
Title: the-tr-writer-gets-serious-albany-9-8
Author: michael "Deck" Gemme
Date: Sep 25, 2001

In the wake of the tragedy that rocked America last week, i was pretty torn up about everything. I couldn’t sleep at night, i was having a lot of trouble eating. I felt scared, lonely, and empty every second i was awake; even in the arms of another. i needed something that would get myself back into a normal frame of mind, and do something familiar. Which is difficult for me becuase i go to school 3 hours away from home, it’s not the most simple weekend trip when you’ve got work and stuff to do (which i did, becuase after all that happened i forgot about 2039483042 assignments). So the one thing i figured i could do to wake my @#$% up and make me feel like myself again, was.. you guessed it. GO to a starwars card tournament.. in albany.

Albant was the closest place that has tournaments, plus i have friends there so i know that this was the place for me. When i went to college i took my lotti doddi senate deck (now with late game podracing) and the WYS me and steebo had been switching between ourselves.

I get directions from Mr Twigg and talk to brian and chris about the tournament and stuff, talk cards etc in the days prior to the event and saturday morning i head up there.

See normally, i write these TR’s for the Pre Tourney shananagans involving me and steebo playtesting all week and stories about how hot his mom is. Now i’m gonna have to come up with some college shananannanagans, but for all of us i dont think it will be as fun. When i read tr’s and stuff and ppl tell stories, its kinda wierd the first time, but if you have certain people you like to read, the tr’s get better and better because you can identify with the supporting cast. From responses i’ve gotten, i know people enjoy the battles me and steebo have, the quests for our attractive relatives and whatnot. SO while i was going to try and tell a story about college life, i want to keep true to my roots as a TR writer, and just not include it if it’s not going to consist of my normal cast.

It’s like when saved by the bell went to hawaii and that black kid with the glasses and the funny voice, the kid with the F’d up hair, and that dorky chick that wanted Zack weren’t there, it just wasnt as cool.

So my 1.5 hour drive to albany (which is longer than i though it would be) consisted of a lot of oldies stations, and given the events of the week i heard some awesome old songs i hadn’t heard in a while. I think they played born in the usa every hour too, so that was cool. I pull up to the clifton mall at exactly 11:58 and head in, sign up and play some raw deal with chris twigg and jason foss. I play Matt Hardy aggro style (cause i wont play wrastlers with SV higher than 2 unless its rocky). CHris plays jank @#$% taker who canno be beaten. Foss plays mankind......... if you dont play RawDeal, mankind has a hand size of two... take your dark deck and do a test draw of two cards, yeah youre not getting anywhere fast.

So like i said, for starwars, my dark is lotti doddi with late game podracing which me and steebo have been using for the past month or so. Winning the race is key. For light im using the wys that plays the podracer and the interrupts but doesnt podrace unless they do. ANd it never EVER loses the podrace. This is the first tourney im using one epp han and one captain han, i used to use two epps. Albany meta is heavy space, and its gonna show as you read on.

On with the games.

Game 1 Lotti Doddi vs Brad Kippel (2030)’s WYS

Kippel off the bat is pissing me off. hes not my style of player.
not his game play, but his attitude. I didnt even know the kid was 2030 til i schooled his @#$% (whoops did i just give away the ending? ADD HIM TO THE FUKCING LIST CAUSE I FUKC 2000 PLAYERS UP) hehe. So ive got yeb yeb going, my senate majority is going. hes draining me in space and on the ground. big mistake for him, the first guy he deployed was chewie. Big mistake for me, i lost boonta eve podrace off the top on turn 2. So i start to drop my undercover’s. I drop u3po to the cantina. As undercover rules go i put him on kippel’s side of the table. well this kid keeps trying to move u3po to my side of the table. so i fugre A. this kid is retarded or B. this kid is trying to cheat me (i mean doesnt he wanna add u3po’s power to his own?). so i keep moving him back and i tell the kid "please dont touch my cards without asking" and he lets up. i specifically tell him this "undercover spies go on your side of the table" (this will come into play later". well i wished i waited for wedge to put the ROC Combo onhim, but with boonta eve lost, i had to make haste. I got it down on chewie, i put ability ability ability out and started Fukcin with his hand. he moves chewie to home one. i deploy arica and move her to MY SIDEOF THE TABLE. next turn comes around andhe wont lose the four cause i didnt "announce" her cover broken. i tell the kid i quit starwars if he wont lose four force. he goes ’well my whole turn wouldve been different’ and i said ’well just so long as you lose four force i dont care if we start over’ and he dropped the falcon at dbay94 transited chewie and moved him up to space. SO the rest of the game is me stopping his drains, me making him lose to abilityx3 and the roc. At one point i tried to battle with p59 and like tikkes but he fallen portal’d the droid and tried to ’smack down tikkes’ i didnt even have to lose force.. whatever i won giveme rating points.
FW 2(+9)

