
Title: atlanta-dpc-7-28-01
Author: Devon "Devonator" Clark
Date: Jul 31, 2001

Name: Devon "Devonator" Clark
Rating: 1600
LS Deck: Modified WYS beatdown (Starts Battle Plan instead of DTF)
DS Deck: COTVG Podracing with Dark Jedi.
Goals: Win one with my LS deck, Break even for the tournament, Pull off an upset.

I live in East Bumble%$#& Virginia, and therefore haven’t played in a Star Wars Tournament since Tatooine’s release. My friends make fun of me for building decks, playing them against each other, and then taking them apart when I’m tired of them, but it means I’ve got some great experience, and it also means that that 1600 rating I tote with me is a gross underestimation of my ability.

Friday afternoon I arrive in Atlanta for a short vacation from my two jobs. Sean Morrison meets me at the airport and we head back to his place to hang out, play some Star Wars, and watch some baseball. Through the course of this evening, I play 4 test games and win every one of them. My Court deck is actually nastier than I thought it was, which says a lot, but I was still having some trouble with my LS deck, a WYS German beatdown with some modifications for my style, because I modified instead of building. Anyway, I break down Sean’s decks and prove to him that he has some auto-losses. He gets all discouraged and starts to @#$% and moan that he’s not going to go. (Sean over-reacts a lot.) Later, his girlfriend cracks the whip and tells him he’s not going to neglect his friends. So, Sean finally decides to go.

Saturday morning, I help Sean revise his tourney decks--SYCFA Mains with high activation and MWYHL test to 6. Our friend, Will Raiman, and Will’s friend from band, Bob (sorry, I don’t know his last name) also joins us and we prepare for the trip over. Will decides to drive. Will is playing his WYS podracer and TDIGWATT Walkers deck. Bob is running flipping versions of Court and Hidden Base. We reach the War Room and meet Jody Rodd. Jody is playing a SYCFA Brangus podracer and the Jody Rodd brilliant pile (similar, but not at all inspired by or related to the Hayes brilliant pile). Anyway, we turn in our deck lists and get ready. After a little bit of a wait, we get the tournament rules shpiel, and then it’s time for the first pairings. I wish all of my friends "good luck", and tell them that I’ll see them in the trenches.

Game 1: My Court Racing vs. Justin Cook’s Profit (complete with illegal start)

Well, this was an auspicious beginning to my day. I’m not quite paying attention yet, so it completely slips my attention when Justin starts the Tatooine system. When I see it, after I’ve stacked my first race destiny, I point it out to him. He doesn’t believe me, so I call a judge over knowing full well exactly what he would say, "You should have asked before your first turn. It’s too late now." That’s fine. I really don’t care about that, since I already know I’m going to win this game. Justin is obviously an inexperienced player. I just don’t want him to have an unexpected surprise against some anal-retentive @$$hole who doesn’t go easy on newbies. The judge backs me up, but the system stays. That’s fine, because except for providing a little extra activation for both of us, it wouldn’t have any impact on the game at all. Well, Justin decides to sponsor Anakin’s racer at the Arena for the big event, meanwhile Jabba leaves Mara, Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba to guard his most prized possession while he’s watching the races. The race begins. Sebulba sabotages Ani and gets a good jump. Meanwhile, back at the palace, Mara pulls out her saber and shows it off. Palpatine gets jealous and comes to the Chamber and shows off a few magic tricks (I pull a Force Lightning). Justin activates, loses 1 to court, and draws his force pile. Ani finally gets his racer started, but on the next lap, Sebulba collides with him twice, removing both destinies and leaving Anakin right where he started. On Justin’s turn, ECC Chewie sneaks into the AC, but Palpy sees him and fries him. Justin reevaluates the situation, and takes another damage to Court. On my turn, Anakin finally gets to race a little. On his turn, Justin regroups with EPP Obi and Qui-Gon, but Qui-Gon seemed to have misplaced his saber. The Emperor zaps him, "Bad Jedi!" Obi-swings at Mara, but draws a 5. Qui-Gon’s real slow and groggy after shock therapy, so Mara and Dr. E execute him. Obi stares down my forces, and it comes to destiny. The old wizard finds Qui-Gon’s saber for him (it was on the top of his reserve deck), and I draw Vader (I think). Obi-Wan dies but he managed to slice Emperor Palpatine before he died. I redeploy Palpatine, (The crafty old veteran was only faking.) and during my move phase I win the race 29 to 19. Justin loses 11 and I retrieve my lost pile. On his turn, Qui-Gon shows that he’s also a crafty old veteran as he returns with Padme and ECC Chewie for support, but he doesn’t initiate. Big mistake. At the end of his turn, I Twilek, and zap Qui-Gon to track those destinies to the top. On my turn, I zap Qui-Gon again, sniper him, drop the First Strike I just pulled, initiate a battle, You Are Beaten Padme, slice Chewie, but do not operate. I draw a Palpatine for battle destiny, and the overfloy damage is just too much for him to take. I win by 38.

