
Title: episode-1-closed-in-green-bay-8-25
Author: Mark "yodarth" Kloida
Date: Aug 26, 2001

My friend Matt Woleske e-mails me about this tourney in Green Bay, and I see that it’s Episode I, so I better try to make decent decks and try to get the foil EPP. The week is long and boring and full of crap to do, like orthodontist appointment and school orientation that took 3 hours, but I get enough time I make changes to my decks every day.

Since it takes me about 10 minutes from wake up to in the car I usually wake up at about 8:45 for 10:00 tournaments, but this time my dad is being stupid like usual and talking. He never shuts up it’s sad. Like an addiction to talking. So at 7:00 he is talking louder than most people ever talk and I wake up. That sucks. I didn’t sleep all week cause I like it cooler when I sleep but if I keep windows open I hear birds starting at like 3 because my ma is stupid and likes birds so she put a bird feeder right outside my room with these little yellow birds on it all the time. So I usually keep my windows shut and it’s too warm. So I tell them to get me a ceiling fan since it’s raining and they can’t golf. I am ready to leave at about 7:15 cause I needed to yell at my dad for 5 minutes, but I just make a couple changes to my decks for the next hour and a half.

We leave at 8:45 for a 10:00 tourney, and it usually takes about 50 minutes to get to Green Bay. But since my dad feels like being early like usual he gets to the place in like 40 minutes and nobody’s there. Pathetic. When he goes to a baseball game he will go about 2 hours early because he says he likes to watch the teams warm up. Fun. He says he doesn’t like to just walk in a place and have something start. He would rather sit down before anyone else and be bored for a couple hours. So after like 20 minutes people start coming and we have 8 people, 10 after Matt Woleske finally comes in the middle of the second game so Derek, the TD can play.

I play Senate for DS, of course. Start Maul’s site and play with a bunch of good stuff and a lot of political stuff, nothing really odd about it, except I did the late game Watto’s Box racing that Yannick did in his DPC deck, that was about the only thing I added since I converted the deck off one of my non-E1 decks. For light I play the politics objective with Naboo fighters in space and take advantage of the texts of Yarua, Mas Amedda, and Sei Taria. For ground I have 3 Qui-Gons and a couple Obi’s and the Phylo docking bay person to satisfy Sei and Mas texts. I run about 30-35 cards that have to do with the senate so I can overrun the dark side senate anytime, then like 5-7 cards on the ground, and the rest is systems and Naboo fighters, with some Bravo Pilots.

Game 1: LS vs. Tom Vandervelden’s DS Senate/Maul’s site podracing
I get a bunch of space stuff in my draw, but no locations or senate stuff. So I draw and get Naboo. I drop Naboo with a couple Naboo fighters and a Bravo Pilot. He already has 3 senators out. I want to get one of my New Leadership Is Needed (the card with the really hilarious pic), so then I can put Lott Dod away and wipe out the other guys. He has Maul, the unique destroyers, and a non-unique destroyer at the Tatooine docking bay.

I stick to dropping cards out of the senate and drawing a couple, each turn getting one or two more senate cards. I get 2 Naboo fighters to Coruscant and I drop Qui-Gon and the docking bay chick to the Coruscant docking bay. He transits his crew over. Now’s my turn to get some senate crap out. I remind myself to transit Master Qui and docking bay chick away and I deploy the Ithorian senator, use New Leadership to put him and Lott Dod in the used pile, and then Mas Amedda, Yarua, and a Coruscant Guard battle Tikkes (I used Yarua’s politics -2 text on him), Orn Free Ta, and another politics 2 guy. I play the one political interrupt where you draw destiny and add that to your politics of a character and draw a 4. So I end up making him lose 2 senators, leaving Tikkes, and I lose the Guard. Then I draw my last 2 cards like an idiot and forget to transit stupid Qui-Gon and dbay chick, damn I am stupid.

The next turn is his big turn. He completes the race, drops Passel and Lott Dod to the senate, and battles my idiots at the Coruscant docking bay cause I was that stupid. I make my draw +3, but I still have to lose both and 10 more. There goes the text for Mas Amedda, Sei Taria (if I would have gotten her), the main ground stuff, and a bunch of my cards. I suck. He battles in the senate, but I draw a 5 to his 2, so I forfeit Mas and he forfeits Lott Dod. On my turn I drain for 1 and 2, retrieve 2 with Yarua. I drop Mas and Palpatine and battle at the senate, so I get control of it. I draw a Might Of The Republic and use it to get the Ithorian senator. At this point I have about 12 cards left, he has mid-20’s left. I am draining for 1 at Coruscant, 1 at the senate, and 2 at Naboo which gets cancelled every other turn or so and retrieving with Yarua. He is draining for 2 at the Coruscant docking bay, and 1 at the other docking bays, and 1 at the Podrace Arena. So he’s dealing 1 more damage, but my retrieval gives me a force swing of 1, but I’m still losing 3 of my cards every turn.