Highs: adding this kid to the list
lows : only by 9, oh well
other: kippel is an @#$% that just lost about 20 rating points

Game 2 my WYS vs. A newbie’s watto droid deck (1500)

So i see watto, and the kid tells me he’s new on top of that, and im just like.. all good i can take this game right? THe kid tells me he has a god hand, so im like @#$%. the kid drops watto and epp vader first turn... but he puts them at the junkyard and doesnt flip... so i am like uhh okay. I go straight to space with some ships. i dont put out kessel though. the hardest part is that both of my docking bays got activated first turn.. which is gay. i even drew a few and didnt get em. HIs turn he goes ’this is not good for you, you are in deep now’ and im like WTF? i figure hes dropping zuckuss and 4lom and has like all this stuff to beat me down. So he deploys some droids and flips, i spend two and he puts down like an effect or something i was like ’okay.’ I figure this kids got jack for space (even though hes being really @#$%y)and i spread between tat and kessel. and soon im holding the cantina and the docking bay with celebration out. i cant get battle plan out becuase its on the bottom of my force pile and you dont realize cards are at the bottom of your force pile til the nextturn and you cant get it out til the third turn. by this point we’re trading drains, but ive got retreival going. i start to edge with sixes and retreive alot of stuff, but i have cards out on the table so i only win by like 25 or something
FW 4(+34)

Highs: mmmm win. he didnt bluff more than once all game
lows : the kid was new
other: this puts me near the top.

Game 3 LOTTIDODDI vs mike canavan’s Dagobah train to flip.

I hate dagobah. i tried to play it, i activated daughter or had her in my hand every turn, it was no good. (much the way that i activated BOTH my docking bays in my WYS the first game - stay tuned for more of that-) anyways, he’s testing to five so if i move fast (read: get the podrace out fast) i will win. SO thats what i did i concentrated on getting the race started and won. getting the race going is not so easy early game cause you have all that S to sort through and activate the right stuff. alls i could pull was the box, and i focused on Yeb Yeb and drawing. i suppose i drew too much. anyways, he started insurrection and i didnt get to retreive, but once you get the race out you simply track all your s. to the top when you wanna race. 5,5,6, and whatever you want. so the race went down and i dont think i had enough to retrieve cause my diff on this game wasnt high. abillity ability ability was hurting him a bit, but he dropped a bunch of guys and canceleld it. test to 5 mains? once he put out chewie i put the roc combo on him and that killed him too. basically my deck is a direct damage machine and i finished him off with some lat damages to the face.
FW 6(+55)

Highs: therace, theroc, mydeck
lows : not many i like my deck.
other: i am in like second or third. yay now its time to lose.

Game 4 my WYS vs Kippel (2035-whatever i took out of him) maulmains

so i definitely think i botched the order of the games but i dont really know. he starts mauls site and jabba’s palace. like a scrub he pulls the audience chamber to give me extra force. he drops maul with stick to the hut and zuckuss to space. i have dash and theron in my hand so im happy enough. i also have a control/tv. So i actviate 7. i get my docking bay.. NO I DONT I ACTIVATED THEM BOTH AGAIN. after specifically seperating them afterthe last game, they both got activated again. but what is not in the deck, the x wing cannon. what did i start battle plan. so theron and ship to tat for four, tv for the cannon. battle for free fire for three, peace zuckuss. so i tv for the xwing cannon and hes like SENSE and im like ’youre gay’ and he misses so im like now youre really @#$%ed and then he goes SENSE AGAIN and im like ’your penis smells like pencil shavings’ and he sensed it, so i drop theron anyways. battle. he tries to tell me that therons destiny is 0 and i was like you = scrub. then i tell him to lose 4 or zuckuss, he loses four. i say go. down comes 4lom and smacks the f out of theron. not really but i had to lose him b/c i wasnt flipped an d didnt have the forfeit bonus going on. anyways. from there on in he controlled the ground and he was dodging me in space. i couldnt battle him b/c i lost wedges ship early, and i lost theron early, so there is like half my crew. it was a drain race but he finally got me in the end by however many.
FL 6 (+??)