FW 2 (+38)

Props: Winning the first game of the tourney. To Mara using her saber to perfection to take care of three characters in one turn for a big beatdown. Justin for braving the waters of a big money tournament for experience and for asking lots of questions. If you’re reading this Justin you’ve got a good future, you just need to play more.
Slops: To Qui-Gon for needing Shock Therapy. To Me for not paying attention to my opponent’s start and asking the judges after it was too late. This wouldn’t be the last time…only this mistake didn’t cost me the game (hmm…could that be foreshadowing?).

Well, Will’s and my differentials are tops for the round, so we end up playing each other…at Table 1.

Game 2: My WYS Battle Plan Beatdown vs. Will Raiman’s TDIGWATT Walkers

Will starts Combat Response, IAO, and Mob Points. I start Squadron Assignments, Battle Plan, and Insurrection (as I would for the rest of the tournament). We both get terrible draws. I will see a grand total of one Tunnel Vision the entire game. I even lose from my reserve deck, hoping to find one that way, but it’s useless. They hide from me the entire game. Anyway, he deploys the sector, D*2:DB, Imperial Commands for Thrawn, and he draws. I deploy beggar, and draw. I realize that I completely forgot to pull Kessel or a DB. Will deploys the Executor DB, and Bespin. He drops Piett into the Executor DB, pulls Battle Deployment, and plays Tempest 1 to the Executor DB. On my turn, Tallon Karrde has a drink in the Cantina. Chewie is looking for him in Docking Bay 94. This time, I remember to pull Kessel and the SP:DB. I draw up to 12. Still no TVs. On his turn, Will deploys two Walkers with pilots…AAAHH! He initiates a battle. Dodge! Whew! On my turn, I drain for 2 in the Cantina. (That would be a constant for the rest of the game.) I drop Theron Nett and Red 10 to Kessel and fly up. He drops the Chimaera with Merrejk piloting. AAAHH! He initates. Hyper Escape! Whew! Those Rebels are crafty, too. Before Theron Nett runs away, he turns on his Rapid Fire X-Wing Canons. Will follows Theron Nett to Tatooine with the Chimaera. Theron Nett activates his Landing Claw and attaches during Will’s control phase. Will locks down Cloud City with Walkers and plays Occupation. He also Lateral Damages Theron Nett. We would forget about this for the remainder of the game. That’s a mistake that almost cost him the game. Anyway, I draw for Tunnel Visions, there still aren’t any, and unfortunately, my hand is close to 20 cards now, but I’m missing one card for the big beatdown…I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About this. Well, I’ve only got about 17 force left, and the cards that are in there are WYLFM, Artoo & Threepio, Bad Feeling, 2 Control & Tunnel Visions, and a few other cards. Talk about crappy luck. Anyway, I lose 5 on his turn. I choose to lose from the top thinking that I’ll find a Tunnel Vision, still none. But the last card I lose is WYLFM, so I play it to draw Artoo and Threepio. I deploy Artoo & Threepio and the Falcon together to draw the Bad Feeling card. I support them with the RFC. Over the past few turns, he’s been accumulating starships and pilots to avoid the beatdown so when he battles and Imp Commands to add a destiny, it looks like he’ll win big. However, I Artoo-Bad-Feeling his four destinies away. Theron Nett shoots down Fel, and it comes to destiny. I draw my 2, but forget Theron Nett’s destiny to power. We both forget Lat Damage. I end up losing the Falcon, Threepio, and the RFC to damage. I wait another turn, because I mess up some math, and don’t realize that I could have won the game in that turn. He deploys some support…but leaves me force. I use his force to drop Han and Dash on the Outrider and I’ll Take The Leader. I initiate the battle, Bad Feeling, unattach, Power Pivot the Executor (losing the I’ve Got A Bad Feeling on top of my used pile), reduce the Chimaera’s power. I remember Theron Nett’s power destiny this time. Will and I forget the Lat Damage, My destiny is low, so I only win by 9 meaning 27 battle damage. That clears the system but no overflow. At this point I realize that I’ve forgotten Lat Damage, Will waits to do anything, and then laments that he could have dropped Tur Phennir in Saber 2 with a Canon to destroy the Outrider. Suddenly, he too remembers the Lat Damage, and I mean to say "Yeah, I just remembered it myself", but it comes out "I was wondering when you were going to remember that". Well, Will, thinks I’m being an @$$ to him, and starts @#$%ing for a little bit. I reassure him that I only just noticed it myself, and we agree that we’ve both been playing like crap and don’t deserve to be in the one and two spots at the tourney. Anyway, the game goes on. He drops BiHT, Premier Vader in his Custom Tie, and Saber 3 on me, replaces my AO, this time Lat Damage sticks, but I’ve tracked my high destinies to the top, so they make a huge difference…wait a minute, shouldn’t I have done something else…"DAMN IT! I forgot to reduce power with the Outrider. Anyway, I lose Theron Nett, and on my turn in my last ditch effort to win, I drop Wedge on Red 10, initiate a battle, Bad Feeling from the Lost Pile, Shoot down Saber 3, Reduce Bossk’s power, and draw destiny. However, I don’t have enough destiny to do any real damage, as I lose this battle by 4. That clears the system and wins him the game, as the constant loss of 5 was too much to take. FL by 8.

