
Title: valhallas-wheatridge-colorado-9-16-01
Author: Eric "Quakeem" Crennen
Date: Sep 21, 2001

Sunday morning I woke up at my cabin just outside of Empire. We spent the night up there to do trash pickup Sunday morning. I woke up at around 8am and cleaned up some of the highway than left with my mom way before the job was done. I left so i could make it to a tourny at Valhalla’s Games. I just barley made it with about 3 seconds till noon. The tourny didn’t start until around 12:30 becasue people were late.
The first game i played was agains Tom Meade. I was a little worried becasue I saw him go third I think at a big tourny at a Holiday Inn. I can’t remember the name of it for the life of me. We started the game. I was playing Raltir Ops and he was playing some lame WYS Podrace. I flipped second turn and he never even tried to flip it back. I had to pay 3 for each drain so i put ZiMH at raltir with a presence of the force. I was never challenged there either. He was draining for 1 in the cantina and 0 at tatooine. After losing the race i dropped Darth and a ton of stormtroopers to the cantina which basicly ended the game.
(FW 2 +11)
The next game I played was against some young kid. I played EBO and won by 1. I should have won by more but i lost EBO off the top of resever deck and that almost cost me the game.
(FW 4 +12)
My next game was against Josh Bader. I was a little worried but i knew i would be able to pull it off if i played the game right. It was a WYS podrace again. The lamest deck out there. My deck should not ever lose to a WYS if i play it right. With this deck so far I have played 5 WYS decks including Matt twice (1 win 1 loss), Tom Meade (1 win), Chris Francii (1 loss), and one beginer (1 win). I flipped early but he came down and unflipped me. Josh won the race and waited to retrive which cost him the game. I pinned him down on Raltir and played full scale alert. He said his palace raiders could still move in their patrol crafts even though the game text only regaurds starships with smugglers aboard. So the fight was a little more fair after he reacted over. Josh drew three battle destinies but I was power like 50 to 15 and he had to lose i belive 14 on top of the site. Since he waited to retrive his houjix was on his racer and he could not top deck it and than use it from lost pile. The game continued and I continued to play a very poor game. Time was called and we both had 13 cards in reserve deck. I had way fewer cards in lost pile so i won.
(MW 5 +13)
In my final game i played him again. I used EBO he used SYCFA. I thought i would lose for sure but i was wrong. He deployed a bunch of systems so there were 8 out when i deployed EBO. I spread my x-wings to 1 per site and drained for around 15-20. Game by 19.
(FW 7 +32)

I could not have been more happy about the way the tourny went. I took first place over 3 people rated well above me.