
Title: williston-park-ny-8-18-01-epiosde-1
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Aug 19, 2001

-- Pre-tournament junk --
So the tournaments at Grasshoppers Comics in Williston Park haven’t been sanctioned in 6 months or so. Finally people start playing again and the TD, Dan Sotelo, schedules and episode 1 thing the Saturday before the big local to win a complete set of Endor. So I decide to go to this thing and try to get people to go. For decks I make a Hyperdrive Generator deck with mostly weak people since I only own 2 Qui-gons and 1 Obi. I used 3 Stay Here Where It’s Safe to help senators and I used the destiny adder thing where you make your senator power/politics=0. For dark I make this space deck that spreads fast and uses the senator Aks Moe for some bigger drains and the other guy for a 1 force ping for controlling the Naboo system. Basically my deck would lose if they played any space. I try to get people to go to this but Sam was going away, Brad had a block party, Wayne had to go to his grandparent’s party or something, and Steve was playing Magic that day I think. I also asked my friend Andrew but he only has about 4 boosters worth of Tatooine/Coruscant so he wouldn’t have decks anyway so he skipped it and went on a trip somewhere. So it’s just me and Alex Warshow. A few days before, Matt Ehrhart, the local awesome player who wins all the time, told me he had work that day and couldn’t make it so I figure I almost have a shot now (yea right...) The night before some guy in the IRC tells me to make some capture the queen deck or something. I semi-make that at about 2 AM and go to sleep. The next day I decide that idea sucks and go with a Naboo occupation starting the senate. It works decent and go with that.

I get to the store with about an hour to spare and we have 1 other person there, just great. I see Bucksun Lee there who is just getting back into the game or something but he wasn’t playing today. Well Alex comes in with a box of Coruscant he just bought at Coruscant and he got the worst box I ever saw in my life. He got I think Mace Windu and Palpatine, no Mauls, no Destroyer Droids, no Lott Dod. It was a bad box I guess. Then Buck tries to convince me to trade my 3 Destroyer droids to him for crappy rares that I don’t need. While he’s busy I go ahead and trade them to Alex as we planned all along. He gives me Trample, the Code Clearance effect thing, Stinger, and a foily Melas (ooohh). I’m pretty sure this deal looks like I got ripped off but I really don’t care. You should have seen when I gave Sam a free Arica.... I only own 1 Maul so I go borrow 2 from Mot because he isn’t playing (no episode 1 decks). Some more people come in like Dennis Shea and this little kid who looks like hes 10 or something. We end up with 7 people and someone let’s Mot borrow decks to play. Dan gives us a choice to object to this but we all agreed to let him play.

My decks:
Light: Hyperdrive thing with racing and crappy people due to my lack of mains
Dark: Senate with Battle Droids on Naboo (it sounds bad but it really is alot worse)

Game 1: My DS Battle Droid thing Vs Chris Carman’s Senate mains
I have never met him before so I figure he’s new or something. He has to borrow a Mindful of the Future from Alex to replace the Signal in his deck. He starts Security Control I think and the Jedi Council place, I go with the grabber effect and the Naboo throne room. I get out the Flagship site and then draw up. His turn he deploys Yoda and draws. My turn I draw/save. His turn he deploy a Coruscant Guard to the senate. My turn, Lott Dod and two other senators come down. I flip, pull a drain cancelling political effect and battle. I play No Civility, Only Politics to add a destiny. I draw a five and a two (ugh..) and he loses the site and 9. His turn Plo Koon comes down and he draws or something/ I then get out the Battle Plains an put out P-59 there. He gets out Master Qui-gon there and moves Plo Koon there. I deploy more helpful senators and and move my droid away. Basically I get out 2 Battle Droids to the Battle Plains and run with P-59 between his courtyard and my throne room. Finally I drop Rune Haako, 2 battle droids, a battle droid blaster, and Maul with saber against his Plo Koon, Master Qui-gon, the Jedi Knight council guy whos uncommon, and some ability 2 guys. I hit one with the battle droid and chop Maul. He loses some stuff and now I chase him. He is getting drained for 3 a turn and getting the 1 force ping from my controlling a Naboo location and having that senator guy in a senate majority. He gets out Padme and another Qui-gon and I battle him. I play Maul Strikes and have some power in the 30’s while he has about 19. Eventually I clear out most of his guys and drain him out. I win by 22.
FW 2(+22)
Highlights: Beating him up every battle
Lowlights: None

Alex won by 37 or something vs the little kid and Bill Power beat Dennis Shea. I’m the 2nd ranked dark player so I play Shea next.