2 (+30)

Props: Having a great game with a great friend at Table 1…despite our sloppy play.

Game 3: My LS vs. Clay Wilburn’s Hunt Down Podracer.

Well, this was the one match-up that I was especially worried about. The constant pressure of Huntdown and the eventual 22 force swing are incredibly difficult to handle. But, I’m still hopeful. I don’t get a good draw, although I do get 2 Tunnel Visions. He starts the race and draws up. We both lose to Visage. I lose I’ve Got A Bad Feeling. That’s not good. On my turn, I forget again to deploy Kessel or a DB. I realize this when I draw the H1:DB. We both lose to Visage, but before we do, I try to Trans Terminate it. He cancels, and we both lose one anyway. His turn, he drops Palpatine and Janus to the DB. Why he chose the DB, I’m still not sure. I flip my objective with Chewie and Karrde, and play Trans. Terminated from the Lost pile. Visage is gone, and would not reappear. On his turn, he drains and drops Choke Vader with Palpatine and Janus, but no saber. On my turn, I drain in the Cantina. He Counter Assaults me for 2. I set up the beatdown, with Artoo & Threepio, Han, and Luke. I battle, and swing at Vader, but Luke has somehow forgotten how to use his lightsaber, and he missed horribly by drawing a 1 and a 2. Vader chokes Han with ease, and I lose the battle and therefore the game. The next turn, Vader becomes obsessed with Luke, but the voices in Lukes head tell him to run, so he does. Artoo & Threepio keeps everybody alive with their bad feelings. Luke tries again with his lightsaber, but the bumbling fool misses again. Next turn, I reinforce the site with Chewie and Karrde fresh from drinking. I initiate a battle. Vader continues his obsession, and this time crosses Luke. Luke tries to swing at Karrde, but a new outlook on life doesn’t make him any better with that saber. After losing the race, the duel, and those battles, I lose by 35.

