
Title: raleigh-nc-8-18-eat-my-technicallity
Author: Philip "WorldChamp" Marschall
Date: Aug 19, 2001

This is my tourney report from yesterday where I was being a scrub like i always am.

Pre-Tourney Stuff:

Well I was in Santa Fe (aka Santa Claus) all summer and NO ONE there plays, so no tourneys. I was thinking about going up to the Colorado area, but my mom wouldn’t take me. Anyway, I was looking at the tourneys for my area coming up and I saw an open so I decided to go to it. After getting my box the Sunday I got back, I went to Edwin’s house and we played a bunch and built decks. I made a LS senators and jedi deck with mains that kinda sucked but was cool. For dark I was playing a Walker Garrison deck that kicked major a$$. I added more space and took about 2 walkers out. This proved to be stupid. Anyway I was playing against Edwin and his WYS and Watto objective were wrecking. But I was like my decks are cool so I didn’t change. Wednesday Edwin came over after school and he was trying to play Da Pretzel Money but it really sucked. He didn’t wanna play Watto that won, so he tried that. Anyway, on Friday I went to Edwins and he made a Black Sun dark. I warned him that Black Sun sucked, but he paid no heed. He proceded to wreck me and so I quit after about 5 minutes. Anyway we played and I tested a Watto deck that I didn’t want to use, so I kept playing walkers.

On Saturday, I got up early and played a game against my brother and then called Edwin and we went to the tourney at 10 right when the store opened, even though the tourney started at 11. We got all of the rest of Tatooine they had, and Edwin modified his deck. Then I got some Reflection 2 and got Vader with Stick foil and added it to my deck. Adam Weinstein sold me another Rebel Base Occupation and I’m ready to go. So we wait for Don to get the tourney started. First place takes home a box of Coruscant, so 24 people came out to win this baby, even though there were only 3 tables and 11 chairs, so some people had to sit on the floor.

Game 1: My DS Garrison vs. Mike Schneider’s Hidden Base
Well before the game I had seen a b-wing, so I was scared. Anyway, I have my usual start with Decree, YMSYL, and IAO. He starts Ultimatum, YISYW, Inconsequential Barriers. First turn I command to get Piett, and get the 3rd marker and a Garrison. I deploy walkers all over hoth, and he deploys b-wings and matching pilots. I try to go to space, but he kills off the Thunderflare with a missile. He cancel drains with rebel fleet and his objective, so I couldn’t drain at all. I eventually probed his base and got off a big garrison, but it wasn’t enough. He was retrieving like a madman with On the Edge and 7’s, and draining and playing Rebel Artillery. The game was totally his the whole way, but I still lost by only 4.
Highs: Barely losing.
Lows: Not having a chance

Game 2: My LS Senators and Jedi vs. guy’s Asteroids
Well he starts Anoat system, and I start ls senate obj., the chamber, Security Control, YISYW, and Aim High. I am thinking WTF?!?!?!?! he starts anoat so I play carefully. I discover he has asteroids when he deploys a Field and Big One. Since I have no space, I lose to meager drains while my mains with sticks and with the help of I Will Not Defer drain for loads on the ground. On one turn, I draw asteroid destiny against his Sith Infiltrator at Big One at Kessel. He has 3 fields, and I draw a 3, so that plus 3 is six and it gets it. He plays Close Call to redraw, but I sense. He cannot play it again and I get the rest of his ships that turn. This is pretty much game with my drain of 7 and his of 1 at Anoat. FW by 13
Highs: Winning. This guy was really nice and was a good player, but it was his first tourney in 2 years so, well he was kind of out of practice.
Lows: None

Game 3: My Walkers vs. Guys Senate Jedi’s
Well this guy doesn’t use sleeves so I don’t know how good he is. Anyway I have my usual start and he starts some random immune effect with MotF, so I’m thinking I have this game in the bag, but I have to be careful. First turn I think he plays MotF to get the Back Door. Anyway I am setting up on Hoth with Occupation, YMSYL and big drains and he is draining of 1 at the senate, 2 at the back door (with only Yarua) and 2 at the CC Downtown Plaza. I decide its time to do something about Yarua so I deploy Blizzard 2 with Veers to kill it. I will the battle but he uses We’re Leaving to stop the damage. Anyway that drain of 2 goes uncontested and I win by 18.
Highs: Winning and playing a good game.
Lows: None

Game 4: My Light vs. Ryan Obeman’s Dark
Well Ryan is one of the best players here so I don’t have a good feeling. Especially when he starts Hunt Down Duel w/Racing. Damn. Anyway, in the first few turns I get Ben down to the Coruscant DB and he has Vader at another. He transits over and Epic Duels Obi. He plays Focused attack which I sense. We draw and he throws his stick to make his 2 4’s sixes. I draw a 6 and a 3 and my stick adds one to each which make my total 19. He says his is 20 but its really 18 so I lose the duel and the game. Shortly thereafter he wins the race and wins by a large amount.
Highs: Absolutely None
Lows: Everything. I wish we could count, then I would have won. Damn.

Game 5: My Light vs. Ryan Page’s Huntdown Duel with Senators
Well I am like crap another dueling deck and then he whips some senators out and DS is supposed to kill LS senators. Anyway he is a scrub with an attitude, and he is trying to get Vader and Maul through the senate to the Chamber, but he thinks you can’t battle at the senate, so he deploys a lone Passel Argente against my Palpy and Liana Merian. I deploy 2 other senators and battle he has power 6 to my 11 and I whoop him. He wants to move Vader and Maul through the senate and chop up senators, but weapons are useless there and his Sith Lords have no power. He deploys Lott Dod and another senator and a Guard, but I beat him down with my dudes and Stay Here, Where It’s Safe. I get Qui-Gon and others safely down and draining. My damage and technicallities do him in and I win by 18.

Game 6: My Dark vs. Robert Weirbecki’s Mains and Cheese
He start MWYHL and HFTMF for Wise Advice, DDTA, and Battle Plan. I get walkers on Hoth then he comes down and beats me up. AFA is inserted several times and On The Edge is played like mad. He kills me off Hoth and wins by 30.
Highs: none I suck
Lows: I thought I was gonna play an easier player like Ryan Page who I had just played, but playing Robert sucked. He is really good and his deck wrecks.

GRRRRRRR. another scrub finish. Edwin got second out of 24 which RULES! Especially having to play Ray Franks (who is one of the best players here) twice and winning by 26! Also, Adam Weinstein, the state champion, was also there along with all of the good players in my area except Matt Guinn. Mike Merletto, another young player and friend of edwin got first, and took home a box. Good Job Mike!

-Don for running a smooth tourney.
-Carson for being cool and having a Pokemon bean bag fight with me, Edwin, and Martin in between games.
-Edwin for letting me borrow 2 Qui-Gon’s a Jedi Luke and many other cards for my decks.
-Edwin for playtesting with me and for being cool.
-Martin for being a scrub and for being cool.
-Hayes Hunter for being cool
-Brian Hunter for writing cool trs.
-The can of whoop-ass just because.
-Edwin for getting second place being the second youngest player there only to me.

Ryan Obeman and me for not being able to count.
My decks for sucking.
Me for sucking.
My parents for not letting me go to dcon.
Me for sucking.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really hope you have enjoyed this. There will be more!
The future world champ who will prolly not win D-Con ever cuz he sucks sooo much, Phil