
Title: longshot-in-pleasanton-9-1-01
Author: Michael "Longshot" Mendoza
Date: Sep 10, 2001

TR straight outta Warmasters in Pleasanton in the good old Bay
Area of California. I had just got into San Francisco (after
having spent the summer in Southern Cal) and I decided to head
to the tourney to see some old faces. It was good seeing
everyone again. Two players I must give props to right away are
Kyle Ishimaru and Paul McKelvey. These 2 players were in the
low 1800s when I left and now both are rated in the 2000s! Kyle
is #3 in Alderaan now, so props go to him. Props to Alfred for
still being THAT DAMN GOOD and props to Nick and Steve for
runnign tournies all this time and still doing it.

Dark side is a seante deck, light side is TIGIH. Both decks
have antiracing, since that was pretty big in SoCal, I assumed
the same for here in NoCal.

Game 1: LS v Adrian’s Court (POTH, MP/YCHF, TINT/OE)

He uses POTH to pull Boelo and puts him and Televan (the alien
who deploys for zero and cancels Beggar) to the AC. I deploy
Orrimaarko to the SArlacc Pit and move Luke to the Endor DB.
He drains and gets Mara out from reserve using the AC text.
He sets up a big drain in the AC with Gailid, POTF, and Mara w/
saber. I setup drains at the Pit, Endor DB (w/Luke’s saber),
& Tatooine DB. So were’re both draining for 4. He’s losing
his ships to drains so I deploy Kessel and put the Radiant VII
there with her 2 pilots aboard.

Now I’m ahead in drains. I also draw a Control, so I cancel his
only drain then I deploy Ounee Ta to get the Control back and
play it again next turn. He spreads to the Dungeon to drain but
Lando w/ Ax and Chewie make an appearance, but I draw like crap
and dont get to stack a card. But I do clear the site. So the
game ends in a drain with only 1 battle all game, and no cards
stacked. Win by 29. 2 (+29).

Best: Getting that Kessel drain.
Worst: Kinda boring without battles.

Game 2: DS v Kyle Ishimaru’s WYS racing

I flash Anakin’s pod with Sebulba and flip 1st turn with Lott
Dod and the senator who allows only 1 destiny at BG sites. I
deploy Maul to his site for free and move him to the Arena. He
just draws, and on my turn he draws bad for race destiny (5,2,1
I believe). So we’re going along and I’ve finally got Maul at
the Tat DB to drain for 3 thanks to Motion Supported. I don’t
draw a whole lot of characters, except Senators, and I am using
Lott Dod to fetch my Pod Collisions. Han & Luke come out and get
in a few beatdowns, but I have all 4 political effects on table
so I can swing any battle by 6 (add 3 to my draw, subtract 3 from
their draw).

The race is almost over, we both draw our destiny and I have 30 to
his 29, so I win the race, and that pretty much seals the game.
However, I have Tarkin and a Coruscant Guard at a site and Kyle
deploys EPP Luke and a smuggler to hit Tarkin and make him lost
using SATM/BP from lost pile and I take 11 battle damage. Ouch.
Then i drain him out for the win by 24. 4 (+53).

Best: Winning the race.
Worst: Luke beating down a poor Coruscant guard

Game 3: DS v Alfred Dong’s PodProfit

I dont start any aliens in the AC to guard Han. I just deploy
Maul and pull Lott using Phantom menace. Then I deploy Tikkes
and flip. I stalled Anakin’s Pod, of course. He drops Qui-Gon
in the AC but doesnt free Han yet. After I’ve drained a bit, he
frees Han to retrieve. I play a Pod Collision, he plays Too Close
For Comfort, so I sense, and end up losing a SAC war so my
collision is lost and all my Sense & Alters are in my used pile
now, while he’s probably got more in his hand.

He plays Step backwards a couple times, but luckily for me we are
tied 4 times throughout the race (at 0, 15, 19, and 20) so I get
to stall Anakin each time. But I cant get a collision through.
Meanwhile he’s only hitting me for 1 force per turn due to Profit
damage (I cancel his drain). He spreads later to increase the
Profit damage to 2. He’s got a few twix sites out so he’s
activating a good amount. Then the race ends when he has 26 to
my 25, so I play my last Pod collision, expecting a sense or Too
Close for Comfort but he has nothing so I remove a 5 and win the
race 25 to 21. That ends the game. Win by 18. 6 (+71).