2 (-5)

Props: To Clay…he played the game well. I really don’t think I made that many mistakes. A bad draw and bad match-up made for a hard uphill battle and Clay took advantage of it. He deserved to win.
Slops: To Luke for not knowing how to use his Lightsaber. To Me for forgetting to pull my locations again.

Game 4: My DS vs. Robert "Scotty" Foster WYS Beats with Palace Raiders.

I recognize the start immediately, and I begin thinking about my playtests against my deck. This game would be tough. He sponsor’s Anakin’s racer. Well, my opening hand doesn’t help me at all, as the only characters I pull are Guri and 4-LOM. So rather than take the one force loss to Court, which I would undoubtedly retrieve, I pull Mara and her saber with the Audience Chamber. BIG MISTAKE…although I don’t realize it at the time. Sebulba flashes Anakin, and takes off. He tries to deploy a Docking Bay, but there isn’t one in his deck. I verify and Podracer Collision. (I had two in my hand) It Could Be Worse has got to go. This was a key decision. He loses to Court and draws. I deploy 4-LOM to the Audience Chamber and draw finding my Emperor Palpatine and Maul. He saves force and loses to Court again. I deploy Palpatine and Maul with his saber to the Audience Chamber. I pull Force Lightning. Little do I know, that Mara gets all arrogant when the Emperor’s around, and that Power +2 is enough to drop a big beatdown crew on me with Luke next door…AAAHH! He initiates, Bad Feelings, RLR, 4-LOM cancels Han’s text, Luke slices 4-LOM. Mara slices Han. Thanks to 4-LOM stopping a destiny and a shot and a Force Lighting for destiny, I only lose this battle by 7, which means Mara, 4-LOM and 14 overflow. My reserve deck looks weak, but I track that 5 to the top, stack it on Sebulba, and suddenly my opponent and I switch places thanks to the 22 force swing. I drain for 3. His smugglers begin the long trek across the deserts to fight Palpatine in the Cantina, but he’s only draining for 1 along the way while I am draining for 3 the entire game. Eventually, our battle forces stand off in the Cantina, but when Luke and Melas die to Force Lightnings, Maul tackles the remainder of the smugglers and Palpy drains with impunity for the remainder of the game. FW by 27.

4 (+22)

Props: To Maul for tackling smugglers and sitting on them. Force Lightning is a nasty card.
Slops: Mara Jade getting arrogant…she deserved her @$$-whooping!

Game 5: My LS vs. Andrew Sherrill’s Death Star start…WTF?

Andrew reveals his start and I’m baffled…I have no idea what his deck does…plus, I get to go first. I deploy my locations and draw. The LS was not meant to go first. He draws. Well I go ahead and set up the Outrider with Dash and Falcon with Artoo & Threepio at Kessel. Now, I didn’t pay attention to his start and this proved very costly, because I didn’t see SSPFT. I had saved 5 force. He drops Mara into the Cantina, 7 systems, and then the Chimaera, Avenger (with Flagship), and Vengeance surround the Falcon and Outrider…AAAHH! He initiates. Hyper Escape! "Wait, Dash, we have something special planned for you." "Special? Like a surprise…I like surprises." Dash decides he really doesn’t want to go anywhere, and Artoo & Threepio have a really bad feeling about that. (Stupid, Devon, watch the cards on the table.) So, I stay to duke it out. Well, it shouldn’t be that bad. All I need to do is pull my Bad Feeling card for the beatdown, and then I can afford to lose the druids. So after I Artoo-Bad-Feeling and reduce power, my destiny manages to limit the damage to 12. The falcon and druids cover it. Wait! Wasn’t there something else I was going to do…DAMN IT! I forgot to pull the Bad Feeling card. Well, the Star Destroyers disperse. The Avenger (with Flagship) goes to Tatooine. (Of course, like the scrub that I am, I don’t read Flagship to familiarize myself with the card.) I put Chewie at the Cantina to stop Mara’s drain. On his turn, he drops a Lat damage on the Outrider, initiates a battle, but I Hyper Escape away, this time successfully. He tries to Sense, but thanks to Chewie, I’m flipped, so he can’t play Sense. Dash runs to Tatooine to cancel the Lateral Damage. He battles with Mara, but Chewie dodges. He then follows Dash to Tatooine. Dash activates his Landing Claw and attaches to the Chimaera. In the mean time, I’m trying to cancel that Lat Damage before I set up the beatdown. Well, Chewie moves over again to stop Mara from draining. Dash attaches at Tatooine, so I take no damage that turn, but he spreads out. On his move phase, I finally cancel Lat Damage. Hooray! I drop Han on the Outrider and find Theron Nett and Red 10. I deploy Red 10 with an X-Wing canon. I initiate a battle and he reacts away…Wait a minute, you can’t react away. Well, we have a long discussion about whether he can react away. He shows me Flagship, which says that your other starships may react to this system for free. Now, through our discussions I accept his word as true. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Especially, because I WAS right. If you ever have rules questions, even if you think you know the answer, ALWAYS call a TD. Well, I allow him to react away. If I had been more confident, I would have won that battle 22 to 2 (his battle destiny), because of Power Pivot. Instead, Mara Snipers Chewie to drain for 3 for the rest of the game, and that eventually beats me by 26.

