
Title: raleigh-nc-9-8-01
Author: Corey "Gizman15" Boba
Date: Sep 9, 2001

Episode I Closed Enviorment

Well the day before the tournament I didn’t go to bed till midnight, so I was pretty exhausted. I got up at about 6 am, a little too early for my taste, but I wanted to get up early so I’m not tired the entire tourney, plus I wanted to get there early. So my dad drives me over there and I go in there and nobody’s even there yet, go figure. So I decided to buy about 4 packs of EP1 Courasant to see just how powerful these cards really are. (Note that I haven’t played in 6 months, plus I haven’t bought one single EP1 card.) I open my first package, out comes palpy and a objective. I’m like, what the? Then I remembered that the objectives were uncommons, so I went on opened the other three packs, the only other useful rare I got was a P-60, which was pretty sweet to me with my low income. So then I start observing the cards a little bit, and my friend Josh comes in, finally some people! He told me he bought three boxes of Courasant and I told him, "You little scoundrel." He laughed, and we started observing our decks. I knew it was an EP1, so I thought well maybe, just maybe somebody would donate some cards, cuz I wouldn’t care if they were common or uncommon I just need two stinkin’ decks. So Josh says I could borrow some of his cards, I’m like, "Thanks man, you saved me." Anyways, the TD comes and he’s like, "Where have you two been?" I was laughing, cuz it didn’t really feel like 6 months have gone by. I told the TD that I haven’t played or bought anything for 6 months. He’s like, "Well your in luck man, cuz I brought all my commons and uncommons with me." I was happy, I could finally get soem EP1 decks. So I start fiddling around with the light side chars, and I stumble over the jedi knight which is an uncommon, that’s crazy, jedi knight uncommon LOL. Mike and the SC state champ came in with another guy which I forgot name, and it was cool meeting him. So we talked and I made my decks, and everyone else came, and we got started. My decks were...

Light Side - Senator/Starship Control Deck
Dark Side - Senator/Naboo Control Deck

Game #1 (DS) Corey Boba vs. (LS) I forgot his name

Well we started the first game. I put down MLITL/IWMIL and used Neomodian Advisor to pull out Begin Landing Your Troops. He’s playing a Jedi Council Deck. So I pulled out Naboo Docking Bay and it’s his go. He puts the Tatooine locations and put’s Yoda in Chamber. I go, I pull out Tattoine Docking Bay, and still save my force. He goes, he puts down Depa Billaba and Ki-Adi-Mundi, doesn’t look too bad to me. I put doen Keder in Chamber, then I save rest of Force, his go. He saves his Force, my go. I put down P-60, Destroyer Droid, and Rune Haako. I draw two destiny, he draws one, I get the upperhand, but still not enough to wipe out Ki. So battle ends, I forfeit Rune, and I decide to move them to senate. His go, he puts Mace and Qui-Gon in Chamber. I move Keder on his turn to senate just to keep it clean. I deploy Baskol and Edcel, and put down This Is Outrageous. His turn, he puts down Horox, Yarua, and Vallorum, this is goign to hurt. I put down On the Payroll of the Trade Federation to add more politic power, but still isn’t enough. He wins the battle and I forfeit Edcel. Next turn, I use Keder to assasinate Yarua. I forgot the rest of the game. FL 4 0(-4)

Game #2 (LS) Corey Boba vs. (DS) Mike Merletto

Playing him hit me really hard. He used a Senate Draining Smackdown deck. We both put down senate, and I have two poilitical effects in hand. His turn, he puts down Aks Moe, and Baskol. My go, I put down nothing for the next 5 turns because other then the political effects I have no poilitics in my hand, and all of them were on the bottom of my Reserve, which SUCKED. So his turn again he puts down Maul at Naboo Docking Bay, and I’m screwed, LOL. So yet again nothing to put down and all I drawed were interrupts and effects which were used on senators. He sets up a system and some battleships on his next turn, still nothing on my side. I finally draw Qui-gon his saber and Ki, I could use that against maul. His turn he uses his objective text on flip side to take 2 cards from my hand to used pile, what sucked was he took both Qui-Gon and his Saber. So there went that plan. Not much more to tell, other then the fact that he drained me for 7 a turn. FL 41 0(-45)

Well lunch time, I found out I was broke, so that’s just another thing to add to my miserable day. Pizza $2.50 a slice and I got just $1, just enough to get a soda. So I make myself live on that, lol. Well me and Josh decided to go into the resturant he had some pizza, and I had my drink. We were talking about about George Lucas’ pland for the future of Star Wars. He told me that Lucas WAS goign to make a Episode VII, BUT Mark Hammil (Luke Skywalker) said he’s too old to play and that’s just screwed up. Lucas offered him anything and still no, that’s just sad. Well we left the pizza place and got back in the place. Unfortunately due to more bad luck I had to get the bye, just what I need. So I’m looking around in the store looking at some old comics, I saw some old Battlestar Galactica comics and my dad was telling me he was a big fan of it, but the comics were sealed so oh well. There wasn’t much more to do in that hour of wait, I observed my decks a little bit, just seeing what kind of a screwed up deck I made. My light side deck was pretty good, but my dark side had WAY too many locations, I had like 20 in there and didn’t even realize. So game 3 ends. 2(-45)

Game #4 (LS) Corey Boba vs. (DS) Lee

This game was a very interesting game. Mainly because he was kinda new to the game, but had awesome cards, and I wasn’t new to the game but I had horrible cards. So game starts yet another two senate playoff. Well finally i shuffled the cards right and I got 3 senators in hand at start SWEET. So his turn he puts down a political effect and Maul at Courasant Docking Bay. Well I put the three senators down and flip my objective. I drained there the entire game except for a little battle with 2 of his senators, but I was suprised. Well I end up setting up a system with some cruisers and N1s and keep them there for a little while. His turn he puts down Droid Ship, Droid Starfighter, and a couple Battleships. I decided to run. So while doing that I was draining for 4 a turn, and using 3 force to take 2 cards out of his hand on my turn throughout the game. He was upset when I took out alot of his good cards, like Maul strikes cuz Maul and Qui-Gon were at the same site at the time. That was probably the main thing that helped me, cause if I didn’t I would’ve lost for sure. So we end up having a VERY close draining race, and I win by two cards. FW 2 4(-43)

So while the final confrontation took place all of us just decided to play some cards. After that, they were doing prize support, I knew I got last, so I wasn’t expecting anything. But I was able to get a Courasant pack and a random rare on bottom which was DS:Trench which is nice cuz I need it for my Attack Run I own. So there doing the random entry for the Qui-Gon foil and I’m talking to Henry, then all of a sudden everyone screamed out, "COREY!" I was like, "What, what did I do now?" The TD told me I won the Qui-Gon foil, I was shocked. I was like ok back up the truck you mean to tell me I got the Qui-Gon foil. I felt good up to that point, because even though the whole day was horrible, in the end, I got one of the best prizes. Well that’s the end of this TR. I’ll be posting more soon as I participate in the more often.

Corey "Gizman15" Boba
Team North Carolina
All your Jedi Are Belong To Us.