
Title: wizardworld-done-wrong-aka-my-head-hurts
Author: Bradley "BadBrad" Augsburger
Date: Aug 22, 2001

CAUTION: This will be the third longest tournament report you have ever read.

Well, what can I say. I played the game for a long period of time, quit, and got back in about 3 months ago. For any other player, they would have gotten out of scrub status by now. Not me. I still can’t save a game to save my life, and when games come down to the wire, like 2 of them did at Wizard World, I can’t seem to pull it off against a compatant player. So, my dad is a collecter of Beatles memorabilia from the 1960’s, and every year he does a display at "Beatlefest Chicago." Every year, I always make the trip with my dad, to help him set up, and help him sell stuff, and then tear it down when he is done. This year, Beatlefest and Wizard World fell on exactly the same weekend, on exactly the same 3 days, so I decide to go and play in the "King of Corellia" tournament, run by Eric Olson. Geoff Snider is the only other player from Normal that makes the trip up, and I think that he stayed with Olson for the weekend. So on the way up, I decide to put my HD podracing back together, because that deck seemed to work rather well for me against the scrubs here in Normal. I get done, and I count the deck. 59 cards. Hmmmm, what am I missing? Oh yeah, I need the holotheatre in there. So I look through the thousands of cards that I brought with me, but I never find the damn holotheatre. So I put that shiznat away, and just put back together my bunk walker garrison that would get whipped at the hands of the Pile or any deck running HOTJedi for that matter. So I get up there, and we get settled in our hotel room. I am looking through my Light side, which happens to be X-wing swarm. I am running 11 x-wings, and while I look through, I drop 2 cards, x-wings. Somehow, they get caught under the leg of a chair, and when I pick them up, they both rip in 2 pieces. So now I have 9 xwings left, a pretty retarded # when you are trying to do the swarm. So for the time being, I decide to put in the tantive IV and spiral to take up the card slots. So friday zooms by, and I don’ t get to go across the street to check out Wizard World, because I am stuck working all day. That night, my dad’s friend’s son, Tim, and I, go up to the lobby to play cards, because neither of us wanted to do the 10 minute walk to either hotel room. (Our rooms were both in the 21000 section, if that gives you an idea of how far away the lobby and rooms are apart.) We start to play, just 5 card draw, when all of a sudden, this teenie bopper beatle chick comes up to us and introduces herself. We chat for a little bit, and Tim drops one of the cards on the floor. She bends over to pick it up for him, and her left tit falls out! Her face turns redder than my hair, and she hurries off. Her friend comes up to me and tries to save the situation, but me and Time were laughing so hard that what she was saying sounded like this, "Blah blah blah blah blah." So after we recover, about 40 minutes later, I have to head back to work. I work until about 11:30, and then I go to bed. The next day, I sleep until about 11:00, and me and my dad eat breakfast at the hotel resturaunt. My dad’s friend Cliff has a 3 day pass to wizard world, so I get in for free, and head back to the gaming section. I meet these 2 guys from somewhere around O’hare, and we play a pickup game. My x-wings rape the build the death star 2 deck. So about 20 minutes later, Olson and Greg Heisler show up, and we get started. On to the games.

Game one- My x-wings vs. Someone’s Court deck

Sorry, I don’t remember your name, I am not to good with names. Anyway, he searches for somthing early in the game, I don’t remember what it was, but he didn’t have it. So i get to verify. I see 3 dreadnaughts, and NO Hutt Influence, so I am thinking auto-win. For some reason, I lay down Luke with stick and Han with Gun VERY early to beat on a few aliens, and Han gets cut and he draws a 0. So I win the battle, and I CAN’T forefit Luke. Its all bad for Brad. The next turn, aprox. 77 characters hit the table, and luke gets the sh.it beaten out of him. I can’t draw a 5 for race destiny to save my life, and I don’t win the race until about the 6th turn. Things are looking VERY bad for me, because I can’t seem to find Kessel, the damn 5th system, I only have 4 xwings on the table, I can’t find rebel fleet, and I only have about 15 cards left. I am eating drains of 2 and 1, and 1 from his objective. I finally find boussh, and get kessel on the table. I win the race, play once per game on all wings, play I did it! and retrieve 4 from boonta eve, and suddenly I go from about 15 cards down to about 20 cards up. He never challanges me in space, and with no Hutt Influence, its a smooth road from there.

FW 21/ 2(+21)

Comments: I am happy that despite playing the first 4 turns INCREDIBLY badly, I still manage to win by 21.