I play Mindful Of The Future and get Malastare out and move a Naboo fight there. I drop the Ithorian guy to the senate and retrieve 3 with Might Of Republic. The next 3 turns are just drain and retrieve. I get down to 5 cards finally and after my drains he has 5. So he’s dealing 5 damage so I have one option: land the Naboo fighter at Naboo with the Bravo pilot on in front of both unique destroyers, which, all he would need to do is draw a 1 and I’d have to lose the last card. But, wait, I have another choice. I move Palpatine and Mas Amedda in front of Maul, who is dealing 2 damage at the Coruscant docking bay, leaving Yarua and the Ithorian guy at the senate. On his turn he leaves 2 in his deck and activates 4. So now he has a problem-if he battles with Maul he has to not draw destiny or not swing, and if he wants to drop Yeb Yeb (on the drain canceller effect) and Baskol from hand but he doesn’t have enough. So he drops Yeb Yeb, battles with Maul and draws destiny. He is up something like 12-11, so I lose Mas cause Palpy has 4 ability for Maul. Then DDDDIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG the good ol’ kitchen timer sounds and time runs out. I get my turn with 2 cards against his 5 and 2 hand cards. I drain at Coruscant for 1 and retrieve 1 so it’s 3 against 5 and 1 hand, then at Naboo for 2 and retrieve, 4 on 4, then Malastare, 5 on 3, then Galactic Senate. Time is out so I get a dumb timed win by 5.

TW (+5)
1 (+5)

Highs: Winning-sorta. Making a good comeback.
Lows: How can anyone be so much of a loser to leave 7 power at a docking bay against like 17 and Maul’s stick? I am a scrub.

Well, for the strangest reason ALL of the light players won. That’s odd. You’d think it would be the opposite.

Game 2: DS vs. Don Lewis’ Senate/Jedi
The first 2 turns I get Lott Dod, Tikkes, Yeb Yeb, and a Coruscant Guard to the senate, while he draws to set up, so he never bothers to come to the senate, cause his senate package is small. I get some podrace stuff, and try to find Maul and helper cards and manage to. He puts Yoda and Master Qui-Gon and stick to the Council Chamber. I put Keder at the Council Chamber (not really a good idea, but it worked in the long run I guess) and Maul and stick to his site.

He pulls Mace with the City Outskirts and drops Obi there and uses Yoda to teleport Qui-Gon to join the party. I get the Podrace Arena so I’m Boonta Eve short of the podrace with a Podrace Collision in hand, and I’m nearly positive he has a pod somewhere so I might need it. I use Lana Dogbreed to move Maul to the Theed Palace docking bay, and I draw a 5 so I can’t move in to his Throne Room, no force left. He drains and I need to lose one off the top so I don’t lose the Podrace stuff or anything I really need. Sure enough, it’s Boonta Eve. So I can’t Podrace and 4 cards in my hand are useless. He drops Ki-Adi to the Throne Room and Senator Palpy.

I decide that I should try to beat up Yoda in the Council Chamber, so I get P-60 with Lott Dod and wait for a couple more force. He drops Plo Koon and sends him to the Throne Room and moves in on Maul. On my turn I break Keder’s cover and drop Aurra, P-60, P-59, and 2 Destroyer Droids against Yoda, add 3 to my destiny and subtract 3 from his and win 27-5, he loses Yoda and a bunch more. He is dealing 5 damage his last 2 turns, but I’m dealing 4 and he has hardly anything left so I win.

FW 2 (+19)
3 (+24)

Highs: Winning and the time not running out. Big beat on Yoda.
Lows: I couldn’t get the podrace working cause out of 20+ cards in my deck, that card couldn’t have been 1 more down. That sucks.

Game 3: DS vs. Matt Woleske’s Hyperdrive pile
Matt told me he was thinking of Hyperdrive earlier in the week, and I thought that was dumb. He didn’t get a chance to play closed decks against me so he just brought his decks an hour late from camping all week, won his first game, and now he gets to play me. Throughout all the games at my house, his house, at tournaments, and anywhere else Matt still can’t beat me. So whenever he plays me in a tourney I get a good laugh cause he really doesn’t give a @#$% and funny stuff happens. His DS senate beat Derek Mueller last game (the highest rated person he’s ever beaten by about 300, if he’s beaten anyone over like 1530 even before). He only won cause they both forgot if Amidala is at a battleground with Hunt The Queen Maul can’t drain at the Landing Site. So now he knows he’s beat.

