
Title: dpc-montreal-sex-drug-and-peel-pub
Author: Yannick "Crusher" Lapointe
Date: Aug 20, 2001

for once i have playtested before the tourney ( very rare ), but my decks keep losing to Raphael and Dominic. I really want to play senator for ds, i love the objective and the helper cards for the deck are really good, but i always miss damage for the late game and lose by few, so i decide to had podrace late game( very easy to set up with lott dot and vote now ) and i start to win a few by a few.
I don’t like my LS RST control and decide to built a new deck, Profit and i remember reading stuff about Martin Akesson using podprofit and doing well, i dont have deck list with me so i built my version with only the start in mind. I play 1 game with ls and win, so i decide to play it, at this point iam tired of playing star wars and decide i will not play friday to relax and be mentally ready for saturday.
People start arriving from the US and a bunch of them come to my house to do stuff 3am and iam alone, i decide to go to sleep.

MY decks: DS = senator & maul deck with alot of good stuff against popular deck and late podrace for the 22 force swing

SATURDAY: DPC Montréal AKA not enough people what the f-uck, there was more US guys then Québec :( I talk with friend and the tourney start.

GAME 1: LS podprofit vs Serge or Francois Lizotte( dont remember wich one, sorry) Hunt down racing
I start with goo nee tay to slow him a little. I have nothing to cancel visage and it is better this way, because the more damage you deal early the most chance profit have to win. i flip early and the damage start eating him alive
WIN by 14? we didnt even finish the race

GAME 2: DS senator vs Mike Lane Dagobah test to 5
This sux gosses, because Mike is a Magic player who play SW for fun and he is playing Dominic test deck ( this deck is really, but really hard to play and he never play with it)
a start dealing damage fast and he lose trainning area. losing the training area = game, because the deck now become more slower then a turtle, its now as fast as a rock.
WIN by 24

GAME 3:DS vs Martin Paquette Watch your Houle, beat down
i know perfectly what this deck is capable of, but he dont know what my deck can do and he lose
WIN by ?

GAME 4:LS vs Clint Hays Brangus porn star
he is inserting like crazy, lose 25 cards with 3720 to 1 and 12 with perfect sabbac, but beside that he is dealling 0 damage. After i track a perfect sabbac and he cannot get is insert back with the porn star, i win since he dont deal damage and iam playing profit

EDITOR NOTE #1: for people who dont know profit deal alot of damage :)

WIN by 7

GAME 5:DS vs Raphael TIGT mains and beat
in playtesting it was 50%, so i hope to get a good hand and i do get one. :) i battle damage him for 13 and 9 + the 11 from the race = game
WIN by a few

GAME 6:LS vs Chris Gogolen endor tie
This is a good matchup for me. First race destiny i stack battle plan( key card, but since the race wont take alot of turn i decide to stack it and when the race over track it)
i flip early but i have hard time finding charater so my damage is limited to a few force a turn, instead of insane amount ( maybe not insane, but huge:)
and he is draining for 7, my plan was to get battle plan to make him pay for i drain but like a dumb @ss i track like a donkey and miss my battle plan so he can drain for 9 with is 2 force left and i die :(
LOSE by 2

GAME 7:DS vs Alex Klamrodt QMC ( Alex is my nemesis, this is the guy i have lost the most game in my SW life )
i do damage fast and furios and the race damage is too much
WIN by 28

GAME 8:LS vs Raphael BHBM
This game s-uck out of space dinosaur balls

EDITOR NOTE #2: like every body know out of space dinosaur have much more bigger balls then earth dinosaur

EDITOR NOTE #3: don’t think iam crazy when i wrote stupid stuff like the editor note #2, i just smoke too much weed :( or :) weed is cool so :)

EDITOR NOTE #4:dont smoke weed, weed is bad for your body, but good for your mind:)

back to the game, where was i? hmmmmm! ha yeah i remember. This game s-uck out of space dinosaur balls, if i win Raph is out, if Raph win iam in unless Chu or Klamrodt win by 30 and more or if Martin win by less then 5 or lose
Martin make a time win and Chu win by 23 and i lose by 8

1-Chris Gogolen
2-Raphaël Asselin
3-Jonathan Chu
4-Yannick Lapointe

Chris choose LS since he know is DS have a weakness against profit, even if he won during the tourney.
he dont really know how to play against my deck and lose horribly ( i didnt even start the race)
WIN by who care iam in the final

Raph chose Ls since he beat Clint with it and it is the same matchup.

EDITOR NOTE #5: Read Chu repot to know in detail what happen during this game.

The Yellow Menace VS The Crusher
WYS vs Senator

really good game, i make a few minor mistake

EDITOR NOTE #6: minor mistake = mistake that change nothing in the game, it is just that you forget something or stuff and you dont play a perfect game.

EDITOR NOTE #7: why should i describe the final, Chu already did and he did a great job about it
LOSE by 13

Podprofit vs brangus porn star
WIN by 15 with 17 cards in hand

so i finally win a tourney this year HURRAY!

i grab my money and we go to peel pub, you can eat for cheap i mean really cheap and you can also drink for average price.
We are 14 me and Raphael decide to pay for the bunch

EDITOR NOTE #8:at this place you can get a spaghetti for 99 cents if you by a drink and sunday you get chiken wing for 9 cents. i told you the food was cheap:)

every body


Yannick "2001 World Champion" Lapointe