Game 2- Walker Garrison vs. Someone’s RST Boomrace

I always thought that this deck wasn’t all that good, but this guy played like a greased up flash. I mean, in one turn, he drained me for 1, and before I decided which card to lose, he had already drawn race destiny, blown up the bunker, and shuffled his deck fast. I don’t remember what really happened this game except that he won the race, blew the bunker, and beat the sh!t out of fett with gun and Captain Yorr.

FL 25/ 2(-4)

Comments: I had no Idea what he was doing at anytime, and really...I don’t care. Ugh.

By this time, I am famished because I haven’t eaten all day. I go over to the food area, and spend exactly $20 on the following food items:

Turkey Sandwich
2 Hot Dogs
2 Slices Sausage Pizza
1 Bottled water

I am ready to puke my brains out, and then Olson announces the parings.

Game 3- X-Wings vs. Chris Hunter’s TDIGWATT

Wow, its all bad for Brad again. Not only do I have to play Chris Hunter, but I have to do it with 8 x-wings. 8 x-wings? Yeah, I left 5 cards in my bag, including epp Leia, epp Obi-wan, tantive 4, and an x-wing. I didn’t realize that I had left them in my bag until the game was over. So it starts off with me playing organized attack twice, and one all wings report in. I get all 8 x-wings out, 4 to endor, and 4 to Bespin: Cloud City. I find s-foils relatively quickly, and get a steady drain of 2 a turn going. He sacs You cannot Hide forever to find search and destroy, but doesn’t realize that it is one of his race destinies. Then, the Chimera with Thrawn and Ozzel come down to fight my x-wings. I barrier Thrawn, and he plays Imperial Command. He kills no x-wings because I played organized attack, and he loses Ozzel. Next turn, I lock the s-foils, and fight the Chimera again. He plays another Imperial Command, and loses around 4 cards I think. Then, Bossk in the bus and Zuckuss come down, but Zuckuss gets barriered. He doesn’t battle. Next turn, I deploy the x-wing cannon, and shoot down Zuckuss. He has the anti-swarm AO out, and I can’t seem to find mine, so all my x-wings are power minus 2. So he loses the Bus, and the Chimera sits at the Bespin system. Occupation comes out, so from that point on, it is a downhill game. I take my last stand when I move my x-wings up to bespin and power pivot the chimera, but he just loses the 2 pilots on there. A late game battle order finishes me off.

FL 11/ 2(-15)

Game 4- Walker Garrison vs. Chris Hill (?) RST Boomrace

I got off to a god start. I drew the Death Star, Mob. Points, the emperor, and a POTF in my opening hand. I got a walker garrison off on the 4th turn, one turn after he won the race. He was eating a drain of 4 every turn after I moved the Emperor from the Exec. Docking bay to the Hoth docking bay. In addition, he was taking 2 additional damage from YMSYL. I have Hoth Under control, and he is not draining me at the bunker, where he has about 20 guys. He finally blows the bunker, and I make a move that would prove to be the death of me. The turn before he blows the bunker, I decide to deploy Mara to the Hoth DB, so that I wouldn’t have to place her in the used pile after the bunker blows. After the bunker blew, and I started to rebuild my hand, I drew Arica. The game is coming down to the wire, with him slightly ahead in life force. He is draining me for 3, and I am draining him for 6. I can’t deploy Arica, because Mara is down, but I figure that I will win the drain race anyway. On the last turn, he deploys Obi-Wan to the 4th marker, blocking a drain of 3. I battle, but the overflow from the battle isn’t enough to kill him. He drains me for 3 next turn, which happens to be my exact life force.

FL 3/ 2(-18)

Comments: F.UCKING MARA…I could have easily won this game if I had just waited to deploy mara when it was really necessary. That cost me the game

So I finish at 1-3, so I maintain my scrub status. Snider wins it all, and he is now the new King of Corellia. The next day at the Con, I take a stroll by the decipher booth, and see Olson and Heisler playing Go fish with Jedi Knights cards. So I go back to the gaming area, and snider is sitting there with 2 monkeys, who I haven’t seen before. We leave and walk around the dealer booths, and Geoff sees spider man. He yells, “Hey look! Its Spider Man!”

Spider man replies, “HEY! WHERE? Oh! Here I am!” Funny as hell. Then, Chris Hunter gets his aurra sing signed, and we go back to the decipher booth. I buy 2 packs of Coruscant and pull a Master Qui-gon. Heisler and Olson are STILL playing Go fish with Jedi Knights cards, and I remember Heisler cracking up every time he asked, “Do you have any Corporal Kueps?” Overall, it was a good weekend, and I got a master Quigon. Until Next time.