4 (-4)

Props: Andrew for having a very interesting deck, and being a very cool person to play against. Also, me for playing a good game. If I had faith in my knowledge of the game, I would have won by 25.
Slops: Not having faith in my knowledge of the game cost me the game.

There’s about a 20 minute hick-up between Game 5 and Game 6 where the pairings get all wonk jawed. In that time, Jody mentions how, because he’s sitting at 4 and 2 with a high differential, he could sneak his way into the final 4. And he’s right, because he almost does.

Game 6: My DS vs. Caleb Foth’s Modified Brilliant Pile.

Caleb starts The Camp, Squadron Assignments, and Shocking Information against me. He doesn’t play a racer. I only pull DVDLOTS in my opening hand, and that’s not good. Palpatine wanted to invade the Slave Quarters to fry Shmi before she could pull Threepio. Instead, I stack my racing destiny, deploy a DB (I’ve neglected this detail, but in every DS game I pull two DBs), lose a Podracer Collision to Court, and draw up to 12. Still no Maul or Palpatine. Only at this point, there’s really not much at all that I can do, because most of the cards in my hand are useless, and I can’t deploy. On his turn, he drops a few sites, loses 1 to court, and draws. On my turn, I draw race destiny, stack it. I search for Mara, and her saber, and deploy them to the AC. 4-LOM joins her there. I No Escape the Podracer Collision, play Oppressive Enforcement and draw. I find Maul and I happen to have his saber in my hand. On his turn, he drops Qui-Gon (again, the old jedi has misplaced his lightsaber) and Shmi to the City Outskirts, and plays Battle Plan. I pay to drain for 2, drop Maul with his saber to the AC, and draw again, looking for that Palpatine. The first card, I find is a grabber, so I make a smart play. I draw past 12, hoping Caleb would notice, Shocking Info me to get some of those annoying cards out of my hands, and I could grab it. He, however, did not Shocking Info me, but rather drained me, deployed Threepio to Chirpa’s Hut, and drew. Well in that last set of cards I drew I finally found Palpatine, and he was toting Vader’s saber. So, I drain for 3, stack my race destiny, deploy Palpatine and Vader’s Saber, Podracer Collision MYSELF and get Dr. E, and deploy him. My forces in the AC are imposing--Mara, Vader, and Maul (all with sabers), 4-LOM, Dr. E, and Palpatine. That site was mine for a constant drain of 4. Next turn, a Bomarr Monk wanders by the Slave Quarters, Qui-Gon and Shmi meet him there, and that sets up a drain of 3. On my turn, Sebulba starts doing donuts at the finish line. I draw my It’s Worse for race destiny and decide not to stack it. I try to Elis Helrot to the Slave Quarters, but he Senses it. I grab the Sense. I drain for 4, and he plays It Could Be Worse to cancel the damage. Ah-Ha! So, I begin to track the It’s Worse to the top, and for 2 turns, we swap drains as I stall at the finish line and track my It’s Worse to the top. He remembers the It’s Worse, and doesn’t play ICBW anymore. When I finally am able to place It’s Worse on the top of my force pile, I’m one drain away from having lost 16 cards. I draw. Next turn, I drain for 4. I win the race retrieving most of my lost pile, and making him lose 11. He does not play ICBW, and for the remainder of the game, we swap drains of 4 and 3. FW by 24.

