
Title: carmel-in-7-30-01
Author: Vince "D.Maul" Accetturo
Date: Jul 31, 2001

Pre-Tourney Jank-
Well thanks to Rich for running another Monday night tournament I get to waste 6 hours up at the DTC. After a rather dismal performance last week’s tournament with my Lift Tube QMC and BHBM racing I decide to totally change my decks. I’ve been playing both of them since I returned to the game after a year off. Last week Rich played this awesome Jar Jar deck that can be found on Deck Tech (titled Die Jar Jar, Die) and I decided to make my own with my own twist. I start MWYHL/SYIC and train Daughter to test 1 so I kill all their drain bonuses and then Jar Jar takes over by killing every one of their characters with 20 7’s and tons of 6’s. Rich you just better watch out for that guy from Spain. Dude he’s got some balls to come after you like that. Put him on John’s Hit list.
Anyway, for Dark I decided to go with Hunt Down Racing (about the only good DS deck around). I hadn’t tested it before I got there, but when Rich shows up I test it against his QMC. It won with a nice Epic Duel where Luke with Stick became my @#$%.

Oh my rating before the tourney is 1631 due to my lack of sanctioned games and the fact that it took me a while to dig my self out of my old scrub status. There were about 10 people who showed up which is pretty good for a monday and here we go to the games.

Game 1
My LS Jar Jar Go Boom Deck vs Dan Spaid’s (1881) Jabba’s Prize Carbon Chamber testing

Now, I’ve played Dan a lot and these were our exact decks that we played a few days earlier. He beat me by 2 so I’m out for some Jar Jar Blood. I get Jar Jar in my opening hand along with the Dag: Training Area. He cancels my first race destiny and draws a 0 so he puts it back. Next turn I draw 2 7’s for the race (yeah 20 7’s). I have Jedi Test 1 done by turn 3. I also draw 2 more 7’s for the Race I WIN. I Did It!, traffic control, and Draw their Fire come out. Now it’s time to kill Jar Jar. Jar Jar kills Ephant Mon. Next turn he kills Boelo. Then Jedi Luke comes down with him and kills some more of his bounty hunters (Bane and Aura). He captures Luke with All Wrapped up and I say STRANGLE and Aura dies. I end up freeing Han, Canceling Scum, and putting his objective out of play. Now Vader with stick comes to mess with Jar Jar who’s draing for 2 at the Carbonite Chamber. Jar Jar misses and I loose Him and 8 force. I deploy Jar Jar to the AC and we trade some drains befor I drain him out.
FW +16
Overall 2(+16)

Highs: Revenge. Luke Strangling Aura. 4 7’s for the Podrace. Jar Jar killing over and over. Putting his objective out of play. Pretty much, Everything.
Lows: Jar Jar not getting Vader with Stick.

Game 2 My HD Podracing vs. Justin Stauffer’s (1894) QMC

He trys to TT Visage on my first turn but I have HoloNet Trans to cancel it. I got Lord Vader, The Emperor, Vader’s stick and Maul in my opening hand. We race and I draw a 5 vs no pod. Next turn he puts down a Bothan Spy and Han to the Holotheater. The I make one of my 2 big mistakes of the game. Instead of putting Maul there I put Lord with his saber. I battle draw a 6 after slicing Han and he draws a 2 and looses 4 in overflow. Now Vader is stuck so I can’t flip. I end up winning the race retrieving 10 and
he looses 11. Maul and emperor go to CC. While Zuckuss, Boba Fett and Bossk and make a trip to Bespin to drain for 2. He tries to kill Emperor with Qui-Gon and Stick but misses and draws a 1. I draw a 6. I had the game and everything is great till he deploys Luke with Stick and a Bothan Spy to the Holotheater. I duel figuring to kill luke then the spy. I play focused attack and he plays A jedi’s Focus to add a 2 to his duel. He ends up with 19 vs my 18. GREAT!! Vader’s OOP and I loose 9. He spreads out and drains on the Executor and on CC. Emperor Holds his own till Obi-wan and his saber come down and kill him. We exchange drains and drains me out.
FL -5
Overall 2(+11)

Highs: Winning the podrace. Controlling Bespin the whole game with my only 3 ships. Controlling most of the game
Lows: Vader getting stuck on the Executor. Loosing the duel
Making some BIG mistakes.

