
Title: lancaster-10-06-01-ep1-tourney
Author: Rypcord "Rypcord" Kline
Date: Oct 21, 2001

Well, before this tournament began was my other Tournament Report {Lancaster, 10/06/01} and well, I didn’t fare too well in that, so I hoped to redeem myself in this tourney.

Well, me and Drew have like NO EP1 cards, so we had to borrow ALOT of Mike’s cards to make a go at this tourney. Till, Drew finally makes his deck and we begin, its going on 7:30.

My decks are: LS-Gungan Swarm

First Game: Me{LS} vs. James Leiser {DS}

Well, yippe... once again I get to lose miserably to James. Luckily this time its not to bad. I start off with Brisky Morning Munchen {yes... the card did hurt my feeling 100% manly... but if it helps the deck... I guess I’ll suffer a little disgrace}. Jar Jar = Destroyer Droid Killer. First few turns I got off a couple drains at the Battle Plains, and finally I get a Naboo Fighter at Malastare. Thankfully James tells me the deck has no space, so I’m safe with only one there. Unfortunatly, in the podracing, the deck fails. I would have beaten James in the podrace {and probably in the game} if I hadn’t drawn THREE FREKEN ZEROES for one Race turn! And I was only 1 point behind him too, and that turn he won the race. This eventually leads to my utter demise. And finally Tatooine Maul comes down to block off the Gungans. And since I don’t have any Qui-Gons I’m screwed. And I never see my ONE Padawan Obi.

(0) FL -7

Second Game: Me {DS} vs. Micheal Car {LS}

He’s trying the LS version of Watto’s objective. I’m running the Senate deck. I look at my opening hand and almost spunk myself, 2 Tatooine Mauls, and 1 Saber. DAMN thats good. I always use Tatooine: Maul’s Site, for my one EP1 location to go with the objective since I have 3 Mauls in the deck, and since its a nice 2-0 for me. First turn, I drop him there, give him a saber, and move him over to the Junkyard and drop 2 Senators. Then its his turn. He drops Qui-Gon, we battle and I overpower him. Eventually I flip, and eventually I duel Qui-Gon. After this Mike’s got no stick and for once the Mexican pulls out a win.

(2) FW +46 {+39}

And then, unfortuantly my parents showed up and we had to leave.
So, I finish 1-1, and go +39. Decent for me.

Well, gotta go, Drew’s over for a good ol’ PPV {No Mercy}.