
Title: wyoming-montana-july-26-28
Author: Cody "blackgecko" Custis
Date: Aug 8, 2001

The good computer is down, so I decided to write this up on Aladdin, the ancient 386. Aladdin is invincible, with an iron case. Anyway, I’ll give the usual pre-tourney banter. I wake up at 8:30, and wait for a long time for Travis. I was worried since I was supposed to be ready at 8 and he had not showed up by 9. However, he was just running late. Peter, an infamous local netdecker, joins up, but Jeff, the SM, did not return communications so he is stuck in Billings. So, we get on the road toward Sheridan. Along the way, Travis realizes that he has no sites, and Peter decides to join our Shadowrun campaign. We show up at Pizza Hutt, but the lunch buffet does not open for another fifteen minutes. They open a bit early, and I throw in the spare change so that we can get an even nine dollars as change to split. We get there and find out that the tourney does not begin for another two hours. Damn! We hang around and my pile of Ral-Numbers drek, played by Travis, takes down Peter’s X-Wing swarm. Then Peter smacks his Walker Garrison with his Jedi Training jacking Off The Edge. Finally, the tourney begins at two, and we get around to drafting. Format is Reflections 2 Booster Draft. Sides are announced, Peter and I are dark, Travis light. My first pick is a TIE Scout. I did not get that many good packs opened, but had some awesome cards passed to me. The only main from my packs is the Boba, the rest was passed to me. I drafted some awesome cards, as evidenced in the decklist. Amazingly, Guri never showed up! I brought the JP:Sites, Jundland Wastes, Kessel and Kashyyyk.

Alter Combo
Ghhhhk Combo
Dark Maneuvers Combo
Imp. Barrier
He Hasnot Come Back Yet (Nipponese!)
Def. Fire Combo
Projective Telepathy
Kiss A Wookie (Jap)
Lat. Damage
Scum and Villany x2!
Lift Tube x2
Ubrikkan Reacting Premiere Vehicle
Locations I Brought x6
TIE Scout
Ponda’s Gun
Luke Seeker
Imp. Pilot x2 (One Japanese!)
Sim Aloo
Colonel ISB
Fellatio Droid
Imp. Trooper Guard
IG88 With Gun
Janus Tracker
Boba Fett
Djas Puhr
Dr. E & The Walrus

That includes far too many good characters. The other DS player was not that enthralled with the Japanese cards, so I have a bunch that did not go into the deck. After we draft, I tell the TD that he should collect the wrappers to get the foil Move. So, we all donate. Other picks include Regis with Scout Luke and UR Luke, and Peter with Bad Palpies and Good Palpy. I have to play Travis first, and he decided not to use Jabba’s Palace. It would cost him.

Game 1
My Mains versus Travis Piloted Space.
Playing my friend is allright when it is sealed. I know a lot of what he is playing since I was in the same group, and he was using my locations. Not a lot interesting happened in this game. He beating down at JP, and I responded by deploying my guys next turn and beating down the remnants of his crew. He had Elom, Speeder, and ability 2 guy with another guy for forfeit to beat up Janus, and I take five damage. On my turn, I deploy big aliens, Sim away Civil Disorder, get a five for my destiny and he gets a Courscant, I win 17 to 5, and he takes damage. He deploys Kessel and a bunch of guys, so I decide not to fight him there. However, I soon convert Kessel to the side of evil. In the end, my ground superiority is too much for him. FW 9

Game 2
Versus Regis Double Luke
Regis takes forever to do anything this game. He plays on Cloud City, and I deploy Imp. Pilot. Dash wacks the Pilot, and I lose Pilot and 1. IG88 shows up, he shoots at IG88, misses, I decide not to take action, he plays Gambler’s Luck, so I capture Dash, so I will not lose IG88. I set up on Tatooine and drain there. He deploys Gay Droid and Crappy Luke. I Kiss A Wookie Luke. Next turn, Luke and Sic Six try to beat up IG88, but he cannot be battled! Luke has a gun, and he has gun tricks, so I move IG88 away. We drain on respective planets, him for 1, me for 3. Leia and Devonian try to take down Sim, but he is immune, and loses Devon. I deploy Puhr and Boba Gun, and hit Leia, then ask is he has action. Since everyone was snickering, I feared a good interrupt. He declines, I end the actions phase, and he Ghhhks the damage. Later, a Scurrier eats a bunch of my guys, but I kill him and he does not stop the drain. Eventually, CC Trooper with Gun gets IG88 with a tracked 7. End game, Dr. E & Ponda battle lone CC Trooper with Gun, I Sim and see that the gun does not hit, and he takes damage down to one. I stick them in front of Luke to save a drain, since he has one force left. He battles on his turn, I play Friendly Fire combo, get loser, he has no destiny, game soon over. FW 8