Best: Winning the race.
Worst: No battles

Game 4: LS v Alex Stefanko’s Senate deck

He flips 2nd turn while I drain and move Luke to the Endor DB.
He sets up weakly in the Senate, so I challenge him in there with
Mas, Sei, and Yarua (Bacta Tank on table). So I kill some Senators
before he reinforces the Senate and kicks me out of there for good.
But it did keep him from using his senator’s text (especially Lott)
and Yarua is so cool since he -2 from a wealth senator’s politics
to keep him from having a majority. Like I said though, my 3 guys
only held out so long before they died and I redeployed them else-
where (using the Tank).

Ben and Qui-gon showed up at my Tat DB, but Dr E and 2 battle droids
showed up, 1 with a blaster. He shot and operated on Ben (damn
senators are +2 or +3 destiny), and beatdown Qui-gon with a 9 destiny
draw (droid rifle is destiny 6 then he added 3 to it). I finally get
rid of Dr E but the droids hold out against me with his high destiny.
This game goes to time, my 20 to his 16. I don’t get to stack any
cards. Later he showed how he normally draws destiny of 11 each draw
using a droid blaster (destiny 6) then having An Entire Legion of my
Best Troops (+2 to blaster rifle destiny), then adds 3 using his
effect. Pretty nasty. Then he also used Inconsequential Losses so
he just forfeited a rifle to his used pile to satisfy attrition on me.
Just sick. Timed win by 20. 7 (+91).

Best: Putting up a fight in the Senate.
Worst: No cards stacked.

Game 5: LS v Paul McKelvey’s No Money, No Parts deck

He owned me this game. 1st turn he drops Vader to endor DB,
Televan to Mos Espa, and Watto to Junkyard, I lose 2 force. I have
nothinh to counter with, so i just move Luke over and draw. he
drains, I lose 2 more to his objective, he drops Zuckuss in MH to the
Tat system (he deployed) and drops Tat Occupation. I could’ve cried.
Now I’m losing a bunch of force and its only the 3rd turn. I get Ben
and Qui-Gon to Mos Espa, and he moves Xizor and Maul over from the
junkyard. He drops Emp to backup Vader and I move Qui and Ben to the
junkyard. I’m drawing all my red like my racing interrupts and the
characters I do draw are sucky ones like the Radiant VII pilots and
senators. My deck just sucks vs Watto because Watto deck goes too
fast for me. I battle at the junkyard to end the game and he plays
Maul Strikes and I have you now plus Watto’s cube and draws a bunch
of destiny. Lose by 25. 7 (+66).

Game 6: DS v Paul’s WYS racing (starts Insight/Staging)

I draw no characters opening hand, AND no pod collisions. I do draw
Zuckuss in MH though. I draw, he flips in space with Mirax and Theron
in their ships to Kessel and Tat. I kill Mirax w/ Zuckuss and draw,
looking for Maul. He’s way ahead in the race by the time I draw a
Maul, still havent drawn a collision (4 in the deck). He’s already
played 2 step backwards on me, and he’s at like 18 while I’m at 7.
So I go for the drains, I finally flip and am draining for good
amounts thanks to Motion Supported. But he gets Menace fades going
and now I’m hurting. He wins the race, and now he’s retrieving due
to I Did It! That’s the reason I play antiracing, not because of the
12 force swing, but because I Did It is a killer.

But I’m still canceling his drains so he’s not doing much damage to
me. But then he kills me off in space and has Battle Plan on table,
so I’m done. His retrieval plus my having to pay for drains means
he can come back big time, so i draw up to prevent him from getting a
lot of force back. Lose by 2. 7 (+64).

Best: None really, except canceling a LOT of his drains.
Worst: Losing the race, losing in space.

Paul goes undefeated, Alfred takes 2nd. I end up in 7th I think.
I’m running a tourney on Sept 15th in Pleasanton, so I hope you all
who can show up will show up. thanks for reading.

Michael "Longshot" Mendoza