Matt has Hyperdrive podracing, thrown together in 5 minutes at some stupid cabin somewhere. My hand has 2 Mauls and 2 Lott Dods. I drop Maul to Landing Site and move into the Junkyard. Matt decides to try to go for humor and see what happens-sometimes he is really good when he does that, sometimes he really, really sucks. So he puts Jar Jar and Queen against Maul and battles, and is disappointed that he can’t try to blow up Maul. I win the battle and he loses Jar Jar to cover everything instead of the Queen, so it looks like the laugh is going to be a good one. I play Maul Strikes to get the stick, drop Aurra, battle, hit the Queen, draw a 7. He loses the Naboo Ruler and 14 more.

On his next turn Matt drops Padawan Obi and battles and see if he can draw decent or something. That sucked for him cause now it’s 18-9 and 9 more overflow for him. So he is basically dead and I’m winning the Podrace and he isn’t drawing cause he needs to draw and make something happen. He manages to get Qui-Gon out for a couple drains, but the game ends on the podrace. What a lame game. Poor Matt, maybe I should let him beat me so maybe next time he will have the confidence to keep it under 30 or so.

FW 2 (+42)
5 (+64)

Highs: It was funny as hell.
Lows: When you’re at a cabin place all week you don’t have time to play something better than that.

Game 4: LS vs. Johnny Lienau’s Watto’s Box Racing
5 minutes before the tourney started he forgot that he had Coruscant cards to put in his decks yet, and then we noticed that he forgot that half the Tatooine cards don’t have E1 icons, so instead of DQing him and being all lame we let him play, just not play any non-E1 cards besides destiny draws.

I get Sei Taria and Mas in my hand and Might Of The Republic for Yarua, dump them on my second turn, game pretty much over. He waits for cards to go to lost to stack the finishing race destiny. I get a Naboo fighter to Naboo and to Coruscant. He gets all his playable characters-Aurra, Gragra, Nute, Dofine, and Sebulba to my Coruscant docking bay. For the next 3 turns I battle with Qui-Gon and scrubs like Coruscant Guards, Naboo pilots, and cheap senators for forfeit and eventually his stuff gets wiped out.

So after he completes the race and I just lose the huge hand that I got ready to lose, I start draining at the systems. I control the senate, Coruscant docking bay, Coruscant, Naboo, and Malastare. He is controlling nothing. The total force swing after Sci, Yarua, and Mas’ texts kick in is 14 in my favor. He just loses all his deck because he doesn’t want me retrieving everything. Really nothing he could do.

FW 2 (+24)
7 (+88)

Highs: Getting everything to work really fast.
Lows: There’s nothing he could really do, so it’s not like it was a blast to play.

So the timed win hurts me of course, and I get second, so I don’t get a good EPP and I’ll have to hope I get it some other time. Matt Jensen wins, going undefeated without a timed win. Standings are as follows:

1: Matt Jensen
2: Mark Kloida
3: Charles Sonnenburg
4: Matt Woleske

-Derek for running a cool tourney.
-Matt Jensen for winning and being a cool guy.
-Matt Woleske for having more wins than losses for the first time in his life.
-Matt Woleske for going above 1500 and probably setting a new career record for it.
-Chuck Sonnenburg for coming to the tourney up here and finding the place.
-Johnny Lienau for doing ok even without half the legal stuff.
-Jeff Johnson for playing for the first time in a long time.
-Don Lewis for taking all the losses to me. He never gets the breaks.
-Tom ’4 Force’ Vandervelden for a really good game the first game.
-Jeff ’Rollin’ Tolan for coming and playing.
-Hobbytown’s pig dog thing for being cool (of course!)
-I Trample Obawan Kid.
-My mom for convincing my dad to buy me a ceiling fan.
-My dad for getting the ceiling fan and calling the guy to put it in before I even gave him the 6 month notice to do that.
-Anyone who I forgot.

-Me for being stupid.
-Me for being stupid again.
-Matt Woleske for playing like an idiot in our game.
-Matt Woleske for being late.
-My dad cause he never shuts up and keeps mumbling and being stupid and wakes me up at 7 AM.

Until next time,
Mark "Yodarth" Kloida