sure you all know what the do but incase you don’t they read "If present furing a force drain
at a system or sector may target one related interior site. Draw destiny. If destiny is greater than 4 site is ’collapsed’". So still having no ships I spread like mad to drain for as much as possible before getting all my sites nuked. I get in a fair amount of dameage before he gets to the system, but then, one per turn my sites and the characters at them are demolished! So I finally get my ships to grab the pilots with (a little too late) and i manage to hang in and ping him for a few here and there while blocking his drains in space. But, it ended in a timed win for Staohen by 7.

TL -7

Highs : PROTON BOMBS BLOWING ME UP! What a way to lose!!!
Lows : See highs.
Ugly : Not getting anything to use with Squassin...

Final standings...

Sir Alex 1st
Emperor Kevin 2nd
Mr. David 3rd

Me... 9/13

Roxanne for providing us with a place to play.
Alex for winning.
Me for amazing myself with how much I suck at SWCCG.
Kevin for lending me an Emperor. Thanks!
My Mom for driving me to the tourney. ;^P
Jurrassic Park and Final Fantasy for kicking ass!
Me for remembering to bring Serpent’s Harvest he lent me.
Golden Fish Cafe for having awesome bacon and eggs.

Serpent for not being there. It might be another year before I remember it again! ;P
Me for sucking.
Maul for not showing up in my games.

Things to ponder:

If God hadn’t wanted us to eat our furred, feathered and finned friends he wouldn’t have made them out of meat.

McDonald’s Ice Cream has little or no dairy in it. It is completely made from oils and other substances.

If anyone ha any witty things to add put it in your review and then i can not have to think of anymore of these things please. Thanks for reading. Ciao.