
Title: ramapo-a-month-or-more-late
Author: Charles "Teacher" Hickey
Date: Jul 30, 2001

Good afternoon Everyone! I have decided to do a T-report on the fun points of RaMOFOcon 3. It all began in January, when I recieved my bonus at work. I decided then that I was going to hit one major summer event, and RaMOFOcon would be it!

So, leading up to Ramapo, arebelspy has been working on a Watch your step lockdown deck, that utilized, well you kow, that stuff that was errated. For Light, I used my own version of the deck and for DS on day one, I decided to use my Huntdown Brangus deck. It had gone 4-0 for me at the Vegas DPC, and I figured it could give me at least 2 or 3 wins on this day.

So, I arrive in New Jersey, and am waiting for Joe to arrive, when I get yelled at for going into the duty-free store because I didn’t have a boarding pass. I was just looking around, and had 2 security gaurds threaten to remove me from the airport. Whatever. I go buy some swedish fish and a coke for 5 bucks from the gift shop, and go sit down to wait for Joe for another hour. Well, about 25 minutes later, I see a dude with a Ramapo sign that looks like a vampire, with Joe behind him. So, I talk with Joe and Mike dalton for another 30 minutes, because we are waitig on AJ from Vancouver B.C. Well, I spot A.J. and we are now off to Ramapo College. So, We are on the interstate, and Mike is driving like a madman, going through the tolls and things, it was really cool... We arrive in Mahwah around 6:00 P.M. We find our dorm, and are going through the halls, and there is a room with the door open, and some big dude sleeping in his chair. Someone we’re with says that this is Kuperman. So this must be our room. We go in, wake up this poor boy, and I swear it affected him the whole weekend. Kuperman just seemed tired the WHOLE time. So we finally get our two rooms figured out, and we have John Hawkins and Chris Denoma in one room, and Joe Olson, AJ desile, Steve Kuperman and myself in the other room. I pound on Hawkins door, and wake him and Denoma up, and we get some playtesting in. I build my WYS lock deck, and make a couple changes to brangus Hunt. That night we wander the halls, overhear team "sshhhhhhhh, Grandma!" talking about Jowhowsa tech, and are payed visits by Steven Lewis and his wonderful girlfriend, David Irvine and Andres, who happened to crash in one of our two rooms that entire weekend I think, and many others. Charlie, Clay, Kessling, Hayes, Scott, so many wonderful people came in and dsaid hello. So we get some sleep, and Alan Sagan finally shows up after paying 65 bucks for a cab ride. Don Kitzman arrives shortly before the DPC after paying 100 bucks for his cab fair. So, we are walking up to the DPC, and get all our stuff turned in, and wait around for it to start. At this point, there is some dude in a beard and another guy throwing Young Jedi on the table and stuff. Whatever, they are jackassses. So, the games begin.

*At this point, everythig get fuzzy, so I may be lacking some detail*

Game 1: Lock vs. Andy Klema’s BHBM
So, this will be the first game I have ever played with the lock deck. Uh, I win by 30 I think... Don’t really remember.

Game 2: Brangus Hunt vs. Chris Denoma
This was a great game, I lost by 6.

I don’t remember the specifics after this, but I can tell you that hunt went 0-4 this day, losing by, 6, 6, 10, and 14 in a game that I just picked up on. The lock went 3-0.

So, Janiak Shows up, and we are hungry, and I am 3-4, so I drop to go buy groceries. So, we go to the store, get cans of ravioli, 3 12 packs of Soda (There is no beer ANYWHERE!)So, after a bill of about $50, Janiak and I leave, and head back. We get to the room, and low and behold, we forgot to get a can opener. So I try to convince jank, but he won’t take me back. So I find Phrim and he is going with some thugs from New York (they just look like thugs, but were some of the coolest guys I met all weekend) and we go to the store. I get my 1 dollar ghetto can opener, and a 3 pack of Soap. So, we get back to the Dorm, and I eat some dinner. About 30 minutes later, I have Joe and Jank tracking me down, and I’m like "WHAT!" So, they present me with my ghetto can opener and a can, and are like, "we are dumb, and can’t open this." So I open the stupid can, and end up in the lobby watching the final duels. So, people are watching out Northwest tech buddies and saying things like, "Who the hell plays Trooper Sabbac?" So, Hawkins loses to Kitzman, and TJ beats Chu.

"What’s that?" Bastien
"Doritos" Greg Hodur
"oh" Bastian
"You want to try some?" Hodur
"sure" Bastian
munch munch munch..
"Can I have some more?" Bastian
"You don’t ask, can I have some more, you say, ’GIMME SOME MORE F.UCKING DORITOS!" Hodur
"gimme some more @#$%ing doritos" bastian

Bastian continues to eat some doritos that we are feeding him. I hand bastian some Spicier Nacho doritos.

"Ah, these are hot, agh, ahh." Bastian
"you need a soda or soething, I got Pepsi and Mountain dew" Hickey
"Uh, Mountain dew PLEAAASEEEE" Bastian.

TJ vs. Don ’dan’ Kitzman
So, during this game, TJ licks his bottle in a wonderful fashion, Hayes has porn hanging out of his pocket, and whenever TJ blinks, his nose twitches. Considering that his head is shaped like that of a rat, it is actually very funny. So we are all laughing, and pointing at TJ, and he looks at us throught the glass, and see a bunch of fingers, and he turns red and goes back to playing. So, a little later, Hodur finds some nasty picture of a hairy poon, and holds it up to the glass. Fun is had by all, except TJ and Don. Well, Don hits TJ with cheese and don

uh, that’s Don



So, Don Wins 1000 bucks, which kinda makes up for the 100 dollar cab fair, and we all have a great time that night. Well, That is it for the DPC, hope you all enjoyed.