Game 3
My Mains versus Johns WYS.
Read that right. He deploys Y-Wing for 7 and gets drains at Kessel. I drain on ground. RFC shows up with Bo Shuda, but Bubo eats and Janus takes over the chamber as Fett and Beedo go away. Horn tries to beat up loser, but he is Barriered and cannot handle the combo Doctor and Walrus. I own the ground after that, and spread thin to drain him. He deploys Gold guy in ship, for 11, but I Wookie it. He forgets to redeploy it for free, his loss. I Lat Damage the Y-Wing, and Virago beats it for four. I spread really thin and drain him on Tatooine at all sites. No more interaction, atlthough I convert Kessel to evil, and Gold guy takes out Virago. FW 11

Game 4
My Mains versus Dylans deck.
No major theme in his deck. He starts JP, so I have to go with AC, him 2-1 Endor site. I save up force, I deploy Kashyyyk, him CC 2-1. He deploys Beru and Owen with Jawa to AC. I let him drain me, then deploy Scum, Djas, IG88, and use AC text to get Walrus with Doctor. He plays Friendly Fire, and I have to lose the combo. I fail to capture the Lars, but I clear the site and lose Djas. He then deploys Wicket and Wookie to Endor site. I put Boba in AC and Virago to Kashyyk. We drain each other for a long time, then he deploys some droids to CC site. He is still losing the drain race 3 to 1. He deploys Mirax to CC, but I still win race. I realize that I should pump, so Janus and Jundland Wastes come down. We continue to drain. Since I had the bigger drains, he runs out of deck before me, and never did challenge my drains, and why should I go mess with him when he needs to do something to win the game. FW 20

I go 4-0, but Peter had about 10 better differential, and gets foil Han with Gun as prize. We head to Subway where a total of four total couples conspire against Travis. I pay 150% of Billings cost for my sub, but get cucumbers. We hit the gas station and I discuss the problems of the state of Wyoming with the clerk, and get a liter of Red dew. On the way back, we are driving around 105 miles an hour, and wonder if the car ahead of us is a cop. We follow for five minutes, then he puts on the lights. He turns into the other way of traffic, so we are good. Besides, we were not gaining on the cop, so we could not have been going that fast. Montana roads rule. Along the way, we pass a car that is going slow, and it looks like the Rock is driving. He drives like a nancy. We continue back to Billings at speeds that are only acceptable in western states.

Saturday, the crew does a constructed tourney. The first game was versus Logan, playing a construct the second disco ball deck. Halfway through, I decided to blow up his disco ball, not mine. He thought that he might actually subtract enough from Luke in Artoos Ships maneuver that I would need better than a zero to avoid crashing. He was wrong. Second game I had to play him again, and he was running Jeff’s inserts/Surprise Assault deck. I won because in the end, I decided to go with no reserve deck, or a reserve deck of one, so he could not play inserts or Sabaac. Grabbing Sabaac helped. Troy then beat down my MBO, annoying since he was using my Boleo. I blew up the disco ball in one turn, but lost anyway. I screwed up because I lost Wedge when I did not have to. Next game, Troy wacked my Ral Ops with Speeders, so Peter gave me the combo Sunsdown/Too Cold For Speeders, which hurts Speeders more than me. Peter gets a pile of coolness points for helping me to meta against speeders. The power went out at the Splash Page, so we played the final game in the dark. That was cool. Troy won the tourney, and I continued to prevent anyone from playing SYCFA. Anyway, it was Travis grandmothers birthday, so the family invited me to go to Enzos and celebrate. Travis grandma is cool, becuase everyone likes me, but only one in thirty baseball fans like the Altanta Braves. They will lose sometime in the playoffs again this year. Standing up in the middle of Enzos was cool because I was the tallest person without a black vest around. I managed to play my way into De La Metallica on Wild Arms. If anyone remembers how to get past the part where you have the 5 shelves upstairs and the 5 empty chests downstars, put the solution in the review. Damn annoying illogical puzzles. Anyway, Sunday came quickly, and with it another tourney, this time Sealed Deck.

The format is one BB Premiere Starter and 3 packs of BB ANH, plus the Jedi Pack, in case someone gets ISB. We are split up, and it is the Stahleys dark versus the world light. We only got six people, so we do not get sanctioned. We need to start having R2 booster drafts, since everyone would show up for those. Jeff, do one the Sunday after the next constructed. I guarantee people will show up if you hold one, and probably wont give a damn about the entry fee. As we are splitting, Nathan notices something screwed up. His deck has 8 LS rares. Damn! As I crack my thing, I notice 8 rares in my deck. Damn!!!! So, I have sixteen LS Premiere rares for this tourney. Manufacturing error in my favor. Jeff got 8 LS rares in one of his starters, and the rest were mundane. The ANH lacks manufacturing errors, but I do get Artoo, who I did not have. I resist the urge to use Magnetic Suction Tube with the Sandcrawler, and build the deck. For those that give a damn, heres the decklist, for those that dont, skip down and find out how it did.

