
Title: geoff-goes-to-gen-con-part-2
Author: Geoff "gsiva" Snider
Date: Aug 6, 2001

okay...the last report kinda ended abruptly, so here’s the rest:

saturday was continentals day 2. the details were this:

i took 7th??? (maybe 8th???) who knows. i played like a moron. either way, it was...Chu and scott diehl in the finals. from what i could see, chu played his brangus deck first vs. diehl’s RST podracing. i think chu won the podrace, but diehl blew up the bunker. maybe he didn’t, but at one point i looked over, and chu had like 2 cards in his lost pile...and the next minute i looked over and chu had like 15 cards in his lost pile. but i think chu got "the combo" on him (responsibility/much anger) and ended up winning by 20 or so? maybe? the second game was chu’s WYS vs. diehl’s tie bombers. i wish i had gotten a look at the tie deck he was running, but whatever. i left at this point to go take a shower...don’t ask, but i guess chu won by 30 or someting.

sunday was sealed deck day, and we all popped our packs. it was really pretty silly. i got maul x2, senate objective, 6 senators, the "reduce battle destiny by 3" effect, the "increase drain by 2" effect, 2x rachalt hyst, 2x gun to play on rachalt hyst, and a few sites, etc...random cr@p. the real kicker was that i pulled 3x podrace collision, boonta eve, teemto’s podracer, podrace arena, watto’s box, AND NO PODRACE PREP! wtf. i can’t pull ONE common card...ick. on the lighter (or darker) side, i pulled the blockade flagship 2/0 site.

game 1 vs. some guy from manitoba.

this guy started with shmi’s hut, and i got some guys in the senate for a 1st turn flip. he does alot of drawing while i get out a couple 2/1 tat. sites (i started with "his name is anakin" so he had to save some force). he puts qui-gon at watto’s workshop, so i have to send maul and some other monkey. i use yeb yeb al thorm to look at his top card, and it’s a 3, and i have the "reduce by 3 attrition" senate effect, so i can eventually beat qui-gon off the site without losing maul. i draw a six for destiny and i’m able to track it for the next battle. i drain him out a turn later. i win by 19

game 2 vs. eric olson

i’m like "hey look, i’ve got maul x2" and he’s like "hey i’ve got qui-gon and his stick AND watto’s workshop AND credits will do fine." if he gets quigon, then there’s more or less NOTHING that i can do to get rid of him except try and duel him...but olson doesn’t fall for it, and ends up draining me for 4/turn at the workshop. i lose by 9?

game 3 vs. chris praskac

he says "my deck’s a pile" and i’m like "darth maul in your hole" and he gives it a go, but i’m like ...sure...i win. can’t blame someone for getting cr@p.

game 4 vs. brad stebbins

toonbuck toora, yeb yeb al thorm, and some other mofo in the senate spell disaster for brad. i think i make about 5 or 6 cards lost by using yeb yeb (he’s a machine from he11) and keep him from drawing destiny high enough to knock maul off any sites with ki-adi-mundi. i end up draining him out and winning by 12 or so.

so i’m 3-1 with + 30 or some low dif. like that. olson whiffed his 4th game against the "podrace w/the box" guy and ended up in like...3rd or 4th, but the final is clint vs. dude with box/racing. can you guess who won? YES you can. NOONE CAN BEAT WATTO’S BOX IN SEALED DECK. blah.


1) joe gianetti for trying to convince some kid that he couldn’t use anakin’s podracer because he didn’t declare it.

2) joe gianetti for trying to docking bay transit to a star destroyer launch bay (even though it’s not a docking bay) and trying to argue with the judge about it.

3) joe gianetti for calling judges over for like 30 other rulings while trying to cheat out some scrubs.

4) joe gianetti, while playing in sealed deck got this kid down to two cards with battle order out...and just sat there and retrieved 1 force at the marketplace, until the kid called the judge and says ’is there anything i can do’ and the judge is like ’you can draw up’ so he did...but it’s still pretty g@y.

5) joe gianetti for saying "i played against this kid in sealed and i asked him if he minded if i retrieve my whole lost pile and he said it was okay so i did." what a jack@ss. he can’t even lie well.

6) joe gianetti for being the ONLY person i’ve turned luke against while playing my BHBM deck in a tournament. what a scrubby mofo.

7) joe gianetti for getting caught rubbing cards on his crotch and winning mich. states like a chump.

8) joe gianetti for having someone say "that guy may think he’s Fonzi or something, but the hair just doesn’t match-up" about him in their tournament report. heh.


props to: bojo for putting up with everyone’s cr@p all weekend and for being a champ with that pimp-style microphone.

props to: mara jade for having the brains not to show up to a sweaty-butcrack convention

props to: steve lewis for telling me to practice more (cause i should), even though he couldn’t show his KFC GOATEE face at the con because he’s got a life or something.

props to: holman for selling me a destroyer droid for $2! those things are so money!

props to: alread for showing up so we could hang out for the weekend! it was good to see him again after a couple months!

props to: olson for beating me with CWDFine and his jizzy deck...and for saying SNUGGLE BEEEEAR! all weekend.

props to: gabe’s huge c@ck

props to: gabe’s pocket buddy. I WANT MY VERY OWN POCKET BUDDY NOW!!!

props to: me for restraining myself from breaking raveling’s other leg.

props to: me for playing like a F UCKING MORON against matt sokol after making fun of him on decktech for a few moths. damn...i kinda almost feel guilty...maybe i’ll definitely feel guilty tomorrow.

props to: matt sokol for being a champ and making decks with 15 darth mauls in them so he could play them at the Decipher booth. heh...well that’s just a rumor.

props to: heisler for providing a constant goofy-face for us to laugh at. just kidding man.

props to: dave irvine for being a champ and not wanting to totally scream at me after i beat him because we made our decks together.

props to: those dirty sluts at hooters. gotta love ’em.


slops to: Kansas state champion with that STUPID HAT ON! what a moron. he just kept talking and talking and talking and talking until i wanted to throw him into a spiked pit so he could die a long slow death while being impaled on a metal-barbed spike.

slops to: all 8 of us in our hotel room (you know who you are) for being 8 sweaty-hot buttcrack mofos...and for the Milwaukee HO-JO hotel for having CENTRAL F UCKING AIR and NOT one of those handy in-room units.

i’m going to play in the KING OF CORRELLIA tournament in two weeks, but Olson’s not going to be there (well...he’ll be running it), so i hope there’s SOME competition from the scrub kingdom of illinois.

i’m going to have a f ucking slugging match with Fortman for the title! just kidding fred. i can’t wait to give you a big hug...not.

i’m now going to play with overload...or not...who knows.