Highs: nothing
Lows : everything from the first turn, to the last one.
Other: even though the kid is good, i hate losing to pricks.

Game 5 My WYS vs Ty Hansen (1750s) and his Senate Maul

So ty’s senate is pretty nasty. the day after this tourney he went back ot my home state of massachusetts and came in third at the tourney there only behind baroni and brentson. So anyways, i dont even know what makes his senate good, but it is. he uses the battle destiny political effects and crap. He battles the F out of me. I couldnt really do anything. He used the gardulla the hut/yeb yeb combo to retreive force. Which i thought was dum cause whenever my destiny was one, it mustve been a character or something, but he wouldnt make me lose it. i dunno. basically i couldnt do any damage to him. i shouldve went to kessel first turn and forced his hand and stuff, but i didnt wanna give him the activation. By late game he had the lock on me, like i put on other people and he beat me by like 27 or something sick
FL 6(??)

Highs: none again, wys sucks in albany
Lows : Getting the lock put on me
Other: I really wanted to go 4-2 now i have to paly chris schaut

Game 6 Lotti DOddi vs Chris schaut’s insane ls senate

CHris schaut is to justin desai as chris gogolen is to me, mik egemme. CHris schaut is a @#$%y smacker when he’s winning, and a wimp when hes losing. he plays 3 of some senators, 2 of the tohers, two of the political effects, and thats about it. Earlier in the day schaut was trying to talk like he knows stuffa bout dark senate talking about people playing a lock senate deck, when he knows full well he sawthat from me in montreal. anyways, i didnt think i could take this deck, cuase i didnt think i could hold hte senate. and i couldnt. so it took me a long @#$% time to get the podrace going. he didnt play any characters i could put the roc combo on, and basically once hte race got going he spread out so thinly that i couldnt do anything. there was nothing to this game except him being cokcy and gay and a prick and all that. i really wish i beat him cause when desai lost to gogolen i was mad. now this. and i go 3-3 but ill still get 5 rating points.

So i finish up 6 with something positive which is nice. i didnt stay for the prizes or anything, i didnt have time.

I went home, listened to more oldies and went out to this sick bar called backstreet. had a sweet time, danced with some nice ladays because my girl wasnt around and easily had the best time of the school year, and especially the best time since all the terrorist @#$% that pretty much killed the year.

like i said, nothing eventful. not enough stories that i can tell you that wouldnt have 10 people (cause theyre all losers who dont know what beer smells like and have never felt a breat other than their own mantitties) so im not gonna. do some shots (buttery nipples go down smooth) pound some beers. get out and party. make a fake id, do it all.

Anyways here are some props and slops

ALl three twiggs cause they are ill.
for helping me playtest
johnny rivera
the makers of raw deal
jason foss is mad cool in albany
art and aaron of course
mike canavan was chill
oldies stations that play born in the USA every hour on the hour.
my DS senate which is still killer, i just wish i was better
everyone from kashyyyk
all my friends afar like berta and tennet
all the guys ive mad good contacts with since playign this game, i value all your friendships a little bit more after everything that happened and how scary it was, how scared i am now and worried for my family.
and to everyone else who is still a dikc, then i dont care what happens to you, i really dont.

wys cause its gay
ls senate, which is gay.
chris schaut and kippel for just being pricks
after all that happened, they still wanted to be jerks. i mean i let kids play with goddamn proxies, and these kids are sick fukcs.
to me for not saying ’rape’ so my buddy can’t give me -3 stars!

By the way, the new phrase is sick fukc. call everyone a sick fukc cause that’s what they are. sick fukcs. either that or dirty bastards, thats a nice one, they both have such nice rings to them.

Anyways, im sorry this wasnt as cool without the mrs baroni stories and stuff, but this is the first in a while where i actually paid attention to the games. they may seem thin, but when you play a senate deck or against a senate deck, you have to understand how slow and cheesy the games are.

take it easy you sick fukcs