Lukes Skyhopper
Red 6
X Rated Wing
Y Rated Wing
Gold 1
Binary Droid
Ickabel G’ont x2
Han Solo (Not the Jedi Pack loser)
Dice Ibegon
Tehn Dahai (Crix pulls him!)
Rebel Pilot
Owen Lars
Rebel Commander
Arcona (Shem)
Commander Vanden Willard
OOC x2
Surprise Ass.
Rebel Barrier
Traffic Control
Mantellian Savrip
Leias Sporty Blaster
Tarkin Seeker x2
Tagge Seeker
Proton Torpedos
Blaster Rifle
Y4: War Room
Tat: Lars Moisture Farm (Is that sexual?)
Yavin 4

Game 1
My Light versus Nathans Dark
He did not get a 2-0 site, and he starts Kashyyyk. Not a lot happened on the ground the entire game. Nathan didn’t have enough space, but he managed to torture my space. Set for Stun and Come With Me. He played S.Crew a lot, but never got much with it. Basically, he never found a way to deal with my space, and that cost him the game. I Reactor Terminal down at the end. FW 21

Game 2
My Light versus Prestons Surprise Assault
He starts War Room, as do I. We activate for awhile, and then I send in Artoo to invade. He repels the invasion force that came with Artoo, and still has his guys. He lost Childsen, one of his major warriors, and I OOC him. He tries to Sniper Artoo, but has no gun. You cant bonk Artoo with a Utility Belt. I hold on for awhile, and he deploys guys along with Mos Eisley. I put down guys and beat him off of the War Room. I use Savrip to deal with attrition. Major error was when I lost Rebel Commander when I could have lost CZ-3, so it took longer to beat him off. I continue to beat off in the War Room, and I deployed Yavin to drain him there. The pilot of the Y-Wing Came With Him. I Assault for 3. After taking over the War Room, and draining each other for a few, he Assaults for 8. I ICBW the damage, but he plays Its Worse. Ouch. He deploys TIE Advanced to Yavin, I get X-Wing and beat it up for 1, so he forfiets. The game became a drain race, but he had 1, and I 3. I had ICBW, but feared Worse. In the end, I win the race, barely. It turns out he had Tentacle, not Worse, but why risk it? FW 1

Game 3
Me versus Logans U3PO
We both start War Rooms. We draw and save for awhile, and I deploy Yavin, he Eriadu, along with Lars Farm. I deploy guys there, since I had a huge hand. He deploys and tries to beat up, but we both just lose to attrition. He deploys U3PO, along with Y4:DB and DS:DB. Later, he tries to beat down, but cant and Gay Protocol Droid wannabe helps me. In space, I deploy Y-Wing to Yavin and X-Wing, and fly Y-Wing over to Eridau. He deploys 2 TIEs and VSD to Eridau, does not battle. I deploy Han to Y-Wing and he tries to play Come With Me, but I point out that has to happen during his deploy phase. He loses guys to attrition. I set up space drains. Later, Conquest and TIEs come down, but I get a good destiny draw and he has to lose TIEs. On his turn, he Set For Stuns Han and beats down Y-Wing for 7. I have Houjix, but decide to keep around and ICBW the damage. On my turn, I redeploy Han, hit him with tracked 5, and own space. I deploy Arcona to Y4:DB. I drain him out for the rest of game. I put a lot back with Terminal, but keep 3 for tricks, then he picks up. FW 18

I have nothing better to do after the last game, so I watch Jeff beat Preston despite a huge Assault by Preston. Jeff plays Rebel Pilot and Han to Falcon at Light Kessel, showing the power of the mini-falcon. Preston tracks a six to shoot it down and Jeff gets a six for destiny so Preston takes battle damage. Jeff controls board, since drawing destiny at Dune Sea is hard. Jeff wins eventually, but seeing Falcon blasted out of sky and damage was nifty. The entire tourney, my Dice Ibegon never shows up for anything. That sucks.

Prize support is one pack of BB Premiere for winning, and I beat out Jeff by 1 differential. Dark Alderaan joins the rest of my rares. I can now @#$% half as much as Travis about not getting a foil, although I should @#$% more since sealed tourneys have good pack support, although I think I would rather have ECC Chewie foil than pack of BB Premiere. After the tourney, the Shadowrun occurs at Travis house, inspiring silliness. Unfortunately, there will be no mathcups in this TR. No slops or props, although Peter gets major coolness points for helping to meta against Speeders. Sorry about taking so long to post, but my net access is limited, and sealed has not changed since the tourney anyway.