6 (+20)

Props: To Me for the smart use of grabbers as strategy. To Caleb for being a cool person to play against.
Slops: To Me for letting Caleb’s jokes rattle me early.

Of course, we’re all curious about Jody and his chances for getting into the finals. He’s thankful for the pairing mistakes, because, he was matched up against Charlie Herren…and that deck match-up was a loss 9 times out of 10. However, Jody did not have to face him, and therefore won, so his hopes for the finals are still good. However, the Star Wars gods are displeased, and that match-up that Jody loses 9 times out of 10 was meant to be. It was simply delayed one round.

Game 7: My LS deck vs. Arthur Rhodes Endor Ops Space

I recognize the name Arthur Rhodes, but I can’t quite figure out from where. I tell Arthur that I recognize the name, and he says that I probably do. Also, I comment that I’ve noticed a trend in my decks…My LS is 0-3, and my DS is 3-0. Arthur makes some joke about being trendy, and we begin. Arthur reveals his Endor Ops start. And for the most part today, I have not been paying attention to starting effects, hence you’ll note I haven’t listed them except in a few occasions. However, Planetary Subjugation catches my eye. He’s starting that, SSPFT,and Combat Response. This is a heavy space deck with TIE Bombers, I have to think quickly. Well, he looks for Ominous Rumors, he’s not playing it, so I verify. My suspicions are correct. He obviously sees something he likes, because he draws up. I deploy Kessel and the H1:DB and draw a few finding a Tunnel Vision, Han, and Artoo & Threepio. He drops a TIE Bomber to Tatooine with a Proton Bomb. Now, I’m not sure what exactly to do against this deck, but I know I can’t let that go or nobody will get to drink in the Cantina, anymore. I have RS1, Han, and Yotts Orren. I also have one Tunnel Vision. I use the TV to evaluate my options. Dash and the Outrider are in my force pile, so is the Falcon. I also see Rapid Fire, a Landing Claw, and an X-Wing Canon…but no Wedge. I decide upon the X-Wing Canon. I deploy Wedge, the X-Wing, and the canon, battle, target the bomber with 3 force and hit. Battle over. He drops Fel on Saber 1, and Merrejk on the Chimaera…AAAHH! He initiates. Hyper Escape…Whew! I drop Yotts Orren into the Cantina with Artoo & Threepio I pull my beat down bad feeling card, Tunnel Vision from the lost pile to pull a Landing Claw. Deploy that on RS1, move to Tatooine, and draw a few. During his control phase I attach. In the few cards that I draw, I get another Tunnel Vision. He drops Onyx 1 and matching pilot with canons to the system along with a Scythe Squadron TIE. I Tunnel Vision finding my Admiral’s Order, I deploy Beggar, reveal the Outrider to find Dash, and use his force to deploy them. I also play my AO and DTF. Han joins Dash on the Outrider, and despite their Bad Feelings they battle. I unattach, Onyx 1 targets the Outrider and hits, but can’t destroy them. Wedge shows him how it’s done. Dash and Han reduce the Chimaera’s power by 9. In the end, it’s power 22 to 4. 54 battle damage. FW by 29.

8 (+49)

Props: To Hyper Escape and Landing Claw for saving Wedge. Dash is just plain mean when he pilots the Outrider.
Slops: None. Neither Arthur nor I made any mistakes. I played beyond my rating and just won that game.

Jody finds me after the game and lets me know that we had both just beaten past Georgia state champions. Awesome! In this one game, I single-handedly achieved all of my goals. And Jody won, so all he needed to do was win his last game and he was in the top 4. Go Jody! Anyway, with all of my goals achieved, am I going to let up? Hell, no! Now, I want to make the top 10 and I want my Court deck to go undefeated.

