
Title: nexisv2-0csprings10-6-no-comma-screwups
Author: Dan "Nexis" Hummel
Date: Oct 16, 2001

Sorry, last one had $%#&8&$# all before the commas.
This one is easier to read.

Well, it*s a Saturday tournament, so I*m hoping that a couple more people come out to this tournament then last. But no luck. We get exactly 8 players that are able to play so it IS sanctioned. Pat Napier, Dwerek Mower, and Thomas Harris are the ones to look out for.

My decks today are :

LS : Pod Profit – hasn*t lost a tourney game yet
DS: Brangus cheese crap that I will never play again.

GAME 1 My PodProfit Vs. Caleb Schnarr (1656) Watto Mains

My starting hand sucks and Caleb makes a comment about how good his is. Great. Well, he is racing aswell, and ends up winning it 25-27. We exchange force drains (me having Battle Plan on Table) and force loss due to both of our flipped objectives. I finally make my way over to Watto*s yard and hand him a chop with EPP Luke to flip his obj. But wait, he is still draining for 2 w/ the Emperor at the Cantina which whithers me down to about 15 force, until I draw a Qui-Gon to take care of Empy, which I promptly do. I finish him off with drains.

FW 11

So I*m standing at 2 +11 and Pat is the leading DS right now.

Highs: Good and fun game, Caleb.
Lows: Losing the race and nothing much more. Good game over all.

GAME 2 My Brangus Crap vs. Pat Napier*s (1747) HB Flip

Great. The one deck Brangus can always lose to is HB. Oh well, maybe I would bet lucky. I win my race cause Pat does not even have a racer, but he ICBWed the damage. This was a boring game, as is all games against HB Flip. I can*t security Precautions and Qui-Gon is sitting on the Arena so I can*t S and Destroy. I finally PooP his objective so I can actually draw up cause he*s Kessel Running a lot.

FL 18

So I*m now at 2 –7 and I believe Derek Mower and Pat Napier are at the top.

Highs : None, I hate HB
Lows : Playing against HB

GAME 3 My PodProfit Vs. Will Prather*s (1656) Ralltir Ops

I start Ounee Ta and that helps my activation a TON. This was the shortest game I have ever played. First turn I Double Agent Mara and kill Dr. E to flip. He deploys Janus to Ralltir in which I deploy Qui-Gon and Saber. He loses Janus and some and I drain him out after finding out that you CAN*T Sorry About the Mess your own characters. That sucks.

FW 48

Yes you read it right 48 !! Sorry Will. I*m at 4 +41 and Pat and Derek have to play again.

Highs : Getting a fun game in with will.
Lows : Beating him beyond belief and finding out that you can*t SATM your own characters.

GAME 4 My Brangus Cheese Crap that I am Trashing Vs. Caleb Schnarr*s (1656) HB Flip

Great, another HB Flip. Well, he wins the race by one and I lose 11. This game sucks like all HB deck games do. He drains and I lose.

FL 32

Highs : None
Lows : Playing 2 HB flips in one Tourney. ;(

I end up at 4 +10

Derek won cause he was undefeated and Caleb got 2nd by going 3-1

Props :

To Brian for an awesome tourney yet again.

To Caleb and Will for not beating my Profit Deck

To my LS deck for not losing

To Subs and Such (I know, gay name, but good food) for their awesome fries.

To Hobbytown for hosting a bunch of slobs.

To Pat for showing LotR Demo. It looks awesome.

Slops :

To Caleb and Pat for playing HB Flip

To Brian for ruling that SATM can*t target your own characters

To all of the people who didn*t show for a not-too-good reason

To my Brangus deck cause it sucks.

Hope to see more of you at the next tourney on the 21st.

Dan Hummel