Game 3
My HD Racing vs. Dan Spaid’s (1881) TIGIH Beats

I draw a good opening hand with Choke Vader and Mara. On the race I draw a Lord Vader and Darth Vader for my first 2 destinies. On my second turn I deploy Mara to Chief Chirpa’s Hut after Luke moved to the DB. He deploys Harc Seff and Twass. I put down vader, capture luke, miss choking. Draw a 6 and he owes me both. I win the race but can’t retrieve due to AIM high and not enough force. Mara drains for 3 and Vader for 1. Orrimarko comes to see Mara gets chopped and looses 5 in overflow. I keep on drawing 6’s. He drew a 1 for almost every destiny. He drew 3 1’s in a row for the race. I end up draining him out in a very quick game.
FW +36
Overall 4(+47)

Highs: Beating Dan by 36. Winning the podrace. Drain for 3 at Chief Chirpa’s Hut. Killing all his characters.
Lows: Not retrieving from the podrace (7 cards). Not choking Twass and killing Harc all alone.

Game 4
My Jar Jar Go Boom vs. Rich Dailey’s (1795) HD Racing, Numbers, CHEESE!

This was another game that didn’t go my way. I’ll cover the race seperately. During the race I don’t draw the first time. He gets a 6. Next I draw a 6,5,3. AHHHH! with all the 7’s in this Deck you think I could draw one!! He gets another 6. Next turn I get 6,7,6. He get’s a 6. Damn 666! He wins 27 to 24. If I could have only gotten some 7’s and if he had not drawn all 6’s I would have won on the next turn. He deploys Vader and Emperor to PR Arena after the race. Leia completes test 1. I stupidly deply Jedi Luke and Jar Jar to the Holotheater to stop the bleeding of Visage. That’s it game over. He deploys Come Here You Big Coward and Tech Mo’r to the Meditation chamber. I move Luke to the meditation chamber. He inserts. DAMN CHEESE! He moves tech to the Holotheater. I battle and should’ve killed Jar Jar and Tech but I make him loose tech and 1. He redeploys tech to the Podrace Arena. I insert come up while I’m doing nothing b/c I lost all my surprise assaults. I loose 9 due to me having Yoda and Daughter on Dagobah. I start drawing up. He inserts again. It pops up again and I loose.
FL -37
Overall 4(+10)

Highs: I canceled Visage. It’s fun playing Rich.
Lows: Come Here You Big Coward. CHEESE. Bad Racing Draws and no Losing Track.

Justin Stauffer ends up winning 1st. If only I hadn’t dueled him it would have been different. I end up sixth which sucks and Dan ends up getting 5th with 4(+11). Damn 1 point differential. I’ll get you DAN!

~Huge props to Rich for running a fun tournament on Monday.
~Rich for giving me the idea for the Jar Jar deck
~John for the people on his hit list
~John for helping the Newbies learn how to play
~Newbies for playing in the tournament. Keep playing
~Rick for rubbing my 36 pt win vs Dan into his face
~Rich, John, and the Newbies for discussing the game on the way out

~Frank for not showing up. I want to play Frank’s cheese
~Dan for beating my by 1 pt differential. You got to play a scrub
~The #2 person in the ITHOR region for giving the Jar Jar deck 1 1/2 starts
~Karl for playing with MKOS Skrillings and Spaceport Speeders
~Justin for beating me in the duel
~Me for playing stupid
~Getting a 5th Padme in my Prize support

Overall Great Tournament Rich I’ll see you next week for the Coruscant Release Day Sealed Deck.