Game 8: My DS deck vs. Jeremy Sumrall’s WYS Palace Raider deck.

I’m playing against yet another WYS deck (Why does everybody play WYS? Geez, you’d think the objective was good or something.) but it’s not the beatdown version. This could be a tough game, but I’m confident. My Court deck matches up well against WYS. And he’s not podracing, so that’s an inevitable swing of 22 force for me. JACKPOT! I get the GOD DRAW! This game is in the bag. First turn, Palpatine and 4-LOM drop to the Cantina…game over. FW by 30. Oh wait, I guess there were a few minor things before that. I drain for 2 in the Cantina for a couple of turns. Then, EPP Luke and Han try to play bouncer. Luke swings at Palpy, but misses, 4-LOM cancels Han’s game text. After destiny, I lose the battle by 4. I opt to lose Palpy because I have No Escape in my hand, and with only 4-LOM there, he probably won’t run away. He loses Han, and as I suspected, he does not run away. On my turn, I No Escape, deploy Palpatine outside the Cantina, Maul inside the Cantina, battle, cancel Luke’s text, draw a 4 destiny to his SP:DB destiny. Palpatine walks in the door (once again proving how crafty he can be) and the Cantina is mine for the rest of the game. Jeremy regroups while I drop Mara with saber, and Dr. E to the AC. Jeremy deploys a Palace Raider, Lando, and Melas to the AC and battles. His 2 destinies are enough to kill both Dr. E and Mara, but before Mara dies to attrition, she and Dr. E take Lando and the Palace Raider out. On my turn, I try to Elis Maul over to the AC, but Jeremy reminds me that Insurrection is in play. So, instead Maul and Elis step outside to do business. Elis takes Maul for a tour of the Great Pit of Carkoon. He waits there for Melas to meet him. Jeramy drains for 2 and draws for some more characters. I stack a 6 on Sebulba making his total 31. I Podracer Collision myself, and pull Dr. E & Ponda Baba. My race total is now a 25. Dr. E & Ponda Baba have a score to settle with Melas, so Dr. E taps Melas on the shoulder, "You’d better watch yourself. We’re wanted men…I’ll be careful…You’ll be dead!" When the smoke clears, the battle destiny is enough to clear the site. In my move phase, the race resolves. The next few turns revolve around him deploying some Palace Raiders on Patrol Craft and shuttling around while Maul chases them. Because Melas and Luke are dead, he can never manage more than a drain of 1 per turn. Meanwhile, I’m draining for 4. FW by 30.

10 (+79)

Well Jody lost to Brian Rippetoe and his MAIH/ROC combo. He was upset, but Will, Sean, and I are all praising him. Come on, Jody. You had a great run and you beat some great players. Don’t let one game get you down. Sean won out over the second half of the tournament to bring himself to 5-3. Will and Jody also ranked in at 5-3, as did I. Bob, finished strong to pull to 4-4 after a horrible beginning, we’re all very pleased with our performances. After they announce the top 20, we leave and go to Mick’s where I’m buying the first round, because we all had a lot of fun…but we all need a drink!

To Decktech and Adam Drake for hosting a great event
To Clint Hayes for winning the whole thing.
To Will for driving
To Jody for making a great run at the top 4.
To Me for making the Top 10.
To Shannon for making Sean go.
To Andrew for playing Flagship
To Emperor Palpatine for being a crafty old veteran.
To Darth Maul for being a smuggler tackling monster
To Sebulba for always winning the race.
To Alcohol for being good.

To Me for not asking TDs at the appropriate times.
To Me for waiting too long against Will’s deck to give him the beatdown.
To both Will and Me for forgetting about Lateral Damage.
To Me for forgetting to deploy systems.
To Tunnel Visions being so DAMN hard to find.
To Luke for forgetting how to use his saber.
To Qui-Gon for constantly forgetting his saber.
To Obi-Wan for finding it for him at the wrong times.

Thanks for reading!

Devon "Devonator" Clark