Game 2: My LS THGG with weak people Vs. Dennis Shea’s senate racing Maul deck
He starts the Phantom Menace I think and the Desert Landing site. His turn he gets a 1 for race destiny and flashes me. He flips with Lott Dod and a senator and deploys the battleship site. My turn I drop Quigon to the junkyard and let him go. He drains, draws low again and that’s about it. I drain and he stacks 1. I get out a sentor with Qui-gon and let him go. Maul comes down with saber and I play Stay Here Where It’s Safe. He chops Qui-gon and I think I beat him out in power. I lose people, he loses some from hand and stacks one. On my turn I win a battle using Obi and more senators but that’s the last time he stacks something. Maul eventually clears out all my guys. He stacks a 7 on his racer and I play A Step Backward. He wins the race and I lose 6. He takes over Tatooine with Aurra Sing, P-59 and P-60, and Nute Gunray. I drop Qui-gon with Saber to the Marketplace but Keder the Black joins him there. Eventually Maul with Saber comes down to Qui-gon and we both slice each other. But next turn he just redeploys another Maul. He is draining for about 6 a turn and I’m draining for 2 at the landing site with one of Valorums aides. He then drains me out and and plays Squabbling Delegates for some retrieval. I lose by 29.
FL 2(-7)
Highlights: It started out ok
Lowlights: I lost by alot and owning 4 Episode 1 lightside characters with ability 4 or more is bad

Alex lost to Mot by 10. Bill and Mot are the top 2 people with Alex and Dennis after them.

Game 3: My Lightside thing Vs. Some guy’s Hunt the Queen (sorry I forgot your name, he was Chris Carman’s friend)
He starts the senate, Throne room, and the hunt the queen effect. I start my grabber. An early Obi-wan comes down to the Junkyard to drain. He gets out Nute and a Battle droid at the throne room to drain me for 2. He also gets out the Phantom Menace early. I reinforce Obi with a senator and start stacking 5’s on my racer. P-59 and a destroyer droid come down to the junkyard but he draws low and misses the the shot while I draw. I get out Brisky Mornin Munchen and drop Jar Jar and Horax Ryder to the throne room. I battle, play Losing Track to make him put a 0 on top and kill Nute with Jar Jar. Then I play Stay Here Where It’s Safe and kill the droid. He deploys Maul with Saber to the junkyard but I win due to his low draws and I flip. Qui-gon and saber battle Maul and I win and stack more stuff. I win the race and he sets up a bit in the senate. I get out I Did It and he gets more stuff out to the senate. He kills my Horax Ryder but Valorum kills his guys with a destiny of 5 and playing Stay Here Where Its Safe for 6. I am draining for 2 a turn to his one. He gets people out to kill Valorum but they eventually die. I get out Jar Jar to the Marketplace and start retrieving. He could have drawn up but lets me retrieve 3 with Jar Jar. I win by 43.
FW 4(+36)
Highlights: Winning all the battles, Stay Here Where It’s Safe and high destinies rocks
Lowlights: None

Mot beats Bill and Alex beats Shea. Alex is using the same objective as me but he has more Qui-gons and Obi’s plus Panaka. They make a huge difference.

Game 4: My DS Senator Naboo thing Vs. Brendan’s (?) Hyper Drive
He is the really little kid who is sometimes annoying. He has no starting effect. I start my grabber thing and the Throne Room. I draw up for 4 turns while he gets out the Council Chamber and Yoda. Then something really sucky happens. He plays We Will Reveal Ourselves to the Jedi and makes me lose 2 Alters, 2 Little Real Powers, and 2 Battle Droids. Now I’m mad. I get out Lott Dod and other guys and he finally gets out someone to the Junkyard - Master Qui-gon (great in his deck, huh?). I take the drain for a turn. I get out more senators and drop Maul with Saber and slice Qui-gon. I also peek at his top card with my senator guy and it’s a zero. I win the battle and Qui-gon dies. His turn he gets out another Qui-gon maybe or something but all I remember is Maul dies but so does his big person. He has two handmaidens and Mas Amedda left. I get out battle droids and another Maul to kill them plus some overflow. I set up on Naboo with P-59. He is taking my drain of 3 and he gets some crappy guy to the Battle Plains and deploys the damage soaker effect. My turn I drain him down to 1, retrieve for Squabbling Delegates, and battle his lone guy and he loses the effect to cancel the damage. Then I laugh, use the senator to peek at his last card and lose 1 from hand to make it lost. I win by 28.
FW 6(+64)
Highlights: Pretty much every battle was in my favor and he couldn’t do much
Lowlights: The 6 doubles I lost to his Grimtaash thing =(

Alex beat Shea again, Mot beat Bill again, and Chris Carman beat his friend due to a late game battle.

Final standings:
1. Mot (Bill Hauser)
2. Alex WArshow
3. Chris Wo@#$%a (me)
4. Bill Power
5. Dennis Shea
6. Brendan aka little kid
7. Chris Carman
8. Guy whose name I forgot

So 3rd isn’t too bad. At least it’s better than my 0-3 last tournament. Alex edged be out on differential by 1 so that Grimtaash hurt. Mot picked the Maul foil and Bill Power got the random one. For prize support I go the All Wings combo card.

Next Saturday is a Swiss tournament at Grasshoppers to win a set of Endor. I hope more people show up to this.

Dan Sotelo - for running the tournament and getting a SWCCG event going on at the store after 6 months of nothing
Alex Warshow - for getting 2
Mot - for winning his 1st tournament, using borrowed decks, and making us sanctioned
Matt Ehrhart - for not coming and letting someone else win for once
Jon Grubb - for sucking and almost having as bad a rating as me
#starwarsccg - Thanks for all the encouragement (especially Kuperman and Jim Li)

Bucksun Lee - for annoying me during my last 2 games and for just being annoying
Steve - Magic, ugh...
Me - I need more cards...

- Chris "Wedge231" Wo@#$%a